He unironically thinks graphics in a video game matter

>he unironically thinks graphics in a video game matter

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Oh ho, why not whore ourselves!?

>he unironically thinks sound quality in music playback matters

Attached: toas.jpg (1200x750, 55K)

>he unironically thinks gameplay in a video game matters

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>he unironically thinks his retarded videogame opinion matters

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If there weren't any graphics when there wouldnt be anything on screen silly. Even pong had graphics.

>purely audio
>not purely visual
I love how retarded the average Yea Forums poster is. coming here from reddit I can really feel all 142 points of my iq coming into play

They do matter you retarded zoomer, they're just not as important as gameplay, music and artstyle

In some games it literally does.
Rising Storm Vietnam 2 is unplayable against people with shot computers if you're on high settings yourself

yeah, i'd say it's on the low end of importance, but it's better than story

Graphics matter, graphic fidelity doesn't.

>be p-cuck
>literally spend thousands of dollars just for muh grafix
imagine the iq

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A good story can carry shit games (see planescape torment or the Rance series) but good graphics can't.

look, dude. what i was trying to say was that both story and graphics aren't that important. i'm not going to argue with cucks who need a story to hold their hand.


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They do but not in the sense that there needs to be 50 gorillion polygons in every blade of grass. I just love when a good aesthetic is achieved, and who doesn't.

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They matter to a point. I don't think I could play anything with ASCII graphics or old-school Atari graphics. Beyond that, though, I don't really care.

>he thinks his opinions matters

You don't need to spend even half a grand to have good graphics. You can build a computer with good graphics for less than a grand.

Immersion is important to me, however there is a threshold and at a certain point graphics become plateaued and aren't as important. See rtx.

>He plays western games

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>he unironically thinks

Cute cat nips

But they are important just not as important as gameplay.

>artist calls the scanlation garbage in the comment section

>he unironically thinks video games matter

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There's no offtopic thread right now so I will just shit up this one. Sorry. Been bored and really horny and my stupid friend still barely pays attention to me. Fuck graphics, fuck video games.

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Just got a 4k tv for free and am literally buying an xb1x tomorrow. Come at me, OP.

but I'm playing old school runescape?
well.. "playing" is a bit of a stretch

He unironically thinks any'a this matters


Graohics matter because they allow the layer to see and understand what they are doing in game.
Placing too much importance on graphics is what create issues.

Graphics are best when developers figure out how to make them run well on hardware available to them, rather than just going to stronger hardware.

Will jack off to this doujin later

>haven't seen people buy games solely for boobs

>Been bored and really horny
>Fuck graphics
>fuck video games
Well that escalated quickly