house>ncr=legion>yes man
>rivet city
it's a... city in an old aircraft carrier
>diamond city
it's a... city in fenway park
>the hub
it's a... caravan hub in the wastes of california
it's a... shitty tribal encampment in oregon
>new vegas
it's this sprawling dieselpunk metropolis with multiple economic districts that are stratified by class and there's even a criminal underground, your character has a role to play in choosing which faction and ideology seize control of this old world jewel
based and mrhousepilled
i hate autocratic leaders, so legion and house automatically go to the bottom
yes-man is probably my second favorite, but its kind of let down by the fact that the freedom you bring them comes at the cost of terminal dependency on giant robot armies and everyones lives are more or less tied to the benevolence/tolerance of the courier and yes-man and any sort of progress the mojave makes is under a contrived umbrella of securitons that will collapse like a deck of cards if ancient adware suddenly renders the army inert
NCR is repeatedly noted to be full of corruption and decadence
but they are probably the closest to "modern day life" of any factions
making them the best choice for me, although thats feint praise since thats just being the biggest chihuaha in the pound
Legion > Yes > NCR > House
House is technocratic, and just so happens to also be the only one really qualified to lead mankind to "the future."
House > all
Kill yourself. Anyone who attaches a -punk suffix to describe anything but Cyberpunk is a faggot.
All other -punk settings are fake and gay as they have nothing to do with punk.
Siding with House, while sympathizing with the NCR but recognizing the need to keep their expansionism in check is the patrician choice.
Switch House and Legion and it's solid.
>and just so happens to also be the only one really qualified to lead mankind to "the future."
i also hate "big man will solve all our problems" rhetoric
people like that dont really exist in real life, and i doubt house is such a good person that he can exist without checks and balances
it also runs into the same problem as yes-man
that the entire future of the mojave is dependant on the whims of an immortal wizard of oz and his neverending robot army
and that our continued existence relies solely on the the promise that he will leave you alone
>doing ncr ending for current playthrough
>have to wipe out the brotherhood to proceed
>got mcnamera banished so cant negotiate
>have veronica as my partner
Normally I wouldnt recruit veronica but this is my melee run and it seemed appropriate. I dont want to lose my god damned scribe partner
If anything a actual NCRfag should want them to get their shit together and remove brainlets like Oliver and Kimball from their positions of power.
>but they are probably the closest to "modern day life" of any factions
This is the reason why most Redditors flock to the NCR. Not because they've determined it's the logical, best choice for the wasteland, but just because it's the faction they feel the most familiar and comfortable with, and they don't like being confronted with different ideas. Oh, and because it's full of "kickass wymyn".
Ya fucked up mate.
Went for House on second playthrough. Idk his reasons are shady. Still prefer Yes Man.
Just taking a break before I do Legion run
Go to bed, Caeser.
You better do melee+explosives only and kill all the profligates you see on that legion run.
>If anything a actual NCRfag should want them to get their shit together and remove brainlets like Oliver and Kimball from their positions of power.
Ah yes, and then they'll get replaced by other brainlets some years down the road when their terms are up or just outright immediately, or otherwise be held down by the brainlets in other branches of government, and the corrupt, bureaucratic, retarded mess continues.
Ain't Democracy grand? :^)
Was planning on Melee and Unarmed and yes, killing a lot of NCR. But maybe I could add explosives
His stated reasons are good IMO, everything on paper is great if a bit cold. A tad more care to prevent the huge amounts of poverty could be done but thats another issue. Rather what I question is how a control freak like House would give away power after he got his "Better than before" technocracy. Unless he planned on being Techgod-King of the world forever, he'd need to give up the reins to someone else and thats where I start doubting him. Hes still leagues better than any other choice other than Wild Card but in order for Wild Card to work out long term, the House immortality tech would be needed and I dont know how feasible that is for the Courier to get. Also depends on your Courier too.
As opposed to autocracies where you have zero control over the matter and they inevitably go to shit by the third generation.
Or in House's case you have to deal with a theoretically immortal mummy that will have you killed if you ever disagree with him.
House vs the think tank (including mobius)
Who was superior technologically?
Is tribalism the best bet then? Just small-ass tribes maintaining some distance and maybe trading occasionally? Could never be maintained but if it could, is that the best bet?
You can destroy the bunker and have Veronica as your partner, there are some ways to do it on the internet
If you can get your BOS rep to idolized, you can just murder them all and end up being neutral with them. You might need dlc to max out BOS rep though.
>i hate autocratic leaders, so legion and house automatically go to the bottom
Well that's dumb, you just drop a system based on the general description of it without even seeing how well it can work
House, he beat out all their designs pre-war but in terms of raw destructive power of tech? Prolly Think-Tank cause theyre all batshit crazy and demented. They disappeared a mountain by accident and released one of the worst abominations in the wasteland because of a fuckup. Well they also made the Hologram tech which is kinda undefeatable so fuck, I guess I don't know
>Normally I wouldnt recruit veronica but this is my melee run and it seemed appropriate. I dont want to lose my god damned scribe partner
I recruited Veronica after bombing the BoS shelter and it was ok, outside of that one time where she randomly runs up to me and tells me not to be mean to the brohood anymore she didn't gave any negative reaction.
Looks at history... yeah about that
Also neither of those factions last long. NCR due to corruption and over expansion. Legion due to Caesar being the central point of the culture. He may think having Vegas as Legion's Rome will fix it but thats bullshit. Also no one is fit to replace him as theyre all brainwashed sheep or a blood knight psychopath
>Could never be maintained
That's obviously a major issue (among others), there will inevitably be a warlord that comes along. Unless you live on a small island on the coast of India, you'll be pretty much forced to either unite or be conquered.
"Who the hell are you?"
>As opposed to autocracies where you have zero control over the matter
>honestly believing you have any control in a democracy, and that democracy's greatest evil isn't that it obscures your lack of control moreso than any other political system
I sure wish I was 14 years old again.
>Or in House's case you have to deal with a theoretically immortal mummy that will have you killed if you ever disagree with him.
You mean the guy you can walk up to and pull the plug on in less than 5 minutes? The guy who is implied to be fearful of you in one of the ending slides?
>you just drop a system based on the general description of it without even seeing how well it can work
not well
a system developed without a system of checks and balances is prone to abuse of the system based solely on how the person in charge is feeling
likewise, it leaves no room for input from the people being governed, though house belittles their thoughts this says more about him than the people
the only way an autocracy could work, in theory, is if the leader was a wise philosopher king who perfectly knows the needs of his people and is incapable of abusing his power
not just "good character" but physically incapable of doing so
>How did you know I sided with Mr House?
Well in the ending where he's afraid of the Courier, the Courier at that point had pretty much solo'd multiple armies, razed towns, been one of the cruelest people in the wasteland (which is saying something) and in general is an unstable lunatic or a cold-blood psychopath. All clad in the best armor and armed with the most powerful weapons. Yeah, good reason to be fearful of the one dude or dudette that could realistically end you
House is intelligent and has an unspecified degree of understanding the advanced technologies that keep him alive, and possibly all the other things RobCo created as well. The Think Tank were a collection of the greatest minds in America at the time and at the absolute cutting edge of scientific and technological advancement.
House is somewhat grounded, a withered husk in a sterile tube that suffered from software bugs and technological limitations. The Think Tank are balls to the wall insanity that are in a league all of their own.
the game is actually garbage and people pretend to like it so they can pretend like they belong in fourchan
Wierd, I quicksaved and killed a BOS goon in front of her to see what happens and she straight up broke ties with me. Not even a warning.
Pretty sure there was dialogue where one of the Think Tank expressed jealousy to House. Could be Klein or Borous.
it was dr o
I always dismiss Veronica in the bunker and then set it to blow, leaving her to die there. I just wish the game were modern enough for there to be a look on her face I can savor in that moment.
>look mom i'm trolling Yea Forums!
I thought it was Dr 0
It goes NCR>Yes Man> House> dog shit> Legion
Think tank. House had over a century in his tube and couldn't write a software update for his own robots.
Dr slash-through-zero
Yep... New Vegas... now THERE's a game...
Now that's a mod I'd install
Shame there's no lawns to mow in the 2200s
It's neither punk nor diesel. There's no major theme of the disenfranchised rising up again the 'Man' and the technological aesthetic is atomic/nuclear
>You take a sip from your trusty Monster can...
>people siding with the NCR
isn't the whole point of the game and the NCR as a whole in the series that it's just a bunch of people who can't let go of the past?
Mr.House and Legion are the two best choices for VERY different reasons.
Mr.House is the best choice because he's an immortal, incorruptible, autocratic machine god. I completely and utterly believe everything he says and am confident he would be capable of rebuilding New Vegas into an advance society the likes of which the entire continent hadn't seen since pre-bombs. He isn't interested in petty domestic affairs or any human bullshit because he's basically a LICH: all he wants is to play sim civ and that's good enough.
Legion is also a good choice, but only because they actually kind of 'get it'. The Legion is two things: one is it's Caesar, the Legion will thrive or die without him. Full stop. The Legion simply cannot exist as it so does without him. The second is that the Legion isn't what Caesar thinks it is; it's a massive, fuck-huge, nomadic, barbarian horde, and the moment he dies or they lose their momentum they're going to break down into infighting and tribalism.
The Legion's problem and the same reason I think they're a good idea is they're a passing wave. They're the Mongol Hordes that are gonna pave and slave-labor all of the infrastructure and build a new world.. And then they're gonna fuck off and kill themselves and make something better.
House is the only one who rewards you for your work. The NCR treats you like a dog and the Legion didn't have all their content finished and voice lines implemented. It's House for me.
NCR > House > Wild Card > Legion.
>House rewards
>one off payment of 1000 caps, can be haggled up to 1250
>use of the Presidential Suite, with upgrades you have to pay for, which is behind several inconvenient loading screens
>NCR rewards
>a disposable Trooper or Ranger that follows you around until they die, every 24 hours
>or a box of ammo every 24 hours in certain parts of the map, that might spawn under the ground
>Legion rewards
>245 Denarii every 3 days, worth 940 caps
>boxes containing an excessive amount of ammunition of all kinds, various kinds of armour and more Stealthboys than you could ever use, every 3 days, worth in excess of 1000 caps
>being a poorfag both in game and out of it
How fucking shit is your computer that going to the suite is somehow a problem for you?
daily mod dose