>hey user wanna come over and play videogames with me?
Hey user wanna come over and play videogames with me?
cant... im stuck in this wood
She has really pretty eyes. As soon as her acne cleared up she wouldn't let herself be caught dead with me, though.
I used to smear my face in greasy hair wax and I showered maybe once a week and never got acne. What the fuck do people do to let it get this bad wtf.
It's just hormones.
if girls didn't wear so much makeup they would get so much acne
Sure. Nothing a bag and a layer of makeup can't fix.
Meh better than nothing
How are you supposed to wash your fucking face
My parents never taught me. My face is oily as hell. I try googling and its just a slew of "just rinse it in the shower bro" or "buy this stupid expensive product that doesnt do anything"
You think I won't fuck this chick ? You're dead wrong, of course I'll play videogames with you and also eat your tits.
story behind this or is it just some shitty art?
I wish I had a friend for vidya.
The truth is that after being alone for so long now I'm just too grumpy and angry to form bonds with anyone willing to be my friend.
I unironically find her acne cute, it’s spread out in all the right places
based and redpilled. the mormons dont know ((((where)))) the daily-shower meme came from. BTW acne is genetic
How about we play pimmle queezing haha
She looks good enough. I wouldn't be surprised if that girl has several guys going after her, also, she definitely would never play video games with me, a 31 years old fat wizard. Females with acne don't really have much trouble growing up, I had it (not as bad as her) and on top of that I was slightly overweight, and my teenage years were literally hell.
t. 31 year old boomer
dog crawl in wood
dog get stuck
dog die
Acne is easy as fuck to deal with, but acne scars are completely impossible. They just won't go away. Someone help.
A dog got stuck in a hole in a tree after he chased some animal.
Just splash some water on it. Also, every night, wrap your pillow in a new clean towel before going to sleep. 90% or acne comes from the fucking pillows
Exfoliate once a week, rinse morning and before you go to bed gently with lukewarm water, don't rinse too much or you'll dry out your skin by stripping all the oil. Never sleep with makeup on if you're a girl.
>incels not willing to go for a girl just because red dots on her face
Cringe to da max
more like whore moans hahahahh
because she is whore =)