Post your vidya Wish, others will tell you what the Monkey Paw is

Post your vidya Wish, others will tell you what the Monkey Paw is

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That wish would become into effect as soon as you make your wish, so if you wish for a sequel, game or a remake it would release next week

I wish i could do it better at the the com,ing at it

In english, please.

I wish the FF7Remake is a so good that it gets a 97 on Metacritic

I just wish you had a friend to post in your thread OP

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I wish that no one posts the game I actually want in these threads

I wish Space Station 13 would be remade using a better engine than BYOND. No 3D or first person bullshit, just the game but better. This would probably garner interest and refresh its player base.

Rising Thunder

Granted but it sells out in every store & website within a week & becomes like the NES Classic were getting a copy is impossible without paying hundreds of dollars

i wish for half life 3 with superior writing and a conclusion to the story as well for it to not be mobile, monetize , VR, wii u exclusive

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Granted but Alyx replaces him as the main protagonist for the entire game

not him but I would fukken kek. Best game in the series + /pol/tard tears

what did he mean by this?

I wish for a mostly faithful Rule of Rose HD rerelease, available both digitally and physically on relevant platforms at the time of release and at a conventionally reasonable price. The one difference made between the original and this rerelease is that the hitboxes on combat are slightly tweaked to be less aggravating than they were in the original. Everything else remains exactly the same, even the other combat mechanics.

I wish for everyone in Yea Forums to be kinder to each other and happy.

I want Mega Man Legends 3 to be good

Granted, Yea Forums is now moderated to unhealthy degrees in a poorly conceived experiment by Hiro. You will be kind, you will be happy, you will not break the rules, or it's DING DONG BANNU for you.

Why would /pol/give a fuck? Alyx isn't some random generic girl who ends up having the superset of duper powers or some shit that is now the main protagonist. Alyx is chill. Bet you think that /pol/ 'seeths' at Tomb Raider too

granted but your teeth fall out

I wish I had user's teeth and a copy of rule of rose

Granted, Megaman Legends 3 is indeed a good game in the alternate universe where it exists.

Your wish is granted... in the Japanese version. The western version however will go through an important amount of changes & heavy censorship: The mermaid princess boss was deemed too graphic, enemies have been explicited to be otherworldly rather than childs, and all of the intricaties & mystery surrounding the meaning of Stray Dog until the very end has practically been removed

Granted & everyone on Yea Forums and their families are given immortal youth but /pol/ now controls every aspect of Europe & America

I wish console exclusives weren't a thing as my first wish and Dragons dogma got a proper sequel for my second.

Sequel to Tales of Legendia or restart development on Sword of Legendia.

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You motherfucker. I actually have pretty good teeth.

Ah, fuck.

It's an Epic store exclusive

They give into feminist demands and make tifa butterfaced and ugly character and all the metacritic reviewers are paid SJWs

This isn't monkey paw though

Yeah man, Alyx is chill. It's you and me against the world, dude

> Implying a world run by /pol/ wouldn’t be conplete hell

Only if you're a nigger lel

granted, they are now moblie exclusives from google play store and itunes

I wish for KH4 to be released next year

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granted, but "it" is talking like a normal fucking human being instead of what you actually wanted

Granted, you get whatever Squeenix can shit together in a year and have it rushed out as KH4.

fucking madman

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This one doesn't need a corruption. You literally asked for it to be an annual series. You know the path you're making them tread.

I hope Bannerlord never comes out

Erase trannies, SJW hamfisted propaganda and any other political brainwashing from all Vidya with the exception of games that actually use it for a narrative purpose e.g MGS series

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A new Ogre game with the same team, with immense depth and improved gameplay

granted but now blood and boob make you queasy

>"I want x game"
>"granted, but it's bad"

I wish... for a hat and a corndog and now I wish to be at Candy Island!

Valve goes bankrupt during production and Ubisoft picks up the scraps to finish it.

I wish the boys I fap to, Kagamine Len, Yugo, Tails, Klonoa, Ralsei, Asriel, Link, Inklings, Luke Triton, Gumball, Hiro Hamada and some others were all real as I envision them, and lived with me

I wish for Prince of Persia to come back.



You know exactly what you're getting

I wish Gabe would fucking publicly cancel Half Life 3 already.

George is the only playable character and he fucks sunny.

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Granted, it's a match 3 mobile game

NOOOOO fuck you it already annoyed me seeing that little shit at the end game together with sunny

more shiki rule34

I wish that mobas were banned, then maybe people would play good games

granted but you are constantly matched with nothing but br

Paper Mario directed by Ryota Kawade

Granted. The genre you hate most after assfaggots becomes a global phenomenon.

Granted, they all move to battle royales instead. The resulting surge in popularity ensures their popularity and proliferation for at least the next decade, if not even longer.

All cheaters and hackers get their heads chopped off.

Granted, it's all done by a mediocre artist who refuses to better themselves and takes criticism extremely poorly.

The vampire anime?

>Skyrim Battle Royal

Granted, it turns into a Fire Emblem crossover.

A new jet set radio game

I wish for a Demon's Soul Remaster with the sixth archstone restored.

The entire fucking wish is a monkey paw

Granted. You have to personally do it for the rest of your natural life.

Granted, you have now created the most potent normalfag "gamer" magnet this millennium. It now also makes Bethesda ungodly amounts of money, like they're now Google levels of successful. You gave Todd Howard that much money, user. You did this.

shiki from twewy

Plot twist, it was todd that wished for that.

In that case, it fails miserably and irreversibly destroys bethesda's reputation. TES6 and Fallout 5 sell less than 50,000 copies each, and a good chunk of those sales are by people who will immediately film themselves burning the game disc for imaginary internet points.

more valkyria chronicles, or more command and conquer

granted but they're developed by blizzard

Granted, you get IRL Shiki as the paw chooses to reward you for your good taste. Eri art stays as is.

Lead by celestalon

I wish for paizuri

Granted, but they sell a $30 DLC alongside it where you can revive Aerith which gets massive backlash.

The monkey paw does nothing with this wish as it does not pertain to vidya.

I don't really see a downside here. Game is quality, DLC is optional, and Square learns that fucking up the story of a 20+ year old game is a big no-no.

I want a 500$ fulldive VR headset using non-invasive neurostimulation released within the next six months.

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It's okay, I have a second monkey paw here for non-vidya.

Granted. Every woman on the planet wants your dick between their tits, but you will soon discover that you are repulsed by breasts, to the point of becoming physically ill when you see or feel a pair.

Yes it does because I want it from Tifa now grant my wish right fuckin now

Because of the low price the device has a high frequecy to cause locked in syndrome.

Granted. It doesn't stop the speculation. If anything, it makes it worse.

I wish it was 2007 again.

Valkyria Chronciles Mobile
Clash of Command and Conquer

I wish for a new Rayman platformer but in 3D and without those jackass rabbids.

He does, but it turns out it was 95% complete when he decided to pull the plug.

You got cancer and you won't get to survive to 2019 again

Games get thrown in the trash when they're mostly done all the time. It shouldn't hurt too much.
but it always does
rip battlefront 3

I want the darkhunter to come back in the next Etrian Odyssey. Or a EOIII Untold, actually i prefer the EOIII Untold to happen.

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granted. your wish is terrible enough as it is.

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Jet Set Radio Future port for PC

I see nothing wrong with this.

The clock is set back, but you retain all of your current memories and experiences.
Every meme you may think is old now? You still think it's old. That game you wish you could experience for the first time again? You still know all the strategies and story beats. Your standards also haven't changed with the times, meaning you're not wowed by games anymore.
Also, whenever you attempt to use your future knowledge to your advantage (lotteries, etc.), you conveniently forget the details until it's too late to act on them.

Hard-coded 480p@25fps lock. Any attempts to change this fuck the game up beyond recognition.

Super Mario RPG 2 is released on the switch with the same charm and design as the original

Also, half of the soundtrack is cut for licensing reasons. There is no way to mod the songs back in without overwriting one of the tracks left in the game.

Japan exclusive

Still don't see a problem with this. My standards are still pretty low and I'd get to enjoy active multiplayer for long dead titles. As for taking advantage of my future knowledge, well I'm too lazy to act on anything anyway so no difference anyway.

As for remembering strats and story to games, well there's always tequila. And old memes are the best desu.

Costs $75 USD to help pay for Mallow and Geno's licensing costs. No physical release. Due to these factors, the game is a commercial flop despite receiving glowing reviews. Super Mario RPG 3 is never made. The game ends on a cliffhanger.

granted but you now can't stop sucking dicks

granted but its all by drawnsex

MGS trilogy on Switch.
MGS3 in Fox engine.

Granted. Remade using RPGMaker.

I wish for a competent developer to buy the Prototype IP and make a fucking third one already this game was made for my specific autism.

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Xenogears trilogy or actual sequel by Monolith.