Hollow Knight

I never played a metroidvania except the first 10 minutes of Super Metroid

This game is tearing a new hole in my ass,
how do I git gud?
Am I supposed to use a d-pad?

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Other urls found in this thread:


How far are you? Basically just jump and slash, you can change directions mid jump obviously, which is useful for keeping distance in a fight by jumping toward the enemy and then slashing and switching directions at the same time.

>How far are you?
Hornet (first) in greenpath.

>Am I supposed to use a d-pad?
I prefer the stick myself, but I might be a minority here.
Just b urself.
>how do I git gud?
Practice. That's really what "getting good" is about, always has been.

>Am I supposed to use a d-pad?
The devs supposedly designed it for gamepads, yes, but plenty of people seem to be able to beat the hardest points of the game with a keyboard.
I say, like in most cases, go with what you feel more comfortable with. I started with the stick, but when things got tighter I switched to use the d-pad and found it much more precise.

>how do I git gud?
What exactly are you having problems with?

Just learn all of her attacks (there are only like four of them) and dodge them. Get one or two hits in before you move away from her. Repeat until she dies.

>Am I supposed to use a d-pad?
D-pad or keyboard. Game has no diagonal controls so sticks are useless.
>Hornet (first) in greenpath
Observe her attacks and learn to dodge them. Hit her after you dodged an attack, don't rush into her when she isn't recovering. Don't panic heal, oly do it when you know it's safe. Try pogoing (down+attack allows you to bounce on enemies while also doing damage).

>am I supposed to use a d-pad?
I think so. I also started playing the game recently and I'm currently in the secret passage of the white castle. I have the reaction time of a dead turtle and I'm having a really bad time, goddamn. The hardest games I had finished before this were Furi and the first Touhou but Hollow Knight is giving them a run for their money. Where are you exactly?

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Learn to pogo.

>What exactly are you having problems with?
even if I learn the boss pattern(s)

I feel like I move too far or too close constantly, like my inputs are all over the place

same with jumps since you can adjust midflight and it screws me often

>first Hornet
Oh no no no, you're just a baby right now

>Hornet (first)
How do you know it's only "first"? You haven't been reading spoilers, have you?

>Oh no no no, you're just a baby right now
Dude it took me like 9 tries to beat the False Knight lmao

I'm a scrub thus the thread

>How do you know it's only "first"? You haven't been reading spoilers, have you?
Unfortunately I know almost everything

It's a shame because I really want to love this game but I'm just really bad and maybe it's too late for me to build reflexes and muscle memory
I'm 29 and never played "unforgiving" games

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> it's another you need to be 20 and in perfect physical condition to play videogames episode

I’m actually having the opposite problem. I cleared the first two areas, found the jellyfish place and the fungus place, mostly cleared those and I have yet to die. Does it get harder? I’m having fun because it’s a great game but I thought it would be more challenging.

You just need to get use to it. Like they said, learn how to avoid her attacks (pretty much just jump,) and your Wrath spell does a lot more damage than your sword right now, so try to use your soul on that instead of healing to finish her faster. Once you beat her avoiding enemies becomes much easier.

PoP is optional though.

You are just entering the part of the game when it starts branching out. Depending on where you go you can make things very difficult for yourself. Some bosses can be pretty brutal if you fight them early (still perfectly doable with skill). There's also a late/post game DLC are specifically designed to be a hardcore challenge.

Yeah, but now that I know that it's there, I gotta do it.

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HK isn't really that hard outside of a very few specific areas, so it's more like you never played a platformer at all.
All you need to git gud is to try and not get hit and be patient with your hits \ wait for openings and not just slash blindly. Also master the downward slash while jumping (also known as pogo) attack. You can use it to attack while jumping over enemies, and more (such as bouncing over spikes).

And yes for 2d games you should use a DPad.

Speaking of which, how do you guys use the Switch Pro Controller outside of steam? I can't find a reliable driver for this piece of shit and I like it more than the PS4 controller lately.

Git gud, son. I'm 30 and I beat the base game with 100% completion, on Steel Soul (on separate save files), and now I'm up two Pantheons into Godmaster.

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i'd say be patient
if you're a beginner to the game or just lack practice i'd say go with a charm layout that supports focusing and guaranteed healing, ie quick focus, baldur's shell, grubsong and soul catcher, stuff like that
also, you need to strike a balance between evasive and offensive play, finding openings to both go in with your nail and others to heal

if the main game really is that easy i think your next objective should be looking for the nail arts and grubs while filling out the map
the colosseum of fools would be your next step up along with the boss refights
the godmaster DLC is the most unforgiving and should be your final step

Ah, it sounds like you're having problems adapting to the fact this game doesn't have any sort of carry momentum and the movement has "instant" acceleration.
Pretty normal, we're too used to 99% of our games doing the opposite.

I'd say it's a matter of time then, some people get used later than others.
Try not to fight against it and be aware of the differences the movement has: understand what advantages this kind of system gives you. If you get used to it you'll have absolute control on where your character starts and stops moving, it rewards precision.

>Unfortunately I know almost everything
That fucking sucks.
>it's too late for me to build reflexes and muscle memory
This is literally a myth from a popular misunderstanding. It's true that kids are faster learners and their brains are fucking sponges, but that doesn't mean the capacity to improve the reflexes and our processing speed completely stops after an age, it just becomes slower and harder to improve:
There's a huge difference between that capacity becoming slower instead of just completely disappearing like the memes say.
The brain is like a muscle: you can train it with practice.

get it on pc skrub

Use the stick, it's better overall for all the acrobatics you have to do.
Really important not to get greedy and spam attacks, 2-3 attacks and then retreating is essential for agile bosses. But if you do get hit, at least trade a few hits back while you're invincible then look for a window to heal.

Use a gamepad.
Keyboard is for when you git gud enough that you want the extra precision, but a gamepad is far less awkward to use.

I berate you for filling yourself up with spoilers, and under the dumb excuse of age.

But I still hope you have some fun with the game, even if you won't be able to do some of the hardcore autism optional bits of the game.

You're a man, act like it. Beat those bosses, get lost in the world, and beat the shit out of anything that manages to kill you even if it takes many tries to do.

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>Git gud, son. I'm 30 and I beat the base game with 100% completion, on Steel Soul (on separate save files), and now I'm up two Pantheons into Godmaster.

but you probably played games all your life

>unfortunately i know almost everything
how exactly is this bad again
you know the start and end of most paths but you don't know how you yourself will be able to handle them
plus with hallownest being like a billion times bigger than either zebes underground you're bound to find a few new alcoves here and there

>I'm 29
Wew lad, I'm almost 40 and managed to kill all the dream versions of the bosses.

>never played "unforgiving" games
Oh. It's game over for you. Hopefully you have a nice life outside of games, which I don't.

P e a k v i d y a

I'm 32 and I did a no health upgrades and no weapon upgrades run of the game, age is no excuse.


Thanks I was hoping it would allow me to do something like that. I’ve got he Voidheart version which I think is all dlc?
I wanna look figure out a good order for doing things but based on what I’ve played I don’t want to spoil myself at all. You can refight bosses? I just talked to arena dude outside of the well last session but I haven’t found the arena yet. Also is there a reason to return to that hunter guy ever?

>get it on pc skrub
I am on pc

Never played anything that's not turn-based before HK, never used a game controller before HK. Finished the base game in about 30 hours without ever gitting gud. If you just keep trying you will eventually get through bosses without truly learning/mastering them. And if you explore a lot you can find a lot of overpowered upgrades that make fighting easier.

>Ah, it sounds like you're having problems adapting to the fact this game doesn't have any sort of carry momentum and the movement has "instant" acceleration.

ah, maybe.
I could not put it into words.

that big predator guy? no real reason to return to him unless you completely fill out his diary
you can talk to him but he isnt the best conversationalist, youll find most of his personality in the journal entries

also the arena is relatively late game, found in a roundabout path on the eastern side of the map that unblocks a more direct path from a city elevator shaft
as for the boss refights you get to access those with a weapon that you get when you head into the second third of the game

>Am I supposed to use a d-pad?

My first playthrough was on keyboard, I started using an xbone controller for my 2nd playthrough but switched back to mouse and keyboard because it felt better.

>Also is there a reason to return to that hunter guy ever?
If you fully complete the journal he game you.
The arena dude talks about the location from the base game. It does offer some challenges, but they are more like long gauntlets than boss fights. You can refight harder versions of some bosses after acquiring a special weapon (it will be obvious). The Godmaster DLC allows you to refight any boss, raise the difficulty of fights, take extra handicaps, do boss rushes and so on.

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thanks guys definitely incentivized to
finish then.

>how exactly is this bad again
One of the best parts of this game for me, and what will probably make it extremely memorable, was going in blind.
I knew more or less what HK was about and how it worked, and I was sure I would love this game because it seemed to have the exact aspects I love the most in vidya genres, but I still wasn't expecting what Hallownest gave me.
I had to wait to play it for 1 year and half avoiding spoilers like the plague, and after all that time it still manages to beat my overblown expectations?
Hell, I could make a walltext just talking about why I appreciate that first blind experience so much (most of us could, really), but I rather not litter the thread.

And all of that having into account that I still got the lategame areas and events spoiled to me.
It hurts that I will never know what will feel to uncover those blind.

The final "DLC" expansion, titled Godmaster or Gods & Glory, is a boss rush/boss fighting addition to the game, where you get to fight any and all the bosses you've encountered and beaten in the main game. It also adds some new ones, and plenty of ways to add self challenges.

The Hunter doesn't offer anything, but completing everything in his journal, including the notes from killing enough of an enemy, will reward you with a small token of congratulations when you return to him.

D-pad is definitely better than analog for more precise movement. Keyboard is also a great option.

>I'm 32 and I did a no health upgrades and no weapon upgrades run of the game, age is no excuse.
you probably played games all your shitty life

>the "at least I had a life" argument on Yea Forums
Dude, chill the fuck out.

What's awkward about the keyboard? It has always worked great for me when it comes to 2d platforming. WSAD for movement, JKLI for everything else, NB is start/select, and you can put shit like shortcuts or weapon switching on QRUO.

By the way I'm using this piece of shit controller (On PC, wired) and it's killing me.

I know it's not an excuse, but fuck
how is the xbone new d-pad? fixed?

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as a kirby player most games i go about completing are about experimentation with the mechanics and moveset you're given in order to clear paths and discover secrets
a good portion of my gameplay is me going "sweet, i can get this now. so where should i go next?"
what fun is a game if you can't expect what happens?

yall probly have an answer to that but i likely wont understand

>What's awkward about the keyboard?
Have to lean pretty close to the screen when playing on a laptop.

>you probably played games all your shitty life

And you haven't, which is pretty obvious since you're here on Yea Forums.

>a good portion of my gameplay is me going "sweet, i can get this now. so where should i go next?"
That doesn't stop happening if you go blind.
In fact, it can be argued that you get more moments of "where should I go next?" when you do go in blind. Specially if you're playing a game like HK, that eventually opens up completely and lets you 100% free to decide for yourself which path you want to tackle next.

>you're given in order to clear paths and discover secrets
>discover secrets
You cannot "discover secrets" with the mechanics you're experimenting if you already know about those secrets.
Spoilers eliminate the fun of finding out things for yourself.

Use a keyboard

Just play on a keyboard.

>when playing on a laptop.

what's that, mommy won't buy you a desktop?

I have a topre keyboard.
I tried but it's not better than the controller, it seems.

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well you can be spoiled on some things and not on others
one of the first things i spoiled myself on after starting a new game is what kinds of charms are in the game
soul catcher, dash master and a few others caught my eye, so i went for them first while peeking into side paths along the way

it helped a bit in incentivizing gameplay with material rewards, i'd say
not unlike a checklist

is steady body a must?

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Depends, if you really can't stand the pushback of your hits it'll make things bearable.
Never even bothered personally, I just adjust my distance as I hit.

If you mean "a must" as in one of the top priorities charms to consider, then no, it's probably on the bottom in the list of important/powerful charms along with the Compass.

I have this on switch.
I was doing alright until I got to the hornet chick fight and died like 20+ times and was getting pissed. Looking on the internet I saw someone mention input lag so I tried playing in tabletop mode instead of docked and beat her on my 3rd try, almost beat her on my very first. So anyway make sure you don't have any input lag

No. But I found it really useful in the mushroom area. For some reason steady body makes you bounce directly up and down istead of to the sides when just bouncing on top of shrooms without attacking.

I'm heterosexual so I play on PC, wired.

I started playing difficult games at around 25 and now I do just fine at them. You can learn it, the process is just a bit more difficult.

Besides HK or maybe at the level of the original Super Mario Bros is terms of difficulty. You have to concentrate on what you're doing and there's difficulty spikes here and there but none of the stuff required for a normal playthrough is absurdly difficult. You're just coddled by modern AAA games.

>I started playing difficult games at around 25 and now I do just fine at them. You can learn it, the process is just a bit more difficult.

This gives me hope, thanks.

Don't worry, even people good at the game get their assholes torn out by the more difficult parts later. Though that's all optional.

Were you using the pro controller? I've seen a little bit of lag in trying to jump or wall jump here and there, it hasn't gotten in the way of beating anything but seems like it might ruin later game platforming hell sections.

>managed to beat Ascended Traitor Lord 3rd try with no damage
>can't do the same on Radiant
Fuck that bothers me so much

Finally. I've been trying reach the first check point for 40 fucking minutes.

>the first check point

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Finally bested NKG. It was worth it.
Still gotta go back for Path of Pain later.

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Path of Pain

>Statues full of infinite soul fucking everywhere
>Retards insist on wasting four notches on hiveblood
I honestly cant understand this

Ya I was using pro controller in docked and tabletop. It's my TV that has the lag I'm sure

I didn't know about that when I went in, asshole. Never seen those infinite soul statues before.

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how is it a waste when it's literally just a platforming section? what else are you gonna use those notches for in PoP?

They're not infinite. The dudes in the normal sections of the White Palace are infinitely dream-nailable and therefore infinite sources of Soul, but not the statues in the Path of Pain, let alone any soul statues at all.

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I've got 112% in HK but still never been able to beat the last boss of Furi even on normal mode

Collect stuff to get more powerful
Beat enemies

As for input devices, I use Keyboard. Works perfectly fine.

>Mark of pride/quickslash for easier progress and better pogoing on buzzsaws
But no, in a place that gives out unlimited soul that we can use to heal by ourselves for fucking free, let's use the healing charm, then complain about how PoP is so hard

Dumbass. The staatues in PoP never run out of soul. You can whack them all you want and top off. And they're everywhere

>Got all 3 endings
>Still don't understand the story
Any good youtube vid explaining it?

Ah please I'm an old fucker and I'm doing fine. My reaction time is like 240ms and it's still doable.

>Mark of pride/quickslash for easier progress and better pogoing on buzzsaws
oh you're a shitter, got it thanks

5 mask Spell build?
Speedrunners use that. The 5 mask limit is likely to kick your ass but you can get a LOT of shit done with a spell build.

Then you should try again. Like I said, my reflexes are pretty slow, but with enough time it will eventually get easier. Your post gave me hope tho, maybe I too can achieve the 112%.

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did you give up after 1 attempt lol?

>butthurt fag who fell for the hiveblood meme
Did you finish PoP? or did you give up with the 'This is bullshit!' excuse?

oh shit nigga

>Any good youtube vid explaining it?


think I spent like a week trying it before I gave up

That's not the problem. I have mark of pride equipped and the pogo range is fucking me in the ass.

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Just killed Mantis Trio, which was my third boss, but I went back to town instead of proceeding because I had almost 2000 Geo.

Should I buy lamp? Or Key?

I feel like a scrub. Pantheon of the Sage is beating me,.

Thank you.

When I beat dream Zote the first time I was so happy to be rid of that fucking shit, but then Attuned and Ascended Zote happened and I still hate this fight for god sake.

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Get the lamp, then get to the mantis trio. Enter and explore deepnest

So you have Wall jump.
Here are your options:
1. Explore in the Fungal wastes. You should see a bridge in its eastern part somewhere. That'll lead to a place where you can get ground pound.
2. Buy the lantern, and head East of the crossroads. You'll find a place with pink crystals, and you can get super dash there.
3. If you feel like being a badass, there should be a jellyfish canyon below greenpath, and through there you can find a garden area with lots of thorns. It might kick your ass a bit though.

for the retards saying that hive blood is bad, fuck you. If I didn't have it right here I'd be fucked,

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Is Deepnest doable without doublejump? I thought some of the sections required it.

>a crutch is good because I'm bad!

ok kid

Hive blood isn't bad. You are.

I hear that the pro controller doesn't synch up well. Don't use that one or it'll feel like shit.

You cannot advance Fog Canyon with just the wall jump though.

yes. Deepnest has no areas that need double jump. I did it on my first playthrough.

Sidenote, make sure that your nail is upgraded, or else dirtcarvers will crawl up your ass

>I hear that the pro controller doesn't synch up well. Don't use that one or it'll feel like shit.


>Literally take a step to the right
>Top up soul at the soul statue
But hiveblood is the smart choice, isnt it?

yea yea
suck my dick

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No, retard. To the right is another spike pit. That's why I said if didn't have it I'd be dead.

>plus with hallownest being like a billion times bigger than either zebes underground you're bound to find a few new alcoves here and there
Case in point, i have 50+ hours in this game and only just found out in these threads yesterday that the mantis lords have a lifeblood room.

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no this game is a terrible platformer and metroidvania, I really think the fanbase of this game dont actually play the games of the genre outside of mario. The trinket charm thing is cool but the abilities are the most creatively bankrupt thing ive seen in a 'hit' game. Like fucking wow an extra jump, dash, and wall jumping. Then the gameplay is literally just press x lmao because you just have a faggot short sword that any upgrade too changes how you play through the zone. I love dark souls and most souls like but this game is why they should not be merged with metroidvanias, the map system promotes playing super safe and not actively insentivising exploration like metroidvanias do. In fact the beefy enemies encourage fleeing all the time to grab a treasure get back to a save and suicide rush to figure out the map layout. I can admit i personally am not a fan, but the game has objective flaws that people forgive for no reason when the creator of the fucking genre did it so much better and with so much more style.

Im talking about the soul statue you saw right before entering Also, Hiveblood wont heal blacked out shells. Cant wait for your sob story when you respawn on the bench

Should I dream nail her?
I don't want to "kill" what's left of her, but it also feels kind of sad to just leave her there alone, bound for eternity.

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>it also feels kind of sad to just leave her there alone, bound for eternity
Bitch did this to herself.


Pat from the Super Best Friends beat it and he's like 32 apparently.
>actually watching streamers/LPers lmao.
Shut up. I like people enjoying things I like. Watching him fall victim to the banker was pretty funny.

That's not even the hard part.

And I'm saying that right before entering that room there's another spike room where I lost my masks because I thought I wouldn't need 'em.

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I found Jelly Fish land earlier, from Queens Station, same with the dark tunnel east of Crossroads

There were a couple Platforming sections in Fungus land that were too tricky for me (even with claws) so I ignored them and killed Mantis’s

Where do I get the I-frame dash?

It's not the actual person, it's an echo, nail it.

Remained isolated in the hive and telling the pale king to buzz off instead of helping with the infection.

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Kingsoul is WAY better, Hiveblood is the brainlet's choice

You can get through fog canyon to Abyss shriek and Queens' gardens stag station without doublejump or shadow dash, but it's a bit of a pain in the ass.

>Where do I get the I-frame dash?
VERY lategame tech. Sorry. You'll end up exploring most of the map before you get that.

>You can get through fog canyon to Abyss shriek
>and Queens' gardens
Not without the Crystal Dash, the Tear or the shadow dash.

She refused to ally with the Pale King and when the infection came for her hive anyway her reaction was "fate is fate, let's all just kill ourselves".

King soul is long gone, mate.

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>walljump up into the well entrance of the corssroads instead of using the climbing prompt
>there's a secret
Cool game.

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Hiveblood is great in that area, if you're so bad you need it.

>watching non-JP streamers/LPers

>didn't use it when you had the chance
You fucked up

Oh. I'm a retard.
My bad, disregard me

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Don't worry. That area is a bit confusing.
I was actually interested if there was a way to enter early Gardens with just the wall-jump. Wouldn't have surprised me to be honest, you never know what path or hidden wall you may have missed in this game.

Let's go, baby. If you guys actually went through that shit without hive blood or king soul, mad respect.

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1. Break the habit of making unnecessary movements. You're probably jumping or moving on instinct. Which is a waste of time and energy, if your movements aren't thoughtful. You need to react to what your opponent is actually doing. Not just defaulting to your shitty battle instincts.

2. Stop running away. There's nothing wrong with being close to your opponent, so long as you're reacting appropriately. Putting a mile of distance between you and them, will just make it harder for you to hit them.

3. Get fucking intense. Act like you have a fucking heartbeat.

>He died and got back there
You're persistent if nothing else. Get ready to tear your hair out

oh no I deposited some geo at the bank

am I fucked?

>he thinks using Hiveblood is scrub-tier
Hah, get on my level. I cheesed it with Grubsong + Deep Focus like a faggot.

Fair warning, last part is the hardest. I spent 60% of my total time on it

>1. Break the habit of making unnecessary movements. You're probably jumping or moving on instinct. Which is a waste of time and energy, if your movements aren't thoughtful. You need to react to what your opponent is actually doing. Not just defaulting to your shitty battle instincts.
>2. Stop running away. There's nothing wrong with being close to your opponent, so long as you're reacting appropriately. Putting a mile of distance between you and them, will just make it harder for you to hit them.

thanks I'm guilty of both

I did too, only a little over a hundred though. Guess it's time to go try and withdraw it.

Once you give her 2250 dosh, she fucks off with it.
You can meet her later in the game and kick her ass to get roughly 1.4x your dosh back.

If you have the option: wait until you reach an area with four pic related patrolling it.
Drop 4500 dosh on Millibelle
Save at a bench and go back to her, she'll have fucked off.
Go back to where you saw the 4 big patrolling guards, she'll be in one of the rooms there. You can kick her ass and get like 6300 dosh out of her.

It was a safe bet. I watch the game a lot on twitch, and these are the two most common issues every new player deals with.

>Hornet (first) in greenpath.
And people made fun of me when I said that Hornet was somewhat of a casual filter.

Pic related.

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i hate those things so much
that and the guys in deepnest that blocks ur path

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Pogo on their head. They do swing their nail upwards, but you can dodge it by going above and behind them.

just git gud scrub
(died first time on bitch with needle)

For most bosses, i relied on my reaction times mostly. On truly hard bosses, i tried so many times that i react before the boss begins their attack. I cant really give you a solid advice, but ill say keep trying. First hornet got me stuck for a while as well, and i think its a pretty good introduction boss. If you feel too tired already, you can keep the boss in pause, and go elsewhere to discovere more. Practice while traveling might help you beat the boss later on

>casual filter.
I may be a casual but not filtered yet
I'm not giving up

Nah. Only the final part of the final part is hard. But the hardest was the vertical shaft ascend. Because timing of the saws is all over the place and not synced, so you're often give a choice between jumping at a saw or sliding down the wall to the spikes.

I know you can do it, user. But prepare your asshole for bigger dicks.

That's the spirit.
The next thing that really walls the shit out of people tends to be Watcher Knights and those aren't for a while.

>i may be a casual but not filtered yet
What a fucking line. Try your best and fuck hallownest over user

so who else found that giant geo rock way underneath kingdoms edge?

If you have any charms that can spawn minions to help you like Weaversong or Glowing Womb, they can make swift work of both 'em.

Yup. The one that looks like the one you Dream Nail to get Voidheart? Always thought that seemed really weird. There's so much stuff where I just wonder why the dev's put it there and if they planned anything else with it that they ended up just dropping.

Big boi's are also good for parring if you have good timing.

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I beat AR and 112%ed the game with Swotch analog tho. The thought of All Bindings the final pantheon and getting to Zote and NOT being able to one-shot his spawners fills me with terror. Should I make a switch to d pad? Honestly can it be worth it?

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No matter, baby. What I lack in skill, I compensate in will power.

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>What I lack in skill, I compensate in will power.
Relatable. You just gotta treat it like skateboarding: 80% mind, 20% skill.

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Use this process.
>Hit sheild
>immediately jump and pogo for as many as their 1or2 swings allow
>pogo their upwards facing sheild once to trigger a swing
>immediately descending dark
>they take like 2-3 hits after this

>Beat the mantis lords.
>Wonder why the flyimg mantis assholes don't attack.
>See regular mantis
>Move back because it is readying itself to attack
>It won't attack
>move closer
>they are not attacking at all.
>They are actually bowing for me.
Fucking nice

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Use this process.
>walk past them

Hiveblood + Grubsong = Endless life

There's only one mandatory double jump in the entire game, and you could even avoid that if you pogo on a destructible background object.

I'm in the first 40minutes of the game (Killed two bosses so far) and i'm loving it. I'm assuming it continious to impress?

Now they let you get in that place one of the mantises closed you off before the Lords.
You should check it.

Mandatory as in "to get the first ending".

I actually did that on my first playthrough.

Killing those fuckers every time you happen upon them makes decent dosh user

They only drop like 50 moneys or something. There are more ways to make money, and they're more time efficient. You should only fight those to fill in the Hunter's Journal. Otherwise just skip them.

I'm checking it as we speam and I regret not buying a lantern with the 1000 geo I had on my bank account and the 500 geo I lost from farming mantis guys on my way back to the mantis lords for a rematch.

The Crossroads is the part that a lot of people who loved the game say they found boring to get through.
The game gets better next area.
Then after that it stops holding your hand, the map becomes absolutely open and it's up to you where to go explore, you have total freedom.
Then after that, you get what's considered the peak and best part of the game. You should avoid the spoilers thread like these have, honestly.

user, I don't mean the gate the Mantis Lords let you through to get into Deepnest, which is also nice, I mean the other door in the village.

shall do user, thanks

I did the entire PoP without a single healing/mask charm because I'm retarded and forgot about them.
Just had to restart 2 times tho, so it's k.

>which is also nice, I mean the other door in the village.
I am kinda stuck there after I fell into a hole into a saunai hope a stagway is close by.

I prefer to equip fragile greed asap in a run and never take it off. Do that an you will never have to farm a single geo to afford Divine's Unbreakables. I like smooth organic pace in my geo collection but that necessitates never letting a high/moderate value enemy pass. Avoid killing Gruz Mother, Moss Charger, Vengefly King, and False Knight until you get that from Leg Eater and you have a decent early game boost in your funds.

>this game doesn't have any sort of carry momentum and the movement has "instant" acceleration.
someone explain pls, ive never felt 100$ comfortable with the movement in this game

Fuck me in the ass.

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That means the controls feel good and crispy precise, and not like you're floating in syrup.

Just be patient, rushing will kill you in this part, wait for the sawblades to leave before jumping in.

The last stretch is going to murder you and if that doesn't dying to the surprise right after it will.

All you need unironically is 2 extremely basic things that cover everything you need to this game.

Being methodical and patient. That's it. Everytime you encounter something for the 1st time, stay back and observe from a distance. Study mobs and study boss patterns. That's where the patient part comes, don't rush at any given time unless the game forces you to. Heal often, keep your health to its max. When you're getting bopped by anything, run the fuck away and regroup.

In any case just take it slow, cheese it if you want to because why the fuck not.

You forgot you need fast reflexes.


Oh boy, here we go again.

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No you don't.

If you're content with only seeing the bad ending, sure.

I beat Radiance if you're implying I didn't. Everything has patterns you can learn, reflexes help but aren't important.

>I'm 29 and never played "unforgiving" games
It shouldn't be too hard.

Though I'm not one for playing unforgiving games (played turn-based JRPGs and cRPGs, plus some really shitty action RPGs like Morrowind or Skyrim that require no reflexes), I have played quite a bit of Gran Turismo 4 when I was a teenager and I was quite good at it, as a racing game you need to develop reflexes and familiarity with the controls.

You apparently aren't using a d-pad, that could make a big difference. I have a PS3 joystick hooked up and it feels great. Playing with a keyboard sounds too cumbersome.

user I'm by no means gud, just above average and defeated hornet in the first try. She is quite easy. Just take your time keeping the distance and dodging.

holy shit my sides

I've gotten to a point where i can get to the last three bosses in the fifth pantheon without any problems so i guess thats progress.

Main issues are still with pure vessel

And that's where you're wrong.
Pattern recognition helps, but reaction time is what important. Because there ARE NO patterns.
The bosses have a number of attacks they can use, and learning them is crucial. But there's no patter of attacks they follow, they throw them at you semi-randomly. It's not a turn-based RPG, it's an action game.

>barely played any platformer game before
>play this game 2 hours straight with dpad
>left thumb feels really sore, starting to play really shitty
>switches to keyboard later
>godly reflex and positioning, can play for hours without tiring
remember that gamepads are for autistic nostalgic boomers

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That's why you study them and learn their windups and tells user. Its not rocket science or a competition of reflexes.

wsad is just a dpad with bigger buttons

you also don't press wsad with just your thumb

>I fell into a hole into a saunai
>hope a stagway is close by
And user was never heard from again.
Press F.

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>play keyboard
>hand cramps every 2 minutes
literally impossible for me

You know how when you're in the middle of a jump arc, if you let go of your input, the momentum still continues to moving your character forward a bit until it slows down.
In HK, your movement completely stops the exact moment you let go of the input. Gives you a lot of precision, but almost no modern game does this today and a lot of people who couldn't re-adapt complained.

This pic reminds me.
What if there was never The Knight? What if they're all different ones that take the place of the ones that die?

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Use keyboard desu

Gotta kill 11 more of these fuckers for the journal. How do I kill them without taking a hit? Especially when they are in a tight tunnel with no way to bounce them?

Also, Is the one Entombed husk in the resting grounds the only one that exists?

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Wait them to open up on their own, don't hit their mask. Best used with great slash. Or just spam them to death with spells.

>What if there was never The Knight? What if they're all different ones that take the place of the ones that die?
that's the point

Wait in front of their face until they open up, attack once, turn around and dash. Repeat until they are dead. When you have soul, do Shade Souls to speed the process up.

Charge slash deals damage to them even when they are guarding.

Cyclone Slash. Charge one, go right up to that faggot's face, and release when he attacks while you hold left/right away from him. Rinse repeat

>>You apparently aren't using a d-pad,

what's a d-pad?

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*while throwing in a dash asap afterwards

>one entombed Husk
Nigga theres like 4 in that cave. Hit secret walls.

The one up to Ayylmao the watcher, right?

>not using arrow keys and ZXC for actions


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I keep forgetting those charge attacks fucking exist because I never feel like it would be a good idea to use them.. i'll give it a try thanks anons

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they are really good for high tier bosses since you don't get many openings to spam attacks so might as well charge one and release it in their ass

Real talk; my option (the last one) is optimal. Ignore the others.

wow, how mainstream

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Always found weird how the spiderkin mask designs have a stripe separating them into 2 halves.
Just realized this guy actually opens it up and has a more normal head behind it. The Midwife also opens her "fake mask".
Do you guys think that's actually a thing with all the spiders? It would make sense for why their "heads" are so fucking huge.

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Three options.
1. Bounce on their head, if there's a spot open
2. Shade cloak -through- them, +dash distance optional
3. Disregard the idea of doing them hitless, and voluntarily walk into their face for 1 damage so that the invulnerability stops you from taking 2
The Entombed Husks only exist in the crawlspace beneath the resting grounds. 4 or 5 of them in there, I think. There's a bench nearby.

If you're going for full journal, don't forget to inspect the charged lumaflies in H I P S' slimefoundry, the dead garpede near sharp shadow, and the dead goam near the entrance to Fungal from xroads.

The thing I was suprised about was that he did it in less then an hour

represents a big brain needed for making those bindings and charms.

Don't forget the Abyss Tentacles near shade cloak.

I forgot those the first time I was there. Had to go all the way back.
What really [TRIGGERED] me was that I missed out on the ancient egg relic in the Lifeblood core.

I did too first run.

So I just got some charm that turns the soul blast into a bunch of fluke worms, and if I equip the defender's crest it makes It a large exploding one. How's that charm? Is it good?

>Lifeblood core
Embarrassing story time:
For some reason it never occurred to me to use Joni's Charm+Lifeblood Heart to get the 15 masks. I instead spent the looooong process of getting all the lifeboood locations on the map until 15.
It honestly should hard-require that. Harder and funner. Joni shouldn't work.

I can't even feel my ass.

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You're a boy, you don't have one.

don't make me post it

I'm gonna rest for a bit.

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I got scared shitless at the final bit but I held it together long enough to pull through

Was this small moment what gave The Hollow Knight that tiny bit of love that made him an imperfect vessel?

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the moment he got ruined is when he MAJOR SPOILER: looks back at you in the void place

We have no idea why the Hollow Knight is imperfect, only that it is.
But that's good evidence to say that it was always imperfect.

Not really, the game heavily implies it was the king's love what instilled an idea in him.

more like doubt started creeping in him

>you will be bad at video games after the age of 25

What a stupid fucking myth. The only discernible difference in reaction time happens at the absolute TOP LEVEL of video games skill. So only chinese autists basically.

OP started playing games after 25

it's different

Okay, that is different. He never had the practice when he was young and moldable.

You look pretty shitful in that pic, user.

You sound like an absolute faggot. This game isn't scary. Stop acting like it is.

never mentioned fear.

I LACK skill

never mentioned fear

i leak skill

I never mentioned fear

I seek kill

I never mentioned fear


This part is the one I talked about . Harder than the final stretch.

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