How do you like the writing in Destiny 2, user?

How do you like the writing in Destiny 2, user?

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I don't play Destiny.

>Be Activision manager
>tell HR to sort through HUGE list of potential hires
>List is larger than any other profession
>Decide to go with these two out of thousands of candidates
>say nothing, do nothing, don't question HR, just roll with the new hires

How the fuck did we come to this? Just 20 years ago if you had any razer stubble or long hair, or god forbid, a tattoo, you couldn't get hired. You would think the 2008 recession would've deleted these people from the labor pool. But here the fuck they are, running everything. Please explain this goddamn shit Yea Forums.

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>implying normal people apply to work on the videogame industry
Even most people who go to college to learn about it end up in other industries.

>Destiny writing


because those problem hairs and nu-males took over all the companies and ousted everyone who wasn't like them, and will only hire people like them.

You want to know what McCarthy-ism and anti-communist laws were trying to prevent? This is exactly it.

There was writing in Destiny 2?

Wow. Embarrassing nerds with embarrassing nerd jobs look like embarrassing nerds. What a fucking SHOCKER!
Trust me, these people do not look any more or less out of fucking place today than IDSoftware looked back in their day. People who end up in these kinds of jobs are usually people who have little touch with what mainstream society considers norm.

And frankly, since we have BEEN though a period of almost eight years being nearly purely designed and written by 40-something overworked boring bureocrats strictly adhering to the order from the marketing deparment, I don't see this that much of a step down.

Of course, it's Bungie, people whose last good game was fucking Marathon, so I don't expect anything GOOD to come out of it. But the appearance of these people are really the last fucking thing to worry about.

>peoples looks decide their skills
You judge books by their covers dont you?
so pic related is an unqualified idiot right?

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>Just 20 years ago if you had any razer stubble or long hair, or god forbid, a tattoo, you couldn't get hired.
In a videogame company? Are you fucking JOKING? Have you seen what Romero looked back in the day?

The lore is interesting at least. But yeah it's bad because the writer is ugly

Having spent nearly 200 hours playing it I'd say no it's shit. Everyone plays for the gameplay and end game loot.

Destiny 2's writing is so fucking lame that I can't even remember any of the characters' names.

You do know that if you don't hire any of those people, you don't have anyone else, right?
Normal people do not work on videogames.

video game companies had some odd people, but this was over a decade ago, when the economy was still good and you could afford a house with that income.

I take this idea as best Just look at Brianna Wu, got thousands of dollars from his parents, despite being a disgusting freak. The rich kids got the jobs, and enough of them were mentally ill, and just hired their friends like them.

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normal people do work in video games but they write basic bitch stories like male protag saves the princess etc anything that youd imagine people in 3rd world shitholes will write about to push a product.

>destiny 2
try again retard
>inb4 muh raids

I'll be honest with you I used the skip to end game button included with forsaken as I was told that was when the game got good (a lie) and I skipped every cutscene.

why would I care about GENERIC GARBAGE NO EFFORT: the game?

Its a loot based shooter. You get to decorate your character and finish quests. The story is trash, nothing actually has anything to do with the main story. Forsaken doesn't connect back to anything significant.

Not everyone who works on videogames is a writer.
Hell, most videogame writers work on the game itself on top of writing for it.

It's just the few people who want to work on the industry end up realizing how insufferable and how volatile working on videogames is, so they move to other, more stable jobs.

>realizing how insufferable and how volatile working on videogames is,
yeah i guess all those life like graphics in uncharted 4 were made by a bunch of twitter sjw bitches that are still questioning their gender huh

>We aren't so different, your traveler and I.

>the destiny 2 story was shit
>half the characters were written for 12yr olds


Not really, the graphics of Uncharted 4 are garbage.
And yes, only scum work on the videogame industry.
Respectable people have actual, real jobs, which consist of helping, not on making entertainment media.

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>tfw you like where the story is heading, even if it's about in your face light/darkness balance garbage
>looking forward to season of the drifter cause he's cool
>think Forsaken was a massive step forward for the franchise
>see this image

All hope is lost.

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why? because le Yea Forums hivemind hates it?

If my company has a strict dress code and he applies looking like that, then yes, he's an unqualified idiot.

The HR departments in these types of companies have more power/authority than the company leads baring the Execs usually.

Free from nearly all rules and regulations.