Can we have a good old fashion Bioware hate thread in honor of Anthem being a massive flop?
Bioware hate thread
Don't speak ill of people on death row.
If you think about it, Bioware Social Network was essentially Mass Effect's Yea Forums
I would have banned him too
Who the fuck is ever going to read that
Honestly, I am burnt out on hatred. I am only here to take in the warmth from other user’s rage, and as of late the heat coming off of them is pretty tepid.
Andromeda was honestly not a bad game. Bland and tedious at times? Sure, but not so bad that it deserved to be shelved and the series halted. I legitimately would have preferred an Andromeda 2 over fucking Anthem
The only thing I hate Bioware for is caving to the cancer that is waifufaggotry and putting so much emphasis on pandering to degenerates who want to fuck space lizards and space bugs. I had high hopes when they said there will be no romance bullshit whatsoever in Anthem. I thought maybe they realized just how pathetic a fanbase they have spent years courting and how much it's damaged them. It's a shame the game sucks. Now I just don't care.
Andromeda is a fucking awful abortion of a game and you have terrible taste.
Not only did it deserve to be shelved, the people responsible for its creation should be blacklisted from the industry and forbidden from creating anything again, including children.
How long till EA does the old yeller routine on BioWare. I give them two years. A lot of people are thinking Anthem was the last straw, but The company’s only had two consecutive flops s of now. ME 3 was poor but not a flop, inquisition was bad but not a total flop. Now they’ve had anthem (a face plant) preceded by andromeda (a total crash-and-burn). I’m betting dragon age diversity (or whatever the next one will be called) is the final chance they have to prove they can still cut it, before they find themselves being taken behind the wood shed with a shotgun.
>complains about waifus
>when biowares last good game was basically "meet n fuck kingdom in space"
>Joined 2010
Imagine writing *that* after spending almost a quarter of your life on a board praising Bioware products. Your cherished company grew up to become a coke-sniffing whore with brain damage.
The character discussion threads were pure autism. The entire ME3 section had to be nuked because an argument about Miranda infected every thread.
They are digging up the corpse of Mass Effect again. That will be the last chance. If they can't get their biggest hit selling they're done.
We're never getting Dr4gon Age. It's just not going to happen. They spent six goddamn years on Anthem and it's a bigger financial disaster than Andromeda, itself such a complete failure that Andromeda *killed Mass Effect.* Think about that. Let it settle in. Bioware's name, Bioware's assets, have become so toxic that it's creative womb - once the birthplace of such cherished titles as Mass Effect and Baldur's Gate - can now only squirt out half-formed stillbirths. EA's raped Bioware too much, it's spent.
>That will be the last chance
No, it's not. Anthem was their last chance. Everyone knew Anthem was their last chance. I know you care about Bioware and want to hold out hope it could get better, but quit giving them second chances and accept that Anthem was the one.
what argument about Miranda?
imagine being this retarded
I, too, would like to know. What argument could anyone have against Miranda.
There needs to be a webm of this, so you can hear the dead silence during this scene besides the soft hum of the computer screen.
I don't give a fuck about Bioware. I haven't played a Bioware game since Mass Effect 2 and I didn't like it much. Publishers don't kill established studios when new IPs fails. They downsize and kill them later when they produce followups to previous hits that fail. For example, Visceral was killed when their Battlefield game failed, Maxis was killed when their Sim City game failed, Westwood was killed when their Command and Conquer game failed, etc., etc. Bioware has already said there's a new Mass Effect game coming. If that's fails then they are done.
Inqusition was literally the best selling Bioware game ever.
EA isn't gonna axe them because of principle. They're going to restructure them but keep the name and shit out mediocre rpgs for years to come.
>Visceral was killed when their Battlefield game failed, Maxis was killed when their Sim City game failed, Westwood was killed when their Command and Conquer game failed
... And Bioware will be killed because Andromeda failed. They're only alive because Anthem was too deep in production.
Looking back the old Bioware from Kotor to 2010 was pretty good it was Dragon Age 2 that started their decline and that's the first in house EA game
How does this even happen? It's like it went through a machine translation or something except it didn't. Someone actually wrote gibberish and then a voice actor performed it and then it was put into the fucking game and nobody seemed to notice there was anything wrong.
I don't hate Bioware.
>And Bioware will be killed because Andromeda failed.
The studio that produced that was already closed a while ago. Almost all the Bioware studios are closed. All that's left is the main studio and the one responsible for TOR. They are downsizing. Closure comes with the next failure. Main Bioware will close, the TOR studio will be rebranded as an EA studio because it's actually making EA money. That's what they did to Maxis. The Sims division was rebranded and the rest of them were shut down.
Lol! why would anyone be jealous of that cunt's filthy vagina attached to her smelly fat body? That would be a decent insult from a woman that looks good and not Jabba the Hut with glasses. She is a literally a yaoi obsessed fan girl who got the job because of her family connections. That isn't something to be proud of either.
Anyone got that jpg that shows something like less than 50% of the original Mass Effect 1 team was even left by Mass Effect 3 including the lead writer?
yah it was alright
half the retards commenting on this haven't even played the game
poor faggots
>Inqusition was literally the best selling Bioware game ever.
It was bargain bin material in no time, though. A million people buying it on discount, isn't making Bioware favours. If they want to keep making $30 bargain bin successes, they can keep doing what they do. It's just incredibly mediocre.
So when is Bioware shutting down, I'm tired of waiting
Someone post the eternal mad pasta
I forget, was the Stanley woo shit around the time of ME3 and everyone was shtting on the Prometheon being day one dlc?
probably about 2 or 3 months at the soonest. It depends if they want to start doing desperation moves like making it free to play or release some new content to try and hook people in better, A phone game is a real possibility as well. They will then gut the studio and put it down to a skeleton crew and maybe keep it alive a short while to work on patches. After that they retire Bioware permanently and that is that.
I am sure the people at Bioware know at this point that their jobs are fucking done. A few may get shuffled off to other EA devs but most will simply be canned. Its likely some of the people staying will be the diversity hires and the real talent fucking knows it. So they won't put much effort into a job that is fucking over. In the end I just hope they all get split up in different jobs in the industry or leave it all together for a new career or suicide. I just don't want those shit show devs to fuck off and start another studio like Bioware and shove more cancer down our throats. EA itself should be wiped out as well but they still have madden and Fifia.
Besides the fact that Andromeda was one of the most mismanaged projects Bioware ever put out, it makes Alpha Protocol and KotoR 2 look pristine in comparison, nobody wanted Andromeda. Which is one of the reasons it failed, both critically and commercially. Breaking even, because 2 years later and at at discount of $5 on Origin, though technically successful, does not equal the term "success", when games like ME2 broke even far sooner and broke the 2 million sales marks within weeks and started generating profit for its publisher in no time. Something that didn't see a repeat with DA2. Remember when one of the doctors had to come out and say "okay, we fucked up, but if you buy the DLC, we fixed it"? And now they want Anthem to sell 6 million copies, by the end of March. In what world do you see that happening? Bioware has made a string of bad decisions with their games since DA2 and each and every one has come back to bite them in the ass, one way or another.
Bioware couldn't handle criticism of ME3 they locked everything
>Buggy as fuck
>Sit through ten separate animations each with their own little loading screen to do anything at all on a planet
>Laughable dialogue
Yeah no.
Whatever happened to ole Stanley Roo?
kill yourself
>nobody wanted Andromeda
I wanted it. I just didn't want a crap game. I like the Mass Effect universe and system well enough, just by the end of Mass Effect 2 I was well and truly sick to death of Shepard and the Reaper threat and didn't want to hear about it anymore. I'd take a spin off over a sequel containing the same characters going through the same motions without a second thought.
Fuck them for killing off Kelly seriously
t. fag who pre ordered the deluxe edition
See, that's the thing. Andromeda actually takes place in the Faceistired Nebula, which has radiation that causes strange behaviour and disgusting faces.
>I legitimately would have preferred an Andromeda 2 over fucking Anthem
Woah easy there there is no turning back now.
I actually really liked DA2. It was a breath of fresh air from the usual wrpg we’d gotten until then. It’s honestly in my top 5 wrpg.
End of timerine
how do we remove commies from the gaming industry?
Time to kys your'e self, m8o.
>I wanted it
Then you're nobody. And, seriously, you got exactly what you wanted; a shit game, with shit new characters, a plot that could have worked, if it banked on nostalgia and finally offering closure to the people still hurt over ME3's ending, which is everyone else that isn't you. Every time Bioware did something that you liked, it backfired on them in the most hilarious way possible. The best thing you can do for them, is stop trying to influence them. Unfortunately, they think that for some godforsaken reason you are right. Congrats, here's your $5 discounted garbage title, user.
Oof, fucking safed
You can save Kelly.
That's legit transphobia
that dlc was a mistake.
>you got exactly what you wanted; a shit game
I specifically said I didn't want a shit game. Just because I don't give a fuck about fanboying mascot characters and banal end of the world plots doesn't mean I have shit taste in video games. I haven't even played Andromeda, I'm just saying there's nothing wrong with making a Mass Effect game that isn't about Shepard saving everyone from Reapers and the notion nobody wanted another Mass Effect game is fucking retarded. Mass Effect was a huge franchise. And one bad game in it failing doesn't mean nobody ever wants to see another Mass Effect game. Look at all the DMC fanboys excited about DMC5. Do you think the existence of DmC produced by another studio means no more DMC games should be allowed to be made too? You're a fucking idiot.
TFW you will never be so buff you can one arm power hug people to submission
please let it kill them.
Imagine being a world class animator that got a job in the industry to be pushed by this creature to make gay sex scenes
BioWare is just a brand name, it's not a company
>I specifically said I didn't want a shit game
That wasn't an option to begin with, with the parameters you set. You are a malignant growth that is killing Bioware. The sooner you and your ilk move away from it, the better the company will be. Your opinions are irrelevant, your pocket is irrelevant, see
>I haven't even played Andromeda
You want games that you won't even buy. Good day to you, irrelevant.
you wished
fuck i wish anthem was this funny.
It's just soulless instead
its quite impressive how arrogant these mongrel females get around all these so(y)boys
Honestly that's pretty impressive. Being able to punch so hard that the air distortion is what knocks them out and you never actually hit him.
>people UNIRONICALLY thought Anthem was going to be good after DA2
Come the fuck on Yea Forums
Fuck, I'm at work and I don't have BioWare forum screenshots on my phone.
Oh so thats why newer games are shit. How do people not realize that their shitty writing has to be turned into video game format? You're not writing a book princess. You're writing for a video game, which means you need to know and enjoy video games or have people who can translate whatever shitty story you write into a videogame format.
This shockwave makes even Dark Souls blush
>senior game designer
>That wasn't an option to begin with
And what is the basis for this declaration? You being an obnoxious faggot? Fuck yourself.
I want good games that aren't the same shit being endlessly recycled. That is why I prefer spin offs over sequels. At least then you get new characters and a new story. If you don't understand that you are simply a retard.
The only decent part of Andromeda was that the combat had potential if they had allowed you to use more than 3 skills.
Also Vetra and Drax were fun.
how do i get the neuron receptors that you have so i can tolerate the anthem "character writing"
its like im watching some jewflix show. it had the best gameplay but i just couldnt go on. it was to painful
>tfw thought I would hate Buff McLargeHuge but Blasto Hardcheese ended up being one of the more enjoyable parts of ME3
>And what is the basis for this declaration? You being an obnoxious faggot?
Reality. If reality is an obnoxious faggot to you, the only escape from it is killing yourself.
how is this possible
No shit that the ugliness wasn't on accident
>Be patient I have autism
>EA&BioWore: Inquisition bestestest seller guys, believe us
>never talk about unit sales unlike ME3, which they bragged about constantly
>every sales tracker shows DAI sold far less than ME3
>EA hides revenue and unit sales in the fucking mobile revenue totals in their quarterly investor meeting
>never talk about it again
>no srsly it's our best selling game says Mark Darrah, we're better than ever pls don't kill us
>You first
What did she mean by this? Why would that gang leader care if one of her henchmen gets shot? Why did all of the bodyguards with guns stand around and do nothing while this thing plays out? Why is this scene so CONFUSING and UNNATURAL? How come NOBODY AT ALL saw ANY problems with this while making it, all the way from writing to voice acting to animation to SHOWING IT BEFORE THE GAME LAUNCHES???
big oof
Does anyone have the picture with the 62% chocolate? What is the story behind it?
The token gay character of Andromeda was amazing, he was a literal manchild that did anything he wanted and threw tantrums when he was told to behave. STEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVE at least was a functional human being, Gil was a literal manchild. At several points in the game he unironically almost the entire cast killed and treats it as a joke.
cringe, it looks like a 5yo's lineup of action figures
Are you really that fucking stupid? The fact that Andromeda turned out to be shit doesn't mean every single attempt at a Mass Effect spin off is guaranteed to be shit. Do you think they sat down and said "Hey guys, let's make a crap game!" The game was crap because the studio was crap, not because the source material was crap. I hope you are just fucking with me here because the alternative for you is you are genuinely mentally retarded.
If there is a world-class animator in Bioware, he was making the coffee.
wrong opinion
Kek, the silly subplot about problems with repopulating the colonies is always funny.
>send humans to colonize another galaxy
>staff the initial colony with homosexuals and transsexuals
>Bioware proceeds to make it a plot point about how others need to work extra to make up for them
It's such a weird plot point that I'm in disbelief that someone actually wrote it into the game.
It was a "lol we don't even care that our game got a 62 score on metacritic" move in the same way they made that dumb conference or whatever after bf5 failed. Then the score dipped to 60.
>hurrdurr I'm not special or saving the world, jus' doing mundane shit
>every major character you meet says there's something special about you
>you become the champion at the center of 2 huge conflicts
>all your menial hardships happens offscreen, don't worry you just get the cool part rubbing elbows with hugely important characters like Arishok, Viscount, Knight-Commander, First Enchanter
lol, DA2 is the same shit as always, only more cheap and mangled
are you fucking kidding me? that's absurdly hilarious
I thought it was just a coincidence.
what the heck man. I don't remember being the game being THAT bad.
>Lower score than your who? team that got shut down
>Cost twice as much to produce
Yet people still think Bioware is worth anything.
every time
I think you mean this one. And it was some stupid smug mover by EA to say fuck the critics. So they made a 62% chocolate bar, which was the score on metacritic. Funny thing is, as soon as EA made the chocolate, the metacritic score dropped.
Simple, some PR idiot ordered promotional material in form of chocolate bars made from chocolate containing 62% of cocoa. It become delightfully ironic when these numbers turns to be equal to the scores that their shity game got.
Sometimes, when you want a comedy, you just need to sit down and observe a reality.
EA's decision to make the chocolate can basically be summed up with this image:
The touch of death.jpg
Does anyone have the forum post with someone going "if 30% players left that means theres 30% players who can join and if i predict right swtor will have +200% player boost at the end of the month"? It was something like that
>we'll never get another jade empire game
Though at this point that's a good thing. Can't even imagine how they'd ruin that setting too.
>meet n fuck kingdom in space
But we already had meet n fuck space ship
You don't have to like or play games to write, there are other people to take care of the game side. It is just a garbage writer.
music and sfx can cover a lot of bad shit people ignore on screen
I'm still baffled this is real. And that an adult made this. 2 in fact.
Pretty much the pic that seals this thread. Can't get any lower for Bioware.
I don't have the energy to hate on Bioware anymore. It's dead. The developer has been dead for a decade. It's time to just walk away and let them fail.
Also, stop blaming Hepler for the failure of Bioware. Sure, her ideas sound bad, but she's just a powerless employee. Blame the people in charge. Besides, some of the best RolePlaying games give the player non-combat options to deal with situations. It's not a bad sentiment to talk about non-traditional/non-combat focused gaming in WRPG's, she just didn't express that well.
Deepest lore
>the dev teams of Andromeda, Mirrors Edge 2 and Dishonored 2 all credited Anita when making the games
Damnit woman, at least fucking spare Dishonored 2. I wanted my cool bleak, misty, disease-ridden London complete with classicism and gender conflicts, not gay sunny Mediterranean diversityland where there are no actual social problems.
I didn't know about this
It's a photoshop.
That is some shit taste you got there buddy
glorious shitpost
>C&C Rivals
>Battlefield V
>Star Wars Battlefront 2
>Still no new Spore
dragon age origins was honestly a mediocre game at best, it took you faggots the sequel to notice how bad bioware is at a lot of things
and now today most of you retards probably play that the old republic mmo garbage just because its free
Maxis is dead dawg.
It was specifically refuted that Anita had anything to do with the development of Mirror's Edge 2 because retards started a petition over it. Someone just made up the story and everyone believed it.
Our literal only hope is that EA loses its FIFA license/the continued failures in normal games make the shareholders vote to shut down everything that isn't mobile or sports games, and sell all the licenses off. I really hope to see this happen in my lifetime.
At the time games were "growing up" and a lot of people were just starting to treat them like art on the same level as cinema. Battlestar Galactica and LOST had wrapped in the time between ME2 and ME3 and there was a lot of talk about what it all meant. The lead writer, for whatever reason, thought this meant that the writing was really good and sought to emulate that.The Baffling thing isn't that the design document is real, it's that they thought that proudly releasing it was a good idea.
If EA ever lost the FIFA license the amount of pure schadenfreude would be something the likes of which we've never seen
It's fucking astounding how much shit they get away with because they have the sports games to fall back on
Can we put a burka or something on that?
EA realise flop after flop, but despite this continue to virtue signal by pandering to the far left and insulting their core player base. With Anthem looking to be the final nail in the coffin for Bioware we might actually be seeing the beginning of the end for EA.
>Apex Legends
Why's the world so cruel?
Sadly, the FIFA brand is safe because it has no competition.
There's PES, but Konami wasted it all by spending the entire 7th gen re-releasing a PS2 game in 720p.
By the time they changed to the Fox Engine, it was too late.
Will never ever get old
I dont give a shit if the writer is bad at playing games
Playing them isnt their job
I love that people are still blaming only EA for this shit. Lets all forget that bioware bled all talent and their stead, hired incompetent diversity hires, whos main concern was politics, not gameplay
>it's called bioware because their software is like poop
Did you actually read the entire thing in the image before making this shit post?
Bio means water.
I never got why this girl got shit on so much. She looks like your average geek girl.
Because she has pussy and work in gaming industry, and we can't get neither.
back you go
LIFE, you numbskull.
Fags and trannies bring down the human race. Shocker
They made her an autistic goblina on purpose, liberals are mentally ill.
The color blind settings one always kills me
>All those games with so much potential to be amazing ended up being shit because of Biowares' incompetence
Bioware are really great at building an interesting world and setting only to shit the bad hard with horrible writing and shitty gameplay
>irrational fear or hatred
I know you're meme'ing, but its ironic they think there's anything irrational about hating trannies.
Ugly faced bitch
>celebrating a failure instead from learning from it
and then these retards are blaming pirates and white opression for their games being complete shit and their shares value crashing down harder than fucking hindenburg
Progressives have no sense of responsibility whatsoever. When they fuck up it always is someone else's fault.
>Blasto Hardcheese
Commies are your gaming industry you ignorant fool.
This is some fucking Looney Tunes shit
An AAA game became irrelevant this quickly. I don't think I've seen this before. Keep in mind this was EAs flagship game they've been showing off for the past few E3s.
why anita is so hot. also is that trevor on the back
Never seen a AAA game get in a coffin this fast. before.
This game sank every bit of hope i had for bioware. Even if EA doesnt axe them,they're dead to me. I cant believe this was their best try, sinking 6 years and fucking over ME for this shit
Senior WRITER. Not video game player.
>Friends (and allies!)
I'd be so furious If some asshole would bury me under the """""allies""""'" label
Anthem is a failure.
There is no way EA is going to drag this dead weight around. The few real devs they have are probably negotiating their new job in a different studio as we speak.
I guess the "ally" in the background is the one guy at Bioware who still writes code.
>a single "bullshit" and a well thought out argument
>"banned for swearing and spam"
>Anthem fails
>Tax write off
>Close BioWare
>FiFa still prints Money
So another tuesday for EA
we do not speak badly about the deceased
this same bug is in anthem lol
Less views then
>a 10 year old blizzard RTS EXPANSION
>Motherfucking runescape
>Cops and robbers. Capeshit edition
>AA to low AAA "survival horror" exploration rpg-thing
Just remember:
>Write a shit ass ending that retroactively ruins the entire series.
>Journalists: "A-ok, it's important to preserve artistic integrity, you entitled manbabies. Also, we're friends with all the developers, so we feel more beholden to them than the consumer."
>Female character has cleavage
>Journalists: "UNCALLED FOR! CHANGE IT NOW!!!"
I don't recall if this or Jeff Gerstmann getting fired from Gamestop happened first, but these two events basically planted the seeds for Gamergate.
Stop hating on Bioware already - they are dead. Obsidian is the next one on the line.
I'm guessing whoever wrote that thought they were writing that chick to be hip or something, without realizing that the character model was basically going to be a corpse on strings, and the line would be delivered with one of the most lifeless line reads of all time.
Now this is just straight up bullying
more please
Can somebody please tl;dr that shit? I've seen it posted multiple times and I'm almost starting to get curious.
You know, I wouldn't have any real issue with this if she could write worth a damn. She doesn't have to be good at playing the game to write well for it in the same way that a playwright doesn't have to be a great actor to write great plays. But she's a shitty writer who also hates video games so I have no fucking clue why she was hired
The comparison would be a playwright liking theatre, not acting. It's a terrible thing to admit and she should just stay clear of the industry. Go write your shitty fanfics for tumblr.
>Removing the "whoa nigga"
I can almost guarantee this edit is from reddit
Pretty cool, huh!?
I agree user.
Bro, did you miss the rest of the post when I called her a shitty writer?
All I'm saying is her saying "I am bad at video games" is not in and of itself a completely disqualifying remark. Its a big red flag but if she did great writing and understood how games functioned, but was just shit at them, that would be fine.
But she's not so its doubly shit.
that's an oxymoron, user.
>here is your senior game designer bro
fuck off, retard.
Oh shit I didn't even notice. I literally just grabbed it. Thanks for looking out.
hmm EA management evil, other companies inept, the professionally managed companies like valve stop making games. It's also like video games are not serious business
>jade empire
>asisans doing martial arts
I can't even imagine the public backlash for stereotyping.
I don't think they make them that big
God i hope they don't touch shepard in a last ditch attempt to revive ass effect before ea cans them, can you imagine what they would do to shepard in the year of our lord 2019
ill just play their GOOD games, while hating them externally
Who was the gay character again? Garrus? Or Big Mc Bigger?
didn't they hire gmod machinma guys for the animation? it shows
>good games
Post her porn. Everyne wants it, even the jannies. Or are you some kind of gay fag who doesn't fap to hamburger Hepler?
They had good games before EA bought them out.
KOTOR on xbox?
nah, that was shit, its why EVERYONE HATES IT and its not on top ten lists from the time....
Anthem isn't a flop, Bioware are doing just fine.
It's shit, being shit and being a flop are two different things.
Despair drives your words.
EA is a listed company, and they will have to explain to shareholders why they aren't getting explosive infinite growth anymore like they used to. Anthem should outsell previous Bioware products to be worth shareholder's grace.
You got a source for that or are you pulling it straight out of your ass?
The fucking state of this board
>can't tell if satire
4/10 bait.
Post more bestest autisms from Biowáre forums.
i will give it my all
There's simply too much. I still remember the fit they threw over the dyke looking companion in Dragon Age Inquisition being 100% straight.
in the 1st week:
>sells 10% of what Destiny 1 sold
>sells half of what ME: A sold
>not a flop
Well, fucking hell, at least something is nice and accurate.
>Thanks for looking out
are you a nigger?
ffs how loser can somebody be
people like this makes me want to return to highschool and be a bully all over again
Are you still mad, Yea Forums?
I know I am.
We'll bang, okay?
Too bad it didnt stay this way.
Reminder that they butchered the qunari lore to make them politically correct and to make gayder’s wet dreams come true.
I'm so fucking sick of these mentally ill faggots. No shit straight males are going to be catered to, the make up majority of the world population and majority of the demographic that buy these games. But no, every fucking game these failures of human life just cry and cry because their degenerate lifestyle choice isn't represented.
what the fuck
Oh wow, to think there was a time where someone working in Bioware actually acted like a normal man attracted to hot women. And he does have a point, FemHawke's walk cycle is probably the only thing about that entire garbage pile of a game.
>ywn be so buff that some tranny's glass spontanouesly shatters because she held it a few centimetres from your face
I'm old enough to remember the insane waifufaggotry and the Smash Aerie Fanclub threads on the Baldur's Gate 2 forum.
Bioware have been under the influence of waifufags since at least that time
>banned from single player
How does this work? Could you not just disconnect from the net?
Get off this website
Is this the Plane Scene of /g/?
I liked the DLC but that image is so fucking awful looking. You can't even get everyone in the shot because you miss characters if you do it before Mordin dies. Jesus. Look at Shepard. Is he meditating or some shit? Why is Samara praying while a photo isb eing taken. Why are most of them not looking at the camera?
What's Wrex thinking about, Yea Forums?
holy shit... after the Never Winter Night's portraits plagiarism scandal, they STILL fucking pull this shit
I don't understand how this could have even happened. Surely they did it as a joke, right? What compelled them to make this decision?
they didn't "pull" anything, every game company does stuff like that.
People use reference images. They generally don't just photoshop the stock image itself.
>Less views than fucking Pajama Sam
oh yeah? since when? because when they caught doing it on NWN they had to fucking replace their stolen art
What a fucking sexist pig
>basically all fuck ups are ME2 and ME3 related
Let's just remake ME1 with a few different outcomes and give it proper sequels for God's sake.
Uh, there's literally one Bioware studio and it's in my city. I think you are over estimating how big Bioware actually is
Even the mainstream media is turning on them.
>despite 4 ads in every YT video for past month
Please let me keep my job EA.
I don't understand these people. I mean why are they even playing games?
Don't they do it to stop caring about irl shit for a chance and just enjoying to indulge in some virtual reality in which everything is far better, cooler, more beautiful and exciting than in the real world? Hell this is a game people play to fuck aliens. Why the fuck would I care about realsm there? I mean I don't even care that much about the humans and Asari since I am into other things but still.
I fucking hate this
i don't think it's the fact that they don't want to create good looking characters. They're literally lazy and incompetent. Yes that one guy really has more talent than all of the people at Bioware who models faces. Bioware couldn't make good looking characters if they tried.
I wish. Basically the only time when I wouldn't have complained about SJW stuff and they can't get even that right. Who the fuck wants to fuck Kaidan?
>Literally signaling to EA not to shut them down
Maybe you should made a good game Casey.
>No bi option
wow what fucking bigots
You're allowed to use and edit stock photos in a game assuming you paid for the correct license. That's literally why they exist: to milk pocket change out of people who can't or won't take photos themselves.
Because they can't be happy unless they feel morally superior to everyone else.
EA had killed good studios as well out of sheer spite of whoever was handling those deals.
I don't know how they fucked up Mass Effect Andromeda so bad they were basically handed a Golden Wrapped chocolate bar to take everybody on a fucking epic trip but instead they took us all to Ciudad Juárez where niggers on your ship are super annoying and sound like their noses are clogged, and all the women are super ugly & corky AF
>have support of hundreds of developers and millions of dollars
>couldn't make a game where you change your equipment without going into a loading screen
>in 2004 you could go from the open world into a city in World of Warcraft
What the fuck was Casey Hudson even doing all that time? Did he even go to work? How can you fuck up something so basic? I doubt he even cared about the project.
Nah. I only have best wishes for all of the near unemployed.
Anthem is a failure.
>there will never be a game in which you play as Turian because normalfags can only root for humans
I didn't say you aren't allowed to, I said most game developers don't do it. I know you are allowed to. I used to do it for a living. But I wasn't making video games, I was producing cheap educational material for schools.
if you posted the whole gif, you could also see that she had the gun backwards as well.
Modern Obsidian is far worse.
No she doesn't. You are thinking of a completely different scene where not only was the gun backwards but half the mesh was missing too.
It's now about being allowed or not. This is a big ass company here making games that were popular as shit and they couldn't hire a random deviantart artist with good art or character interpretations to do create some nice design for Tali and drawing that one single pic to have something original?
Tali was one of the most popular characters. Lazyly editing some shitty looking stock photo is more than just an insult to their fans. Hell, every decent artist could sketch something better than this in 5 minutes.
Spitballing here, but I think the original intent was to have her model start with a "resting bitch face", then she delivers that line with an exhausted tone, then she puts on a smile to thank you for your work.
Jeff who? Hate to ask to spoonfed but at work and have to glance.
>almost a quarter of your life
>joined: 2010
>mass effect release: 2012
user are you 8 years old?
Andromeda was pretty bad, but there is a lot of potential there. If they fired some people and replaced them with someone that's competent a sequel could be pretty good. Shame that if EA okays another Mass Effect they'll likely abandon Andromeda completely. Vetra is the best Mass Effect girl though.
I think he was the guy who gave Kane and Lynch a bad review, then got fired for it.
ye I noticed that halfway down the thread
I would gladly give my left kidney, if it means Bioware would return to their old ways and gave us games like Mass Effect 1 or Dragon Age Origins again. But those days are over and they will never return. I hate this.
>pandering to waifufaggotry
First of all waifu is for heterosexual impregnation and second...nigger did you PLAY Skyrim? They purposely made a vampire waifu and gave her best girl tendencies and REFUSED TO LET YOU MARRY HER.
SJW types, especially female ones, are incapable of enjoying escapism if they can't properly identify with the characters. Looks are important part in it, women don't generally like pretty characters. Why do you think protagonists in most fiction geared towards women are plain and boring as hell?
>...the people still hurt over ME3's ending, which is everyone else that isn't you.
Imagine being like this. Bad video games come out, get over it.
Unironically I’d rather have professional writers who don’t play games writing my stories than gaymers. The latter is how we have had so many ass retarded stories in otherwise good games.
He thinks the post was actually written 12hrs ago.
Is this a pure strike?
I want to drink Tali's sweat from a wine glass
What was the point of shrinking the number of squad mates in 3?
>I have awful hand-eye coordination
>I don't like tactics
>I don't like fighting
>I don't like keeping track of inventory
>I can't read a game map to save my life
In short, she's a woman. How could she even comprehend video games?
to give them all more personality, so they're less bland than the me2 squad.
It's 62% cacao by volume chocolate but, I gotta be honest, it is also some mega level irony.
How about a Mass Effect game that lets me actually choose a race other than human?
No joke I would fuck Anita, but I wouldn't worry about her pleasure.
mara a cute
Beauty has become an "enemy" in the arts.
I think it's because the modern authorities in these subjects are mediocre persons, and mediocre people fear and hate excellence.
Playing other races in multiplayer was honestly the best part of mass effect 3.
She probably gets so little dick that just sticking it in would make her cum.
but you can
If they don't want "pretty" looks they could at least give us alien protags but they don't want these either. These fuckers just want characters that are exactly as themselves.
What would it matter? Everyone is a biped that uses the same weapons and powers anyway.
>playing a space arab
I don't know what this individual is responsible for writing, or if there's any quality involved with it. But why would this be a reason to hate on them? I'd rather have a good writer that's shit at or hates vidya than a bad writer that breathes vidya.
You're getting fired, Casey. You can either be a sacrifice to save the jobs of others, or you can be a Captain sinking his own ship.
I'm one ugly overweight motherfucker and love alpha males and beautiful women in my escapism. I don't want my fiction to insist that I'm great package like this, I know I'm not and want to pretend I'm a hot action girl or strong ideal male.
As someone below mediocre I don't really get where the mediocrity worship comes from. I sure as hell would not be like this if I wasn't lazy piece of shit.
requesting the picture from the dev team from tortanic with the tatoos
>not playing as dicklord666
Your loss.
Calm down sperg.
Jesus, how are straight men still so fragile despite being catered to so much by society?
This would actually be the only reason for me to ever change my gender. I don't want to be associated with these shitheads. Sadly though, most women are like that. I met two others in my life who were actual gamers, everyone else is into Candy Crush or Sims at the very best and that's only one of the many annoying character traits they have. I have no idea how they even spend their free time considering that they don't like anime and they don't want to go to pubs either.
>Dark Heal
>Unironically believing it was just the b teams fault and not Bioware as a whole
How's Anthem doing?
>I want to become trans because the video game tastes of other women is bad
Did Bioware literally suck the farts of Anita $arkee$ian to credit her in those games like they did with Firewatch and Hyper Light Drifter?
I don't see the issue. She was a writer.
You don't need to like playing games to write a story for it. It's not like she was a game play designer.
Hambuger Helper actually wrote some good shit in Dragon Age. Most of the dwarf stuff in Origins was her writing.
>As someone below mediocre I don't really get where the mediocrity worship comes from
They don't want to improve, they want the easy path.
That's not necessarily bad, everyone should be free to choose what they want to do with their life as long as it doesn't hurt others.
The problem begins when they also don't want people telling them they're making a wrong choice for going the easy path, or that they disagree with their views, or whatever, because they don't like to have their feelings hurt, so they try to change what opinions are "valid" and what the society considers beautiful.
Arguably they could just grow thicker skin, but as it happens that's not the easy path either, at least not for most people nowadays in a society that insists everyone's special and super important. So they won't have it.
It's like a huge, collective case of "having cake and eating it too". It's just plain and pure egoism (or greed even?) applied to the communication of ideas and opinions.
These types of individuals have always existed throughout history, it almost feels like an inherent flaw in our otherwise superior cognitive capabilities (evolution-wise). I think we're trapped.
I'm sure there's more to it, and better explanations to the observable fact that the contemporaneous arts cycle through phases rejecting beauty and embracing mediocrity, but the hell I'm no expert, all I can do is offer some armchair psychology.
I wish for this so much. But knowing Bioware even IF we would get it it would probably have almost zero impact on the story and the character would speak the same lines and that pisses me off.
I wish I could play as an alien and actually get proper dialogue options, like honor centered shit if playing a Turian. I also would want the game to start from their homeworlds and everything, I think the problem is that they would have to create as many games as there are species to choose from if you would want to make it good and that would be too much work. So the only proper option would be a game that is species centered in the first place but they won't do that because it would cause fan wars since everyone prefers a different species. Also, what said. Thanks to commercialism they will always choose the species that would give them the broadest audience and the broadest audience will always be the casuals and casuals play as humans.
The human-animal condition is to celebrate excellence no matter if you're average or excellent yourself. Dunning-Krueger aside, it's fair to say people generally like excellence. Even the mediocre people understand this and are hard-wired to appreciate beauty and shit; sure, appreciation of beauty biases us towards those whom are beautiful but the thing that makes us less animal is not letting that shit taint our perspectives of things. It's a good thing to use the mechanisms of society to teach that beauty isn't everything.
The people you're talking about take the "beauty isn't everything" to the extreme. They fucking think that the wholesale exclusion of beauty and excellence means they are forgiving themselves of ANY societal injustices that favor beauty. They are both broken animals AND have adopted broken social concepts and seem to think that society would be better if we stopped giving any bias towards beautiful people. On some level they're correct, that society ought to not judge by people's appearance and we shouldn't reinforce those ideas. Except this is fucking fiction and what we really ought to be doing is filling them with fantastic otherworldly beautiful things AND reminding people "hey, this shit isn't real". Instead, these retards are filling realms of fiction with dogshit and reminding people, "hey, this fiction is art and art is a reflection of our humanity".
And this is an aside, but this is why it's so fucking retarded to label anything you do as art. Because the moment you label it as art it permits all the talentless hacks to make a "quality" product that's actually dogshit but now they can excuse it with excuses like "it's a reflection of the human condition".
Stopped reading right there
8 * 4 = 36
Brainlet. What just happened?
>waaaah why doesn't the world cater to us mentally ill rejects
Well, there's your mistake. Art isn't the same as escapism. You may want to use it for escapism. But not everyone does.
It was a joke faggot. I am not that bothered about opinions, the actual shitty part is that games want to alure these types of women or men who think like that which makes games shittier. See the whole Goblina debate.
People should just stop trying to target audiences that aren't into the thing they produce. Why the hell would any game dev want to attract people who hate games when there are enough actual game fans out there to make you rich if you would manage to get them interested in your game? Anyway, EA and current Bioware needs to die. I want this especially because I am a ME1 fan.
God I remember when every retard on any forum had mlp avatars and sigs.
Imagine how ugly the bitch that wrote that is.
I know remember that these silly signatures were one of the main reasons for my hate of forums. I am kinda glad this shit died. "Kinda" because a bunch of subcultural talking has also died with the death of forums and the social media shit that came later is way worse than any forum ever was.
There's been a default femshep since ME1.
They actually flipped the pistol the correct way round in one of the patches, the front half of the pistol is missing and if you play the game today you can still see it
Bioware has an audience of fags and women and a whole bunch of people who don't really give a shit about all that and just want a romp around fantasyland and/or space though, why should they try to attract Yea Forumsirgins who hate games, especially their games?
>that society ought to not judge by people's appearance and we shouldn't reinforce those ideas
Oh, if only they stopped there it would be great.
I literally lost the count I saw some piece of modern fiction demonize the characters that literally did nothing wrong but were seen as "better" or "superior".
And no, I'm not talking about those cases where someone makes a thread with villain or a leader who killed people and saying "ITT: characters who did nothing wrong".
No, I'm talking about normal, inoffensive characters who get teared apart by the fandom because they perceive them being talented as threatening or negative.
These people don't want justice. They just want they turn at the knife's handle.
I've seen so many cases where the abused instantly turn into the abusers the moment they're given the power that I've come to believe this is just how humans are: naturally evil unless kept in check.
>Everyone else has shit taste
This is why I've come to appreciate good single-player games over all else. It's the one thing you can fall back on.
Mass effect was always shit. People are just realizing it now indirectly through Anthem.
>I've seen so many cases where the abused instantly turn into the abusers the moment they're given the power
Right, such as the power to be an anonymous dickwad on the internet, huh Yea Forums
Yea Forums is not a fucking person, how many times do we have to repeat this? Jesus christ.
It's actually just me and my brother. Who the fuck are you?
I think you're getting much too outraged over this.
There are still deep tactical and strategy games being made even though they're not as popular as mainstream stuff like what Bioware and EA makes, and for good reason.
Mainstream games will always cater to the lowest denominator, and it's been like this since forever. It's nothing to get angry over.
If social media, which allows any retard outsider to weigh in on something they don't know about, is worse than the forum model, then you really ought to not be happy that forums are dead as fucking bad as they were.
If forums were more alive we could still be figuring out a better model than the forum. Social media becoming mainstream and usurping that space means we're utterly fucked forever because you will never wrest social media out of the hands of the masses; the masses will not give it up - it would be like giving up pornography. We're so close right now of convincing a significant amount of the population to renouncing Twitter and Facebook and saving a new generation from participating in that poison but I think that effort is going to sputter out soon because no matter how many times Facebook fucks up or people acknowledge that Twitter is retarded they're not doing as they say and quitting.
Forums just needed good moderation and the reason why so many people left them was because the moderation was bought out, quit, or was replaced by the cancerous moderation or ownership. Even today there are heavily and competently moderated forums that function because they cull retards from participating.
>Who the fuck are you?
Your brother. Obviously.
I don't know why the fuck people always feel the need to point out "Yea Forums is not one person". Yea Forums is full of anonymous dickwads, that's for damn sure.
The problem is not that these games dont exist nor that there is no market (no matter how niche). But that because of the constant need for growth and expansion in the industry that turns good studios and companies (with the franchises and IP they own), with a reputation for games that have deep mechanics and strategy or good writing, are being stripped and gutted to chase that mainstream audience.
But we technically don't hate their games in general, we hate their newer ones and we hate them because we loved the old ones. Nobody on Yea Forums would care about Bioware if they had never made a single good game. PeopIe complain because they want the old stuff back and it was these people who made them big in the first place. Nongamers and SJW and whatever never touched ME or anything before it was popular for years and before they saw the first videos with SJW related content. Even casuals only jump on the newest hype train because it is a hype, they don't generate hype themselves.
>it's walk time
>papa, no
>They just want they turn at the knife's handle.
Hate begets hate. And the only way to stop that cycle is when it becomes your turn to hate you refuse to hate. But people don't learn that lesson ever and as you say, just want a turn at mob justice.
I'm not religious, but I'm realizing this is a casualty of our society's discarding of religion. Christianity teaches "turn the other cheek" and quite frankly we fucking failed to learn that as a society and without Christianity we have no fucking other vehicle to make sure society doesn't forget that. These faggots out there have a great disregard for Christianity (while having excessive support for minority and "oppressed" religions) that they feel that anything Christianity teaches must be shit.
Looking at our society I'm beginning to feel I'd rather have Christianity around than not. I'd rather have some assholes breathing down my neck to "be better people i.e. more like Jesus" than these social justice retards who are behaving in a religious manner except with the most insane values imaginable.
All of these things are huge fucking redflags, who the fuck hired this person as a fucking writer
Write a story
>unable to comprehend how tactics work and instead mary sue characters into convenient win areas.
Doesn't like fighting
>somehow meant to convey through a story the challenges of fighting and succeeding especially at such a huge issue of saving the fucking galaxy
Cant keep track of inventory
>expected to write a story with many mingling plotlines and potential interactions
cant read game map
>what the fuck does that even mean its a fucking map with a key so she's just a fucking useless cunt
No hand eye coordination, means she's mentally deficient
The Goal Of All Life Is Death
>But we technically don't hate their games in general, we hate their newer ones and we hate them because we loved the old ones.
Yet you never give them a chance any more, though. From the very first moment it's just looking for things to hate. Bioware gets shit on for things that other games get a pass for. This isn't merely a love turned sour. It's become perverted into a love of hating.
Vetra and the combat were the only two good things about andromeda.
If it had that along with the original mass effect trilogy’s writing and stuff like that it’d be my favorite game of the series.
I understand why that would piss you off then, I feel the same way for the most part. However even though the franchises for the most part are being stripped of their in depth gameplay, the genre is still alive. For example, in relation to the pic you posted, games like ATOM RPG and Wasteland 2 are fairly new games and carry on what Fallout 1 and 2 started. I learned long ago that it's better to let go of the old franchises and move on to following the small studios that make the kinds of games that I love.
Yeah I know but the problem is that this shit affects most series. If a smaller studio makes a great game it often gets popular simply for being good and every time something gets popular there is the threat of a bigger company buying them which has happened with Bioware as well. And after they are bought the games usually turn to shit or get at least way worse.
I wouldn't complain if every non-EA/SquareSoft/etc. game series was safe, the problem is that they aren't.
Widen Magic
Cry Of The Banshee
Do you think now is finally the breaking point for shareholders and publishers believing in the idea of "infinite growth"? The mainstream audience will never stay faithful compared to a dedicated niche fanbase.
Give an example of this, you lying faggot.
>who the fuck hired this person as a fucking writer
The reality is that there's a shortage of people with a piece of paper that says you're a competent writer. Big companies simply cannot hire someone without a proven CV of education and experience and those people are few. And so they will take anybody who seems (on paper) to be competent.
Terry Pratchett came out of a fucking post mailroom. He wrote some shit and threw it out there and got picked up. He had no fucking credentials at all. And his story is not how corporations operate; corporations have no time to fucking read something you wrote on the Internet. These HR departments just look at your "Education" line and "Job History" line and pick you up.
Hamburger Helper probably just fucking lied about loving video games during her interview and when she had the job and properly fucked things up and gave a press interview she retardedly revealed that she was cancer.
This. You can't write a game story without knowing what gaming is. A game story has to be told differently than a manga or book story. The scenes, the screentime, everything must be adapted for a game setting. And as you said, if you can't even fight virtually you have no fucking idea how to write a story about war, it's fucking retarded.
Anything that look slightly funny or wonky, any animation that's the least bit off is taken as a sign of gross incompetence and never allowed to be forgotten. But if another game has a weird animation in it, if it's brought up at all by Yea Forums, it's easily excused as a minor issue. Which it is, really. You have to be very naive to think people here don't jump the hate bandwagon for the hell of it. It has more to do with acceptable targets and mindless parroting than with real criticism. That's not a defence of Bioware, btw, it's an objective assessment of Yea Forums's group dynamics.
>theres a women out there who doesnt act like a newfag
i dont believe it, fuck off
>hese people don't want justice. They just want they turn at the knife's handle
pretty apt description desu
It's good to see Mariangela Fantozzi getting a cameo!
It is weird how so much of Bioware seems shitty (like what is posted in this thread) but I still really enjoy the games. I can see the SJW influence creeping in and rushed shit all over the place, but I still love playing them. Maybe because I played the fuck out of early Bioware games as a kid so the newer ones feed from that nostalgia.
I am not even as crazy as most on Yea Forums. I admit that I will always be salty for the non used huge potential Mass Effect has provided but I like the other games. I would even like them very much if they were standalones and I even KINDA enjoy Andromeda. It has a few aliens and story tidbits I really loved despite not really liking the game in general and I always rather wanted a prequel than a sequel. I would totally look forward to another Mass Effect game too, I just fear that it would be nothing but pandering and I hate it when someone fucks with my hopes so I rather expect nothing to avoid pain.
Honestly im not a weeb and i dont know why i wrote that but more than that im PISSED OFF that i recognised that your response was correct, fuck you im not a weeb damnit YOU CANT MAKE ME A WEEB
you didnt give him an example retard
The difference between the endings to ME3 was the color of the laser fired at a planet. By saying he's colorblind he's playing on the fact that the 2 endings would be indistinguishable to him.
Even though that would probably be untrue unless he's pure monocromat.
you wrote it because its a sigmond freud quote originally
You have saved me
I am ashamed I share this board with you.
lmao ive never seen this one before
I'm sure the industry is in for some huge changes in coming years because overheated games market isn't expanding rapidly anymore and investors don't see triple A game industry as limitless gold mine anymore. The limits are closing in fast because there is no infinite amount of new consumers now that all normies play games. That's why the microtransaction models are getting so shameless, their only chance for years now has been trying to make gamers pay more for the products.
You're allowed to have positive feelings for something so long as you admit it's shit. But you have to admit it's shit. Most people cannot associate something they like with being garbage. They feel as though that if they like it, it must be good.
That's why when the response to "It's shit", is "If you don't like it don't buy it" is actually completely retard. Someone is telling you something is shit you shouldn't blow it off because they might be making an objective observation that what you have is garbage. And it's a mistake to correlate sales to having made a good product because unfortunately, some people will pay money for trash. Your hardcore customers aren't buying your product anymore because you're making shit now, you're actually only selling to idiots.
Granted, some companies live to sell to idiots.
Which had an more interesting plot and better dialogues than andromeda. "Here a sandwich, now let's fuck"
>Tries to equate one off oddities to an entire game riddled with them
>Still can't give an example
Biodrones are truly the scum of the Earth.
He spent 8 years on Yea Forums.
If he's 36, 8 years would be a quarter of his life.
It's insane what Blizzard managed to do with 512 MB of RAM computers back then.
It won Game of the Year and was on the top sales charts for months.
>an entire game riddled with them
Then why do I keep seeing like the same three examples? If you want an actual game riddled with them, look at Kingdom Come, for one. But you can't point that out or you're a seething SJW, and oh, it's such a good effort for a tiny Eastern European studio, and it has so many other qualities! Because criticism on Yea Forums isn't a way to objectively determine a game's quality but a marker of identity.
i swear casey hudson got fired years ago. am i crazy? is this the mandela effect?
Maybe games would be better if they were made as passion projects, people who really truly enjoy them. No corporate entity swinging its dick around, demanding microtransactions/dlcs. New Vegas's team getting screwed because the game only got an 84 still pisses me off. Who cares about "reviews", or "game journalism" it's all garbage. For the players, by the players. But the anti-corporate types will always cave in and suck corporate cock because of some political agenda or some BS. People who hate playing games shouldn't be making them for a living.
>That neck roll
What are you talking about? What Bioware game had "slightly funny or wonky animations" that people didn't let it go, you fucking idiot?
ME1 and DA:O both have shitty graphics and animations and they're both loved. Bioware has never been known to make pretty games, their strength is story and characters.
left then came back
ironically he was the guy that pitched and got anthem greenlit 6+ years ago before he left
then he came back to finish his abomination
>What Bioware game had "slightly funny or wonky animations" that people didn't let it go, you fucking idiot?
TOR, Inquisition, Andromeda (although admittedly Andromeda was actually pretty bad in that regard).
>Bioware has never been known to make pretty games, their strength is story and characters.
And yet for every new one they make I see Yea Forums doing threadly reminders that the game sucks because some character somewhere had a blank expression before the game is even out properly.
>Hamburger Helper
Appropriate name. I bet she eats her weight's worth daily.
Please the fact the game becomes unplayable after x time because of objects falling into the world and vibrating the engine apart is all you need to point out Kingdom Comes faults. Also it's cute trying that since when KCD came out people shit on it for its problems. Shall we list Andromeda's since you only see "three":
>My face is tired
>Gun backwards
>Fix is lopping off gun butt and putting hole
>Duck walk
>People randomly spaghetti legging
>Crime boss pretzeling during a cut scene
>Falling into the world if you meet a corner too fast
>The Krogan fight scene being something even a d tier action movie cut
>The bar fight scene being the same
>Facial animations matching that of dead fish
>Random audio glitches that keep going
Now, you gonna provide an actual example or some /pol/ bullshit?
That character had the same expression when the game came out properly.
>when KCD came out people shit on it for its problems
Sure, a few tried, here and there, because they were still under the mistaken impression that the idea was to point out the flaws in broken games, and not just to shit on the acceptable targets. But that quickly died down. But I still have to hear about TOR and Inquisition, never fucking mind Andromeda.
Wishful thinking. EA is massive. It's not going anywhere for quite some time.
EA isn't going to keep propping them up if they keep running a loss.
In all fairness, it's a lot easier to fix a static image in photoshop than it is to fix a rigged and animated model.
It's still lazy shit though, and NOT that hard to model a proper female face. My theory is that they just wanted to use the same animations for the male Shepard and female Shepard faces, which is why she has weird manly features and significantly weirder animations than male Shepard.
Still, if fucking Fortnite can figure out how to apply the same animation to a male and female face and Bioware can't, that's really saying something about Bioware's level of talent.
Best bait ever.
It quickly died down because people stopped talking about the game. Only shortly after did fags dig it up for (you)s and chimp about /pol/ shit. Meanwhile Bioware continues to put out absolutely mediocre games.
New season of Kemono Friends looks dope
The thread you're in is the example faggot
>Let's board the Old Republic video is gone forever with no mirrors/archive
>TOR, Inquisition, Andromeda (although admittedly Andromeda was actually pretty bad in that regard).
Give me games that had animations as bad as those but were forgiven by Yea Forums.
>tfw this might be the last bioware hate thread because they'll be soon gone for good
Plenty of people shit on those games for other reasons.
At least you have better taste than me, I actually really enjoyed Inquisition, a lot actually.
Yes, but that doesn't mean they were good reasons. That was just a few examples.
I've personally never gotten over the ragdoll animations in Dark Souls
whats half of 18?
>DS had animations as bad as cisquisition, andromeda or TOR
Enough shitposting and kys nigger.
Hard to believe this was seven years ago.
>Dumb down mechanics
>Terrible looking character models
>Piss poor character writing
>Yet another ancient evil awakens story
>Plays like an MMO but with out gen chat to distract you from the mind numbing quests
There are plenty of good reasons, just because you refuse to accept them is on you.
They were quickly patched. And the game itself is exceptional considering the size of the development team and budget. I am a lot more forgiving of flaws when the game is good.
The Mass Effect games were fucking boring and tedious.
RIP Bioware, they have become a disposable cumrag.
Sadly this seems more likely
I mean they're basically just a sock puppet with EA's hand firmly up their ass anyway but still
Which one?
I still like that jacket
reminder that DAII was almost univerally praised as an 8 or 9 out of 10
That's easily explained.
I can understand the skin one
skin is annoying as fuck to texture realistically so you're only going to do it once and change the pigment
8 is nearly half of 18.
>Fucking Bioware forums
Such a shame to loose such a national treasure
Please stop posting this image. That's me. It's caused me a lot of pain.
It was an act of rebellion by a straight white male intern somewhere who knew he would have to write part of the story but the blue whale would get all the credit.
HOLY shit!
I played Mass Effect once. I'm not so much mad at Bioware for making shitty games, as they couldn't make them if morons didn't buy the crap. That's who I hate. The fakes. The consumerists pretending to be gamers, that buy this garbage perpetuate the cycle of shit games. Thank god that one time was a used game for $5 that I returned for something better. I hope Anthem is the nail in their coffin and Bioware goes under.
Correct. It’s called the “pants” effect, i.e. someone you can put on easily. Like Bella Swann in Twilight or Bella Swann in 50 Shades of Twilight.