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This is work.

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The comments on that video were hilarious, PCfags so butthurt that James shit on keyboard and mouse gaming

what a faggot

James and Mike turn 40 next year

virgin nerd vs chad worker

James can't even navigate a 3d space in a video game, watching him play anything after snes era it's just a chore

James is a macfag boomer. He's already given up on PC games from the start.

I recently took a gander at his REmake video and cried from laughter. Literal tears of laughter. This nigga slamming down one of the face buttons like he's testing his might in Mortal Kombat. He's trying to aim at a Zombie and all you hear is CLACKCLACKCLACKCLACKCLACKCLACKCLACK. Like HOW?

he would get along with phil fish, both ignorant assholes.

Imagine getting paid for reviewing video games. I understand making them. Selling them. But paying to a some neet faggot who rants and whines with his ugly face about games? Pffff so dumb

a least he puts some effort into his videos unlike let's players and streamers

Stay mad PCbabies

He's not wrong. Gamepads generally offer the superior experience unless you're playing some garbage meme genre like FPS or RTS.

At least post the full pic

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Didn't Miyamoto (or was it Iwata?) say the exact same thing in some interview or something?

James has shit taste in movies and sucks at vidya. Why should I care when he's wrong about controls?

Gotta say playing new Far Cry on a pad is satisfying. At least moving, aiming still sucks, but I like the way they tuned camera speed

and music

> hey, Tim, what’s your dad doing for a living?
> uuuuuh.. sits at home, screams alot and play video games whole day

> he's a famous youtube creator

> what’s youtube?

>dream of having an office job
>only ever worked mcjobs, pushed carts, and have zero connections
i'll take awkward watercooler conversations and long-term back pain over this shit

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Isn't playing games on a controller now work for him, too?

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>it's cool because he makes a ton of money and gets to meet famous people, I can introduce you to [insert eceleb zoomers like I can't think of any] if you want

>hahahaha your dad is a joke, Tim! He's not working back breaking labour with overtime like mine is, your old man is a tard!

Who does he meet other than washed up celebrities that visit rlm first and "ecelebs" like nostalgia critic?

How much do you think James video game/console collection is worth by now? I bet atleast a 200k, probably more.

Seething zoomers


> every other work is back breaking
Fucking zoomers i swear

pcfags mad james took a diarhea dump on their face. mike should whip you in the face with his 10 inch flaccid cock while we're at it

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>t. assmad wagie


>suck at resident evil
>the best RE1-3 and REmake speedrunners in the world all use keyboards or m+k
Why should I care about his opinion?

>getting paid to play video games all day isn't the best shit ever
Who let this faggot in?

t. Future bum

Who let the autists in?

lol he was just saying he doesnt prefer it in a playful way you fucking autistic virgin

> cool
I dunno, who let you in?

Metal jesus is like 45 or 48, so?

>>the best RE1-3 and REmake speedrunners in the world all use keyboards or m+k
They do? Why would anyone use kb+m in an action game with fixed camera position?

metaljesus is an ugly faggot that doesnt even play games and just hoards them like a retard for the sake of doing le epic top 10s

Who are you quoting? I never said that.

>why were you named Tim?
>dad wanted a son


Why was Culkin so popular AFTER rlm had him on YT?

he's a 40 year old boomer and doesn't really play video games
he only plays because mike forces him to
don't you remember his reaction to xbox one?

It was a promotional tour, mouthbreather.