Yea Forums, what are you doing?

Yea Forums, what are you doing?

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Getting ready for work

It's 10 am, I haven't gone to sleep yet, and I've completely lost control of my life

just finished playing Attack on Titan 2 for 6 hours. Got some homework tomorrow. Things going okay i guess.


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Good job getting up. I tend to struggle with waking up early, ive always naturally been more of a nightowl.

Fixing that sleep pattern will make you feel much better. Its crazy how underrated sleep is for most people, your brain needs to defragment and a healthier schedule means a healthier mind.

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I just came back from work. I dropped by Shibuya, exchanged some money, bought this, found out that the NTSC-J version of Lost Sphear is in english (I'm going to buy it on mercari) and I'm about to play Enslaved.

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Watching ancient episodes of Star Trek

It truly warms my heart that this thread still happens, have a good day everyone.

Is 4ch falling behind the rest of social media when it comes to memes? We really lost our footing, this wave is terrible.

playing video gayms

at this point people only know Yea Forums as being a place with horrible/edgy memes because we failed to contain /pol/ and Yea Forums

Jokes aside completely, reddit and twitter dominate the meme world. There just isnt much oc anymore here.


Yea Forums is worse than garbage now. Twitter screen caps, resetera screencaps, Facebook screencaps and reddit screencaps are everywhere. Retards regularly shill their YouTube channels and their favorite e-celebs and mindlessly regurgitate their opinions. The same frogposts and Wojak edits are regurgitated over and over again. Yea Forums has zero culture

It's because the majority of people who post threads are from Reddit. These faggots aren't even doing it unironically.

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The internet itself is mainstream now. Go back 15 years ago and most people didn't or couldn't use the internet to interact with others. It was a niche universe for small groups of people. Now even your fucking grandma is on the internet.

Yea Forums is now the place for people to pretend to be cocksuckers to each other with zero consequence to their facebook, twitter or reddit accounts.

Memes are dead

eating cheesesticks and being sad

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That image is at least 4 years old.

Doing homework

I hate bash shell scripting

>there's a Yea Forums subreddit
So the rivalry is one-sided. Yea Forums hates reddit but reddit idolizes this site? kek
reminds me of how TF2fags shit on Overwatch but OWfags defended it during the MatPat bullshit

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>>there's a Yea Forums subreddit
No, there are MULTIPLE Yea Forums subreddits.

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Making chocolate pudding

epic frogposting m8 you're so cool, gonna post this to me_irl haha XD

You don't understand how this works. Since 2017, it's actually :
>Yea Forums IS reddit
The only saving-grace of this site is Yea Forums.

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Shitposting at 4:39am. Debating whether I should get up and play some vidya or try to sleep...another dead end day.