How you holding up, bros?

How you holding up, bros?

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Just waiting for the status of my waiver to join the Navy to come through. If it gets denied, I have no fucking clue what I'm going to do. I'm 24


Fucking ad came up midpost. I'm 24 and have no idea what zi'm going to do with my life. I feel like time is running out...I am afraid.

You can always just kill yourself

I'm becoming.
Brace yourselves, anons.

just kill yourself. you're an amerinsectoid so there's no real point in your existence outside of defending israel (which apparently you might get rejected at). no one misses a dead soulless muttnik, there's millions others anyway.

probably gonna an hero soon.
I need to start looking into how to get access to high building roofs

I don't feel that desperate yet, plus I don't want to put my old man through that. He's a good man and tried his best to raise me by his self, despite everything.

>I need to start looking into how to get access to high building roofs

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try the stairs

Must suck that his pride and joy turned out to be a worthless NEET

>15 year long career in the movie business
>Made a fortune
>Destroyed or neglected every relationship I had along the way
>Burnt out as fuck
>Now unemployed with no motivation to go back
>Too old to do anything else
>Pretty much just trying to figure out a way to off myself that won't suck too much or where on the planet I can live like a hermit without needing to interact with people. New Zealand seems promising.

I've no access to shotguns and hanging a shit

>I need to start looking into how to get access to high building roofs

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just walk up a fucking stair you literal mongoloid
jesus christ hope you really end up jumping off

>roofs are freely unlocked in high buildings
what kind of shit country do you live in



How do I get a job in movies

just loan out as much money as you can. From banks, private investors, anyone. Fly to thailand and live like a god. Then after the trip dies down and you blew every last penny, blow your brains out

>tfw this is me
stop being depressed faggots

that's not the point, every building that's at least 10 floors (height needed for almost certain death) has the roof locked out.

>when you want to jump off a building but finding a building to jump off of is an obstacle to you

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Fucking epic wojack thread man. Can't wait to see this on /r/Yea Forums!!!!!11

Nah. I'm being dramatic, forget it. It's not at all that deep.

based fellow redditor!!! +upvote
did you upvote my post haha?

This makes me smile though I could never be that.

haha, why yes i did kind stranger! :)

Trying to have a good life in what is clearly a Satanic society.

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I'm not supporting killing yourself but can't you just go to some really tall building and break a window with a rock or something?

damn user that was beautiful

I hope you guys are just jking. Killing yourself is so sad. Please don't do it. Find a new hobby or go outside for a walk. I guarantee u gonna feel better.

If you could be a little more specific as to what you'd like to do in movies i'm more than happy to answer your questions, most productions involve hundreds, if not thousands of different professions.

I was thinking about doing this, but then laundering it and giving it to charities/strangers etc

Another 12 hour nightshift.

I'm getting by.

almost all of the appropriately high ones are corporate buildings that you can't just waltz into

My best wishes for your future user.

I'm 21 going on 22 and I don't really know what to do. I've been saving up money but my only plan is maybe trade school? I don't feel comfortable dedicating 4 years to college so my options are minimal.

Not that other user but how's VA work in the movie industry? Is it too clique to bother to try joining in?

I'm only playing CS:GO, I am not excited for any new games.... my life has become stagnant. I am in the same boat as I was in 2013 all the way to now.

I work nights, now, so ">tfw 4AM Stupost" threads no longer apply to me.
Nothing has changed, someone please kill me I'm too weak to do it myself.

>made a fortune

play video games, travel, fuck hookers? what's the problem here?

Thanks buddy. Yeah, I've been thinking about saving up for a trade school. Probably welding as they have a work transfer program and they make decent money.

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I'm not quite in the "truly lost the will to live" level yet but I never feel truly like "myself" or "happy" anymore. Every three months or so I get a rare glistening drop of how great life can I wish I could harness these small pockets of time. I wish I had a direction to go in. I don't feel a pull in any direction, no ambitions, no goals. Sometimes I feel like I can see the future. I stand around and for some reason my life just starts to flash by over and over again in my head and I feel clock ticking by. Everything goes fast by me. Buildings becoming dust, people disappearing, quiet evening shade smoothly washing over a still dusty curtain as the light escapes from life. I just wish things could last forever because I want to catch up with life and live it. I feel left behind and all I ever end up doing is watch it float away. I'm sorry for who I am. I will catch up to you some day.

I'm 21 and have no goals or aspirations
I've been thinking nonstop about buying rope and just ending it all

>live on hell on earth (saudi arabia)
>21 years old KHV despite being somewhat handsome, literally no chance with girls and rejected by my male class crush back in HS and still can't get over it
>got apeshittingly high grades in all my tests and HS
>apply to the airlines
>it's a breeze through their tests and get qualified at 300 out of 2500 applicants
>get rejected at the interview
>they reduced the number of students they wanted to 100 and most of the ones they took through nepotism and connections
>apply medicine in a local college
>get rejected again because they reduced their intake from a 100 to only 13 seats
>have spent 4 years at home
>got a shitty low-paying maintenance job in an airport
>repairing broken air conditioners, car tires and other assorted shit with an 8.5 IELTS, 91 GAT, 85 SAT and 98 marks from my highschool
>no future
>no nothing

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.....I hope that's true, I've been locked in depression for so long (~7 years now), and I've finally started feeling better. Small steps being take to get to where I want to be, but movement nonetheless.

I have done nothing but Adderall for ten years and now I cannot even hold a retail job due to nuerodegredation

If you take that shit as a prescription and you are under the age of 25, your growth will be stunted

Almost non-existent outside of animated features, more work to be had in television, namely childrens television, odds are you'll only get a VA gig through contacts so i'd suggest doing something else that would at least get you *in* the industry and meeting/greeting the right people and just being aware of the opportunities. 90% of VA's have no intention of ever being VA's to begin with, either they get pulled in by friends, family, or straight off the street or from other departments within the production, the other 10% is regular casting/agencies which will always have a 1000% more talent available than available work.

Well at least Hajj isn't expensive to go, which is in the thousands from a western like me.

Not so good. I want a cute Japanese gf so bad bros it hurts. Before I know it I will be too old and over the hill and my decent body and looks will degrade also MGSV was a disappointment that I cannot get over I want to go back to early 2015 so bad ;_;

>saudia arabia
Do you not have any female cousins or did your brothers take them all?

Motivation, drive, desire. Coke only lasts so long.

I'm just a guy that has always enjoyed VA and appreciated the work they put in. I'm thinking of doing a course or something to understand a few basic voice skills while I'm wrapping up my career.

Not limiting myself to movies either, I'd be happy with doing VA of almost anything besides musicals or late-night infomercials desu.

the only life there is to live is now, stop living by other peoples standards, you're under no obligation to be the person you were yesterday so try changing your environment by doing something new and scary just for the fuck of it, if you're truly at rock bottom then usually that is the easiest time to just fucking do something without caring cause at that point you should give no fucks about other peoples notions about what you should be doing at your age.

just hold me, bro, because I feel the same way.

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>stop living by other peoples standards
it's my own standards that are too high to enjoy life.
And good luck doing absolutely anything without money

blow your brains out faggot

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but I can't acquire guns here

Going to be 26 y/o virgin in a couple more weeks. Sleep a lot nowadays, don't really have any motivation to do anything. At least I'm good at Smash.

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>My dog was always next to me when I was playing vidya
>Dog died 3 weeks ago
>When trying to play vidya, play for 10 minutes before losing the will to play

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fuck off cunt we full

i'm quite cheery
>changed my diet to cut out sugar and junk food, taking heaps of antioxidants
>currently fitter and healthier than i've been in my whole life
>playing old video games and listening to audiobooks
>nearly put together all the assets i need for my own visual novel project, hoping to sell it on steam soon

december was an absolutely horrible month for me, but it made me realise that i needed to make some changes in my life

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Why'd you even bother? Lmfao

Wizardry is pretty fun.
I don't mean the videogame series.

2nd semester at my community college after highschool. No new bros and old bros barely talk. no idea what i want to do, no skills or likes. never had a gf in my life. still a lip virgin. about ready to die

s cool

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hint: don't expect to magically get like this without putting the hard work in on yourself and doing shit you really really really don't want to right now

>cringe as fuck

Why do people think that their posts can fix mental illness?

wizard in a year, lost all will to acquire education and good job
At least I play more vidya than ever.

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even if you don't like visual novels, it's a pretty profitable business, so i will feel zero guilt about selling anime titties to nerds on steam

Literally me.
You're only depressed because you want to.

South Island seems pretty empty bru

>You're only depressed because you want to

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