Will they ever let this go?
Will they ever let this go?
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Doesn't matter anymore. We won.
No they really want to die on that hill, rot on it and be discovered by archeologist centuries late who will determine that they had shit taste
Never. It's the game that single handedly defined whether game journalists are credible or not and really exposed them all as anti-consumer corporate shills.
that list better have deus ex HR
Go back to wherever you came from
We love DmC here
The scorn and disdain from a nu-pseudo-blogger-journalist will never fade.
red pill me on dmc.
DmC wasn’t that bad and fanboys need to get over themselves already. Just mentioning it’s exists still gives r/DMC a seizure after nearly six years. No one killed your dog, Capcom just listened to the wrong person and had someone else make an uneeded reboot while Itsuno worked on Dragon’s Dogma.
>had someone else
Except Capcom had to babysit Ninja Theory CONSTANTLY.
DmC, gameplay wise, wasn't the worst game ever made. A modern, """hip""" DMC could've turned out a lot worse.
I'm glad it failed because I really wouldn't want it to supplant actual DMC, but I've played worse games.
It’s a 6/10 game that carries the Devil May Cry title but is its own reboot thing. The DE version makes it a 7.5/10. It’s edgier than mainline, but that’s about it.
It's better than 2. That's all you can say about it.
>Vergil gameplay in DMC4 copied from DmC Vergil summoned sword teleport mechanic
>western looks of DmC used in DMC5, to the point many were confused and thought it was DmC2 when it was revealed, some until Nero’s sword was revved, some until Dante showed up at the end
>Nero sprouts angel wings, inspired by the concept arts for DmC’s Dante Angel Trigger
>industrial metal used in DMC5 soundtrack (V’s theme), Dante’s theme sounds like shit Combichrist did
>foul language in the demo
>last kill cam straight from DmC
>Dante’s only alt costume is a recolor that follows DmC Dante’s color scheme AGAIN (happened in DMC4 SE too)
yeah, we sure “won”
And yet Itsuno saw everything they did and approved as producer or whatever his role is.
>fanboys need to get over it
by fanboys you mean game journous that won't stop talking about a game that came out almost 6 years ago?
they made a reboot of a niche franchise that tried it's hardest to piss off it's small fanbase
Some of those things like the dynamic soundtrack and stylish editing are just borrowing good ideas from an otherwise mediocre product.
Honestly most people would’ve been ambivalent about it at worse, save the few autist, if Tameem hadn’t come off as an arrogant cunt to the fans. But instead he ran his mouth and now he’ll be forever remembered as the cunt that tried to replace Dante with an edgy self-insert.
DmC did more damage to us in the long run because we pretended that MGR was the “real” kind of action game we wanted since they both released in the same timeframe, when MGR is bottom of the barrel style over substance, and newfags at the time picked up MGR as babbies first action game and still think it’s something amazing to this day.
I didn’t mention dynamic soundtrack
Edgy shit that journalist praise because western people made it and made it easier overall.
Just play Bayo3
this, it oozes style and has a cool soundtrack, but as an action title it’s very surface-tier, has no depth once you get used to the parrying
I unironically loved that game. The soundtrack was dope, the bosses were mostly fun.
Dont @ me.
Yes, we did. All of that is superficial bullshit that doesn't matter. What matters is that Itsuno and the core Capcom team developed it. In terms of gameplay it's overwhelmingly more similar to DMC4 than DmC. Saying the visuals are like DmC is disingenuous because they look almost nothing alike, people just make the comparison because they both use more advanced mocap tech than DMC4. DmC had ridiculous amounts of color contrast, DMC5 is much more subdued/grounded in most cases.
They didn't babysit, they micromanaged and are responsible for a lot of the issues. For example, Ninja Theory got a lot of shit for ruining the character but that wasn't them, that was Capcom. Ninja Theory originally said they didn't want to touch him but Capcom demanded they reinvent the character for "modern gamers". They spent a year reinventing the character over and over and over again before Capcom finally gave approval for one of them.
>DmC is in some generic top 10 “meh” chart maybe once a year
>fanbase still makes edits of mainline characters killing DmC characters
The obsession is still there
Most people remember him for Hellblade now, rather than DmC.
@you're a retard
average action game that cant ride on the fame that is devil may cry.
vaporware. Look, I’ll play DMC5 and enjoy it, I’m just saying DmC has definitely had an influence, which is specially obvious when you consider Itsuno’s old and very recent comments about DmC.
They will never let it go
that was mass effect 3 but dmc was the final Nail in the coffein.
>For example, Ninja Theory got a lot of shit for ruining the character but that wasn't them, that was Capcom. Ninja Theory originally said they didn't want to touch him but Capcom demanded they reinvent the character for "modern gamers".
Sure user
It's the Diablo 3 of action games.
I liked that there was still some humor in it that you would easily find in mainline, such as the intro of Dante getting changed while his trailer is being thrown.
Uh oh, babby’s feelings hurt
DmC won cause DMC curahyzee fans can’t stop talking about it and getting mad even after DMC5 was announced and is so close to release. DmC also won because the gaming press will keep referencing it as a good reboot.
It’ll forever haunt the fanbase in a way that even DMC2 couldn’t.
It's true. This is not a secret. Both Ninja Theory and Capcom have opened talked about it. Sure, Ninja Theory had to sell it. Do you honestly think they were going to get up there and say "We hate this shit but Capcom is making us do it"? In regards to the gameplay most of the "fixing" was just making it more like anime, e.g. "It needs more NOTHIN' PERSONAL, KID attacks with hitstop, you dumb gaijin!"
>DmC won
I liked every game
don't @ me
Copy and pasting your shitposts between threads now ey?
Yeah that totally happened.
Liking 2 is a sin
not gonna lie, you are right
There's a difference between being a developer and a player. A developer is generally more willing to accept the work of other developers and allow drastic changes. He could very well have considered the whole thing an experiment. Alternatively he just had to go along with it. It's hard to say. If Itsuno had not been involved at all the final product would have almost certainly been much much worse.
Which begs the question, why even have Ninja Theory at all if they have to be babysat by Capcom anyways? The whole concept was a mistake. It was part of Capcom's awful outsourcing spree, which thankfully they've acknowledged was a bad idea.
The DESIGN was similar, but was the personality? Keep in mind DmC's story was written in-house by Ninja Theory. If there's anything about DmC that's almost guaranteed to have Ninja Theory's fingerprints all over it, it's the script.
Frankly if I was in Capcom/Itsuno's position, I would want Donte to look as different from actual Dante as possible to avoid damaging the brand. It's very easy to distinguish the two, which might not be the case if they actually tried to make Donte's design like Dante.
Actually I didn’t, but someone did copy this one from here, I only made this post and
>In regards to the gameplay most of the "fixing" was just making it more like anime, e.g. "It needs more NOTHIN' PERSONAL, KID attacks with hitstop, you dumb gaijin!"
You're a moron.
>anti-consumer corporate shills
This is true but I have always thought that plenty of them genuinely believed it was a superior game simply because they were to inept to understand why the others were great and what this one was actually getting wrong. So when the only natural conclusions are either that you are incompetent or internet fanboys are being fanboys something like this is inevitable.
Yes we did. I dont have any screenshots of when DMCV getting announced but I saw a ton of butthurt DmC wienies. lament over the fact the game wasn't for "Them" anymore.
It was a victory so sweet I could taste Taneems tears.
Oh, fuck off. They went on and on about how everything needs fucking hitstop as if it's the only important thing about gameplay. Hitstop is an exclamation point. It doesn't work when you put it on every single fucking attack. The japs need to learn that.
That's not something you would find in the mainline series. DMC is a sexless universe and they would never play up nudity for a gag. It's completely out of tone from the original games. The one time in the entire story of DmC where Dante even comes close to sounding like original Dante is when he busts out of the church window and complained about the service taking too long. That's it. The rest of the game is a complete 180 from what the original series is.
The lead dev self inserted himself as Dante by changing Dante to look like him.
Capcom demanded nothing - that was bitchass faggotass Inafune the conman.
This literal Japanese nigger was doing international money laundering schemes with trash tier western developers that nobody ever heard of or that had never produced a decent game before.
I am legit convinced this conman has an Interpol record on him.
>imagine Trish getting pinned against a gray wall, that's the same color of her fucking boring bitch-ass character who imperonates moms becuase she's literally an unholy wretch with no dignity whatsoever, while at the same time the demon-whore who suckled Mundus' big red tri-balls and had so much piss-stained demon cum splurged all over her hair, it got dyed blond, is being fisted with pizza up her matrix-2000 black fetish pants ripped apart, so hard the term yeast infection gets a new meaning, and with her last whoreish, skanky, breaths she coughs up the crusty, hell-cum out her ps2-octagon mouth, leaving her dark soul unfilled, yet her ass stuffed to the brim
Refer to Play more games.
I mean I'm not inside the guy's head but Itsuno was clearly is speaking as negatively as any Japanese developer would ever speak of an associate's work.
Considering his comments on it includes stuff like 'Ninja Theory had no idea how to do this, so we had to show them" really speaks for itself. People are talking very professional (and even then, backhanded) politeness as meaning ITSUNO ACTUALLY WANTED TO MAKE DmC2 BUT CAPCOM SAID NO AND FORCED HIM TO MAKE DMC5 AND IS ALSO RESPONSIBLE FOR EVERYTHING BAD IN DmC which is just beyond delusional
It did turn out better then expected
El Donte mod was the best thing to happen to DMC
>After Platinum was saved by Automata
>After Nintendo directs keep talking about how the development is progressing well
How is it vaporware? If it was, They wouldn't talk about it.
I mean I think it would have won if the series continued to be made taht way instead of it becoming an occasional stink that quickly blows away in the wind when it appears but alright man, I know they'll take what they can get.
DmC Dante’s personality is closer to what a DMC1 Dante but younger personality would look like than DMC3 in some ways. He’a more sarcastic than crazy and takes the mission seriously, like DMC1.
DMC3 made Dante completely crazy (both in good and bad ways), which doesn’t make sense.
Then DMC4 completely ignored DMC1 Dante’s personality and made him act like DMC3 Dante again.
When you add DMC2 Dante to the mix, you realize that every game has Dante act somewhat differently.
DmC fans are desperate for validation and deflecting the blame. It's reached the point where the director, writers and designers are somehow less responsible for decisions than the publisher
Itsuno had to make the most of the mess that Inafune left behind and just like DMC2 had to once again clean up other peoples mess.
The alternative was cancelling the game and writing off millions of dollars that had already been sunk into it.
user doesnt understand how game development works. Inafune went all in with western outsourcing and had wasted millions of dollars on a string of flops.
I actually quite like DmC (gameplay and sound wise at least). There was annoyances such how weapon switching was handled and forget the other weapons exists, the story and character was pretty shit to say the least and how the original version of game forced the blue/red weapon mechanic which made situations when you have fight against blue and red enemies at the same time a pain but it was fun and can be satisfying at times. I think the game would be considered better if it wasn't as seen as a continuation or the next mainline devil may cry. I have played far better action/ hack n slash games in my life but from what I played I had fun. It will never be my favourite devil may cry game (that would be 1) but I liked it
I can't believe people are still having last minute shitposts about DmC after all this time. Not like it matters since DMC is back and 5 is so close to release already. Still can't believe its happening and its so close
>21 million views
>never play nudity for a gag
>the whole Gloria cutscene intro
>DMC5 releases
>It's amazing
>Gaymen journalists hamfist their asshurt about how DmC was a good game in their reviews
Itsuno didn't produce nor direct DmC. Stop reaching.
I liked DmC more than dmc2
>Considering his comments on it includes stuff like 'Ninja Theory had no idea how to do this, so we had to show them" really speaks for itself.
The west often thinks the same thing of Japs. Go ask Rebellion or Eidos Montreal how much they think Japs have a clue about making games. Part of it is cultural divide but a good deal is just plain old racism and the Japs are generally more guilty of the latter than the west.
I don't actually blame Itsuno that much for DmC. Inafune was the guy who really was controlling the direction of the production. Everything had to go through him.
OP stop replying to yourself.
As a Devil May Cry fan.... i don't hate DmC but for fuck sake this game shouldn't have been a part of Devil May Cry itself.
Will you?
She's not naked though and there's no joke about "Whoa she's not wearing anything, isn't that wacky?!" Sexy and nude aren't the same thing and the tone of the two scenes is still entirely different.
? Acting like DMC3 didn't have serious moments? Donte doesn't have any similarity to DMC1. DMC1 Dante was cheeky but he was a straightforward hero. Donte feels like somebody who doesn't like being a Dante character. DMC1 Dante liked fighting his opponents headon and respected them. DmC Donte killed the Succubus by hitting her hand to lose her grip and horrendously die to a fan. Even DMC4 Dante was more fair to his opponents, He even gives his opponents a choice to go back to the demon world like with Berial.
Trish more like Trash AHAHAHAH
>That didn't happen. So we made DMC5.
That just tells me DMC5 is distinct frim DmC.
Everything you need to know about DmC is in this thread boards.fireden.net
Bayo 3 wont be sble to compete with DMC5 at this stage anymore.
When it eventually comes out, it will look dated as hell. I have no confidence in Ssitch games even looking remotely decent anymore after the upressed 3DS shit show that is Zelda LA and Pokemon.
Plus Platinums tech still looks to be a decade behind the rest.
>Guy lost his brother, shed a tear, 20 seconds later “IM ABSOLUTELY CRAaAAAZIE ABOUT IT”
I thought DmC was a bit meh, not too bad, interesting enough to finish it. But holy shit, the PR around the game was so awful. Constant articles about fanboy manbabies, Tameem smugly denouncing everyone that had issues with the game, fuck. Well, good job on tapping into a wider market and being bought out by Microsoft, Tameem. I'm sure it was worth it.
No one said he directed it you retard, he did look over it.
His statement was pretty much 'I was going to be forced to make DmC2 so I got myself excited for it and then the game flopped so I made DMC5 instead'
He literally says he wouldn't feel right making DmC2 because Ninja Theory should do that, which translates pretty clearly to 'I have no interest in working on this unless I am being forced to do so'
Fuck off you pedantic shitbrain.
Ninja Theory was bought because of Hellblade’s success
Yeah, “totally”
Dude recovers quickly from grief.
They stole a combat mechanic from Ghost Rider the video game by having some enemies only being able to be damaged if you have a high enough style rank.
Thanks for proving my point
>He literally says he wouldn't feel right making DmC2 because Ninja Theory should do that, which translates pretty clearly to 'I have no interest in working on this unless I am being forced to do so'
If you want to put words in my mouth then don’t start with the same horseshit you were fed from your mom’s nips cunt. If I ever see you in DMC5 I’m not rating you stylish. Fuck you.
>500,000 copies sold in under four months
It's great for an indie game, sure, but 4 months is a long time. The game probably was on a big sale the majority of that time. I don't think it was a resounding success for Microsoft to take notice.
So Dante can't feel sadness inside? He can't hide it by being whacky? The fact that he denied that he was crying tells you all you need. When did Donte cry in DmC?
I swear it's just the pain of admitting those dirty japs made a better game than their glorious western developers.
Not that I want to get into it that much but Feminist Frequency shit on DmC harder than most games, yet for some fucking reason, in this one case journalists sided against her and with the game.
It is fucking mind boggling. Even their ideology can be thrown out in defense of DmC. Behead those who insult Donte.
That’s pretty cool
You just proved his point. Itsuno is making a more distinct difference.
Nobody put words in your mouth you're just a mushbrained defect who's retard father should have pulled out when he had the chance.
I would still give DmC a try if the definitive edition was on PC..
yeah we did win faggot tameem and his piece of shit game got BTFO-ed
I don’t know the budget of the game but not everything needs to sell GTA numbers to be a success. It also BTFO pro voice actors at the game awards when the mocap and VA for the game won when she was someone who had no formal training in either
>Even their ideology can be thrown out in defense of DmC
I still don't get why. Why this exact game? WHY?
And yeah, I'm sure that user was right in that we'll see a bunch of asshurt western journos being all pouty about DMC5 being a success.
Pretty fucking incredible that the one example of a genuinely misogynist as fuck game got stanned by game journalists.
kill yourself console Waring faggot
No, they chose to die on that hill and aren't allowed to get pissy that they did in fact end up dying for their shitty choices
If leakfags have to eat shit from journos saying "told you so" after a fake, they can deal with their crappy nuboot bombing and the real series returning to form despite their absurd amounts of shilling.
I thought the definitive version was just a port of the patched PC version
>It also BTFO pro voice actors at the game awards
I didn't know that, that's pretty based. Fuck pro VAs and fuck their union bullshit.
Hey, don’t be so hard on your old man. He probably wanted to but your whore mother needed the childcare money for some trashy shoes.
Dante comes across as depressed in the anime, which takes place after DMC1.
I'm pretty sure he's capable of feeling emotions like grief and loss. Dante probably buries his emotions and isn't keen on opening up about them.
So the PC version already has turbo and lockon?
Bayonetta has an advantage than DMC. Arial combos isn't that overpowered. Dodge offset and witch time are fully fleshed out mechanics. Spectacle QTEs and the fact that Platinum are the only people in the industry that has a music as an extremely strong point. They also get more whacky with most games ending in the ridiculous ways like punching the god into the sun. DMC games are subdued in comparison.
It was 2017 awards I think if you want to check. Nolan North also made some cheeky comment about it that other VAs didn’t approve of
>I'm pretty sure he's capable of feeling emotions like grief and loss. Dante probably buries his emotions and isn't keen on opening up about them.
>doesn't even try to argue agaisnt the points made
Y-yeah, we "won".
Because it isn't about defending the games, it's about acting like they're better than the "gamers" they hate so much. DmC was around the same time that the ME3 fiasco happened and journos were in full "gamers are dead" mode. When they see a "toxic" reaction to a new game, they can't help but smugly comment on how the gamers are wrong about everything. Maybe it's their need to feel relevant, to justify their own existence as hobby writers, by acting like absolutely everything is a major societal problem that needs to be addressed, or maybe they're just writing controversial headlines for easy clicks. Probably both. Probably doesn't help that most of their revenue comes from ad money from major game publishers either.
See also: people who would unabashedly proclaim themselves as "feminists" sticking up for Metroid: Other fucking M of all things, just because the "gamers" hated it
>no u
Not that I'd expect any better from an inbred defect who crawled his way out of the abortion bin.
I imagine it's because they can't stand being wrong, considering they all went in with 100% support on DmC when it was coming out and it was subsequently the worst selling game in the entire franchise & the butt of a million jokes. So now to save face they have to blame Itsuno for it.
>DmC was around the same time that the ME3 fiasco happened
Man the good old days when instead of being called sexist every journo-editorial was about gamers being "entitled" for not wanting to be lied to or shit on.
Now I’m wondering if journalists in other fields hate their audience like game journalist do.
But on the subject why even stick to being game journalist at this point? At this point game journalist have zero credibility at all and everyone just gets whatever info they want from a couple youtubers they follow.
FUCK YOOOOOOOUUU!!! *barf* -shakespearian dialogue
The funniest part is that almost none of the other games were actually expected to be bad. Like FFXV, Arkham Asylum, and The Last Guardian were all HOTLY anticipated from what I remember. Sonic Mania had more positive pre-release hype than most other Sonic Games. None of these except Mario + Rabbids had really low expectations to be "Significantly Better Than Expected" but meanwhile DmC is still significantly lower than expectations from anybody with standards about anything
It's almost as if they wanted an article to defend DmC, and the rest of the list were mostly just tenuous filler.
>it's impossible for people to express grief when the news is fresh and be against opening up about it later
You are a fucking idiot.
Additionally, Trish didn't actually die, you mongoloid. Trish 'dying' is nowhere near as traumatic as shit like Vergil willingly backflipping into hell at the end of DMC3.
I'm sorry that you're emotionally retarded.
Who's "they"? The rabid part of the DMC fanbase? Probably no they wont let it go.
surprised DmC isn't ridiculed by sjws for shitting on gays
>the "it's a good game, not a good DMC" meme
First edition was an absolute trash fire
Rather purebred than some disgusting mutt roach like yourself. Do you have phantom foreskin faggot? LMAO I’d kill myself if I were you, but you’re dead inside anyways so what’s the point
Nigger Capcom sere the ones TELLING Ninja theory to stay away from the original.
DMC: Devil May Cry
When Ninja Theory's Devil May Cry reboot DmC: Devil May Cry was first revealed in 2010, people were understandably skeptical. It drastically redesigned the look of the frontman Dante, ditching the brash demon hunter's silver hair and red-leather in favor of a modern look and angsty demeanor.
The change in art direction was instantly polarizing, resulting in a devout group of hardcore fans boycotting the game before it even released. Others worried the combat system wouldn't hold up to the high standard of quality set by past entries; Ninja Theory perceived lack of experience being the main culprit. While an early demo helped reassure some fans, expectations nevertheless remained low for others.
However, when DmC eventually released in January 2013, the game was welcomed with positive critical reception and solid sales. At the time GameSpot gave the game an 8/10, and said: "DmC pulls off that unlikely reboot trick of feeling fresh and inviting while still holding onto what made the original series so appealing and so special."
Despite its quality, some fans still rallied against DmC, going as far as petitioning to President Obama to remove the game from store shelves. However, the game continued to receive praise well after its initial release, and it's often cited now as one of the best entries in the franchise. DmC even received further acclaim with its subsequent remaster edition on PS4 and Xbox One. It just goes to show that looks can be deceiving.
his point proven.
why did they lie?
>no u again
I feel sorry for your parents. It must sting to have raised such a genetic dead end
First impressions last and DmC release was garbage. Whoever thought no lock on was a good idea with enemies that makes your weapon bounce off if you don't have the correct weapon is retarded.
>and it's often cited now as one of the best entries in the franchise
Well they're making DmC2, so they're right.
Exposed jurnos for being shitters
Those solid sales and good reception really helped in making sure it didn't die huh. Weren't journos blaming fans for the franchise "dying"?
It's an average action game that was a downgrade and reboot to the main series and was a complete change of tone developed by a western company and was fiercely defended by journalists and actual shills on top of the developers making fun of the old fanbase for not liking their shit. I forget the name but there was some tripfag that constantly defended the game for a long time before eventually admitting he was a paid shill.
it isn’t, there are new modes, turbo mode, lock on, hardcore mode other changes too
there were multiple threads mad about smoking Dante and black-haired Dante befre any gameplay was shown, when we only had the cinematic teaser and screenshots
Didn't the demo just increase people's worries about it? I remember people complaining about the broken AI.
Why did ((they)) defend this game to the death so much?
western journalists hate japanese games
The entitled gamer manbabies were opposed to the game, so obviously (((journalists))) just had to defend it. That's how it works now.
I remember the gifs of the absurdly easy SSS ratings coming out of that demo.
The demo only happened months before launch, we only had concept art and teaser cinematic for one or two years. People bitching made Ninja Theory and Capcom change a lot of stuff before we even had gameplay, like the removal of cigarettes and the drug addict persona.
Arbirer 3rd strike is so broken.
You mean the game where they hired a bunch of psychologists to make the protagonist's mental illness more realistic only to tell them to fuck off every time they said "no, that's not how that works."
The journalists still lapped it up.
This is why mental illness will never be taken seriously.
>dude what if we build the entire game around letting you do combos with all sorts of crazy weapons but then stuff the game with enemies that only let you use a quarter of them at a time lol
>dude what if we remove lock-on so you can go smoothly from enemy to enemy but then CLANG if you hit an enemy with the wrong color weapon lol
>dude what if we remove any challenge whatsoever from doing combos or staying in mid-air so even when you can use your full arsenal there's no reason to practice or try to improve your skills at all because you'll be touching the top of the skybox within minutes of learning the basic controls lol
>dude what if we add higher difficulty modes and a ranking system to encourage people to replay levels but then fill each level with unskippable cutscenes, slow walking segments, and stale platforming so nobody ever wants to replay them lol
>dude what if the ranking system was literally fucking broken lol
>dude what if we tout platforming as a major feature but make it completely braindead and devoid of any skill or challenge whatsoever so that it's basically a QTE to hide loading times between rooms lol
>dude what if our entire company gets hired allegedly for their storytelling ability even though we've never written a story in-house and then we make the writing, plot, and line delivery absolute shit lol
i love how this gif is basically cheating because he hid the second mook behind the first one, doubling his style gain
>hitting two enemies in a combo is cheating
>solid sales
and then im instantly reminded of
>No self awareness
DMC and DmC can never fully coexist for the same reason that DC doesn't release Superman movies with completely different depictions. Calling hates entilted brats are complaining than DmC2 doesn't exist.
They literally can't. To make a DmC game, you have to actively take resources from the DMC team since NT can't do anything by themselves.
Not to mention they're now owned by microsoft and fuck that.
Fuck. I'm going to sleep. I keep using the wrong words.
He gives explict examples of what they get wrong over and over again though and its almost all core game mechanics.
>Bleach rip off Vergil's final boss fight
Spot on desu. It's like they almost ripped a fight straight from the arrancar arc.
god, dont remind me that DmC directly affected Dragon's Dogma's quality as well
>DmC directly affected Dragon's Dogma's quality as well
Oh no. Don't tell me that's true.
Reminder that Ninja could at least release their game without it getting cancelled, unlike Platinum
They had a cancelled game called Razor
>yeah, we sure “won”
You were never part of us loser, kill yourself you miserable shitposting faggot fishing for yous. Your life is a never ending trainwreck of failure, might as well end it now and save the world the trouble of skimming through your trite bullshit.
Why do they defend a game where the botox bimbo calls herself someone's whore and sniper abortions? Is it because of the #OccupyWallsttreet
activism and Bill 'O Reilly boss fight? Is that it?
They used the assets to make it into Hellblade instead
I bet metroid other m is also in that list.
No they didn't, hellblade was a separate project
Itsuno was pulled from Dragon's Dogma's development cause DmC's combat was just too fucking bad. Itsuno was literally pulled from his dream game for Tameem's ineptitude, while all the while Tameem was doing the best he could to drag the dmc franchise through the dirt with copious amounts of shittalking and mudslinging of previous dmc titles, which were itsuno's works, the guy that came to help him out of the fucking pit he dug himself in.
Whatever you want in your headcanon
I think it's because they just enjoy being contrarian and going against whatever "gamers" enjoy, but also maybe because DMC specifically is like anathema to game journalists. I mean the people who produce masterful gameplay like this probably wouldn't be the type to appreciate a highly technical action game that isn't afraid to give you a fat D rank if you suck at it, so the reboot being tremendously easier than the original games, hated by the fans, and developed by a western studio to purge any unclean Japanese-y influence makes it like a magnet for these people
Hope cuckcom will let Itsuno go for Dragon's Dogma 2.
>what if we redesign one of the most beloved protagonists to be an edgy douche and then imply whoever likes the old design better is gay lol
When he asked if he could do dmc5 or DD2 capcom left it up to him, so assuming dmc does well they'll likely let him do whichever he wants. Nigga deserves it, has to be one of the best devs in the industry.
Its about time itsuno got funding and dev time. The poor guy was always working in horrible constraints
>But on the subject why even stick to being game journalist at this point?
Easy one.
They could not hack it as political writers. Take a look at thge backgrounds of these jernos. They all wanted to write for New York Times and other big newspapers.
So they are stuck writing about video games, a medium they hate and want to subvert. Mostly because they fail at being a big shot.
All their shots at us, should be looked at as a big "i have failed at getting the job i wanted".
user, the demo was so bad that Capcom literally had to send the DMC4 team to NT to fix it
What confuses me most about this is the game has a lot the press usually moans about.
All the women in the games are just damsels in distress or plot devices killed for a mans motivation. We see Virgil's sniper abortion and none of them ever seem to mention it. Dante is very much meant to be a 2cool4school self insert, you could argue that about the original Dante but here it just comes off a bit more pathetic. Wouldn't you like to say fuck and do a load of hookers? Virgil is a elite fedora wearing hacker with a katana, like isn't that a stereotype they make fun of people for? Just seems like their eyes glazed other cause evil toxic DMC fans.
So DMC5 is gonna do everything DmC did, but better...of course we've won.
Reminder that ninja theory disrespects the creators of a well established character by just shitting all over them in terms of writing just to show that they are so much more creative and better than those lame old devs of the past making them look like the vidya equivalent of Roland Emmerich.
Another insane rambling of an user that tries to write outside of his comfort hiveminde zone, at least try to use some punctuation
Does anyone have the quote about when some Capcom guys went to look at the designs? The one where a monster had arm blades, so they asked oh what moves does he use them for and they were like oh no he just punches people.
The bosses were just sad
I liked the game how bout that
Id say dmc3>dmc4=DmC if you ignore the retarded cringey characters of DmC
>first level of the game
>get guns
>boss is immune to guns
Good game.
They're more or less right. MGR is fun and serviceable, but it's carried by non-gameplay elements. The combat is not very complex, it doesn't offer as much replayability as better games in the genre despite being shorter than most of them, and enemy variety is pretty weak.
The best western action game and it's still terrible.
DmC is unironically good though. I'm only getting DMC5 because it's alot more like DmC than DMC1-4
>and it's often cited now as one of the best entries in the franchise
I mean I guess so if there's only five games in the series until next week and it's in the top 4.
Capcom will never ever see DmC as a success, it was a disaster from beginning to end.
Now compare DmC with DMC5, the amount of love from fans, the amount of love for itsuno, itsuno just got promoted to the status of star developer inside Capcom now, mattwalker as well being in touch with the community like never before.
No matter what journos say, Capcom wants the Goodwill(money) of fans, DmC will never achieve the same level of hype.
I thought we were over the whole "DmC is a good game! It's the gamers that are wrong!" episode.
Fucks sake.
>Stop liking what I don't like
I'll never forget the whole DmC ride. The whole thing redpilled me on the absurdity of """"games""" (((journalism)))
To add to this, there were numerous parties for the community with itsuno and Matt involved, going to the point to acknowledge memes from here.
If tameem decided to throw such parties for the fans, people would go there to fucking murder him, such was the hate for the guy and the game.
>Can't make any points to counter the statement
>But already trys to lash out by calling someone uneducated
Nice bait
is Dmc the Last Jedi of video games?
Wasn't DmC sorta similar to that Heavenly Sword game they made for 6th gen launch
I remember the launch event for the PS4 and Tameem showed up on the screen. Yea Forumsirgins spotted that the organizers spelled his name wrong. Yea Forums's CWC-tier knowledge of the guy never ceases to astound me.
You can like it user, Whatever.
SJWs don't care about stuff that gamers don't care, they want to ruin what gamers are interested in
>badass deliquent
Back to Twitter, faggot
Only when Yea Forums let BOTW go
>Take the good stuff from DmC (some of it not even originating from it) and put them in your own game to show how it's done
In my mind it's more like DMC5 consumed DmC and kept only the good parts
He's a bundle of failures greater than any of us bundles of failures. Of course we'd latch onto him. It's called coping.
Didn't someone send him a white wig?
Let's not give what people want, that will work.
>95% of DmC shitposts are in gif format
jesus fuck bros
The fact that you posted this proves game journos who shat on you for not liking DmC live in your head rent free, as with all DMC fans. That whole catastrophe gave rise to one of the most pathetic and annoying fanbases on the board who all live off of their collective victim complexes.
look at that butthurt
ultra COPE
The dude is a Morrocan/Turk. The spics of Europe.
>This post
Capcom TOLD THEM to do all of that shit you fucking moron. They made a product more similar to the original but Capcom said to make it as distinct as they possibly can from the main series. They don't give a shit about their pride as a developer or their legacy or anything else or that game would never have been made in the first place.
go away, resetera
I'm sure Capcom told them to shit on the fans and on the older characters as well.
Os anyone on this board capable of articulating an opinion without spouting meaningless buzzwords?
I mean he's not wrong in pic related
I expected the absolute worst of a shitshow after watching Yea Forums ree and piss their pants about it, and got a pretty okay DMC game, if anything it taught me to (almost) always do the opposite of what Yea Forums tells you
That's their fault for allowing them to do that.
I don't understand why DmCfags insist on coming into DMC threads. Go make your own thread, NOBODY gives a shit about your shitty game here on Yea Forums, unless it's to talk shit about it. Sales don't matter here, we go after good games even if they're niche. Fuck off to facebook or neogaf or whatever shithole you crawled out of where popularity actually matters.
>Will they ever let this go?
I doubt the writer or writers shitting out this listicle even care that much about DmC, it just makes for good clickbait
I haven't even played DmC and I finished 1 2 and 3 (Liked 1 the most, honestly), it's just hypocritical to say SEETHING and COPE when the fact that this has even been brought up still shows that the victim mentality from that fiasco lives on. Since then the fanbase on Yea Forums has increased in hostility tenfold toward anyone and everyone who they see as competition, with most people who shitpost in these threads admitting to never playing the games at all and just spout CUHRAYZEE memes because they're literally children
At least DmC doesn't make you backtrack through the entire fucking game like that lazy piece of shit 4.
>Stop having opinions outside of the hivemind REEEE
Oufh, embarrasing
Why did they make Nero look like Donte in DMCV? Some kinda homage?
Pretty much, it's an old article Gamespot has reposted for an umpteenth time, it was written back in June for fuck sake.
Gotta get those rage clicks.
i actually want them to come here so they can get btfo over and over
He looks like his father, not Donte.
Donte and Nero look nothing alike.
Yeah, posting the same GIF's over and over and posting memes as "arguments" is getting """btfo""""
Didn't DmC Definitive sell more than DMC4 Definitive?
not in a million years
How were Ninja Theory 100% accurate in predicting DMC5 fans?
I hate the game as much as everyone else but I dont understand why people react so badly at the "baby killing" scene, that was the plan from the start, right? Phineas says that whore is pregnant and Dante and Vergil decide to kill it in order to weaken Mundus, we discover that the "baby" is a demonic monstrosity just like everything evil we see in the franchise and fucking destroy its ass in a boss fight, things get out of hand and it becomes a bargain chip instead of the trump card against Mundus, Vergil does the right thing by killing two birds with one stone(or better said, two demons with one shot), and suddenly everyone loses their minds, both in the game and outside of it. It is decided like 3-4 before it happens hours that the baby HAS to be killed, why was anyone surprised when it actually happened?
You fight the shadow in your heart and it's literally called Hollow Vergil, and you do it in a moonlit white desert.
It's literally bleach.
How did Ninja Theory come up with such a fast, fluid combat system for a western studio?
Other way around.
Yea Forums acting like SJW's because of something they don't like, it's not the only time it has happened
Capcom told them to make it different enough for western audiences as in change the designs make it more american or more accessible
Ninja Theory's idea of changing it up was not Capcom it's fault so don't try to blame the publisher for that miserable excuse of a reboot when the studio had full control over the design process.
Looks like someone forgot Project Crazy
By taking an already existing fast fluid system from prior games and slowing it down.
it caused several fanboys to kill themselves
Wrong, DmC definitive edition sold 0.5 mil copies
DMC4 latest release sold 0.1 mil copies
The numbers are on VGchartz
Yeah, I'm pretty sure the western equivalent Capcom was looking for an OC of Tameem. Shitty hair with midlife crisis faux Britshit and all
Tell them that Donte is toxic masculinity incarnate and that Tameem made a homophobic joke about Dante and gay cowboys.
>Better graphics
>Shorter hair
Thats it, I dont think anyone believes they actually look alike, the only reason people(and me) got confused during the trailer is because up till then, Donte was the only charachter with short hair, then it made immediatly obvious that there were no similarities.
>Vorgin's Downspout
Literally pulled Itsuno out of Dragon's Dogma for this turd to be semi-competent
Capcom could have AT ANY POINT in the design process (they apparently according to this thread sent people over anyway) said "hold on, this is too far don't be a faggot" but they didn't and marketed the game as normal.
>But muh chinks not wanting to offend people but criticising people behind their backs culture
I'm not in any way condoning Ninja Theory's behaviour but surely at some point they could have stepped in when they had full knowledge of what was happening?
I don't need statistics, I know in my gut DMC4 sold more.
>spouting absolute shit
it's been fucking years already and they're still trying to push this shit, I jus twant them to be done already, fucking make piece holy shit
Look, even pretending that you actually enjoy that garbage, fine, go and do your thing, just don't come in here to shit all over the floor. You hate DMC, we hate DmC, go make your thread that will get 0 replies because nobody likes that piss garbage dumpster fire and everyone is happy, you don't have to deal with these horrible DMC games you loathe, we don't have to deal with you. Everyone wins. Trying to push this bullshit that you MUST come in and bug us is why we can't have peace on earth.
Really wish we got the Vergilsaurus thing in that game. Might have made the whole thing worth it.
While not as fleshed out combat as in DMC4 it was still a very good game. You people crying about lore memes and easy S ranks can go suck a dick.
Arent most of Dante's and Vergil's moves just what already existed in prior games, but this time made by NT? Even then its Devil May Cry, they had to take what already existed and develop it their own way, this is true for all franchises.
It doesn't help that DMC4SE only got a digital release compared to Dmc DE.
So when it comes to DmC, Yea Forums is willing to act like sjw's with "muh feelings" matters more than facts?
typical semite Hollywood story, filled with western degeneracy
>Stir shit up with OP post
This is exactly what I'm talking about. DMC fans are now so hostile they attack anyone for having a different opinion.
that game fucking sucks, it is so damn boring
He's baiting mate
>You people crying about lore memes and easy S ranks can go suck a dick.
I admit that its a good game(7/10) now that DE exists but those critics are 100% fair, dmc is all about style and there is no point in playing the game good when you can reach SSS with 2-3 combos(or one if you use Arbiter and the shurikens), and even if you play the game like shit, NT gives you Lost Souls so that no matter how shit you are, you still get rewarded at the end of the level, because you were able to find collectibles.
Go away Tameem, Project Crazy defeated you so badly you had to sell out to MS, and now DMCV will outsell DmC by triple.
shit, I take it back, I completely forgot about the OP and was just thinking of the thread's conversation
I honestly apologize, OP really was stirring shit up and DmCfags (if you really aren't just trying to shitpost and genuinelly like DmC) are justified to get in here and defend their game
Reaching SSS isnt exactly difficult in other DMC games and they have a lot of bullshit op moves too and most combos are just jump cancel/enemy step spam. What I like about these games it he freedom the game gives you. Not some hurr its so hard im chasing high score durr. Good example is how I played all the Souls games and I like them but for the exploration part - the combat is god awful and leaves no room for any kind of experimentation.
>fetus deletus 9000
Games 'journalism' was a mistake.
Depends on how much they trusted TN maybe Capcom where not in touch with the trends in american media and thought that the devs in that studio where doing a good job or the devs die not show the Capcom representative the really stupid stuff and just pretended that was it just an americanized version of DMC and not the edgelord fanfic that they got in the end.
Is this suppose to be impressive.
Yet I see people bitching about his hair to this day in DMC threads
I dont understand the first half's corrections, why erase Capcom had? what does the three lines below the o, what are those exponentials before and after Forecast and what does the Ic below That means?
Then you're doing the same thing they did: magnifying the voices of a minority of random shitposters to prop up a bad game.
All I ever see is people posting Donté, el exterminador de demonios and saying he was a try hard edgy faggot, cope more journo.
Or the guy who made the image to magnify a literal who because he didn't mention hair
So fanneh
Find me one complaint about his hair in this week or even this month, NOT IN A MILLION YEARS doesnt count because thats taken by everyone to be NT shitting on the previous games and the fans and has nothing to do with his hair.
What reactions the japs had about this game?
i think its just brit posters here who are blatantly excited for dmc5 while the rest of the world sees it as DmC2
keep in mind DmC topped england's sales charts and tanked everywhere else
You know this isn't reddit right? Threads don't stay up for long
>NOT IN A MILLION YEARS doesnt count because thats taken by everyone to be NT shitting on the previous games and the fans and has nothing to do with his hair.
no one but the autists thought that was an insult, it was just a fucking nod and a tease that his hair would start turning white from the middle point onwards
Go back to cuckera to complain about no dedicated dodge button
Based retard.
SJWs loathe male homosexuals
or he said that because normally old people get white hair and he isnt old HMMM
Archive, motherfucker.
Thats why I said "Taken as", I know thats what happens, my point is that whenever NOT IN A MILLION YEARS is referenced, its a complaint meant to be about NT "supposedly" shitting on the previous games and its fans, no one actually cares that Dante has black hair.
>gets butthurt over el donte
Lmao enjoy the last (You)
Get off Yea Forums Linkara
It was a fun game. Not a good DMC game, but a fun character action game regardless. Story and characters were shit though, but who cares about that when the gameplay is good?
Oufh, that one stung, I can feel your butthurt from the screen
You can't complain about the hair anymore because Nero looks just like him.
>Dont @ me
>actually saying that here
>y-you just stopped complain about it because Nero has a similar haircut now.
Nice argument to completely dodge the question.
It's not like the story was any good in any previous DMC game
Not to mention all the articles about how underrated and how much "we" need a DmC sequel
The same shit that happened when the new ghostbusters was announced and how much butthurt it caused on the retards that loved the 2016 one
Are games with demon protagonists even allowed under sharia law???!!!
whatever happened to Capcom's Alex Jones?
man, i really hated how all the checkmarks and ´´journalists´´ went after James because of that video
>Look at the hair!!!!
>b-b-but it's not about the hair
I thought 3's was okay considering what it was.
Que te jodan
That image isn't even about Donte you brainlet.
It can't be a coincidence the game's entire storyline was basically ripped straight from an Alex Jones Show.
Tameem the Morrocan/Turkish foreigner was lowkey listening to American conspiratard shows while writing this shitheap of a story.
How come gaming journos are worshiping this game? You'd think the abortion scene and useless damsels in distress tropes would turn them off. But no, I guess shitting on the "entitled" fans is more important.
because you're a brainlet who hasn't realized that journos only survive on controversy to stay relevant these days
The sad thing is that only after that James stopped being hated on Yea Forums, remember the daily threads making fun of James, his wife and his stupid broken almost dead baby?
They're pathetic neckbeard nerds that have only ever watched a bunch of kiddie Marvel and Star Trek/Star Wars movies in their lives. If a game's storyline resembles the cringe and hackneyed trash that constitutes the majority of their movie-watching diet, they start speaking of it as if it's Citizen Kane or some shit.
They're nerds. Pathetic nerds with no real cultural awareness, so they keep their ear on the pulse of other mainstream media and then regurgitate that as their opinion.
they just said it wasn’t bad user, relax
I mean, the victory condition was which game got a new installment, so we still won, but I guess you could say casualties were taken along the way.
>Japan man goes to the UK to fix the game
Damn, more info on this??
having 2 kids fucked her up really bad, damn!
She would've been a total qt with different glasses.
Yes. The Definitive Edition had the gameplay salvaged by Capcom Japan so it's actually pretty good, but you still have to deal with the story, characters and designs of the original game.
>b-b-but it's not about the hair
Dante isn't in that pic, what are you talking about.
not in a million sales
Sasuga retard
>I dont understand the first half's corrections, why erase Capcom had?
>what does the three lines below the o?
>what are those exponentials before and after Forecast
a comma sign, the word "the" before forecast and a letter 's' to be added after the word
>and what does the Ic below That means?
lc=lowercase, there should be a semi-colon after the word "year"
The second paragraph is supposed to look like this:
"Originally, the forecasts sales were 2m units by the end of the financial year; that number has now been lowered to just 1.2m"
DmC:DE is better than DMC4 and everyone who thinks otherwise is autistic.
To be fair all the characters in DmC exist to be fucked, be pregnant, or be rescued.
>the game was welcomed with positive critical reception and solid sales
>Despite its quality
>often cited now as one of the best entries in the franchise
Can they finally stop trying to bullshit people?
It's been 6 years already, there's no way they're still getting bribed to praise it.
I hope if we get a DD2, it's a little less "Numbers" oriented. Aside from a few nitpicks(Like that fucking cart quest), that's my only real complaint with the game. It's so hard to hit a good middle ground, where you're not overleveled and 2shotting everything, or underleveled and having to smash away at it for 20 minutes to make any progress.
Not even saying it should be done away with, just tighten the numbers up a bit, make it a smoother curve.
no where even close.
"almost Shakespearean"
you're a faggot. don't @ me
DmC was the point when everybody stopped taking gaming journalism seriously. We were already heading towards that future. This tipped us over
Almost the greatest unintentional comedy of our generation. Stopped by them wussing out on Vergilzilla
>DmC won
don't use JC for these kinds of low quality posts.
>You know this isn't reddit right? Threads don't stay up for long
Why is Sonic mania on this list? It had the most hype for a sonic game this decade.
$10 that you're the guy that got the DmC tattoo
Pay up
>implying he knows who JC is
>Implying he doesn't just think its le Ebin "oh yeah yeah" meme
>DMCfags shit all over a DmC thread then wonder why DmC friends get angry
>DmC friends
Then they could at least fucking show something since it's been well over a year and Platinum's staff are competent enough to have a lot of code done by then.
>He thinks this is a DmC thread
wanna try again?
kek first time noticing that and I saw this picture dozens of times
>he posts this
>six fucking years later where it was literally selling for a dollar in a bundle
lmao it flopped on launch and that's where it hurt the most
they also expected 2.5 million sales on launch
>DmC thread
>OP is a picture of a DMC5 prerelease disk
>A blo blo blo
>My DMC games never go on sale unlike DmC
>Still posting outdated charts
not him but
>outdated charts
It's the ONLY current chart that can be made given on hand information.
>DmC Devil May Cry
>Only 2.7 millions
>DMC 2
>2.85 millions
Lel. Didn't even beat fucking DMC 2
Still sold more than all the others except 4 on it's initial release (Not counting later re-releases)
>Still posting outdated charts
It's the official chart from 2016 bro. Source in the pic. Unless you're an illiterate retard and seeing how you're a DmCuck you probably are.
DMC4 sold even more in the meantime. Not to mention that HD collection got ported to next gen consoles as well as Steam, further boosting the numbers.
And most importantly DMC4:SE released and outsold DmC:DE by a literal hundreds of thousands.
Last DmC:DE sales were about 78k split on all platforms while DMC4:SE sold around 500k ON PC ALONE LMAO DUDE GET FUCKED
guys I preordered DmC
>Bundle all games except DmC
>Hah, look it sold better
>Still sold more than all the others
1) That's wrong
2) You're comparing a next-gen title with bigger install base, released on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC to old games sold only on the PS2
3) Counting re-releases is definitely fair game since even Capcom prefers that due to longevity of Special Editions
4) Get fucking fucked
>B-but muh initial sales
cope more
DMC1, 2 and 3 were ps2 exclusive when they came out. You cant count the pc port of 3 because that was shit.
Nice made up numbers, see
>DMC4 Special edition: 0.2 mil sales
>PS2 games release and sell amazingly considering the size of the team, budget and a single platform sales
>make more games in the series
>DmC flops hard on launch, failing to meet even 50% of what Capcom initially wanted
>flops and the company scraps the reboot series
You lost buddy. What are you trying to do here?
>It couldnt even outsell DMC2
Still sold better even though DmC was in numerous humble bundles. Cope.
no it didn't. capcom separates the titles and rereleases, even some straight ports by sales. DmC sold even less than the absolute worst game in the series.
they also had to adjust their sales forecast ~3 times within months of the release.
Holy shit this guy is seriously defending a game that became an epitome of dmc shitposting 6 years ago, and is STILL defending it. How fucking r e n t f r e e is the mind of this guy?
>One guy makes 5 other people seethe
Pretty sure he's not in the wrong here
only recorded steam sales for some reason, but they've gone on record saying 4SE did surprisingly well.
>DmC did more damage to us in the long run because we pretended that MGR was the “real” kind of action game we wanted
hi Quentin.
He's not wrong
>Nice made up numbers
Hey bro steamspy.com
Keep in mind that Steamspy can't track sales days due to increased traffic and private profiles. Meaning it possibly sold even more than that.
And here are the physical only (meaning no PSN) sales for PS4
You can halve that for Xbone meaning 150k in total. And again, that's only the physical copies.
Also gamespot.com
>Capcom Profit Jumps 100% Thanks in Part to Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition
Meanwhile DE not even mentioned lmao.
Yo cuck. Read above.
reminder that discordfags thought nero was dante and nico might be a redesigned kyrie.
then they started banned people from their own channel that didn't shit on the reveal.
literally nothing alike
>Yea Forums did some insane mental gymnastics to pretend MGR was good just because DmC was living in their head, and still does
MGR is great. No amount of screeching will change this.
>some people thought that nico was a redesigned kyrie.
You can't be this stupid, can you?
it released on 4 other platforms.
>You can't be this stupid, can you?
no, but other people can be.
someone recorded a discord reaction of the initial reveal. there was literally someone shitting on the trailer and then asking "wait was that kyrie?"
I know. That's why I said that it sold more on PC alone than DE did on both platforms.
Since PSN is a locked down piece of shit we can't track its numbers so I just gave the physical sales for PS4. Which are still good. Digital sales are probably double that.
>it released on 4 other platforms.
Four? It just released on PC, Xbone and PS4. I'm just talking about SE here.
I cant get mad at devil may cry fans, it's the schools' and parents' fault
there was a longer version somewhere where they tried talking through it more.
reminder NT acted like a pack of edgy children with ADHD, while Crapcom tried to steer them into the right direction, when developing DmC
>ninja theory character design
Who’s that guy saying it looks terrible?
Ninja Theory was a retarded dog, but Capcom was the autistic owner for even thiknig that rebooting the franchise was a good idea. The rest was Ninja Theory sperging out at the original fanbase, but don't forget who decided to reboot it in the first place.
>dmc3 character design
>two swords? one for demons and one for women. oh what am I talking about they all demons
>Japanese producer wants game to be Western-directed because he wants COD numbers for niche genres
>Western game pundits think they can be influential and dictate the narrative of this Western-directed successor to a Japanese series (e.g. they can say it's the superior title, that it fixes the issues that this obviously inferior, non-Western series has etc etc)
>Western game pundits typically have no frame of reference for any genre unless a Western dev appropriates it from someone else (e.g. their understanding of character action boils down to God Of War the Western IP, they call Doki Doki and Monster Prom and Dream Daddy revolutionary when they're entry-level titles, games like Twinkle Star are reskinned wholesale to make Rival Megnagun and no-one bats an eye)
>Japanese games are either not nominated for the Game Awards or shoved in at the sidelines and poorly represented, unless they're landmark IPs like Zelda and Mario with a history of Western appropriation
>but remember Western game pundits are not racist or in a collusion together, unlike those filthy xenophobic Japs
>Gamers don't buy the "DmC is great actually" narrative
>Western pundits get asshurt at their perceived 'missed opportunity'
It's going to keep going until gamers as a collective bow down and prostrate before their masters for their obvious wrongness, even if said masters have to spread the lie over and over that they're being apologised to and banning anyone who disagrees
>they took the original down from youtube
Wasn't it pretty much just Inafune?
Kind of ironic since bleach is a ripoff of yu yu hakusho
You forgot that the story in DmC is such complete shit that journalists have to invent crazy logic to justify their love for it.
Funny how westacuck animators just can't wrap their retarded brains around "merihari".
This guy youtube.com
Does anyone have a webm where it compares DMC4:SE's Vergil and DmC's Vorgin's Rapid Slash? It perfectly demonstrates the differences in weight of animations.
>don't forget who decided to reboot it in the first place.
A westaboo who decided to hand over Bionic Commando to the Swedes that made a horrible game and shoved a guy's wife in his hand.
A westaboo that ruined Lost Planet by not localizing Ex Troopers for being too "Japanesy" while outsourcing Lost Planet 3 to a westacuck California studio that made a shitty, slow paced TPS unlike LP 1 and LP2.
A westaboo that made Ninja Gaiden Z Yaiba, spitting on the corpse of Ninja Gaiden.
Would you look at that
>You forgot that the story in DmC is such complete shit that journalists outright refuse to talk about it because they're performative hypocrites
They'll go on a huge manhunt about how Kamitani is a pedophile for drawing big-titted women or how the Last Night dev should be flayed alive for siding with an internet hashtag and they'll signal about condeming misogyny, until a game where a woman calls herself a whore/a woman has rape as a backstory/a woman gets sniper abortioned and referred to as 'wet chunks'/etc comes along and they can't admit to any of the game's problematic elements while defending it from the evil gamers
Blue Donte and Red Donte
You have to admit though, that was a good shot.
Because the whole design for the game is being different for the sake of being different. Vergil likes guns now. Dante smokes and has casual sex. Why? Because it's the opposite of what the originals were.
I kind of wish Itsuno never came in to fix the game so we could see what sort of shitshow NT would have made on their own. Would have been way harder for journos to defend. Even the DE was just doing what fans told them should have been done.
Don’t you mean cool?
keptcha waiting, huh?
The arm fat suggests it was her eating and not the children.
The only good thing that came out of DmC was all the donte sfm
>Kamitani is a pedophile for drawing big-titted women
right. that. my brain just blue screened that day trying to wrap through that "logic"
make one spurdo vs SPARDA
I almost respect them for not pretending as though they hated it all along.
This is the biggest character rape of DmC. Worse than even Vorgin and Donte.
>donte sfm
can someone post the vorgil vs vergil webm animation comparisons
>donte sfm
IIRC don't they just offhandedly mention that Sparda is being tortured by Mundus in hell & no one gives a shit
Fuck DmC, honestly
Yes, and Vorgin says it’s impossible to save him, so they never bring up trying to save him ever again and leave him to suffer.
has somebody posted an image of the article?
its all lies.
>I kind of wish Itsuno never came in to fix the game so we could see what sort of shitshow NT would have made on their own. Would have been way harder for journos to defend
All Itsuno's supervising did was turn the game from a 5/10 into a 7/10 and validate all the people who used his presence and sugarcoated statements as a seal of quality, e.g. the dogbrains in this thread posting interview screencaps with his translated PRspeak
They also removed Vergil's fedora.
I wouldn't exactly consider DMC niche.
The problem is you're missing the sound, which is the worst part. Vorgin's katana sounds like someone fisting a swamp.
you know what i hated the most about DmC?
The fact that Dante hair is not white
not in a million years.
>All these DMCucks seething because Tameem won and Capcom made DmC2
>Bu bu bu but it's OK because Itsuno did it I love you goblina
I wonder how long after launch the denial will hold on for.
>director of the best game in the series gets asked advice for game design in a new game
>devs mostly ignore advice
>game flops
that's about it.
Literally why even bother with mission ranking then? I played the DE and it wasn't like this, was it?
what the fuck were they thinking?
Settle down, Kirk.
They had Itsuno and his team from DMC4 fix it for Definitive Edition. Especially for Hardcore Mode.
Not even trying anymore. But here, a free (you).
Wait was it actually Itsuno's team that made the DE?
stop with the goblina hate damn it, some of them are cute
they needed it for Mr. X
>it's actually pretty good
But not really. It still has color coded enemies with no stun lock, it still has a dedicated dodge button, it still has a baby mode devil trigger that murders the pace, it still has horrible aerial mechanics, it still has no taunts, it still has no directional attacks and the lock-on they added is not even working properly and is just there so they can say on the box that they've added it, the weapons still feel flaccid, the guns are still shooting wet farts, the bosses all suck massive donkey dicks without exceptions, the "platforming" is still braindead and time-wasting, the enemy variety is still shit especially in Vorgin's DLC, the level design is still just a straight corridor, the secret missions are still bland etc.
It's just a horrible waste. If you're morbidly curious about the game then don't buy it on the PS4. Don't give them a cent for this trash. Just pirate the PC version and change the .ini so you can play it on 60FPS which is the only not shit addition Definitive Edition had. And also you can properly mod the color coded enemies.
>It's okay when Mr. X does it
Yes. They fixed a lot of shit and added bunch of stuff that should’ve been in the original release. Especially with Must Style.
They were supervising it. Coding and animating was still done by NT. Story additions were handled by NT too. Same with Vorgin's DLC.
How the fuck did nobody call you out on this?
Because you can shoot it off.
bongs need too beg gassed
>black trench coat
>black hat
he got help from /fa/, so it's ok.
no it's a meme that started because no one wants to admit that NT actually listened to feedback and tried to fix some of the shit they did wrong.
>Sparda was a mighty demon that was so fucking powerful that he BTFO of every demon in hell by himself
>Demon still spergs out when they hear his name
>Everyone wants his power
>Steal demons names and created weapons by negating the power of these demons and transferring to the weapons
>Chad that fucked every woman in his sight
>Workshiped as a god
>Woke up to justice
>Legend and unknow fate
>Chad demoniac bug look
>Mundus blood brother
>Loved a angel
>So weak he couldn't defend his family
>BDSMed for eternity
>True form is a horned squid or a guy with twink horns
>*teleports behind u*
Looks like JC Denton
Not like it matters. The game is still a lost cause.
>Cuts dimension behind you
It's weird because everything you said is true, but I played it recently and I'd be lying if I said I didn't have fun. Doing dumb shit with easy infinite airtime and setting up enemies for huge damage moves is fun. Kind of like using Super Dante on easy in the real series. It's not a challenge but it's still neat to see what kind of shit you can pull off. But man, everything about that game's design and aesthetic is so bad. Every character looks so gross. Not even the controversial shit is really that shocking or interesting, it all falls flat. And some of the attack animations and yells, just... what were they thinking?
Don't forget OG Sparda is now canon a chad who fucked bitches left and right and gave Matier the time of her fucking life.
Donte looks like he has sunglasses here
When you first shit on the feedback and call the people entitled and whiny then it's not really all that admirable when you come back crawling with a band-aid to the decapitated arm situation after your game already flopped among the broader audience.
>publicly state an aggressive opinion
>demand that people don't respond to it
Why do Twitterfags do this?
damn, this didn't age well at all
Oh god the screaming. Don't remind me.
fucking hated that audio
What a rotten way to die.
So that's why Donte acts like that
he has contamination and mutants in his brain
youre thinking of overwatch
Vergil, I... I... I... thought you were a GEP gun.
I don't think no one is denying DmC had some good ideas in it (Which is why they made their way to 5) But DmC is still an average action game with a horrible story and characters that seems like they were written by your average degenerate edgelord to the point where it comes off as comical than cool.
I like how, unintentionally, RE and DMC have yet another connection, and it being through a meme.
This boggles the mind, did this happen in the first week it released before anyone could know how much of a turd it was?
what happened to Sparda? Is he dead? i don´t know much about the lore
He dead.
why journalist hate Devil May Cry?
Can we get a DMC prequel game with Sparda after DMC5?
>sexy women
>requires skill
>mocks you for playing on easy
take your pick
They can’t style.
Debatable. As far as we know "he died under uncertain circumstances".
Who know! Maybe he became his Devil Arm later on and only unlocks his true power to anyone with his blood.
Are they still pretending the ME3 ending was good?
>it's better than 2
And 1 & 4.
Just saiyan it's a meme regardless of what anyone thinks about NT. Like there's enough shit to criticise them for without making things up about how Itsuno personally stepped down from his tower to make the DE and Vorgin's Downfall without Tameme
1 and 4 don't make me want to vomit when I play them.
And hell, even 2 at least had 60 FPS and bloody palace on launch.
>did this happen in the first week it released before anyone could know how much of a turd it was?
You pretty much answered your own question
>DmC better than 1 and 4.
>DmC better than 1
Lol no.
Sparda died but no one knows where, when and how it happend.
If I were a betting men I would say that they wanted to jump on the classic DmC fanbase hate bandwagon for easy clicks and have now decided now that DmC 5 is coming out that this dead horse is not yet beaten enough and could bring them more hate clicks.
Died of old age after 2000+ years of defeating mundus and sealing the tower in DMC3 with his own devil arm.
Mundus was so fucking scared of sparda that he waited until sparda died of old age cause he was scared that sparda could have just summon the fucking force edge instantly and with the amulets with his sons that he can take, can regain his demonic power to kick mundus ass again.
It's a strictly okay hack and slash game with a shitty story that took itself way too goddamn seriously and desperately wanted to be a social commentary. It's not the worst thing in the world, probably not even the worst game of its year, but it has to be compared to some of the greatest hack and slash games ever made. It was the contempt for the audience from its developer and the parasitic journalists surrounding the carcass of the DMC series that made it worthy of the shit it received.
He just vanished
But Kamiya said he died wanting to see his family one last time
DMC1 was a hit. of course fans are gonna rush down and get one, expecting they'll improve on the first.
it's really no different than how it is now with pre-orders; even with all signs showing the game will be a massive flop (FO76), or how the dev has a history of controversially shitty practice (EA), people will flock to them, money in hand, hoping that maybe they'll get it right this time.
>DmC makes me want to kill myself hurrr durrr
Quiet, adults are talking
DmC is a rock solid video game with a lot going for it. It's not my fault that DMC as an actual franchise is below mediocre.
>but waaaah, it doesn't have weird deep gameplay quirks for autismos who spend thousands of hours on these games to discover
The biggest complaint is that it's just slower.
Inputs cant happen as fast as previous entries making it boring.
>people are STILL latching onto the V is Vergil's human half meme
foolishness anons, foolishness