Yea Forums tells you a game is shit

>Yea Forums tells you a game is shit
>It's actually great

What's her name?

Attached: dark_souls_2.jpg (640x360, 166K)

Sure isn't Dark Souls 2.

Dark Souls 3


Dark Souls 2 is -okay- . Not bad, not great. Generally speaking, you can take a game Yea Forums hates and add a point or two to it, and you can take a game Reddit likes and remove a point or two from it.

Dark people porn

Unironically Dark Souls 3


pic unrelated?

borderlands 2

you start OP

Super Paper Mario

Xenoblade 2

I can give you a few examples of the opposite

Attached: file.png (430x558, 333K)

Pokemon D/P

If From would remove SM and put the SL and weapon memory from III in II, people would flock in fucking droves back to that game. Nothing like having two weapons with full movesets in either hand instead of left hand having attack and block.

Am I the only person (probably yes) who prefers spell ''charge'' in Souls games instead of mana? I'm not saying I have problems with ''sharing'' estus flasks, because I don't, and we all know how slow healing in DS2 is (dat animation), but for some reason when I see numbers of spells left it's like... I have a better sense of management, if you know what I mean.

I'm not a big gay so I don't use magic.

Ok, so you are a small gay. Wow, what a difference, user.

every game i've enjoyed

Small gays>big gays get with the times faggot.

not Dark Souls 2

God of War

DaS2fags are the prequelfaqs of vidya.

Imagine being that one guy who keeps shitting on Dark Souls 2 over and over again. In the same thread.

op meant SOTFS


Best pvp in the game with the combat mechanics but no red eye orb and SM is a thing. Can't ever seem to have our cake and eat it with Souls games.

can we agree that either would be preferable to the way Bloodborne did it?

DmC, I don't see the issues in the game being as bad as Yea Forums makes it out to be

I thought it was good, not amazing or anything but it was fun and I enjoyed what I played

>Make the most fun PvP in a souls game with great arenas and good areas to invade in
>Ruined by Soul memory making everyone 99 in every stat master of all trades
Surely there has to be some idea that would keep PvP alive without fucking people over.

Would a hard level cap really be that bad an idea over soul memory or matching based on weapon tiers?

I don't understand this. I don't remember PvP much, but if I'm not mistaken you could invade people whose level is similar to yours and people who invade you also have level similar to yours. If you play the game and restrict yourself, say, you don't go over level 60, and even buy that ring that absorbs souls... That means level 60 (plus/minus level or two) players can invade you, not some OP players with godlike characters.

>What's her name?
Practically every Triple A game that's come out in the past 10 years.
According to Yea Forums, anything with even an iota of funding or "Hype" is automatic trash.

Not in Dark Souls 2.

It was based on how much souls you've collected over your character's entire life. If you're level 60 and spent your souls on weapon upgrades, or heaven forbid lost a couple of hundred thousand you could be matched with people higher than you. DS2 took that 'self limiting' factor out entirely.

based blankposter

or maybe you just have pleb tastes
thats fine

Oh, didn't know that. I played it strictly for offline and had few invades here and there. I'm not really into PvP to be honest, only if I HAVE to, like in DS3 where I need to farm some shitty covenant items for spells/rings.
But that ring still absorbs souls, yes? Souls absorbed via that ring won't count in this ''soul memory pool''? If yes, I think I will be OK. Just upgrade Flame Longsword and buy few Soul Spears.

The problem was that Ring wasn't in the game until Scholar of the First Sin.

Honestly, I played DS2 before reading posts on Yea Forums about it and I'm still sure 99% of complains and shitposts come from people who haven't played the game.

I need to replay DS3, but I probably spent more time in 2 for some reason. Most of its issues are overblown or not really that important in the grand scheme of things.

I don't know if it was series fatigue or annoyance with the 'nostalgia' bat being whacked over my head a few too many times, but I lost interest in 3 pretty fast.

Ok, that's a completely different thing, then. This is also news to me. (I haven't played vanilla DS2, only SotFS)




>he hasn't beat fume knight yet
Come on now, user.

Attached: 3u7mQU.jpg (494x703, 174K)

general consensus was more "bland/mediocre" than "shit", but I suppose Mario 3D Land counts.