The next GTA should be in Pennsylvania.
The next GTA should be in Pennsylvania
it should be the French Riviera
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>there will never be another gta london
Nope, it should be in Nevada.
It should be in Serbia or Russia.
Where is Pennsylvania and what does it look like?
San Andreas already did it, and GTA V to a lesser extent. They should do somewhere new.
I think Rockstar would be best off making Bully 2 and then GTA Vi which is more than likely Vice City.
Is that real
Close to New York (Liberty City)
A great mix of comfy rural areas and bleak dirty urban cities and depressing small towns and abandoned towns.
Plus there could be a Rockstar version of Centralia.
Of course I forgot pic.
Yeah and San Andeas had Los Santos in it, same as V. Nevada isn't in V, nigger.
We've had San Andreas twice, they're not doing it gain.
if it had to be in the US then why not Chicago. At one point murder capital of the world. Gangs, corrupt politicians. Lots of blacks, mexicans, it has a chinatown, gays, etc.
Centralia is completely bulldozed now. Only thing left is the abandoned highway.
Watch Dogs did it not too long ago.
I don't think so, I mean really in all possible criteria there's only one place left to REALLY explore in GTA.
It shouldn't be in the fucking USA for once. Rockstar already did Brazil in Max Payne 3. I would enjoy a GTA in Brazil or Moscow or anything for a change but not generic yank City 5000. I know this will never happen.
Yeah but it's GTA, with a fictional version there's a lot of leeway in adapting it in a more interesting form.
>one game is about a vigilante committing terror acts
>one game can be about a criminal committing terror acts, its online multiplayer game about a criminal committing terror acts and buying bunkers and SCUD launchers
the possibilities are endless
I think they can pull off LS/LC/SF/LV/VC all in one map.
By 2024
GTA: Dayton, Ohio
Vice City would be fine desu
Chicago sounds comfy desu
With RDR2’s snow physics and all
I don't think it's enough to just do a city like that though, you need a setting that can provide more outside of the city in surrounding areas.
It didn't even feel like Chicago. Only thing that resembles Chicago from WD was the bean and they didn't even do taht shit right.
I'd much rather a new setting they havn't done.
Nobody wants to by golden spoons with shark cards lad
GTA has to be in a city with lots of open space and interesting terrain to explore. It can't be just some run of the mill linear city. This is why San Andreas and 5 had the best settings. Because LA is such a massive and diverse area.
If the next GTA isnt in Florida it should be outside the US
They remade Liberty City and San Andreas already, I don't see them stopping at the best one
they remade those in a modern setting
they're not gonna do the same with miami cause there's literally nothing special about modern miami
>the best one
Vice City is only notable for it's 80's setting.
Grand Theft Australia. Either Sydney or Melbourne (or both). They're shitholes like the common U.S. city with plenty of crime. It'll be great.
Kino setting, yea that's why it's the best
the next gta should be in montana
I know nothing of India outside of the memes, but on that alone I'd go for it.
Tokyo, 1989
From Philadelphia but it blows and would make shit gta game.
I live in Philly too and can confirm. It would just be a shittier version of Liberty City. Set it in Allentown with a section of the map with farmland. Or even better, set it in Lancaster and you play as a rogue Amish man.
>GTA in Brazil
Brazil women with BIG BOOTIES and bare feet hell yes!
Other than that I'm burnt on modern day GTA and would prefer 1920s/30s gangster setting. Another RDR would be also great but maybe that could be the next game after another GTA or Bully 2.
Alaska. Or just Anchorage and mat-su
GTA: Tokyo Drift
Why not Baltimore? It has the highest amount of murders in the USA.
It's Brownsville, Pennsylvania, specifically a portion of Market Street. The building on the right in that picture was torn down around 2012, but the other buildings are still there.
next one should be in Vice City to cash in on the neo-80s nostalgiawave thats been going on since 2011, after that they should just do the whole united states with Liberty City, San Andreas, and Vice City being the big detailed portions of the map with an approximation of middle america in between.
Carcer City is supposed to be a midwest town
in manhunt it was more like detroit but chicago would be better because of the lake
>next one should be in Vice City to cash in on the neo-80s nostalgiawave thats been going on since 2011
but rockstar would make an actual Miami which has nothing to do with meme synth music and muh neons everywhere
should be set in a Sweden no-go zone or San Fran with homeless shit everywhere
no, it should be set in czech
the next GTA should be set in the future
It should take place in a fictional version of Denver Colorado and it's surrounding mountain areas, and the game should have seasons.
Seeing how good they did with the wilderness in Red Dead, I wanna see some of it in the next GTA