Has there ever been a game where a misunderstood character turns out to be the true hero?
Has there ever been a game where a misunderstood character turns out to be the true hero?
Other urls found in this thread:
>true hero
He's an anti-hero at best, but wasn't that clear from the start?
>uses the term sexist dickfaces
>then proceeds to bash the left
this tweet is giving me a headache, can someone explain what this retard is trying to say?
dumbest post of the week right here
based retard
He was calling the leftists who slandered the guy sexist.
I honestly don't blame Notch for selling out Mojang and Minecraft. Minecraft blew up to unreasonably huge levels and he was aware he couldn't really manage that huge of an audience and probably didn't have that much experience managing a team. So when Microsoft offered him the money, he took that chance.
I do think his original vision for Minecraft to make it more of a roguelike was shit, it's just shit if you try to make it like a roguelike. Should have just gone full engineering crafting autismo imo.
>left and right political dichotomies
retarded swede
lost brain cells reading your post
>the word sexist can only be applied to men
my son you are retarded
Nah, he's just so rich, but does absolutely nothing so he says controversial things in a desperate attempt to stay relevant.
listen here you fucking niggers, first of all, i want this posts deleted. second, “the right” is not known to use these idiotic terms, thats why i was so confused, fuck you.
>being this autistic
Notch could only be more of our guy if he named the Jew.
this isnt controversial at all
oh, he should have called them niggercucks, right?
>going full 14/88
How about you suck me off, bitch?
Imagine becoming a billionaire, moving into a gigantic mansion (alone) then spending the lion's share of your time crying about being oppressed because you're white.
You truly are a retarded nigger monkey
>New friends not knowing notch is still a Yea Forumsirgin
true and based
looking at his twitter he posts a few times a day or less
i bet you spend more time popping up in his mentions complaining that he's better than you are
Notch says what he likes because there’s nothing the SJW mob can do to hurt him.
are you okay?
>popping up in his mentions
The only time I am even exposed to pathetic political pandering like this is when smooth brains like you make off topic threads about it. I guarantee you spend more time hunting for people saying stupid shit on Twitter than I've ever spent ruminating the "downfall of the West."
get the kool-aid out of your blood user. sexist just means discrimination based on sex, someone going after a dude because they dislike men is sexist just like going after a girl just because she has a vagina is sexist. the term has just been disinfo engineered into meaning misogynist
just like it isn't sexist to call a woman a retard if she's doing something that'd be retarded for anyone to do
nah i guarantee you spend all day posting on twitter with your sock puppet negging specific people that cause your insecurities to flare
Nigga you don't have to spend time finding stupid shit on Twitter. It oozes stupid shit
>not anti white
I think Mr.Malcom X here can summarize the best.
just listen what he has to say. You'll realize how right he was.
Anything outside of sucking tranny cock is literal Hitler territory.
>using SJW shit to attack SJWs
Do people not realize you can't fight fire with fire? Same shit with the right calling BDS anti-semitism
>negging specific people that cause your insecurities to flare
I don't have a Twitter because I don't care about short form, autistic takes on American or racial politics. Why would a tubby husk crying about being oppressed make me insecure?
No doubt about that but a significant amount of threads made for off-topic, emotionally charged rants about muh wahmen are blue haired girls with less than 1000 followers. That would take significant digging, no doubt.
Why does Notch flip-flop between being a super chill dude, to horrendously depressed to complete fucking nutjob so much? Like, one day he'll just be cool, toss a little bantz and that's that, the next he's talking about how all his money doesn't make him feel any less miserable and how he hates his life, the next he's going on about /pol/-tier conspiracy theories and shit.
I care less than nothing about what Notch has to say, about anything. If anything he's the definition of reverse psychology.
Just going to leave this hear.
bds is obviously motivated by anti-semitism, user. there are many oppressive countries on this earth and you just happen to organize around punishing the one full of insane jews
what you intend to "beat" by denying reality is your problem
Because that's what happens when you can't squeeze enough meaning out of the things you have in your life, you start finding things to get angry about or people to blame for your problems.
Punish the country that gets the most US aid? Yeah that sounds about right you dumb nigger. If I'm paying for them to exist they can at least not be genocidal fucktards.
I also support BDS against Saudi Arabia.
Team fortress 2
>People can't tell this is a falseflag
yes, you do. and you post cool negs on it every day. probably dozens of them. some real epic sarcasm in here, some short comments there, maybe an epic kermit the frog reference.
who do you think you are fooling
You literally can't argue with a post modern progressive. Their entire belief system is designed to be completely immune to outside thought. Why do you think they came up with the retarded idea that only white people can be racist?
This is a long one but it's really worth listening to.
>Their entire belief system is designed to be completely immune to outside thought
That's practically anyone online. Have you tried reasoning with a stormfag or 8gagger?
You can keep reiterating the same dry strawman if you'd like, it hasn't landed yet.
>epic kermit the frog reference
What are you even arguing about at this point? I feel like you're trying to attack the voices in your head more than somebody who thinks getting your political discourse from mentally unstable video game personalities isn't worth your time.
he actually does have a point
But hey, it's happening again with Vic Mignogna. Dubs are for faggots, but his accusers have already been caught lying, what, 6-7 times now including the "fake swat" claim?
If it works once, they'll keep doing it. I hope the dude takes these faggots to the cleaners man, I really, truly do.
>t. kinda left but not so much these days
really, because your country has killed at least a million people in iraq between the post-gulf war sanctions and operation murder iraqis for existing
i think you should just admit that you hate jews, user
>parroting other peoples lines from his megaphones
Nah, Notch is still a faggot, dumbfuck billionaire could use his money to make gaming great again, but instead sits around in his mansion inviting faggots to see his wealth.
Do you even realize the true defeat comes when you stop applying logic to discourse, meaning to words and everything turns into a basic bitch, easily consumable 'pick your side' kindergarden affair forcefully devoid of all context?
A word is not part of a political spectrum, you fucking retard. Thanks for making the world a worse place and helping kill your own political ideology, though I doubt you even understand it.
Jesus fuck this is the most retarded thing I've read all week and I'm legit assblasted about it, what the fuck you dumb nigger go pick up a book (unless that's too SJW for your brain too) before you become free advertisement for another megacorporation by being fooled into believing your words on social media and your stupid boycotts carry any sort of real weight and meaning
this triggers the tranny
they just can't help themselves
literally who?
Who said anything about the right?
You don't have to be right wing to hate SJW's
user, you can't copy and paste your silly caricature and pretend that you are just some random person. you have serious issues pertaining to your insecurity that you should work out, but we both know you'll be posting more cool quips to people more important than you are.
This routine really only works if the other person actually cares about the platform you're arguing about. I understand that you're mentally ill, but you have to recognize bringing up Kermit the Frog in the middle of trying to tar somebody as a Twitter fanatic speaks worse of you than me, right?
And that doesn't excuse Israel for fucking hurting innocents as well. I'm completely against this intervention bullshit for oil. I don't care if it hurts the dollar in the short term it needs to stop.
>sweden is completely kiked and destroyed beyond repair
>moves to the US
>complains about the left
>Do you even realize the true defeat comes when you stop applying logic to discourse, meaning to words and everything turns into a basic bitch, easily consumable 'pick your side' kindergarden affair forcefully devoid of all context?
Yeah the context is you're trying to use SJW tactics on SJWs by trying to publicly shame them. Can you not fucking tell the context?
>A word is not part of a political spectrum, you fucking retard. Thanks for making the world a worse place and helping kill your own political ideology, though I doubt you even understand it.
Jesus fuck this is the most retarded thing I've read all week and I'm legit assblasted about it, what the fuck you dumb nigger go pick up a book (unless that's too SJW for your brain too) before you become free advertisement for another megacorporation by being fooled into believing your words on social media and your stupid boycotts carry any sort of real weight and meaning
You just BTFO yourself. I can't believe it
What's are the best Atari games? I've played a handful of Atari games, on an actual Atari at one of my relatives' house, and they were all really junky. I've had more fun on my dad's old Intellivision system than on an Atari. By the way, the best Intellivision game is Advanced Dungeons And Dragons. 30yo btw, not shitting on Atari just because it's old. I just don't have any pleasant nostalgia for the Atari.
>destroyed beyond repair
By what metric? I get a sneaking suspicion you're going to say demographic but I always wonder if people like you can ever make an actual argument.
the platform and your attachment to it are entirely irrelevant. if not for your disingenuous insistence that you definitely don't spend all day negging people there--with your totally original and not at all copy and pasted caricature, it wouldn't even be brought up. i don't care that you post on twitter, user. i am just here mocking you for being more invested in notch and his posting than notch is about tHe DoWnFaLL oF tHe WeSt. i think you should really find out why you other people making successful businesses upsets you and motivates your asinine politics.
You absolute brainlet
Yes, goy, abandon the left because of some idpol retards
If you believe left wing politics is inherently related to feminism you are horribly mistaken. Historically feminist movements like seeking the right to vote were centralized around liberals and liberalism is anything but a left-wing ideology.
Well, THEIR stupid boycotts seem to work. How do you explain that? (And don't tell me it's because THEY can whine about all their problems because they have a right reason to)
>not at all copy and pasted caricature
Which caricature is that?
>i don't care that you post on twitter
You should probably care less about what's posted on Twitter generally, because you're the only one here concerned with it.
>being more invested in notch and his posting
Like I said, the only exposure I have to Notch (beyond name recognition) is his previous meltdowns and political posturing that gets posted on here.
>other people making successful businesses
When have I taken umbrage with his financial success? You sound like a high-school girl telling people they only hate her because she's hot.
>all in or nothing
Fucking retard. You're part of the problem.
uh huh you will definitely get on the bds u.s. (the country that invades and murders anywhere it feels like for any reason) movement any day now, which i'm sure tons of rich gulf sponsors will agitate for at major western universities in 3...2...never ever
anonymous your entire notch post is that caricature, in which you have a little cry about the rich white male billionaire complaining about his oppression (not even the subject of op's picture, btw)
seek help
my god you are shit at this discord tranny
>THEIR stupid boycotts seem to work
What boycotts work?
>spamming "discord tranny" in every boogeyman shitpost thread
Truth hurts doesn't it Kyle?
There are already anti-war protests. If you want to BDS America until we pull out of the Middle East I'm fine with that. The problem is America is run by a bunch of faggot warhawks and you'll need more than a few protesters to do anything.
the tank battle game
Tell me user, where all the trannies? In communist eastern Europe or in the decadent capitalist western world?
he's basically too rich and too disconnected from mainstream for anyone being able tu hurt him for his unwoke speech and yet he can't do anything to turn around the situation himself
his words hold weight as much as a random drunken hobo, he can yelp all he wants because he has nothing to lose but nobody cares anyway
Point out the caricature and highlight even one other example of it on the internet.
>cry about the rich white male billionaire complaining about his oppression (not even the subject of op's picture, btw)
You mean the image that was posted in the thread? I don't care about any feature of his being and all that has been levied against him is the statement of "he seems like a really pathetic and unstable guy." If I dig through enough of his tweets, will I find your anime avatar trying to get into digital fist fights with people you think are me? Because you seem quite adamant and upset in the face of pretty casual criticism of Minecraft Man.
dude you are a fucking retard is what i am saying do you get it? i think based on everything you said so far you are below average iq. You are clueless in politics and it is shocking to me.
oh wow protestors. let me know when you get any event hosting an american shut down at any university in western europe. when you get american lgbtq people blocked from attendance to events.
you are a tool of gulf billionaires in denial
>when you get any event hosting an american shut down at any university in western europe
I'm not in Europe so I have zero power there
are you reaching the level of denialism that you asserting the uniqueness of the caricature of notch as a lonely billionaire posting alone in his mansion about his oppression as a white man
do you think this works
you 100% even have the same critique on fireden, since obsessives like you can't help yourselves
Are you such a mental midget that you can't find a single example that matches the supposedly copy and pasted caricature?
Literally who?
Yeah maybe the first part of that post.
But if someone calls your post a falseflag and you were actually genuine it means not even "your guys" want to be associated with you and think you're so retarded you couldn't possibly be serious
>hello fellow kids
you are reaching a level of absurdity that i can't even comprehend
Holy shit that pic, you are beyond retarded.
I hope you get your communism, outside of the west of course. No one in the entire history of humanity ever fled a capitalist society to move into a communist one but there are millions of people fled communist societys to live in capitalist ones. In fact that you even have internet and are allowed to spout our idiocy is entirely thanks to capitalism. You are political illiterate-
i want to kill these people jesus fucking christ ... what a faggotory
b-but it's the jews
that would be ableist though, which is just as bad
omg literally i cant!!11
Really keeping up the high-school girl shtick, little dude. So where are we at right now? You 1) can't find a single example of the caricature and 2) think everybody cares about ridiculous internet drama as much as you do. I think you need to spend less time obsessing over e-celebs.
>it's okay to be white
Does that mean you hate non whites
God I fucking hate americans, their "culture" and their shitty sense of screaming reductions in echo chambers being acceptable political discourse.
there is nothing that you will write that is going to make me take a screenshot of your generic neg of notch and post it here, when we both know you post the same shit repeatedly (but you forgot the rotting candy), but you pretending not to know what fireden is too much
>discord tranny
can someone please explain this meme to me?
I'm sick and tired of idiots like you inhabiting this Earth, consuming precious resources, propagating your retarded offspring, and generally lowering the standard of nearly every aspect of society you engage with. You actually make me sympathetic towards the great engineers and ideologues of genocide. Knowing that amongst their victims innumerable parasites akin to you were given a rightful end, offers me at least a slight bit of consolation.
you may have noticed a increase in stupid people making stupid threads (far left, pro sjw, muh orange man bad) crap all over Yea Forums, its coordinated garbage for 2020 in hopes history wont repeat itself.
basically a resetera and mentally ill tranny raid for the last two weeks.
why is it not enough that trump is obviously a tool of zionist jews, but he has to be specifically linked to the neoconservative jews that routinely cry about him
>pretending not to know
I don't dig through Yea Forums archives trying to figure out if I can find the same person. This is the first Notch thread I've ever commented in, but I'm guessing you're frequented many if you're this booty bothered over somebody calling him pathetic.