Why is it so hard for Fallout fans to understand subtext?
Why is it so hard for Fallout fans to understand subtext?
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i blame bethesda
But Mccarthy was actually right about there being subversive communist elements in the US government. Not to mention in our top universities, spying on research before it could be judged classified.
wrong one
paranoid gullible bootlicker
Fuck Bethesda for tainting the meaning behind "War never changes" by taking it literally.
>Actually thinking the USSR didn't send spies
Right, right. I'm guessing you're either not american or you live on the west coast.
Explain how they ‘ruined’ it instead of having a tantrum.
Wouldn't Mccarthy be right in both cases, seeing as the commies ended the world and all?
I guess I'm just stupid and didn't pick up on any of that from hotline miami.
The second one yes, and it wasn't exactly subtle, but not the first.
how does it feel to have the taste of shoeshine stuck on your tongue?
They fucked it up on every level
>game gives you the option to kill things in a cool outfit
fuck off
>Hotline Miami
>alternate history where Soviets invade and nuke American soil, following which America basically capitulates
>vigilantes trying to strike back at Russia are portrayed as crazy deluded bigots
Nah I'll go with the nationalists on this one.
Pretty good, how's your sawdust bread and rotten potatoes?
Ok, and how did they ‘fuck’ it up?
>ugg, me am kill in giant robot! what is story? grugg no care, me want kill in cool metal robot!
That "fanbase" is the rabid thirteen year olds who only ever played the games by Bethesda, a company that saw the series from a purely intellectual property perspective and simply shoehorned every iconic idea from the originals into a new setting without regard for context or decent writing.
Here's one to supplement that.
Quite hearty actually, and tastes like dignity, something which I’m sure you’re not familiar with.
Hilariously enough the point that flies over most libtards heads is that most people are plebes, and to assume that deeper context of things in general is accessible to them is a complain of a retard blinded by egalitarianism.
I mean, in Fallout's case, it's not entirely the fans' fault. Bethesda's parody of 50's Americana has been losing its actual meaning since Fallout 3, and at this point, it's too "Rick-and-Morty" levels of wacky to take the message seriously.
All of those themes are overdone at best and outright incorrect at worst.
Cyberpunk at this point is so played-out that it can only serve as a vessel for cool aesthetics.
>if i pretend game smart maybe me smart too
>Nationalism bad!
>Why yes I'm enjoying the benefits of living in a society being historically nationalist, and all efforts to subvert that result in the failure of my nation, but somehow I will be able to retain my current lifestyle when the economy completely collapses
Imagine being so privileged that you you are guilty at the existence of disparity. Meanwhile everyone in the lower middle class is still busting their ass while you drink Starbucks and bitch on Twitter. Fuck I hate the upper middle class.
Fuck you faggot, i'll throw a fit and explain to your dumb ass. War never changes because people never change. And the Master wanted to physically change everyone and make them subservient to him and be rid of war forever. The Enclave wanted to wipe the slate clean and restart the USA, claiming to have changed since pre-war and not make their same mistakes, lying through their teeth when they'll start up the exact same issues and mistakes. Only when people change their fundamental nature, their selfishness and fear of the other will war finally change.
ideas being overplayed doesn't make them any less true. so long as cyberpunk continues to be relevant to society's trajectory it should continue existing.
I used to think this is a Bethesda thing, but then I saw that Enclave apologia and worship has been a thing since the first Fallout, so that’s not really correct anymore.
Although, since the Enclave have a significant role in 76 after being absent in 4, all along with a uniform that suspiciously resembles a Nazi outfit, the Enclave worship raised a bit.
People use humor to tentatively test new political positions in a risk free manner. Sometimes what you think is parody is actually the unrefined feelings and ideas of the author on a given subject.
Shame he was a fag that abused his powers to furthedr his own political standing and completely discredited his supporters in the progress. He did far more harm than good
>you should hate niggers, jews and chinks
Cool, now why couldn't you get some of that delicious communist food to the Ukrainians?
was the original of these about gundam?
And Chocolate Rain is about racism but most people just laughed at the funny deep voiced black man saying chocolate
I love how commies see anything slightly critical of society and think it's "theirs".
They actually did receive tons of grain and cattle aid from other republics. Assuming that the farm owners didn’t burn those in protest of collectivism as well.
where in that image does it say "yay communism"
Depends, there's been a lot of historical historical revisionism regarding Mccarthy. Example being, he never held a hearing where he interrogated actors, that's a flat out lie. In fact, it was a democrat that was leading that charge, but they made sure he was forgotten because Mccarthy has a more punchable face and was a republican.
Correct me if im wrong but ive always interpreted the cyberpunk genre as being about cyclic violence?
do... do you not understand what the ‘punk’ means in cyberpunk, or how they all take place in late stage capitalist dystopias?
this is your brain on incelism.
i like this
Oh yes, I'm sure that's exactly what happened. The genocidal maniacs running the USSR would never starve people.
Video games are toys
>late stage capitalist
you might want to adjust your vocabulary, tranny
you really stick out
Nationalism has only existed since the end of the XVIII century after the French Revolution.
What I'm saying is that people see these themes and say "yeah yeah. I get it already" and proceed to gawk at the cool aesthetics instead. These themes have been repeated so often that you can't really add anything more to them, but people keep shoveling out cyberpunk shit with the same message over and over. It's no wonder people only care about the looks at this point.
>"late stage capitalist"
back to the tranny discord you go
>late stage capitalist
This is why nobody takes cyberpunk seriously anymore.
Are you so ignorant that you don't understand basic economic and social concepts used in the last 30 years?
but user, 1/6th of the population in America is currently starving, and what happened in Ukraine at the time was the last natural drought to ever happen in the region.
tranny discord? what the hell is this?
Calling HM a "condemnation of McCarthyism" makes no sense because in the HM universe Russia was literally invading the US and even launched a missile
I love how libs get furious when you mention that legion is a decent case for the wasteland. Funny how they think democracy is some final solution, no pun intended.
Newest buzzword, if someone posts an opinion call them a discord tranny and win the argument
The only thing more pathetic than the people that post bait threads is the fact that people respond to them.
>Pretending those people weren't deliberately starved.
Just another genocide to deny, right comrade? Next you'll be saying the Red army didn't shoot soldiers who fled.
lol fuck off loser.
Commies didn't cause the end in Hotline Miami though, not entirely. The ultra-nationalist General and 50 Blessings created the groundwork for anti-Russian sentiment to spread wide, and make both sides aggressive towards each other. Then they killed the Russian President, and I think got the American President killed as well. As a result, both sides bombed the shit out of each other.
Sure, the commies won the Cold War and began their expansion into the States, but 50B caused the chain of events to fuck everybody over.
that is an absolute lie.
In-groups have existed since society has existed. Globalism has existed for far less time that "nationalism" has meaningfully existed (post WW2).
I get that it’s a buzzword, an insult or bogeyman of some kind, but what’s the story behind it?
Being critical of capitalism does not automatically make me a communist.
MC based was right: Jewllywood was full of subverting commies and anti-nationalism is euphemism for self-destruct. You don't have to swallow the rotten parts.
The newest boogeyman based on an actual Discord filled with trannies that blackmailed people into becoming trannies.
No, but lots of faggots immediately pretend the extreme opposite of something has to be a solution with what they disagree with.
Trannies had a IRC/discord where they brigaded /r9k/ from to convert incels into traps.
assuming capitalism will have permanent dominance on society such that suggesting its at a 'late stage' is laughable is a very poor bet. unless the funny part is that you think the phrase is just a meme that incites laughter within you.
trannies on a discord talking about making bait threads and spamming Yea Forums with them
If you wanna look up a real man-made famine, look no further than the Bengal famine and who orchestrated it.
I'm not sure what any of that means but I sure hate niggers
>believing shitposts
I can tell your american because your brain only works in extremes. You're either a commie or a corporate bootlicker with nothing in between
It's the new so. Y boy or incel.
Or "someone I disagree with or don't like but I have lost the argument with"
What shitty games, the bullets instantly arc.
Late stage capitalism is my favorite lefty meme. You can just point to any good thing capitalism provides and say that it's both excess and proof it's all going to collapse.
Actually, this man right here is the one who was going after the commie snakes in hollywood. Not McCarthy, he was looking into commie spooks in the government and military,
In-groups are not the same as nationalism. Nationalism is a very specific ideology that's defined as putting the Nation-State over everything else. As such, it was constructed as a need for the new governments in the XIX to have the population on their side, over old ideals such as Monarchy and religion. Now, this doesn't mean that these ideas weren't appropriated, they certainly did, but in this case we're talking about which ideology is more important than the others.
Nationalism is about being irrationally proud of your nation just because you live there.
It teaches you to hate people you never met based on the accident of your birth and take credit for things you nation did you personally had no part in.
>imagine unironically listening to chapo trap house
Huh? What I had in mind were the discords from /vg/, the ones where they LARP as their custom-made waifus and shit, but this is something entirely different.
I don’t even have a Discord, so I’m not part of their clique or whatever.
My post was literally condemning just that, you simple dingus.
It's funny because it's true. Why are Americans so bad at understanding art? The first Fallout had a guy in power armor brutally execute a Canadian POW, then wave to the camera.
You're right. We must expand capitalism to all sectors.
Free-market capitalism literally doesn't exist in its fullest form user. There is no country in existence that is based entirely on voluntary transaction between consenting individuals.
You're thinking of crony capitalism which is spurred on by government interference and regulations that are regularly influenced by corporations for their own profit. You can't call yourself capitalist if you use the force of the state and its "laws" to subjugate those around you.
That's like stabbing a man in an alley, taking his money and calling it capitalism.
Can you americans stop being seethingly obsessed with politics in everything and shut your mouth? Please?
You only create poison around you.
And yet, the west remains the best by far. I'd rather have nationalism than be some cum swilling cosmopolitan faggot.
don't you fags have DSA dues that need tending to? or is mommy going to take care of them this month?
There a difference in starving because of poverty and starving because armed militia stolen your stock and farming equipment "for the greater good"
Its just the newest boogeyman, like calling anyone you disagree with onions or reddit or a cuck as soon as you start to lose an argument
its a mistake to attribute excess of goods and creation of luxuries as solely a function that pursues profit above all else. the lifestyle we get to enjoy is a product of improved industry and productivity, which even without the profit motive humans would have ample reason to pursue.
of course we are thankful for industrialization, but just because capitalism can take some credit for industrialization doesn't excuse how antithetical the interests of capitalists are to workers.
cause your a fucking leaf
Let's also not forget
>Fallout 1 and 2
>Nukes are bad
>Fallout 3 and NV
>America is so jingoistic and batshit crazy they decided to have a handheld nuke launcher as a weapon, isn't that nuts?
>Fallout 76
I would fight for the legion if its entire structure didnt hinge on the deification of one man. Structure would collapse when Ceasar dies and the Legion will turn on itself. Even if the courier did replace Ceasar as the cornerstone of the Legion, it would have the same problem. Its too much power floating around when the Legion’s head is removed and if the solution is to divide the power across multiple individuals before the head is removed, you risk becoming yet another ncr.
thanks for proving my point
lefties see the criticism of corporate culture and they think anti-capitalism is what cyberpunk is all about, because that's all the want to see
then they assume that any work critical of corporate power must be friendly towards their ideology
that's two deductive fallacies instead of one so they're actually worse than the kids who only see the cyberware
Deflecting is all they can do. The more you learn about the history of communism, the more you begin to realize it truly is worse than nazism.
How can you possibly be this faux smart and be able to afford monthly DSA dues AND paying three jews to yell at you on a podcast every month?
>do... do you not
reddit pls
>I have no arguments so i'm gonna post a meme greentext and say nothing
You gonna post ancap ball memes next?
Isn't it Communists who destroy the world?
Yeah, the romanticization of nuclear weapons in 76 was terribly bad, it’s like the devs and fans forgot what Fallout was supposed to criticize.
N-n-not real communism!
>muh moral consistency
fuck off fag
whats the fetish for body jewelry called?
No way man the sun will never set on capitalism, future so bright I gotta wear shades. Never mind that global capital has increasingly atomized society so that people possess no greater meaning in life than sprinting through the rat race trying to collect whatever meager amount they can before they collapse and die.
>Fallout 1
>The supermutants are basically the Fallout equivalent of Nazis who want to create a new master race
>Fallout 2
>Most of the supermutants are dead, but some remain that want to live different lives
>Fallout 3
>The supermutants are big dumb orcs because we need more bad guys
what is true intelligence to you? bowing down to corporate overlords?
>criticize capitalism
>capitalism is the only way to get your point out
Sounds like the old "yeah, but REAL communism has never been tried!" excuse.
Idk, I just post cute maries
I mean they have a point, real communism has never been tried because real communism is stateless. And a stateless system isn't feasible in a world where everyone isn't on board.
And will never occur because of human nature.
Aren't they a political podcast, they talk about cyberpunk? That might actually be interesting then.
Idk, pull beiderman's jew dick out of your mouth and tell me what it's like
>real communism has never been tried because real communism is stateless
this is my biggest complaint about communism is that there wouldn't really be anything to defend in case of an invasion so what the fuck do you do
I could see the romanticzation of nuclear weapons being a interesting way to sell the game and if it was used to reinforce the idea that nuclear war is bad. You get your fun money shot of launching and using the nuke only to find out it generated more issues and suffering.
But that would be impossible with the way the game was made.
>muh human nature
How about just fuck everyone else and fuck these pussy losers who think they're the new coolness?
so communism is only feasible once all the world's problems have already been dealt with?
oh wow that sounds really useful
>equivalent of Nazis
>not homo Sovieticus, a new human created for a new age by communists
>turns out creating them requires destruction of world around them
>leader that creates them realizes he was doing a disservice to world and destroys his utopia
The original concept of communism has never been successfully executed in any government because of:
1. There needs to be an excess of supplies and services in the society for it to work.
2. All communist governments have been corrupted in some way or form so that the spread isn't equal among all citizens.
3. None of the communist societies have been able to make the original concept work in the real world.
Communism in its purest form isn't a bad idea [read Looking Backwards by Edward Bellamy for an example], but it hasn't ever been executed in this manner because people tend to corrupt things with their greed, and there aren't any countries with the elements needed to make a successful communist republic.
Even though humans are flawed and Communism was created by humans, it can never be fully enacted and isn't flawed
Actual influential communists don't use "late capitalism" or the likes, way to out yourself as a pseud
Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan
True, but that also doesn't mean that we should lick the shit off of CEOs boots because the complete extreme opposite stance isn't realistically feasible because humans are shitstains
Nukes are so bad, they crashed the server
Nothing. Its a pipe dream similar to Rapture.
If it weren't for the CEOs, who would create jobs? The government?
>it's another dichotomy ideologies discussion without actual proven examples
But what if Hitler won
I'm a "network engineer" (I think it's a fake job title, sorry) for a global company and not a week goes by that we don't catch some Chinese jackasses trying to break in to steal whatever they can. We suspect for every one attempt we catch there are three we don't. Industrial espionage is a very real thing, it's gotten to the point where we no longer keep certain information on the network and we have to hand off shit physically.
The Russians don't do it as much, but they may just be better at hacking than the Chinese. The only reason the US doesn't do it is because there's nothing worth stealing and any major corporation in the US, who would be interested in a trade secret like that, could just buy the company owning the technology in question.
>its another chapo losers invade Yea Forums thread
see you all in hell
>"Just because this car is designed for a species that doesn't exist and humans kill themselves trying to drive it doesn't mean it's a shitty car."
That has absoutely nothing to do with the argument at hand.
Modern corporations have a tremendous influence on laws and regulations which they proceed to use against the lower classes in a coercive manner. This has nothing to do with free market voluntary trade, and everything to do with government interference in the decision making capabilities of individuals across the country.
If you think government coercion is capitalism, then, well... I guess you're the reason why nobody should ever have the right to vote.
Cyberpunk is about corporations becoming so powerful they become dogmatic socialist institutions on the same level as the catholic church, usually stifling creativity and causing the world to be a bleak sterile hell regardless of how
Amazing the tech is.
It's usually meant to be a modern take on the "Fuck the man" power fantasy hippies had, especially since it flourished around the same time people were finally disenfranchised by corporations.
The key point though is that it D O E S N T try to ever fully dismantle the system, but instead keep it in check and allow creativity or communal optimism flourish.
It is rebellious people, not revolution madness.
If the entire world is communist, which was the objective, there would be no need for war.
This would lead to the end of history so to speak as nothing would or could change after global communism.
Of course that was their theory, communisms fault is being too utopian
Exclusion of certain members makes the remaining members grow closer.
The odd ones will get kicked out and the remaining people will be more similar to each other, and therefore get on better.
Because the children kick the needy retard out of the group, they don't need to pay special attention to anyone and now they're all free to go play games with each other.
In the workplace of the 60's, with only men working, they could makes jokes about women all day and bonded partly through that.
It's harsh but it's the way the world works.
We can't all get along. In a multi-culti group, there are too many people with different needs, too many jokes that would be offensive.
Smaller, like-minded groups of people are always going to get on better.
this was a politics thread from the get go, look at the OP
If humans are inherently shitstains then it only makes sense to eliminate government and seek a means of purely voluntary trade.
It's nonsense to suggest that intituting a monopoly on coercive force and law-making is the solution to dealing with bad and untrustworthy people.
roll for 50-51 or 69-70
>If the entire world is communist, which was the objective, there would be no need for war.
classic idiot
how can you expand a stateless society? with you and your nonexistent army?
all it takes is one small army to dominate everything you have
>commies occupied usa
>how dare you fight back
>nationalism is the real problem
Kys, comrade
not bad, looks like she would make me eat her pussy 24/7
get dabbed on tumblr faggot
rollan for wiz
And the fact that corporations use and abuse government regulations for commercial gain is the reason why they can't be allowed to exist unfettered, because they don't particularly care for anything except wealth gain. For fucks sake Americans had to make it illegal to put non-edible substances in foods because corporations were literally poisoning people to cut costs back in the early 20th century
Humans are fucking shit and the bombs need to fall already.
Define winning. Did he take over the world, Europe, punish England and France for their harsh punishment for WW1, or something else?
If you had read the entire post you’d know i’m not trying to defend them as I think they were being way too utopistic
The idea was perpetual revolution in all countries so that everything would become communist, an idea which was abandoned after Stalin rose to power and Trotzkij got exiled and then killed
Where are they getting that the cold war politics is anything but a shallow parody in Fallout? How do you get anything but:
>war is bad
>humanity is corrupt
It's in the wasteland where all old-world political structures are gone. If you think about it, it's more of a nihilistic condemnation of humanity than a critique of fucking McCarthy.
>privately-owned oligarchies are socialists
discarded shitpost
What’s a chapo?
the trick of leftist 'diversity' is that it encourages fringe elements to form such protective groups within society, all the while punishing the majority for doing the same
this is why it can only be considered a disruptive ideology
I see 3 types of people who criticize capitalism. Communists, fascists and not there yet crowd like alt-right and socialists.
Did you somehow miss the big fucking robot shooting anti-communist lasers and shit while shouting patriotic and nationalist slogans?
Cause that was a pretty big robot
ChapoTrapHouse, a leftist podcast.
>the idea that we should all just get along and coexist encourages people to not get along and not coexist
Do you believe that without laws, people would happily gobble up the shit that corporations put in food? Of course not. In fact, the information regarding that sort of thing would be even more clear because corporations wouldn't be able to lobby for specific information to be put out in the public.
If you believe that humans are inherently evil and manipulative, then what sense does it make to institute an absolute monopoly on coercive force and law-making that everybody in society must obey? By supporting government you're only granting near-limitless power to the worst and most sociopathic people mankind has to offer. A bigger threat than any flavor of corporation that openly works with them and shares the power between them.
>Burgerian cultural identity groups and justice-mongering can be defined as ”leftism”
Guess this is your brain after generations of cross-breeding and excessive consumption of artificial flavorers and corn syrup
Meanwhile in Chicago, a black man has to pay 2 Nigerians to commit a hate crime on him. Funny how the people that preach this bullshit tend to be the most selfish and racist, eh?
the point is that the legion will fall, caesar is well aware of this and his entire plan revolves around it.
Yeah sure, but it desn't really bring anything to the table thematically. It's essentially "Nationalism is funny ha look at the ridiculous robot."
just google "reiko's harem".
>Non american pretending to be relevant
How kawaii!
Let's cut what ever aid we give to this leeches shit country and watch it burn.
And what does that have to do with “leftism” as you call it at all
He’s just one dude who gives a shit about him
I wouldn’t consider a giant robot with destructive laser eyes and the capability of throwing nuclear bombs while shouting propaganda as it stomps through the ruins of America like footballs as “funny”.
I guess you really like proving the OP picture right
i never understood that as the subtext of fallout. or whatever. i thought it just used the post apocalyptic to create an extreme, surreal magnification of the human psyche/society/culture, and i never thought that nationalism and macarthyism was a part of that, just related maybe, and in the 1950s americana aesthetic/style on the surface, which is just that, the surface world.
libtard detected, launching missiles now
>faking a crime to capitalize on the polarized political climate for publicity is pushing diversity
I say, again, what. Pushing for sitting around the fire singing kumbaya and getting along doesn't force tribalization
Because all of hollywood, social media websites, and main stream media pick up these bullshit stories and lie to the entire world about it? Some people are still convinced these groups don't lie to them.
When will chapolet faggots learn
>The only reason the US doesn't do it is
The US does it too user, they're just better at hiding this things
god i fucking hate communists
and he’s a pedophile as well? holy fuck, what a creep.
How is that not funny? It's contrasting something very grim with something utterly ridiculous. That's like humour 101 you autist.
Rollin for 71
Gimme my loli succ
Literally who? That spotlight for the cancer killing Yea Forums still belongs to discord shitposters.
i also felt fallout was a lot about power, and it's misuse and delusions of power/false power/illusory power and the manifestations of it in post nuclear wasteland, again, grotesque amplification.
Fuck you user, you ruined my day
Really? Fallout is already very campy. You don't see how it could be funny?
>Almost all of them are stacked.
Lame. I better get a flatty.
It's not 2010, anymore, but I'm certain we still have little shits using that as a nexus of faggotry.
>r-rest of the world is totally dependsnt on us, therefore our shitty political discourse that is half incorrect facts and half heavy feefees cannot be criticized
>Join our singing circle and give us what we want or we'll call you a racist and use the court of public opinion to ruin you.
My point is, there's no reason people can't get along, only that any main stream movement informed by far left radical college courses isn't about actually getting along. Intersectionality has made gay rights about global warming and minority rights also rights for illegal immigrants who also represent what ever the fuck they think up on a whim.
When the fuck did I choose a side, you stupid reactionary nigger? I just laid out the fucking story for the game.
Did I fucking cheer for the Soviet occupation of the US? Or try and justify their bombing of San Fransisco? Fuck you, faggot. All I said is that 50 Blessings' and the General's idea to assassinate the Russian President screwed EVERYONE over by inciting nuclear war. EVERYONE in both countries likely died, regardless of their standing on the matter. Patriots and innocents alike died. 50 Blessings and the General were fucking idiots for their methods, but of course fuck the Soviets too for nuking American soil.
>inb4 but America did that on to Japan
Multiple attrocities may or may not fix shit, regardless of sides, but that doesn't make it any less fucked up when it happens.
America and Russia are being faggots again
how come the only countries with rednecks are constantly being faggots
Gimme them fertility goddesses.
And as a bonus I'll be taking your girl.
Let’s go back to your initial point if you still remember it
What does that have to do with pushing diversity or creating groups or whatever the fuck you were rambling about
You said that left is disruptive for society
Then talked about a lying man
And then that all of the media is lying and bad
Fuck are you on about
Passive commentary will always fail because it assumes that through haughty depiction it will invalidate the feelings or ideas of the philosophies it criticizes. But as long as people feel a passion for a set of values or a nation the exaggerated depiction will become another enjoyable example of the thing they love. It's why for example, despite the fact that the Colbert Report was basically a giant attack on conservative politics and values, conservative individuals enjoyed it's humorous depiction of their ideology anyway and it did little to shake their beliefs.
Holy shit
If you can't figure out how it is related, you officially can be called sheeple.
>pro-nationalist uses a playground analogy accompanied by smug_anime_girl.png
This man is clearly a think tank who has it all figured out.
Try again faggot
Re-rollin 71 or death
No. China kicks off hostilities by invading Alaska for oil, but at the end, everybody launches their bombs at everybody else.
Imagine taking video games seriously lol.
The US federal government doesn't steal technology and then divert it to private corporations to develop products, no. The Chinese constantly ruining my day are state-backed and most likely state-trained. The US government doesn't need to steal tech because what in the world would they steal and why would they steal it when Google or Apple or Chevron could just buy it?
If you're talking about more political espionage or outright sabotage and things of that nature, then yeah. Of course the US does it.
I'll never buy into the one nation utopia that the leftists want where we aren't at each other's throats about race and religion among other things, it's not even working within a nation-state. There's a reason most countries are monoracial and monoreligious, every country that didn't had incredible internal conflicts and oppression.
Maybe people are capable of enjoying a game without getting pissy over political messages? I guess whoever made that image doesn't understand this.
The games from three and up seem to push that subtext more. 1 and 2 seemed to paint more of a animalistic nature people might take when resources run dry. The entire plot of the game is about change caused by a loss of resources. The world blew itself up over limited resouses. You go out of the vault because of limited water. You leave your tribe because the land is failing to support your group.
The older games didn't really focus on causes of the war, nor did they really care.
>Cowtits again
I'm out
the medium is the message and the medium is videogames
that means the message is going to be a sack of corporate shit guzzled down by 14 year old children, containing digested shit-nuggets of violence, addiction, and extreme racism of both black-hating and white-hating varieties; all this coupled with an incestuous press, a dopamine-dependent set of players hooked on digital heroin, and a complete lack of any thought deeper than a time magazine article
Explain it then, you galaxy brain
>rebuilt europe via lopsided trade deals during the aftermath of WW1 2 electric boogaloo
>Stops the communists from taking over more of europe
>Gives more aid to countries around the world than anyone else
>Protects sea trading lanes with their navy
And whose flag is on the moon? Oh, right.
>failed two party system of a declining empire creates an environment so polarizing that rich and powerful people see faking hate crimes as beneficial for their careers
>must be the fault of The Other Party(TM)
Or maybe Americans are the laughing stock of the world for a reason, get your fucking shit together mutt
left wing, right wing
both don't work..
what we really need is a radical centrist government
>you're a bootlicker if you think the USSR were good guys.
How the fuck does someone get to this point.
Correct. Humans ought to give up on trying to drive this fucking car.
I noticed left are always talking about subtext and themes. Mauler made his last jedi review, and libtards are fucking seething because he ignores muh themes and their postmodernist hot takes.
This guy has a point. China shits on copyright laws so their constant theft can be profitable.
That what is what we currently ruled by. The worst aspects of every single ideology.
If anything, I think the more direct approach of ancap ball only got more adherents.
And I'll be taking that one too.
71-72 get. 78 is fine, too. I'll take 46-49.
You’re missing the fact that America stole an oil field that China discovered in the Pacific.
Here's to hopin' I get some cow tits.
Everyone knows both parties are shit. Also, don't you need to teach your daughter how to cover up so the third world muslims don't see she's a kaffir and rape her?
who bitch this is?
There is absolutely nothing wrong with broad appeal "hiding"(because its hardly like fallout of all fucking series has a light touch with its themes) deeper meaning. There isn't.
There is only a problem, and you rightly pitch a shitfit when that broad appeal comes at the cost of depth. Ignorance isn't a sin, venerating ignorance is.
just kidding look at my fucking six
>Condemnation of McCarthyism and Nationalism
Except the fact the whole backstory is about McCarthy being right. The Chinese were in America, sabotaging things, stealing things, and sympathizers were half the reason things were falling apart. Also China ran out of fuel and invaded a foreign country seeking fuel, and the USSR and America had called off the war and grown friendly to each other, until the USSR went into full isolation mode as fuel dwindled, China being the only one left that arrogantly tried to swing it's microdick around and started the war.
It's also not anti nationalist because the game never goes "bruh fuck nations an shieet" it highlights the need for stability and why nations are a good thing, given that Fallout is a Post Post Apocalypse game series about the rise of communities and nations.
In NV it even highlights the value of incredibly powerful nations built around a cult of personality such as the Legion, and the characters that aren't against it for the sake that it's "the enemy" will tell you that before the Legion, places like Arizona was hell on Earth.
If you honestly believe this, you are not very bright.
The US is incredibly multiracial, multireligion, it’s even a federation of different states
Yet somehow had 1 civil war in its entire, albeit short, history.
A war that was about human rights, the founding principle behind the country’s birth.
So maybe it isn’t that simple, sometimes diversity when it’s handled in an efficient way, works and doesn’t necessarily lead to conflict
video game player detected
if by the moon, you mean some studio somewhere..
A little introspection is good user but don't be too harsh on yourself. Wait fuck now I'm in here too.
>he says while his country sits on the precipice of a race war.
>quick deflect and call him a muslim
Typical mutt
Whose flames are mostly stoked by rich multinational media companies. You don't have to like Trump, but he was spot on when he called the main stream media the enemy of the people.
I’m not american, my country has its share of problems but race has little to do with them
>hwiter than you, mohammed
>muh race war
It was far, far worse during the Jim Crow era
That sounds exactly like most 40k fans.
SPQR has come to call you a retard.
The "punk" part is always the worst part of cyberpunk though.
chapolet discord servers exist user
No no no no, I wasn't calling you a muslim. I was saying the brown penis in your female family member's devastated vagina belongs to a muslim.
>hotline miami is anti-nationalist
the main theme of the games was violence and escalation of violence with a meta-narrative about violence in games
the secondary theme was the the idea that narrative in games is obsolete
which fell on it's face as a message because people really cared about the characters and story
the only place where nationalism comes in is that jacket is part of a nationalist terrorist group, but the other entity in the dickfight is USSR and mobsters, not really "good" parties so the idea that the game condemns nationalism rather then crime or socialism is arbitrary
if anything the nationalist group is the most justified as it seeks the liberation of it's people from foreign rule, despite the way they go about it.
Because dipshits have finally started to do what they've done in every single other country, use fear of The Other to whip up their base into a frenzy and convince them that everything is at stake.
Live in constant fear of anyone who doesn't think, talk, act, or look like you do because otherwise they're gonna getcha!
>people unironically believe this
not sure if pol or co but either way you should go back from whence you came
Yeah give me my cyber-kitsch.
> what is subtext
Nationalism is good. China ruined it all in Fallout universe. You don't need to know anything else.
you mean you need to fuck off to the chapo subreddit
I unironically think the Enclave are the good guys. Who gives a fuck?
These psoybhoy faggots getting angry over nothing.
>american civil war was about slavery u guies
>lulz wut r u talkin abo0t there wer no slavez in da norf at allz
At the outbreak of war, there were slaves in the northern states. The United States tends to only go to war when there's money at stake. You can point to any major conflict in American history and see the economic benefit of going to war. Even Pearl Harbor had money tied to it, with Japan getting pissed off over oil embargoes. Which was the US trying to drive up prices since it was the big kid on the block in terms of oil. Probably could be today if it wasn't cheaper to get it out of the arabs.
Anyway, the USofA is a constitutional republic but there are people out there advocating for the dissolution of the federal republic and the installation of an even more highly centralized government and the elimination of the states as power brokers. Which happened after the American Civil War and neutered the ability of states to self govern.
It's also the worst country on the planet, that many rightfully want to see gone.
>race war/civil war 2 is coming guys! I swear!
Please, just for a moment, leave the echochamber of /pol/ or reddit or wherever it is and go talk to an average person who doesn't not exist in the extreme fringe of political ideology like the rest of the people you surround yourself with.
is that place as bad as co
Faith in the Legion, or the ultimate end of the Legion essentially still comes down to whether you believe one man is truly great enough.
Which he is, ave
>A war that was about human rights
It was about slavery, but more the shift in the balance of power that it caused instead of the humanitarian aspect.
Lincoln wanted them out.
By what measurements?
300 years of slavery, a civil war, and a genocide and It was mostly white for it's entire history. Things are only going to get worse. When a competing ideology can be the majority it will totally be over.
why the fuck do people insist on pulling politics in? just enjoy the game FFS
You cannot objectively believe this without being an actual retard, holy shit.
>legion is a decent case for the wasteland
>brutal corporeal punishment
>militaristic beyond even NCR
>raider based economy
>no industrial capability
>totalitarian military dictatorship with no checks and balances
>veneration of warfare
legion is about as good for the wasteland as imperial japan
Are the Fallout and Hotline Miami fanbases full of nationalists? I never really got that impression.
But it's the fucking internet and certain "groups" can be really loud to the point where you get tricked into thinking there's more of them than there actually are. Squeaky wheel gets the grease. Just don't take all that social media garbage seriously, for the sake of your mental health if nothing else.
>oil embargo on Japan was to drive up prices
Definitely didn't have anything to do with Japan deciding to start conquering SEA, nope, all about money.
thanks for the yous you dumb trannies
Why are dipshit zoomers allowed to post here?
You do know there was a period in time where people would regularly pour bleach in racially segregated pools, right? Some dumb teenagers posting dumb shit online and protestors on the streets is nothing. You know fuck-all about American history.
they have a computer for a president. that's meta as fuck.
>thinking that Lovecraft's subtext was anti-minority and not more of an exploration of the insignificance of humanity's place in the universe as as strict opposition to religious or ego centrist thinking that places humanity at the center of a vast expanse
Yeah and look how much good emancipation did for this country
contribution to the existence of this Ascension island scrimshaw community bulletin board.
>it's capitalism, except for a privileged set of corporations who receive tax dollars if anything ever goes south, and regularly lobby the government to determine the laws that dictate what companies do and don't get to participate in the market
>it's socialism except only the productive people pay in and the laziest, shittiest elements of society get payed to live, and they get to vote on where your taxes get spent. Also we should pay for all of their healthcare lmao
The only reason you think otherwise is because you aren't paying much attention.
fallout NV story was fucking dogshit you faggots
Why are you putting words in my mouth, i never said that there weren’t slaves in the north
I was pointing to the fact that America’s conflict wasn’t due to diversity, that’s it.
Because programmer little fags who can only think to change the world by criticizing it fail to have any sort of clarity on what a better yet pragmatic one would look like
Supposedly shits only rough on the very edge of Legion territory(where New Vegas takes place) further in its comparable and possibly better than living in the NCR.
Shame Obsidian cut out all that Legion content
>pour bleach in racially segregated pools
wouldn't that literally do nothing though?
Your definition of Nationalism is the 20th Century Third Position political systems, not the definition of the system of abiding by a state and protecting a nation while holding the value of independent nations rather than a stateless society, which is the general definition that is used in modern society when discussing anything other than Third Position politics.
"God created man and animal, and in between them, he placed the nigger."
I'll never stop enjoying Lovecraft's work, but he's was undeniably racist and in some case, this was the inspiration for some of his stories. Shadow over Innsmouth for example had inter-species breeding degrading humanity as a theme(which represents race mixing.)
chlorine + bleach = dead niggers
I believe that's a different discord tranny group, one that lurked /r9k/ and got outed a while back.
This new discord tranny pack is from places like resetera.
Average people are unaware that obvious but it's pretty clear that things have gotten far worse and it only took a few narratives to do so. Race wouldn't be an issue in a non-multicultural society. Even in America, most races live separately but then they have the state apparatus to fuck with each other. Then their's feminism which is another story, but the past had a solution for that too, segregation by sex which is ironically being pursued by feminist in some areas.
>the moon landing is fake
You know who would be the first to deny it? The USSR. You know didn't deny the moon landing? The USSR.
The USSR doesn't benefit at all from allowing the US to fake landing on the moon.
here is what i think of politics
now take it and shove it up your ass talk about games not bullshit
>which is the general definition that is used in modern society
Not him but no it's not.
>"it's revisionism that other actors that were not the face of the movement acted in effort to the movement"
Yeah, Hitler had influential and important assistants, but we don't immediately recall all of them, do we?
>tfw uncomfortable about the religious implications of a race of evil people.
>Basically define a race of people as evil for over a century.
Thank god most people just go "wow cool legobrick elf cgi!"
The fucking backflips tumblrshits will do to try to brush this off while denouncing things they find bad in the same breath is astounding.
You're talking to a brick wall.
You forget that the USSR has a vested interest in pretending the moon is real, sheep.
>thinly veiled leftist thread
I see you shill
Single digit IQ the post.
Stop getting your definitions from political comics that appear on HuffPo.
Nationalism is the support of one's own nation and the desire for it to remain independent.
That's true, criticism is the lowest and cheapest form of political activity. That isn't to say it's bad, but it's the least contributing and substantial form of problem solving and a nation goes to shit when the majority of it's intellectual leadership are a bunch of (((critics))).
neither the bleach or the chlorine is plentiful enough to be effective you retard.
>parody to play up the ridiculousness of a subject means a condemnation of it instead of just being for fun
Gee I guess that means every 'whacky fantasy' game like A Bards Tale, Overlord and Dredmor means that fantasy fucking sucks
Punk doesn't mean shit any more dude, people just use it nowadays to mean anything with (barely (indistinguishably)) more of an edge than pop
No one liked the Hobbit movies.
but then they would just look jealous if they tried to denounce it as fake.
That was the idea, to bankrupt Japan by strangling their oil supply. Do you know how much money the US made selling oil in the lead up to Pearl Harbor?
And those economies were primarily what and fueled by what and made their money by producing what and kept people working by doing what.
Yeah how are those DSA membership numbers looking fag? Still less than 1% of the population
>it's ok when we do it
It's fucking baffling how full of themselves burgers are. Truly the "we wuz" of countries.
might as well
>humans are forever chained by basic lizard think
I hate you fucking people
>punk is communism
Fuck off
>nationalism and jingoism are the same thing
you sound like someone who has had all free thought forcibly beat out of them by liberal professors and globalist media
Hate you too, fellow competitor for the clutch.
>who cares about the details it gets the job done, doesn't it?
>muh Hitler
>Honestly denying lovecraft was racist
So why is it the majority of human worshipers of eldritch beings in Lovecrafts work are always mixed race or darkies? You know what worshiping Cthulhu does right? It makes him wake up faster. So basically all the unenlightened white, western european peoples are bringing about the fall of mankind.
>undeniably racist
>literally abandoned this way of thinking after experiencing life and interacting with people over time
>people act like because he uses gross physical descriptions or because the Horror of Red Hook exists that his works are based on racism, or the concept of racism when in fact they are primarily at heart obsessed with the idea of Man being small against The Universe, that we exist on the back of a great machine, moving independent of our choices or free will
the cyberpunk genre is meant as a reaction to the utopian fiction that presented technology as the end of economic and social woes
hence the saying "high tech, low life"
cyberpunk was meant to add realism to those futuristic visions of the future by showing a world where despite so much technological advancements, modern day problems like inequality, pollution, unchecked capitalism, and personal problems like loneliness, isolation, paying rent will still exist in spite of, or even aggravated by, advancements in technology
White people spend every single book looking at cursed .jpgs and creepypasta and going mad. Maybe he is just racist against the entire of humanity, and was actually writing squidman propaganda.
Think about it.
>1 actor creates a falseflag crime
>his story is so retarded it falls to pieces after 10 minutes of facts checking, still gets on twatter to complain about political opponents
>lefty media (that is 90% of american media, since they are all funded from the same money flows) instantly picks up story with 0 reporting work as usual
>staunchly defends the nigga, broadcasts "discussions" where "experts" (also lefties) tell everyone that everyone who even considers it a fake is also a racist nazi
>he eventually gets disproven, because his testimony is just so shit and he bragged about his shitty plan
>media people and celebrities still go on record that even if that was fake "the message was real" because they are lefty religious zealots
I'm not even fucking murrican, but I can tell what ideology is used to push despotic shit globally.
I feel like they were more like USSR Commies than Nazis, the Master was attempting to create a master race, yes, but it was in a way that stripped individuality and many were turned into little more than grunts (2 Intelligence) , in a similar fashion to the USSR after they brought home Nazi propaganda and rebranded it for their self interest, to promote nationalism and furor for the "cause".
I haven't played Fo1 for quite a long time, but I believe the Master spoke of a society "free" from different things in the same manner marxists claimed they'd recreate society "free" of certain oppressions.
Fo2 follows the Nazi allegory more firmly with the Enclave, in contrast.
>Civil War wasn't about slavery!
>oh shit he has an actual primary source straight from the horse's mouth- uhhh okay there was slavery but it was about money too!
No shit slavery is an economic institution. It was also a cultural and political institution. All that shit is intertwined. You're a moron if you think any war or conflict is caused by a single factor. There are always a ton of factors at play, but some are clearly bigger than others. Slavery was a huge factor and if you disagree you're arguing against the people who initiated the war in the first place. You're not enlightened for being contrarian about well-documented history.
His works reflected what he personally was afraid of/held distaste for.
So poor people, rural people, minorities, illiterate people, and technological advancement.
>experiencing life and interacting with people
Are you sure we're speaking about the same lovecraft? The man who would make anti-semetic remarks in front of his wife? The one who would barely leave his house? I'm fully aware that lovecraft's beliefs softened over time, but there's nothing to prove he completely abandoned his racist beliefs. Had he gone back and maybe edited his works, or if we had one of his letters making such a statement, sure until then, I'm not convinced.
And what was the interest, madman?
>but I can tell what ideology is used to push despotic shit globally.
American Brand(TM) politics, since you guys literally cannot stop knocking over governments and inserting puppet dictators and destabilizing entire regions
I'll just take Aqua, no need to roll.
I've never seen a source on him softening and I've half a mind it's just a rumor spread by people who really, really want to cope with being a fan of the mythos.
Lovecrafts text was heavily minority
I promise you not every american citizen supports this behavior. the american left is heavily critical of imperialism/the type of interventionism you describe.
preventing anyone claiming that prize.
Oh fuck the revisionist is fucking GONE.
>details somehow make the figurehead, the person responsible for leading the effort not the main problem
>McCarthyist revisionists want to argue about a white box theory of possible incursion by the reds never truly proven may have been spearheaded by various members of the government and that he got a bad rap despite literally being in the wrong
>literally wrote late in his life to his personal friends and the people who's work he helped edit that he had abandoned his racist viewpoints due to his growing realization of man's tendencies to focus on their self-aggrandized importance
Go read some of the letters he wrote or the comments on his edits to his friends like the creator of Conan or the people who directly worked over horror film writers and horror writers over the next twenty, thirty years.
Fuck off, this is some retarded shit.
He used racism because it fulfilled his scenery, he was not attempting to argue that the brown people are coming to get us, the universe in its cold indifference doesn't give a shit about us, and some people are ignorant of it and happy or aware of it and distressed/crazy. I know I can't expect people to actually be able to analyze a text here on Yea Forums but c'mon.
>most men don't think rape is good
>but because bad men rape, all men agree rape is okay
Telling men not to rape does nothing. The men who will already rape, don't care about the rules. And those who won't rape, never intended to in the first place.
I stay out of politics but aren't a part of righties falling into the camp of people who don't want the US to play world police?
I'm getting this claim from this documentary.
I honestly don't give a shit about lovecraft's racism. There's many author's will pretty big faults, but I still want to enjoy their work. I still enjoyed the Ninth Gate despite roman polanksy being a child molester.
Still nothing to do with the ideology, you just attacked (rightfully) the broken way that american leftism in particular uses it to their ends
actually that is true
look up r9cute
>Go read some of the letters he wrote or the comments on his edits to his friends like the creator of Conan
That nigga died because he had no gf at the age of 28 or so, was Lovecraft really that old at this point?
i thought the subtext of fallout two was how fun it is to meet a filthy savage, have him tag along, and sell him into slavery in the very next town you enter
Most of it is pretty left-leaning, not much in the way of right-wing punk rock.
You aren't even reading my initial post you are doing what everyone does when you say something they don't like: harp on that one aspect of the statement and disregard everything else. You aren't enlightened for being unable to ask "why was slavery a thing" or getting mad when you say the United States tends to only go to war when there's a lot of money on the line. Which is why the American Civil War happened: money. I'm sorry that upsets you, but if Trump and Congress comes out tomorrow and says the oil and gas industry is being completely restructured and 80% of all oil and gas employees will be fired and will lose everything, expect Texas to dig into their gold reserves and have a few meetings on how to respond and don't doubt armed responses won't be discussed.
Yeah, oil is a political and social institution. Every industry in the United States is. Software, chemical, agriculture, manufacturing, you name it.
>Be america
>Intervene in ideological conflicts
>Cause bad shit
>wtf US stop doing stuff
>Don't intervene in Kuwait
>500,000 people are slaughtered
>wtf US do something
story as old as time, this is called the gun control fallacy, there is no way to prove how many lives the US has potentially saved because they're still alive
fun fact: the majority of Europe doesn't pay for their own military, America does
he literally helped edit works up until he died, and he went through a lot of personal changes in that time
he died at 46 dude
There's many conservative groups. Some of them do, some of them don't. Then you get the war loving neocon rhinos that will support any war no matter what. Take John Mccain for example. And thank god that piece of shit is dead. Sadly, we still have some of those bible thumping retards that think we need to be constantly at war in the middle east so a nuclear war will occur and jesus will come back and they can float naked up to heaven.
well certainly but I think it depends on the recipient. the right thinks non whites are unwashed hordes that require military intervention. the right on twitter supports invading vwnezuela for a recent example.
giv pusi
Hitler was as unironically close as you can get to radical centrist.
I meant Howard, he died at 30.
I took a quick look at their birthdays and day of death, Lovecraft died a year after Howard's suicide. I knew they were close but I thought Lovecraft lived far longer. Turns out he was just a lot older than Howard in the first place.
McCarthy was right though
Yes, the far-right wishes to isolate itself completely from the rest of the world because "fuck them." While the left wishes to see the US to stop playing world police and just hand out aid to countries they like. With a small minority seeing any action as being imperialistic and the US should isolate.
The far left and right tend to want similar things but the context for wanting it vastly differ.
>i thought the subtext of fallout two was how fun it is to meet a filthy savage
theres also the fact that your main villains, the enclave, see anyone who isnt a pure human as subhumans who must be eradicated and are willing to kill all mutated life forms in the wasteland in order to rebuild america
There aren't many of those types wandering around. That's a very specific end of days scenario and the people who subscribe to it are limited in number and usually either mentally ill or elderly. There aren't many Armageddon preachers these days.
Like it or not, the heebs are a stabilizing force in the region and will play along with the US. That's why Israel is propped up. Makes it that much easier to bomb someone when they hurt our economy. Look at activity in the middle east and see how troop deployments/bombing runs are handled.
>People talking about Nationalism vs Globalism
>Holy shit people mean literal fascism!
Fuck off retard.
Oh I know they're not as prevalent as they used to be. I only know of their existence because my hillbilly relatives happen to believe this shit. My grand mother taught them that god sent swarms of bees to attack the enemies of israel during the seven day war lol. I wish I was making this shit up.
Why does this thread still exist?
>tumblr screenshot
>iphone filename
Shocking, an elderly person from an rural area believes something weird and told her grandchildren. I grew up in a rural area also, maybe once you grow up and see more of the world you'll understand more about why people behave the way they do and maybe you won't feel so intellectually superior. Pretty sure you're underage b&.
Jannies have some other threads to deal with. Probably logging IPs.
This is very wrong.
That is realpolitik.
Globalist lefty ideology is used to distract the common people from things that actually matter.
The best part about it is even if you do not fall for it, if you do not have enough money to buy yourself real independence, you will get bogged down by screeching cultists.
Because some people can like a game that has a story or themes that they don't like or disagree with. Because that isn't, and shouldn't be, the focus of the game. The gameplay is.
It's like I'm really on /pol/
>men now have the exact opinion and response to rape that they have to periods
>they try to avoid talking about it
>they get irritated when women bring it up for no reason
>they regularly joke about it to explain a womans irrational behavior
>we should believe something because of an idea, even if unbiased facts say otherwise
>we should dismiss and attack other people because they disagree with the idea
>not ideology
It's a video game, I'm going to do video game things.
user got it from Bill Hicks and omitted the bits that help that statement make sense.
themes are important, but why would you expect that from mauler? The autism shown in his reviews never has to do with theming but is an autistic shot-by-shot analysis of whether or not things look good.
>the majority of Europe doesn't pay for their own military, America does
No, that's Israel.
European countries pay for their army, just some, like Germany, do not do enough to honor their NATO agreement
What the fuck? Did somebody make another game sharing the same name as Hotline Miami? Cause I don't remember any of that shit being in the game.
All I remember is a hooker, a serial killer, a mob boss, and some trolls making a bunch of prank calls. Everything in between was just a bunch of blood and jibberish I assumed manifested from an obvious language barrier and a nationwide drinking problem. Was I really expected to sort through any of that nonsense?
There's subtlety and then there's just not knowing how to communicate a fucking point.
Fallout was pretty obvious though.
network engineer = licensed sound/comm techs
you know, wire jerkers
The writer of the antifa handbook is literally a prof at my alma mater and worked with other pinkos, administration LGBT groups, and the President Phil Hanlon to go after frats including the one I ran, and I only barely managed to keep us afloat through my exec tenure. Picrelated got sent out to all general mailing lists right after I graduated.
This guy would've been one of my bosses if I hadn't walked away from my job offer out of disgust over how manufactured all the #metoo bullshit really was -
There should have been public executions to rout out these faggots long ago.
rolling for big tits and communism
Came here to post Yuri.
Watch this, those of you who haven't already-
If american liberals completely disregard garantism because they believe that a black man is innocent even adter proven guilty it’s not the fault of leftims as a whole, just the people using it
Change the agents and the idea works.
He might just be trolling.
Or not.
Who knows what is real anymore, I started to just insult them and save my digital breath.
You're going to burn kike.
rent free
I just denounced those kings of beliefs are retarded, are you simple in the head?
Can't the US sell oil and also embargo japan to try and get them to stop conquering the SEA?
In the Fallout series they literally put all of America's chinks into camps and use them for medical experiments. At the end of it the only "good" people wound up being insane christians like Joshua, but even then all he does is use his close friends (Daniel) and idiots (tribals) to acquire power and build their own Zionist nationalism. Even in Fallout 3, the only remaining nationalists are American glow-in-the-dark CIA niggers and their Chinese counterparts fighting over ruins, which a monarch quickly captures.
In both cases there's no purported solution other than maybe religion or dark enlightenmentism, but even then the Legion is shown to be insane cultists who want to destroy everything before them to create anew (not much different than the pre-war world) while the NCR persecutes people with prewar knowledge (Enclave, BoS and ghouls) for similar reasons.
>54,000,000+ people are starving in the US
There it is, the dumbest thing I'll read today.
Burning for a good cause is the best way to die
Equality under law is an idea older than humanism. You don't need the gospel of Equality to spread it.
Left-right is a stupid distinction now anyway. Globalism vs nationalism is far more adequate. One is born from centuries of practice, other from enforcement of high ideas by prideful elites.
>actually having commies instead of larping retards in local strawman rituals
I think most lefties in civilized countries don't deny soviets' horrors. Saying that soviet union wasn't really communistic is a flawed argument, but it's far from claiming that soviets did nothing wrong. Also, just because a system attempted by slavshits and chinksects failed doesn't mean some form of socialist policies couldn't work in a different time when done by more responsible and smarter people.
Communism does suck, but not for the reasons that the dirty, filthy, stupid, disgusting subhuman amerimutt jaw-flappers tend to claim.
>falling for the anti-McCarthyism propaganda
Holy shit the soviets had it so easy during the 50-60s
>pseudo-intellectual that really enjoys the sound of his own voice
Fuck off, you're not about to show the world that socialist or communism can really work, we're know you're just another retard that isn't as clever as he thinks he is.
Japan was going to run out of steam, everyone knew it, and picking up the pieces was going to be extremely profitable. The oil speculators made serious bank in the lead up to Pearl Harbor, deny it all you want. The oil exploration that happened before 1942 laid the framework for the entire status quo of the world today.
Apparently so, for responding to you.
>irrationally hating someone for thinking differently
who's the true lizard here?
>Gets called out for being a barely literate jack ass
"Heh fuck you bruh. Ha, I got the fucker."
>cyberpunk says transhumanism is the next step to human evolution
but that's wrong though
>I betcha think ya soooo smaaaht duntya? well you're naat
It's a video game. I do not care.
>I think most lefties in civilized countries don't deny soviets' horrors.
yeah well ... maybe ask the german Party "Die Linke" (literally "The Left") on the cruelties of eastern germany committed against its people.
They still go "It was an attempt at something different! Suuuure not EVERYTHING was perfect..."
And so on and so on.
They have an immense problem with accepting soviet crimes. Like literally /pol/ tier levels of denial. But out in the open.
>I think most lefties in civilized countries don't deny soviets' horrors.
The average person doesn't even know about the existence of gulags. I was at Dartmouth and people didn't even know about gulags. I didn't even grow up in America and I knew about it. But NJ did have laws mandating classrooms cover the holocaust, that's codified in law -
Communism is not a system to be tried. It's pure oppression meant to be imposed to control. It's innately involuntary. I don't care how fucked you think you are, no matter where you may be, you categorically cannot ever expect to be freer in a communist society than in any other, no matter where you live on the planet.
I agree that globalism is the right word, but the word leftist here ends up being the same thing
Much easier for peabrains to enforce their Us vs Them narrative when it’s simple concepts like left and right.
Anyway equality under law is still a concept that should be observed everywhere.
All i see from both side of the american spectrum is people claiming innocence despite a verdict for who they like. be it a black man or a trump supporter.
I openly dislike both sides of american politica and thank god i don’t live there and i don’t have to choose which side to support.
The story was mostly there in HM1, as the hidden ending was basically an exposition dump. But of course, hidden, so therefore missable.
HM2 expanded on that, in case you missed out on that coming out. I recommend, but people have criticized it for being too firearm oriented, with off screen shooters and an abundance of windows annoying some people.
They were seething with jealousy (and Russia still is) over pretty much every Western accomplishment, and very blatantly so. If there was the most remote possibility to deny the moon landings, they would be shouting it from the rooftops non-stop since 1969.
I'm glad you see the error of your ways.
>"Hey guys! Come and watch me fix all the world's problems while my mom gets me my hot pockets!"
I'm not denying it, I'm not super well versed in WW2 stuff, I was just asking you if the embargos had more to do with money or more to do with Japan going around conquering things.
Why the fuck do people always have to act like someone is attacking them for asking a question? It's like some autistic bold fragility you people have going on here.
That's wrong, though.
I make a decent amount of money and I can answer yes to every single scenario presented under "other facts and figures".
>worried food would run out
Yep, when I forget to go to the grocery store and have nothing in the house
>food bought did not last
Yep, happens all the time
>could not afford balanced meal
I've gone off without my wallet, guess that counts?
>cut size or skipped a meal
Happens all the time, I skip meals constantly
>ate less than they should
Happens all the time, no time to sit and eat everything
>hungry but did not eat
Happens all the time, can't just stop what I'm doing to eat
>did not eat for a whole day
Happens rarely, but happens
The only number on there worth a damn is the poverty line information but everything else is so qualitative it's basically worthless and just there to illicit an emotional response.
What fucking shithole are you from that people don’t know about Gulags
A pretty terrible example, actually. Empires by definition have to curb their nationalist impulses past the initial expansion, in order to keep the disparate ethnic groups within the empire working together.
>denying basic biology because you don't like it
It's late and the way you worded that is retarded. Language is meant to be a form of communication, not masturbation.
Being pro-communist also does not automatically make you a screeching retard either
But sadly that's all you hear.
You do realise "left=communism" is a fucking retarded view point right? Cyberpunk as a medium has always had more to do with individual anarchism and the attempts of one person to subvert standing rules and institutions. Christ the fucking main character in Neuromancer judges everyone from corps to street kids to druggies and space Jamaicans.
There is very little if any communist rhetoric enshrined in cyberpunk as it has always been more about tempered anarchistic backlash against the stifling nature of dystopian societies marching into the toilet.
why do you think everything from clothing style, to attitudes and even the bodies of main characters reflect a lifestyle that changes from hedonistic rebellious excess to a more complete understanding of the a way forward out of the shitty system they are in on an individual level where there are less rules and less interferences from "the man"?
The problem is that no historian or political figure is going to talk about the economic benefits of World War II outside of very tightly constructed statements regarding The Great Depression and how amazing FDR was. That's kinda changing nowadays, but it's a very recent development. The oil embargo was loved by the military and the blossoming oil industry in the United States. It gave them time to ramp up production since it eliminated an entire nation of customers and drove up prices.
Have fun going down that rabbit hole. As far as conspiracy theories go, the "oil is the root cause of everything" conspiracy ain't that tough to process. You can see the logic attached to it.
>be jaded faggot in commie-stan
>escape to clapitalist country
>tell lies
The first one just had
>We lost some war in Hawaii and now the Russians are here
But the Cold War is over so why should anyone care about philosophical fart sniffing about it?
>haha this game is awesome! check out my cool guns and armor!
>Noooooo Stoooooop you are playing this game the wrong way you should be ashamed of your words and deeds I bet you post on /pol/ and voted Trump you see you are the problem infesting videogames and you are the reason videogames are not considered art you totally ignored the subtext of war and violence being bad I bet you are a psycho irl of course you are american american culture is steeped in violence and crime and virtual violence is as bad as real violence I blew your mind right now huh go back to rebbit
Nothing he said was untrue. The fact that you handwaved it without an actual argument speaks on its own.
I feel like this is a really esoteric annoyance.
>Story has antagonists
>The antagonists often displays power and ideally has a reasonable motivation for their actions unless the writer sucks
>People can easily identify with an antagonist that isn't just a joke
>Some people get annoyed that anyone would identify with an antagonist because "herp derp they're the bad guy"
>Cons start banning people from dressing up as members of the Galactic Empire, Hydra, Zeon etc because to them fictional Nazi analogs = supporting actual fascism
>Most of it is pretty left-leaning, not much in the way of right-wing punk rock.
I ain't bothering with more, too lazy.
although cyberpunk deals with class disparity and unrestrained capitalism, i don't think they're ever really the focal point or anything these creative works try to preach about. instead, they're simply considered an immutable part of life in these settings, and trying to change them is ultimately a pointless exercise in futility that isn't even considered by the protagonists. instead, the focus of a typical cyberpunk work is the protagonist and his own personal, typically selfish goals. this is no coincidence. cyberpunk extrapolates our current situation in terms of technology, class disparity and such, but most importantly, it does so with our growing apathy and nihilism. how do you find purpose in a world with nothing to believe in? god is dead, justice is dead and ideology is dead. this is the true enemy, and defeating your apathy and finding your purpose is true victory. just watch the new blade runner, all the protagonist wanted for the entire movie was to find some meaning in his life, not topple the class disparity inherent in society.
i don't think cyberpunk fiction really tries to preach us into preventing the world we are headed towards. most people writing this stuff knows that the reader can do nothing about it, and neither can the writer. all we can do is let it roll over us and try to survive.
Yes it does. You either support a dictatorship who rules for himself under the pretense of being a servant of the people or you believe in a fantasy that can never be achieved.
which is why absolute cultural similarity is good most of the time. racial is not.
>But the Cold War is over so why should anyone care about philosophical fart sniffing about it?
the cold war was the closest we ever got to total annihilation of civilization
and the socio-economic landscape of the world heavily revolved around it, shaping our modern world as the US and USSR meddled and interfered with other countries and threw blank checks at anyone who claimed they could beat the commies/capitalists no matter how insane
though the cold war is over, we still live in the fallout of that era
a lot of the problems we have today can be traced directly back to the actions taken in the cold war
actions that have far-reaching consequences that are biting us in the ass that were possible because of their top-secret nature and overridding need to defeat the soviets that they were able to bypass normal restraints and limitations
BUT IT IS REAL AND IT WORKS BECAUSE I READ ABOUT IT IN [book title] AND I SAW IT ON [television series] AND [some internet guy] MADE THESE REALLY GOOD POINTS LIKE [points that are neither new nor clever].
Left literally means "sitting in the left wing of parliament" in like revolutionary France or interwar Germany. And guess who sat there. Communists.
Before some radical centrists memes about left wing nazis, they were in the far of the right wing, which is why they are called right wingers.
Lovecraft had basically two kinds of subtext: The "dude humanity is insignificant lmao" you're talking about, and expressing his deep seeded fear of having coffee somewhere in his family tree's cream (basically any of his stories where the protagonist or some other character has some degenerate monster in his linage). So yes, his racism absolutely did influence his subtext.
>Do you believe that without laws, people would happily gobble up the shit that corporations put in food? Of course not. In fact, the information regarding that sort of thing would be even more clear because corporations wouldn't be able to lobby for specific information to be put out in the public.
the fuck? what kind of insane leap of logic is this
Hitler's Germany literally incorporated some leftist aspects such as it's economy
It wasn't.
I was talking specifically about cyberpunk not music.
also anarchism is left so I said fuck all about right.
>leftist aspects
Leftist means sitting in the left wing of the parliament. People who sat on the left wing of parliament were arrested, their property seized, and them sent to labor camps.
There is no "leftist economics", only leftist parties, and the nazis weren't one.
Have you seen starship troopers?
Any brainlet can see the hamfisted satire but what the creators didn't realize is the concepts they try to satirize accidentally transcend the satire and end up looking awesome.
>anarchism is left
Really nigga?
nationalism is an evolution of societies based on tribalist ties, which are older than human history itself
so yeah basically you're a dumb faggot
I'm talking from an American point perspective. socialism is leftist.
Except you don't encourage people to get along at all. You encourage the majority to be self-loathing cucks and the minority to be permanently disgruntled malcontents
Objectively incorrect. A closed society tends to stagnate and quickly fall behind in both military strength and general level of development. Our biggest strengths as a species is our ability to spread and develop ideas from others; limiting this pool is an unavoidable dead end.
It's the same reason why most remotely complex living beings opted for messy and occasionally risky sexual reproduction instead of just cloning themselves a million times over.
"Everything is political" said the pretentious game writer.
Little did he know, no one gave a shit about his witty subtext and just enjoyed playing videogames.
My nigga, have a goat.
>Nationalism is good.
Well, anarcho-capitalists are ultra-right wing according to the media and internet denizens, so I guess it makes sense that regular anarchists are ultra-left wing. But, really, go look at any self-described "anarchist" on the internet and tell me they don't lean heavily to the left.
The term encompasses everything from giga authoritarian communists to pants shitting anarcho-collectovists you massive turd. Quit splitting hairs.
user, d are you autistic or did you not read my posts? High school in Jersey, then college at Dartmouth, then work in Hollywood.
American X is bad for most X. You are on an international forum, don't use American logic, use normal logic instead.
And even in the USA, is having and funding an army "leftist"? It is a centralized tax fueled government ran operation. It is "socialism", as are roads, as are dams.
Getting binary about economics using "left" and "right" is dumb, don't partake.
The term is so all encompassing as to be useless. Anything can be left or right depending on how you feel on a given day, so its useless to use these terms. Talk policy, not meme words.
Communists didn't exist in revolutionary France, user. In France, the distinction was simply about whether you were a royalist or not.
>late stage capitalism
My favorite meme. Capitalism is literally how humanity has functioned since the inception of society. Only then it was called mercantilism.
You will never be a real woman and no matter how many families you destroy, nothing will ever fill the hole in your heart that pushes you to commit suicide.
Gimmie gimmie gimmie
that's what I'm saying. allowing individuals in the country regardless of their race will have benefit, so as long as they assimilate.
Well yes, the concept of nation estate has been pretty useful so far.
The left wanted to redistribute the property of the aristocracy and the church.
The left wanted higher taxes on wealthier people.
The left wanted the government to buy out their war/poverty related debt.
The left wanted to remove inheritance of power and wealth for aristocracy.
And so on, and so on. They weren't "communist", but they were the then equivalent of it.
Resource-wise, Communism only makes sense in a post-scarcity space-age society. But in that sort of era, society would expand to such a great size and have so many diverse and not easily communicable parts that establishing Communism would would be even more impossible in practice than today.
I'm discussing cyberpunk, you started brining the French Revolution which existed before communism.
>tfw no political affiliation but simply hate christcucks, jews, niggers and homos
Only some of them, mind you. There was a myriad of fractions there, running from very moderate reformists to "kill all the parasites!" types like Marat.
>American education
I'm just going to ask the most obvious question with that picture.
Is there any reason at all to believe that guy isn't lying? I feel like the weirdo for being the only one questioning this, but what if he just made it up?
I’m kinda hating that people think “transhumanism” = “transsexualism”, but who can blame them? Everyone thinks with their dick and cunt at all times every day.
No, transhumanism is what The Lawnmower Man is all about: Transforming yourself into raw data to reach a higher form of consciousness... that is the ultimate goal of transhumanism. It’s beyond mere fickle vanity, like turning yourself into a circus freak or making up a bunch of bullshit so you can claim that you are “marginalized”, both for stroking your own ego and getting attention.
Transhumanism is about being free.
A competing ideology will never be the majority because at any point the majority can adjust itself to fold the increasing minority into itself and maintain itself as the majority if under a different name.
The ubiquitous term "white people" as we know them have not always been the majority. While a German, Italian, Irish and American might all consider themselves part of the same group today you know that wasn't always the case. There's no way any self respecting American was going to consider himself in the same category as some Potatonigger.
But as time went on and all those discriminated minorities gained more and more influence the majority had to 2 choices to deal with the rising opposition
A. Exterminate them
B. Let them into the club
B ends up happening and you fold all those minorities into the larger group and find a new minority to pick at.
Nowadays that group is called "white people" and refers to people with European descent but that could change tomorrow to "also include white looking hispanics" or "also include some of those mixed fellas" hell you get people calling asians honorary whites too.
Basically the actual vehicle used to unite the majority together (skin colour, the website you browse, etc) is arbitrary and as long as they can modify that then they will always theoretically be the majority.
It's dogshit user, it's not a meme, it literally is indoctrination.
It's kind of irrelevant because we know the totalitarian USSR did that to people even if it didn't happen to him personally.
That last one is bullshit, I hail hydra and sieg zeon at every con I go to m80
And these ain't small affairs either, but they are all weeaboo cons though so maybe, I don't fuck with stan lee's ilk
>germany got a harsh punishment in ww1
Epic meme my friend
Fallout doesn't have that at all anyway. It's literally about a shell of a man trying to 'unite' people and erase significant differences and about the inherent conflict between people so alien to each other. The master is 'state enforced homosexuality' on steroids.
Perhaps fallout 2 fits the bill. But its main storyline isn't well written. It is also far too zazzy lol so random, so its point if any is not important to the player.
You could say that about literally every single thing you hear. You're missing the point. It's put forth as a demonstration of what Yuri talked about. Like a step-by-step illustration to further explain his words in action.
Substrate matters, even if one could upload them selves, the result would be that there are now two of you, either plan around the ship of theseus, or accept that you will never ascend to become wholly machine.
Ah. Okay yeah. Good point. I was wondering why nobody was asking that.
As someone who actually does come from a former communists country (and has lived in three of them), collective repressions as he describes were pretty much nonexistent in the 1980s. Even active dissidents were usually "only" imprisoned for a year or two and then released, often several times in a decade.
The Communist Block of the 1980s was very different from the bloody terror of the 1930s to 1950s. Still incredibly shitty, but nothing like he describes.
We have proof its actually a falseflag from our friends at voat
I agree, actually. In life, we are bound by our vessel and I think we should celebrate who we are, rather than hating everyone else for who they are. This whole war on the white man is ridiculous and people thinking that they need to step on anyone else to rise up, should be stepped on themselves.
Sure is a lot of seething mutts ITT.
This meme has creepy incestuous undertones
So then i’m right, let me reiterate
>american education
i thought that was the joke
I have a question for you then. What do you personally think communism? Do you think communism is fundamentally flawed? Is what happened in the past simply a case of corrupt people using something good to do something bad? Is it viable or is mankind simply not yet responsible enough to handle it properly?
They guy who did this either don’t knows the fucking point of having children or is an incestous pedophile.
Communism cannot work in real life for a whole laundry list of reasons. From the economic perspective, the amount of planning, foresight, and administration it would require is staggering and without it, the system becomes extremely wasteful and inflexible. It also requires an implausible amount of honesty, hard work, good judgement, and good faith in pretty much all participants, which is implausible due to how human being work.
Communism defenders like to argue that the communist regimes failed because they were hijacked by repressive, often very ignorant individuals. That is partially true, though they ignore the key detail, namely that communism is a great breeding ground for these types.
It's one of those utopian thought experiments that can be taken as food for thought and maybe an inspiration for some particular ideas, but should never be tried in reality.
What kind of faggots have their head lodged so firmly up their own ass that they get the subtext of a game and instantly assume that no one else understood it or realized it was there.
>hotline miami
50 blessings were the good guys tho
HLM was a psychological horror about the individual's suffering being manipulated by government intities(incl political movements)
side note
>hurr durr anti-mccarthyism
>btw i hate russian hacker bots who've infultrated our government
>everyone who disagrees with me is brainwashed by russians.
>it could be you, it could be me... we're surrounded by reds...
>tiananmen square massacre
yeah the 1980's were great under communism
To add, I'll give you an anecdote of how the "to each according to their needs" economy worked in practice.
In 1967 or so, Czechoslovakia had a shortage of ketchup. It made no sense to anybody, because there was a great tomato harvest. The state TV (which had recently gained some amount of freedom, only to get crushed by the Soviet invasion later) went to question the officials responsible. As it turned out, the problem was in bottle caps - the bottle cap manufacturing factories did not receive instructions to boost the production to cover the rising demand.
And you had this with pretty much everything.
>contras and death squads slaughtering and raping people in central America with US support
yeah the 1980's were great under capitalism
The guy in the pic claimed he was from Poland. The European communist regimes were a pretty different beast than China in the 80s. Also note that I never said things were "great" in any way or form.
Agreed, that's why I'm a marxist leninist myself, vanguardism really is the only way forward. Nice to see you understand the anticapitalist themes of cyberpunk though!
Yes? I agreed with you, what are you on about?
>Implying marxists think the western lifestyle is good or sustainable
That's a neat anecdote user
>assume a premise for narrative purposes
>this means the author believes the premise is a realistic prediction of the future
Get your head checked out user.
The contras were hyper-nationalist anti-communists. Their name is literally a short form for counter-revolutionist.
That does not imply a love for the free market. In fact, most authoritarians of that color outright hate libertarians ("cuz da jooooooos").
The US supported them because the Soviets supported the other - equally violent socialist - side, which would have essentially meant another Cuba right at the gates of the US.
The contra affair had to do with geopolitical security, especially with regards to mid-range missiles in case of war. It had nothing to do with capitalism you dolt.
If I wanted a subtle message about a particular topic I'd read a fucking book on the subject instead of stroking my Dick at a shallow "subtext" (which needs the prior knowledge about the subject to be understood properly anyway)
The curtains are fucking blue, not a deep symbol of whatever the fuck and they aren't the centrepiece anyway, its a game meant to have fun.
Fuck off
no one here mentioned capitalism, boris
There are no people who don't get the message. They just don't care.
It doesn't even make sense in relation to the games
>nationalism didn't cause the great war, conflict for oil did
>literal Chinese/communist spies present in every major fallout release
>Russians invade the US, vigilanties attack them for revenge
Never seen them held up with Mein Kampft as symbols of nationalism either.
fucking yummy.
>ugh me not play game me play story, me mind blown whoah so amazink story
there's a secret ending
I agree with most of what you said. Especially this.
>It's one of those utopian thought experiments that can be taken as food for thought and maybe an inspiration for some particular ideas
I sincerely hope one day it can be used in real life because I see two potential futures for mankind; a communist utopia and a capitalist cyberpunk nightmare we're honestly not that far from now. A homeless guy living in the streets "augmented" with a prosthetic limb and with no money to pay for it, sounds like a story you could hear on the news right now. Hell, they routinely do stories on the elderly and all of the medical treatment they get but can't afford. We're really not that far off.
I'm reminded of this.
Because people don't give a shit about your faggy message, they play vidya to be entertained not to have some cock-smoker preach to them
>all this seethe
i think op hit a nerve hehe
haha yeah based OP amirite other anonymous user.
>There are no people who don't get the message.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves
Not in 1789, as soon as 1791 you had full blown commies. Look up the conspiracy of the equals, the plan to literally nationalize children after age 4 (they become 'children of the people' instead of children of their parents and are raised in barracks) which was barely defeated in parlement, not mentioning the famed law of maximum and the mass expropriations.
Well said user
It's pretty much parallel to high-school physics experiment. Everything goes under ideal conditions and solely from the point of classic mechanics. Difference is always omitted, it does not count in for all external or internal influences and is limited by the structure of its theoretical system and how it handles its matters
Communism, that would be abole to work, is for people turned into intertwined, selfless, emotionless machines with shared hivemind. And by all those factors being met, they cannot be still classified as "people"
Didn't he marry a jew and whenever he was writing some anti-semitic texts his wife would get mad?
Better question : How about you let people enjoy their 60$ game however the fuck they want ?
What percentage of houses almost got shut down anyway? Seems like it's calmed down a little but MDF was some shit
>it's not real capitalism!
ok bud
>60$ game
>hotline miami
>fallout 1
>fallout 2
>fallout new vegas
Those 4 games combined still doesn't add up to $60.
Communism has no place in reality. Every example has failed, and as the previous user said, it requires a surreal amount of good faith, honesty, and planning, planning, planning.
Whatever economic system is used, there will always be poor, destitute people. This is a fact of life. The good thing about capitalism is you can generate wealth, that if applied socially, can help these people out.
Also, I'm pretty sure medical code states that Docs can't simply refuse or deny treatment to elderly people that can lead to their death. Now whether docs are practitioning honestly and fairly recommending treatments is an entire question of ethics altogether.
Never use the word punk again, you’re not allowed to. I’m taking it from you. Tell all your faggoty commie friends that they need to hand it over too. You’re worth just as much as you would’ve been if your dad had shot you over your mom’s stomach. You’re just an inconvenience to anyone unlucky enough to come in contact with you. I don’t usually tell people to kill themselves, but I think you should consider it if you somehow think you’re welcome in an environment like this. You clearly lack any ability to think rationally and your pathetic attempts at suicide would probably be better than getting stabbed to death by tyrone when you talk to him like he’s your friend.
yeah, americans under capitalism were the ones doing the raping.
i suppose your right, it was fantastic being an american capitalist in the 80s
I meant recent games my bad, still people can enjoy their games however they want