Beat a bunch of people in fightan consistently

>beat a bunch of people in fightan consistently
>everyone thinks I'm worse than them because I don't enter tournaments

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It's the same with sports, you have to compete in the actual competition to get recognized for your ability, otherwise it's just training.

I don't want to be recognized, I just don't want to be disrespected by being thought of as worse than someone inherently just because they play in """""real""""" matches even if I destroy them every time

>I don't want to be recognized
>I just don't want to be disrespected
So you do want to be recognized.

So you want to be recognized.

just because you don't accept my explanation doesn't make it less truthful

There is nothing to accept about it, it's you being still in denial, lol.

>I'm highly competitive and care about what other people think about me
>too chicken to enter tournaments

I get you

Who gives a fuck. Let people be salty they got their asses kicked by a no name.

Tournament matches always count the most. Now fuck off back to r/kappa, loser.

why would I be chicken about playing a video game
I just don't have fun playing under tournament match constraints and they cost money, why would I pay more to have less fun
according to who? it's all arbitrary and doesn't even matter as much as people think it does because who you fight in the tournament (ergo where you place) is essentially random
if you're playing the game that's all that matters, the objective is to win no matter what and there's no reason you should arbitrarily weigh some matches differently or play any differently because of context outside of the game

>according to who?
According to literally everyone with common sense, so that excludes you.

Put something on the line faggot. At least do moneymatches pussy ass.

that's a really good non-answer, thank you for contributing nothing

A perfect fit for your non-reasons.

why does there need to be something on the line besides winning the game itself? do you not intrinsically want to improve regardless?
having something "on the line" doesn't do anything but fuel pointless ego dickwaving

in what universe is having less fun a non-reason? do you know what video games are made for?
note that fun and wanting to win and improve are not mutually exclusive, before you send that smartass reply you're typing

You’d understand this if you’d ever played at a tournament. People will always play different when put under pressure because there’s something tangible to lose. I’ve seen many cases of people winning tournament sets after getting bopped by the same person in casual matches.

If you are not having fun, that's only on you. For people who do it, playing to win in a competetive environment is fun.
Sounds like you want the recognition but are not willing to put the effort in, and by effort I mean compete in a tournament. If you truly didn't care about the recognition, then you wouldn't be bitching here about what anyone else thinks.

I played in tournaments for years you ninny, I stopped having fun after a decent amount of time and realized how much more fun I had not entering and how much more constructive my approach to the game became
tournaments are focused way too hard on raw results which don't even mean much in their own context since you just beat the practically random set of people you ended up playing rather than always trying to play a multitude of people for hours on end
I've seen the same people who weigh so heavily on tournament matches be absolutely miserable about the game on a regular basis
like I said I don't care about recognition, I just don't want to be looked down on and there is a distinct difference between those no matter what you say

>I don't care about recognition, I just don't want to be looked down on and there is a distinct difference between those no matter what you say
There actually isn't, no matter how much are dead set on denying it.

how the hell do you even get looked down on in the game if you beat a bunch of people constantly
do you literally brag to others who don't care

because some fuck is trying to make an "objective" power ranking using tournament results and a handful of the better players already give me shit about not entering things

holy fuck are you seriously trying to get on the PR without entering tournaments

Recognition != Respect

there isn't a PR you nigger
I'm playing a 20 year old game with a group of at best 10ish regular people and of those even less are actually any good or dedicated to the game
entering "tournaments" for this shit or taking them seriously is completely worthless

They're 100% right tho. Maybe when you stop being a coward you can also stop being shat on.

>using the word coward about playing a fucking video game
this kind of retarded shit is why I don't enter tournaments anymore in the first place

What the fuck do you care what other people think about you? If you can beat them, you're their superior. If you can't, you're not, that's all there is to it.
Maybe they're trying to get your autistic ass to join their tournaments so they can learn something from you.

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You should probably go to tournaments to make contacts because playing with new people is a good way to improve.

>Beat bunch of scrubs
>scrubs say that you couldn't beat actually good tourney players
>get so mad that you come to cry to Yea Forums about how you don't want real competition or your fragile ego might be broken
baka OP

Nigger, if you win, consistently, than you are better. Who fucking cares what the guy you beat thinks, he lost, he's a peasant nigger. Send him a gg ez.

You have autism.

You seem like a massive faggot, OP.
Like, I mean the biggest.

wish i had access to tournaments

Cute. Let's have a match. You win, I'll praise you like you clearly want. I win, I get to do what I want with you.

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The only way to assess your stren is to enter tournaments. Offline is good but when you enter the octagon and everything is on the line that's when it counts.

looks like we got a basement king situation boys

fucking this, there's been one (1) tournament for my game of choice in the last four years yet faggot OP complains that they're so common he is EXPECTED to participate

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Not him but I'll take you up that. What games and region?

I just go to play and don't enter
like I said there's not really anyone new playing the game at all
I don't believe that
I try to improve and win always and it should count just as much since nothing about the game is different

shut up frog posting retards
tournaments are overrated and you deserve it for playing a dead game in a 3rd world country
if you're that desperate it's your fault for not hosting them yourself

>just host a tournament for 1 player bro

Holy shit he smoked your ass completely, stop being a fucking faggot and just confess that you are a smelly looser who is scared to join tournaments because then everyone would see that you are the shit-tier faggot everyone knew you were all along, your ego can't protect you forever.

On the other hand, don't except respect from anyone for free idiot..

Lora is so cute

Stop looking for support here Zero

how do i get good at fighting games?

be talented and play a lot

I'm not talented is it still worth trying?

if you're lucky you'll be intermediate after 5 years

Notice that OP never even said the name of the game.
Either it's obscure and nobody will care or it's well-known and OP will be blown the fuck out by actual good players

you will never improve playing against the same fucking people
play ranked online

is that you weenie

the same weenie who made a thread a week ago but cried the whole time so now you're taking a flippant stance instead to try and self-delude yourself into being in the right instead of facing your crippling social anxiety and self-persecution issues


What game

did you try telling the "boomers" directly that you just didn't want to play tourney games or did you puss out again

what's the backstory? who's weenie?

>le talent meme
Grind nigga grind, talent shit is for losers. Grind to learn.

>hard work meme
if hard work was all it took everyone would be pros

just some scaredy cat who came crying to Yea Forums last week about how the "boomers" at his 3rd strike locals kept encouraging him to play tourney games but he's a nervous wreck and can't deal with the pressure so instead of either telling them directly that he's not interested or actually playing the tourney games to grind out his nerves he sought validation from anonymous internet strangers who almost unanimously told him to nut up

Hah! So says the man who has never worked hard. Ignorance is a bliss, I guess.

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There's always this one kind of defeatist baby in every FGC discord I've been forced to join for tech and matchups and they just constantly, constantly need attention from others and no matter how much advice they get they just bullheadedly refuse to even try it

i dont need to stick my hand in a fire to know i will get burned

>dude like just dont get hit lol
great """""""""advice""""""""""

If you stick your hand to fire enough, you will develop callus.
Person who hasn't done that but already has callus, you will call that talent.
But actually, he just used to play guitar.

how'd you get hit dingus

were you pressing an unsafe button

was your spacing wack

did you fail to stop a jumpin

Well i don't want to play hungrybox or mew2king at evo user, I just want to be able to play games online and not be worried I'm going to lose all the time to a better player because I'm awful.

are you retarded? callus wont protect your hand from fire


don't try to be a good player

try to be a better player

It will hurt less retard.

most people online are shit and beating then doesnt mean you're anything but slightly above literal garbage

this seems like a more positive way of dealing with it, maybe i've been looking at the problem all wrong, thanks user.
I don't want or need recognition

your hand will still burn to a crisp you mongloloid

you said you want to be good. beating literal garbage players does not mean you are good

You've misinterpreted me, when I said good I just meant I didn't want to lose as often, the way you are typing you seem to think I want to be the best. Which I don't.

so you just dont want to be the worst? what a patheitc goal

That's a good way to put it. I don't want to be the worst and I don't care about anything beyond that.

Probably because of things like this:


I don't think so

You rank online doesn't matter, your match history against good players doesn't matter, you reputation doesn't matter.
The only thing that matters in FGs as far as skill goes, is tournament results.
Quite sound logic actually, if you are as good as you say you are you should be able to win most tournaments you enter.
