The division 2 beta starts in an hour, who up?
The division 2 beta starts in an hour, who up?
Nigga, go to sleep. I know youre American.
me. Just got a new video card so I'm pumped.
>looter shitter
I got the game free with my CPU, I'll just wait for it to release before playing.
division 1 ended as one of the better loot shooters
it was still bad tho so i don't know what point i'm making
Downloading, why is this shit so fucking huge?
oh boy Im sure hyped to sit in cover and magdump braindead AI
downloading this game, will play it in a few hours.
i know nothing about it aside for the fact it's a looter shooter and looks generic and boring as fuck, unlike Anthem which at least had "you can be ironman" as a hook.
what should i be hyped about?
there's always the dark zone where you can kill human players.
>The division 2 beta starts in an hour, who up?
>who up
By any chance are you a nigger, or a nigger hybrid?
Racist as fuck.
modern day setting but there is tacticool operator roleplay shit with tech like drones and turrets
Are ballistic shields available this time? If not fuck the beta.
>ballistic shields
my nigga... that's my go to skill in Division 1.
They didn't have them in the Closed beta, all they had were turrets and drones so I uninstalled it immediately. Not even going to bother with Open if they're still disabled.
cause it was a beta. They didn't want to give you the full game yet.
>play d1 for some 7-8 hours
>never once got a sniper rifle
>read that d2 has classes now
>one of them is a sniper
welp guess I know what I'm playing today
>>play d1 for some 7-8 hours
>>never once got a sniper rifle
Made a new character and got a loot box or somehing with a couple of lvl 30 gear I sold for 300k credits, that was interesting.
Hope that they add more spec classes, like ballistic shield as one.
Demo and survival isn't that great and sharp outclasses both of them by a huge margin.
My brother sunk hundreds of hours into the first one, might check this out. I just want something to connect with him on
They'll add a new class every third month, wait and see.
Try docking, it's less gay than The Division.
>The division 2 beta starts in an hour, who up?
>20 Uplay Credits have been deposited in your account.
mine still isn't live on pc.
/k/ please tell me what kind of mask is that, if it's real
Just went live
Launching now
>3 past 10
>still no play button
relaunch uplay nigger
>Tom Clancy's Bullet Sponge Simulator 2 beta starts in an hour, who up?
Works for me, and my friends.
>starts game right away without letting you have at look at graphic options
Goddamnit can they keep this bullshit for console peasants?
can i use the beta as a preload for the actual game?
or will i have to download it all again
>Goddamnit can they keep this bullshit for console peasants?
I hate this shit so fucking much, and it always defaults to some fuck horrid settings as well and you're thrown into the game and the first thing you have to do is pause it and change the options and then fucking naturally you need to restart the fucking game.
Where's the beta? Uplay or Epic? I was thinking I'd pick it up since I can get it for cheap with Wildlands included.
What, you don't like the wonders of 720p?
>Tom Clancy's repeat the same thing a million times while we throw the same 4 weapons at you but with different colors and bigger numbers for 60 hours, who up?
not gonna make it lads
>He's talking about a video game, MUST BE A SHILL
Literally fucking end yourself
>playing a beta for a loot n shooter
>losing all progress
why though?
>He's talking about a garbage game made by garbage people for idiots like you. Must be a shill
Looks like shill. Talks like shill. Smells like shill. Must be a shill. Get your head out of your ass.
boy getcho wendell borton lookin ass
litrually can't think of one reason?
Sunk 260h in TD1. Played TD2 ptivate beta and sort of enjoying it. Still not sure if I should get this game or not. Since I will probably play alone again.
>loot shooters
I hate this fucking meme
Runs fine but don't like the sound my PC is making. Only far cry 5 and this has made my PC made noises, what kind of coding is ubisoft using?
The cheapest.
>I'm contrarian in hopes that I'll fit in!
You must be boring as fuck at parties, just parroting everything the group is saying.
What games do you play user?
>what kind of coding is ubisoft using?
Literal pajeet coding, it's unreal how much shit they're farming out these days.
what's difference this time
Someone answer my question.
It's on Uplay for sure, don't know about Epic
It is literally impossible to make a waifu so I don't give a fuck about this game.
why the hell would you want to play wildlands user?
well or the division 2 for that matter.
>choose body type
>okay now how do i edit the face and hair?
>dude u can't lmao
>you can click random a couple of times tho
Why do loot shooters appeal almost exclusively to people with below average intelligence? Is it the repetition? Spoonfeeding of content and direction?
That's how it was in the Division 1 beta too, you brainlet. Of course there's going to be character creation.
>It's just a beta!
Every fucking time.
Dunno. I like FPS RPG's but most of the on the market are fucking awful. I'm hoping there are some good one's on the horizon. Doesn't even need to be multiplayer for fucks sake.
>parroting the things everyone else is saying
lmao I love when retards btfo themselves imagine playing a looter shooter in 2019. I really honestly hope bad things happen to you, but I don't need to hope. see I can tell you're so retarded that your life must just be bad by my standards.
if you consider anything made by the company of ubisoft worth purchasing you should leave this board. or else I will continue to make fun of you.
so whats supposed to be the big changes or updates between the first one, which i personally found repetative and boring and i really like trashloot games as well.
You're a fucking retard. The Division 1 beta had character creation locked and randomized your appearance, just like this. Stop being a fucking retard.
they're video games for people who want to turn their brain off but still want to "play a video game"
>I will continue to make fun of you
Am I supposed to care what a contrarian faggot is saying online? Lololol
>Imagine playing GAME in 2019
Again, name the games you play user. I'm excited to see what kind of titles you enjoy.
>Am I supposed to care what a contrarian faggot is saying online?
Obviously, why else would you post in a thread, why else would you make a thread.
Stop contradicting yourself.
3rd world localization
The only contrarian here is you for shilling Ubisoft products.
Anybody else absolutely LOVE ubisoft bros? How do they keeping putting out banger after banger?
>tfw comfy snowy nyc to now rainy atmospheric dc
They're the water cooler of video games. Sometimes described as podcast/audiobook games, because they're perfect for it with how little thought they require. But they're also something good to do with a group of friends shooting the shit. Something to keep your hands busy while you're thinking about something else. I don't think there's inherently anything wrong with that, but I don't understand the kind of person who plays these games without doing either of the above. Those people are neanderthals.
>AMD Wattman crashing
What I get for picking up that 280x all those years ago
If I told you I played no video games and you told me you only played the division, neither of us play a video game.
The division is a hamster wheel for low iq (niggers and their white equivalent) people, not a video game. Sorry.
that would be if I told you I play no video games, which I did not.
God damn this is spot on.
>Beta loads only to tell you that it needs an update and needs to restart in order to install it.
GG Ubisoft, top stuff.
The game literally tells you that character creation is disabled for the beta but will be in the full game.
Is it me or the game looks like shit on Xbox One X compared to the first one?
>why would you post in a thread about a video game
To discuss the video game
>Still avoiding the question
user, why are you so embarrassed to tell us what games you play?
How do I not get a nigger or asian character?
I've randomized a dozen plus times and all i'm getting is niggers and asians, did I miss an option somehwere?
>playing shooter on console
you have only yourself to blame.
how is the performance for people with decent rigs?
I have a 1660 ti and an i5 4670k @ 4.5 ghz. Should i go with high settings?
I tried first game trial, good thing to say movement and shooting feels nice. How did they improve this one? proper mission design? characters? level design? no sponges? am I expecting too much?
I bet you still complain about justin bieber too
1660ti is 1070, why not? you may experience stutter with that 4 core though, even first division likes cores.
Great game, enemies can't even see 40 metres.
Really incredible AI.
tell me it's low settings
Haha wait, no, it's even worse than that. This is some serious MMO tier aggro range bullshit. Why the fuck wouldn't they just make it a proper third person shooter?
Maxed kek
aren't they set to guard the area from the looks of it? why would they attack everyone and everything in their sight?
>MMO tier aggro range bullshit
Yeah, it's almost like it's an MMO, retard.
Are enemies still bullet sponges
>I only play High IQ games like STALKER and Undertale~
You faggots are worse than the "Shill!" posters.
Literally nothing you play requires any higher intelligence, considering they're all fucking video games you dipshits.
Because that's exactly what they do, only their sight is only 20 metres, apparently.
>first mission is literally helping niggers to reclaim the white house from the evil white oppressors
Cannot make this shit up.
way too much
on uplay
I wish the game wouldn't be generic overgrown vegetation
The snow was so comfy in the first one
This game is the most boring garbage ive ever played in my entire life. literally same as the first one actual copy-paste.
i could not last more than 50min of this
ppl who enjoy this generic shooter bullet-sponge enemies and complete snoozefest cover-shoot mechanics are actual degenerates
this game makes anthem look like a good game
Mate, I'm not insulting the game. I'm just saying it requires very little attention. You don't need twitch reflexes or fast paced decision making to get anywhere. Your path is always dictated for you and objectives are clearly marked. It's the perfect kind of game to multitask with. I have been looking for a good game in this genre for a while and am downloading the beta as we speak. I just can't imagine having my full attention occupied by this. I'm not saying other games are for a higher intelligence, but there are games out there you feel like you'll blink and you'll miss something important. Division is not one of those games. Your mind starts to wander after the 100th time you've killed the Bullet King.
I agree, it's a "video game" i can play
Also fuck you all I got my redneck gf
tried the closed beta, the pvp zone was locked even after doing one mission so i uninstalled it. who thought that was a good idea
>see Ubishit
>turn 360 degrees
>walk away
since we are on the topic,everything requires intelligence. depends on areas of expertise which one.
Let me compare it to movies. there is shitty Black Panther and, say, Budapest Hotel. Same with games, there are levels of understanding required to enjoy one or the other.
Games aren't challenging and operate by simple rules, but level of immersion is related to how well those rules create "make believe" of the setting.
Multiplayer throws this concept out of window though.
You'll be walking at ubishit then retard. You meant 180.
The fucking state of Yea Forumskids
Maybe the dark zone will become relevant again. Early DZ was the the shit
Hi /eddit!
Game is utter fucking garbage.
>Fight the same three enemies that were in Division 1 but this time in Washington. Here's a gun that deals 1000 damage more.
It's a tutorial mission and they have voicelines you can only hear if you get close. They pretty much don't aggro at all.
what were you expecting from early game missions? Division 1 did have tanks and helicopters to fight against, but those were later bosses.
>Here's a gun that deals 1000 damage more.
think there will be mods to change the map to manhattan and add snow?
What are some games where I can skip leg day?
Also I must say this setting/map is awful, it's literal trash.
People actually play this? i thought the 1st one failed
Why does it looks worse than apex legends a fucking free game?
They could market it as DLC. "Return to Manhattan". 40$. No work from their side required.
So comfy.
Will it have a single player campaign?
Fucking hell, this looks just as bad as the first one. I should have got RE2 instead of this shit with my gpu.
>starting cutscene talks about people who survived the outbreak
>Narrator says some of those who had guns survived and asks “Did you own guns?”
PROBLEMATIC, game journalists article when?
>female agents actually have muscles
too bad about the faces tho
I dunno, on higher world tier the game starts feeling like bullet sponges, even worse than memelands 2. Unloads fucking 600 headshots to kill on PVE.
I think there was some kind of small shield in one of the trailers you could use as a skill, which pretty much functions like a ballistic shield.
I played for 30 minutes, it's exactly like first game, what is the point of second one again?
Visually intro cutscene is great btw.
what kind of build variety is in the division? I've never played it but the classes in 2 look dumb
>lol, take a grenade launcher, rifle or crossbow
is there more to it?
it looks good
Should I play it for the exclusive content unlocks?
Already played the private beta.
Nah, it sold okay and Ubisoft improved it with new content.
Get the fuck out, phoneposter.
might as well
where do you get it cheap? i want that deal too
Wouldnt say it is cheap though.
yea i was thinking 40 or something but that is almost full price
>I don't understand how stats/scaling/mechanics work so enemies are bullet sponges and gamedesign bad
to this day I wonder how that simplified mechanics make brainlet consolefags stuck, there are literally no more then 3 things to keep track of in these kind of games
I tried the last beta. Game was just the division 1 with no real meaningful or particularly enjoyable changes.
Crappy mods mechanic tied to ranks and shd tech? No thanks.
Dull cityscapes with repetitive enemy engagements?
Nah man, I'll pass.
I somehow enjoyed the shit out of the first one (despite how much I fucking despise bullet sponges and loot treadmills) but this one just can't get past those mechanics cos it lacks any sense of individuality or personality.
Oh and holy shit ubisoft! How many black and Asian women are in the national guard?
Christ almighty, it was hard to find a single white guy in the whole game!
Maybe the quartermaster could count? But he seemed more Hispanic (if you go by yank standards and separate them)
have nothing else to say because its the absolute truth?
enjoy your division 1.1 faggot
I liked Division 1, but the beta for 2 doesn’t feel great at all on PS4. Game looks like crap compared to stuff like RDR2 and AC Odyssey, the shooting doesn’t feel great and if the Whote House area looks boring, I can only imagine the rest is too... I’m surprised, I thought I’d like this one...
I don't even care about the game, just calling out phoneposters.
so you're even a bigger faggot than i thought
there is 0 things left to do in destiny apart from raids and completed warframe on switch already so this is my only hope for loot and shoot
will start just as soon as I figure out why Uplay downloads at no more then 50kb/s
It's kind of a shame about the setting, though. I understand they don't just want to do New York again but the reason I enjoyed the first Division was almost 100% the setting, snowy city with packs of armed to the teeth people all over.
It's like I can barely remember the actual combat/fighting, most of my fun came from exploring the city with a friend and some tense PvP moments of betrayal.
>cover shooter
A dozen different skills or so (two of which you can use at the same time), if it's like 1, you'll get gear that complements certain builds and has its own little mechanics (healing you by % if you get close to death and such).
Additionally to skills you get one of three specializations (improvement from signature skills from 1) at endgame.
Built for speedrunners in mind, show Ubi some god damn respect user.
Wish they had just made a singleplayer version of this game with more investment on story, damn shame.
>youtuber shills advertise the second game as a 1.5 version,
>still except to throw 60 bucks when the first game should be around 15 for more content,
The survival mode of the first game was PvE battle royale at its best, too bad it won't be in the second game at launch.
See, this almost made sense in Division 1 given the heavy snow setting. Sometimes you'd be bumping into someone before seeing them, especially in the survival mode DLC. I guess they forgot that would translate poorly to anything with decent visibility and now it looks very artificial.
why didn't they simply sell it as $30-$40 expansion? games are identical
You can still kinda play the game that way. I did Division 1 essentially as a co-op campaign with a friend by buying it down the line heavily discounted when all the DLC/content was actually released. Turns out a lot of these unfinished AAA games with 30 season passes are okay as co-op campaigns 2 years later.
Thats how Ubisoft operates.
I paid 40€ for it, who still buy their games 60€/$ in 2019?
this should be just posted on every 'looter shooters are for dumb brainlets' thread from now on
I didn't have to pay for the first game so if I buy this one it's gonna +-0. Might as well then.
Confess Yea Forums, how much shields did you grind in the first game to unlock the content for the division 2 ?
Oh fuck I forgot this was a thing, oh well. I actually kinda wanted the jacket tho
why pick Washington? its such a boring setting
it's a good setting for player driven stories, like a majority of post apocalypses. production is high as expected, but the art direction at local/meta scale is stale and generic, creating no memorable vistas and stories without context.
wich is somewhat confusing how they manage to fail that, setting implies mystery and suspense in itself
why are all female characters ugly
because this isn't porn and its not the point
some presets look alright
finally I can roleplay shrek girl with guns
i fucking bet that 99% of presets are just mediocre looking characters or literal el abominacions
>built like a fridge.
The architect approves this game.
as opposed to what? hawaii? singapore?
cant say i like the changes to dark zones, you used to be able to kill anyone on sight ramp up the tension. now you have to manually switch on the rogue and the will be message to anyone nearby telling you are
I just got this game for free buying my new PC (it came with a part)
I know nothing about it or the first one but I'll be playing it next week I guess. Is it good?
Thats Fiona, you misoginist white heterosexual oppresive nazi pig
I'd like to see West Virginia, it's seems like a good locale for apocalyptic shit.
Go to the dark zone where it's free for all at all times.
Already played the closed beta. It makes Anthem look like a masterpice
That one was good
What the fuck is wrong her legs? She has Yoko Taro's legs. I'll go try out the demo to see the characters... I'm going to buy the Division 2, but it'll be a few months.
Everyone here, do not buy the game, wait until it's on sale for 50% a few months from now.
>The Grindvision 2
>Sponge Mob Edition
No thanks
i'll remember that name when the female shrek get any significant role in plot
Because it's all random, so most of the players looks like creaturas (blacks with bright green eyes and white hair), but when the full game will be released you'll be able to create whatever you want
Imagine spreading lies on the internet when it's something you could check in 15min by playing the game yourself
Especially when said game is free as part of the open beta
Imagine actually playing the open beta
but he's right
I deleted it after I encountered a progression stopping bug in one of the main missions, jesus the game looks really bad at times, there was a very slight delay probably cause by servers and the gameplay was literally D1 copy pasted. Even though I liked the game, I expected more of an improvement.
What a shame.