Ever notice how diverse characters are in free to play games?

i wonder why...

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Whitey BTFO

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>Of all the people in this image, Yea Forums wants you to think the crack addict asian girl is the cute one.

none of them are cute
what the fuck is even Lifeline's ethnicity?

You're retarded, in most 60$ single player games is where you see the most forced diversity. Kill yourself drunk /pol/tard.

how does this game generate any profit?

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why do white people get triggered when theres no white people in a video game or movie?

you are talking about popular established franchises where people will buy it no matter what...

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they usually dont, /pol/tards are actually a very small minority amongs white people. according to statistics most white people will simply feel they are not part of the target audience and will not watch/play it.

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Seems a bit immature. Though I guess that isn't surprising.

Diversity done right like pic related is good.
but rare.

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>no asian


maybe pyro is chinese

TF2 doesn't have diversity. Demo is just a gag, and the rest are just white guys.

valve games have no diversity besides one token minority character usually.

They're culturally diverse. Why do they have to be brown? If they were brown, people would lose their shit because they're all caricatures. Demo is exempt because while he's black, he's a walking Scottish steretype. If he were a caricature of black people, he wouldn't have been included.

because the biggest playerbase of any free to play game in the west is brown people and they want representation

Then maybe they should make their own games?

Probably because the only people who play those kinds of games are poorfag minorities and twitch thots

why do you think they are playing free to play games? most of them are poor and cant afford to make their own game company.

west african + chinese
so i've heard

Well, they're not entitled to games they want.

the only free game I play is dota and it doesnt have that issue

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free to play is all about getting 5 bucks off a lot of poor brown people instead of 60 bucks off a few privileged white people, so of course you need to make diverse characters. and with a big playerbase the chance whales will hop on the bandwagon increase

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Valve is racist, we already established that.

her accent sounds haitian to me.
caribbean for sure

how is there no asian character? why don't sjws care about asians

what you want a bunch of bald white guys with different types of facial hair and personalities ranging from "hotshot" to "traumatized special ops"?

wraith and bangalore are the most bland ones, mirage is just kinda annoying. prove me wrong

They do. That's why we have Apex, and people like you crying about TF2

But don't you see, not seeing at least 50% white males in a game is triggering them!

overwatch did it right, they have a representative from every country and every lgbt minority.

EA is hardly a brown people company, its just rich white people trying to milk the poor. the pandering is obvious.

cosmetic lootboxes

>bald white guys
white people actually have a wide variety of different hair colors so no need for them to be bald.

wouldnt they complain about all the weeb games that dont feature men at all?

they're culturally diverse, a lot of diversity is just different flavors of -americans

these cultures also have brown people in them, just like demo, so why are all the others white? are you pretending there are no asian americans?

I literally don't play Apex because every cjaracter is ugly as fuck, not only their faces but clothes are terrible and generic too. Fucking awful designs

Yea Forums is still asshurt about this?

so if they had white skin instead they would still be ugly, or are you just racebaiting?

I know it isn't, but it's not about making your own shit. People who have the skills see there's a market and look where it got EA
>b-buh get woke go broke!!!
And lmao at them milking poor people. Valve has been milking tf2 for 12 years to an even poorer audience(people who can't afford good pcs or games)

The actual problem is that they are intentionally ugly.

tf2 wasnt always free and when they went free it was really all about milking children for their pocketmoney as there were never pandering to minorities

this is how the average minority person looks, deal with it. its about representation not about fapbait like overwatch

because there are more non whites than whites on this planet. asian market is way bigger than America and Europe. developers go with the times.

do you feel it would be a good idea to remaster some of the older games to include non-whites into those games? seems like a non-brainer to sell some of the classics to a more mature and modern audience.

Why do people care so much about how a character looks in a fps.

game industry takes after hollywood industry but at the same time tries to go in its own direction.
whats the average male action lead look like? what does the average female action lead look like? what weres were the most popular in the past 5 years?

i could break it down but i dont want to do the research. go to Yea Forums and ask what tired old memes is hollywood doing. then infer what they want, then pretend your a corporation and infer what they should get

that character is supposed to represent you to other players in this game. how would it not be important how you look to other people?

style over substance doesnt matter in an fps.
meta decides what you should pick.

most of Yea Forums suck at multiplayer games and only play skyrim horsecock mods and jrpgs

>i wonder why...
i care about this non-issue

How come whites don't get the protections encouragements or benefits 'minorities' do then?

why cant they just make it so a single role can have more than one character model

the meta shouldnt force me to play a white character, thats racist.

>Be female
>Team wants me to play male character because meta
Yeah fuck no. The meta can suck my feminine penis!

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White people are afforded all the protections and encouragements of minorities in all areas. Change my mind.

>how would it not be important how you look to other people
The only important thing that people look at is if you're getting kills or not. No one cares you conga all the time.

Who gives a shit? Titanfall 3 when?

i dont care if i get kills, i want to have fun. and i wont have fun if i dont like my character model.

Wow, shouldn't have been born White then. I love these characters.

>suck my feminine penis!

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and by "all areas" you mean white majority countries? its perfectly normal that natives will have an advantage in their own country.

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i could get behind playing a pretty black girl character, but these people are ugly as fuck.

Whenever /pol/ gets upset and spergs out that their game doesn’t have a white male lead, it only reminds me of when SJW’s do the exact same thing whenever here isn’t enough inclusive content.

/pol/ is no longer just right leaning, which is a shame, they’re just the polar opposite of SJW’s, and the majority are underaged/manbaby people that listen to Mr Metokur, and laugh at Ben Shapiro without understanding what he actually talks about.

I miss when the right wasn’t a majority of edgy white manbabies pretending to know what’s best for America.

That's just like, your opinion, man.

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thats why its called the alt-right. leanr the difference it may cost your life if you ever encounter a real neo nazi.

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So you miss... never?

>I don't care about kills I want to have fun
Friendly who plays virtual dress up confirmed.

right just means conservative, which was like forever in human history

online games are about socializing not about breaking record scores, the sooner you understand this the sooner you start having fun.

So then what, you are talking about the 'right' in the Republic of Congo?

i am talking about the "right" in israel, where there is not a single woman or goyim pictured the ikea catalog.

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fuck lifeline and her shit ugly red hair and shitty voice acting.

Fuck brapalore and her popcorn hair.

Switch bangalores and lifelines voice actors and keep the lines the same and bam they are both infinetly better.

>multiple characters that arent white males

Anti-SJWs are becoming just as obnoxious as the SJWs themselves. They both insert bullshit politics into benign things and just start fucking screeching about it while shitting up communities. The devs probably just made them that diverse as a way for players to be able to distinguish between them quickly.

I hate all of them even the white girl is ugly
I'm a white girl

Aww, you know you love her user.

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You can still be an incel. It is just even more pathetic.

You really goin there huh dude...

Guess /pol/ really was rght...


It's a Warning for you to stay away.

oh you innocent child, thinking game devs are that pure. you must be extremly naive if you think the top brass of those companies didnt consider current politics when designing those characters. you know this site is 18+ right?

>All men, one black
Wow, no game would get away with that noawadays. SJWs would tear their hearts out. Things really have changed.

Wow, tell us how you really feel, user.

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>I miss when the right wasn’t a majority of edgy white manbabies pretending to know what’s best for America.

that was never the case. the right was always about stuffing their pockets and blatant racism, which is anti-nationalist as fuck. you cant be pro-country and against the only resource that produces value. the right is a bunch of babies who are left behind and couldnt manage to keep up with the times.

If not having fun means I don't main a character solely because they're fap bait, or they're so bad ass, and have 0 time on the ones I deem ugly then I have no fun at all.

>blatant racism is anti-nationalist as fuck
Japan is monoracial, are you saying they can’t be nationalists?

one glance at the worlds power elite proves you wrong user. im sorry to tell you this but... they only made you think the left won while they are still silently filling their pockets...

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Hasn't their blatant xenophobia contributed to their declining birthrate, and therefore probably to their dangerous work culture. In the end that hurts Japan's interests, so it is anti-nationalist by definition right?

I'm not the user you were responding to, just taking a stab at it.

Not video games

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i fucking love crashing the economy but fuck her quips fuck her accent and fuck her stupid hair and ugly fucking skins

>get BTFO

kill yourself rat.

I'm not the user you think I am. Take your political nonsense to /pol/. It isn't even an election year.

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Soros is an alt-right spook.

Average Nigger can’t afford games.
You think one in Phily can buy one?

they were always xenophobic, their birthrates declined because gender equality and womens rights, which is completely normal if you look at other countries.

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>Hasn't their blatant xenophobia contributed to their declining birthrate
What? They could fix the problem if they just have more sex. What is it with people like you that keep insisting Japan open their doors to more foreigners? They don't want stinky niggers or waito piggus. This doesn't make them anti-nationalist.

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They are not triggered about it.
They are triggered about white characters being replaced by colored ones.

god these artstyles are just horrendous

Fucking redditor

Who looks at these characters and thinks "wow, this looks good and i can't wait to play it". Judging by the fact that the thread has 3 times as many posts as unique IPs, the answer would be nobody. Anyway, I've never played Fortnite and I won't be playing any of the clones. You zoom zooms can go ahead.

WOW, OP is just a drumpf voter who's afraid of positive change

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Maybe you think you are posting on Yea Forums, but I'm here to tell you that your post doesn't actually make any sense.

>Like I dunno just have sex? Lol
We need to send this user with an obvious phd in sociology to Japan. He just figured out why their population has been declining

>according to statistics most white people will simply feel they are not part of the target audience and will not watch/play it.
So... stil triggered. Dude, as a black guy, all I've done is participate in media that doesn't represent me. It's not a big deal. Why are white people so hung up about race? The tables turn, and they can't handle it.

Are you talking about poltards now or white people in general? I'm not surprised, modern Yea Forums seems to be full of niggers.

Huh, I looked at the characters and knew I had to play. Just from the first trailer, they have a lot of personality. Since it was free, it was worth a shot despite the genre, and I ended up loving it. You should give it a try, user.

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nationalsm is about preserving culture. how would letting foreigners into the country help them? how old are you kid, maybe you should do your history homework before posting here.

your wrangled disgusting aids hole that you have to shred cut and mangle....... i mean dilate?
hope you enjoy those painkillers :)

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They all horribly boring and forgettable. Even bleaching won't save them.


Nice deflection, how does not letting in more foreigners make them anti-nationalist? No answer? Are you a stinky fat nigger who wants to meet his japanese waifu and fall in love? Go die in a gang fight, faggot.

>Left: one game.
>Right:a thousand games.
Checks out.

>make a franchise based on black people culture and hero
>suddenly everyone is white and drumpfvoter
well i can understand how they are mad

Damn, blacks are pretty racist. You guys are minorities, you're supposed to be more progressive than this.

Nationalism is about putting your nation's interests first. Some people interpret that as preserving culture (which is kind of misguided, considering culture is constantly evolving and can be preserved even with others added to it). But letting your country collapse on itself for the sake of making sure everyone respects the Japanese tea ceremony isn't exactly 'Nationalism' is it? It is just stubborn. It literally doesn't have your nation's interest as the priority.

Damn what a hypocrite, seems like you're the one hung up about race by seeing a post on the chans and using it to support your racist viewpoint.

you grew up with being around white people and their culture, they didnt. they cant tell what the hell is going on in those black hoodrat movies at all since they have zero connection to it.

Tried that for a few hundred years, didn't work out, a lot of chains and whipping involved. We are going to try your methods now.

That's your own opinion. You people that desperately keep begging Japan to open their doors are just faggots that want to fuck their women and think life their is like your animes. It's pathetic.

I was playing this game when I realized that my team was composed of non-binary pansexual transman, an afro-asian jamaican woman and a strong black lesbian woman and it brings a tear to my eye to realize how far we've come ;_;

lol shut the fuck up faggot

t. black

Are you a real human being? This whole "ooga booga muh ancestors" crap is old. Your grandparents didn't even go through slavery, grow the fuck up you actual porch monkey manchild.

Not the user you replied to, I don't think they should open their borders, dingus, but the population decline is more complicated than just telling the people to have sex. That's literally what the government does already.

I have no vested interest in Japan's borders. I was just offering a viewpoint. Personally Japan is too expensive for my blood, and everything seems tiny. No thanks.

No, I've encountered a bajillion posts proclaiming they'd never play a game, because it has niggers. And of course I'm not talking about all white people. But there is a significant amount that share such a sentiment on this site.

And before you go "well what about black people who...", yes I acknowledge a lot of black people are particular about representation as well. No need to be pedantic.

Hoodrat movies? We're talking about some fantasy cartoon shooter.

No, my grandparents went through the civil rights movement. Which is kind of crazy when you think about it.


you know slavery still exists and is popular... in africa

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Japan is not going to collapse just because of a population decline. There will still be plenty of people. Do you really think they will just go fucking extinct, dude?

Did I say they were going to go extinct?

>"Not all white people, but most of them"
Yeah yeah I've heard this kind of argument before but for black people. I still see through your bullshit when it's coming from the other side of the fence.

Who cares what your character looks like in an FPS. Gordon was an ugly fuck and you all love shitty half life so much.

Not my concern, I'm not in Africa.

I think it's a little bit of everything

>They're all ugly
Don't talk about my husbando Gibralter you hussie

Some stats on this, bro?

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2(3) whites? I assume bloodhunter is white with all the norse shit
1 black (2 maybe does the blasian count as black or asian?)
1 hispanic
1 islander (who is also the gay)
The robot is nothing.

Is that really offensively diverse?

pyro is a gay chinese woman

They don't really care. They just want to shitpost. They don't play the game, and were never going to. They are probably giggling while their newest run of Skyrim is loading in the background.

But your guys' whole political mission was to make games less white because non-white people are less likely to play them cause they don't feel represented.

Don't you understand that works the other way too?

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You're purposely being obtuse. Also I don't really care either way.

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No, not even most. I wouldn't claim to know the exact percentage. But it's significant enough to be a pervasive attitude within this community.

Let's put it another way: The attitude is so prevalent, that it's pretty much understood that games that don't appeal to whites, won't make it in the industry. Even if you take the judgement out of it, and just look at it objectively. How many times have you heard the argument against SJWs, that "they don't buy games." Or "Get woke, go broke." Or "it's not racist that white males are lead characters, they're just trying to appeal to their primary customers." These statements aren't completely untrue. I mean, it's more complex than these simple statements. But generally speaking, companies are afraid of losing the white customer base, so that's why they focus primarily on white lead characters. Which I'm not saying is a bad thing. It just illustrates the point that the amount of whites who choose not to play games with non-white characters is significant.

>You're purposely being obtuse.
No, I'm not, you just got BTFO'd.

to be fair skyrim has a lot of ethnically diverse people and there is at least 4 black humans in whiterun

goddamn they are all so fucking ugly its just atrocious. I normally don't see this many ugly people together unless I go to wal-mart

>They are probably giggling while their newest run of Skyrim is loading in the background.

I can't speak for everyone but I've been playing Metro Exodus. If you weren't some low IQ newfag normie shit, you'd know that Yea Forums hates Skyrim and thinks modern Bethesda is awful.

Not him

Ignoring the robot; half the cast is white, two of the most viable picks are white.
You can't say there isn't enough white representation in the game for you not to play it.

Sure. You have any cute fanart?

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that's because black people don't produce media that's worth anything (Outside of very small number of Jazz musicians)

And you can't say that it isn't logical for me to be less likely to play a game the less white it is, yes?
After all, your whole representation in videogames falls flat otherwise.

what are some good black hoodrat movies?

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This actually doesn't address my point at all.

>implying blue hair is a race
>implying purple hair is a race

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By your original logic, one White person in a game should be enough representation in a game for White people to play it. So no, less White shouldn't mean less likely. Minorities have survived on 0-1 representatives in games for decades.

Lifeline is so fucking ugly holy shit

then why are there no asians

Since your monkey brain can't comprehend a simple point
>I digest media where I'm not target audience, as there's no media that's for me as black people simply are not capable of producing such media
Imagine being so lacking as a race, that other races have to produce your media for you.

Keep seething, Paco.
That isn't my logic at all. I never said that.
>So no, less White shouldn't mean less likely. Minorities have survived on 0-1 representatives in games for decades.
So if their representation is meaningless when it comes to their likelihood of buying a game, why is it even relevant?

that thing isn't cute. Fucking Asian/African hybrid mutt. I can't believe Titanfall died for this fucking shit. Its world had so much progress but now we are stuck with this piece of shit.

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now lets be honest here, most minorities would racemix with whites if given the chance. 99% of black/chinese/indian men/women would rather be with a white partner than one of their own race, so it completely make sense to put a lot of attractive whites into any game. the pretty white people arent there just for other whites to fawn over, but also minorities, because whites are the most attractive race.

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>The devs probably just made them that diverse as a way for players to be able to distinguish between them quickly.
you're fucking retarded.

That actually doesn't address my point at all.
Point is: I don't care the source of media. I enjoy what I can, from whoever makes it. I'm capable of enjoying qualities of the art, that do not necessarily pertain to my personal identity. Because not everything needs to be catered to me and my race.

Just because white people have produced more media, doesn't mean they aren't being needlessly dismissive of potentially good media.

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I dont know /pol/, could it be.... Jews!!?

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everywhere but third world shitskin countries have declining birthrates

Which one is you?

It's really a win-win when you think about it. TF2 put in so much effort, trying to make a dozen different white guys appear distinct. When all they had to do is mix up the races and achieve the same effect with less effort, while still getting diversity bonus points. Studios would be foolish not to go this route today.

Israel doesn't :^)

But that's just a coincidence
Oh, you can only move to Israel if you are ethnically a Jew, oh well ethnostate for me and multiculturalism for you

Man has a point. Makes characters distinct easier, and even gives you more options for auditory distinction because you can pull from more accents.

ghost dog

overwatch did it better and street fighter even more so. literally no one complains about representation in street fighter cuz it's done well

Boyz in the Hood in a classic. Menace 2 Society is probably better, both are amazing cinema.

you ever watched any anime like my hero academia? shitting out diverse looking characters can be done near instantly and takes zero effort. it is certainly not the reason

BnhA is sort of helped by the people being mutants.

It's just that SF came out when it was just boomers like me. All zoomers want to do is cry about irrelevant shit.

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How does Apex Legends do it any worse? I mean in regards to diversity. What does this game get wrong, that the other games do right?

Also, Overwatch gets nonstop bitching about diversity. They just put a black dude in the game. And black women are complaining they didn't get in.

What's better than a game where women and minorities kill each other off?

there is also one punch man, one piece, gintama and many other shonen anime where characters look very diverse despite them being amostly white, their superpowers dont always impact how they look at all

If Street Fighter as a series started today, it would be the OP image for this thread.
>Only three white males
>One is basically a nazi
>One is a copy of the chink
>All the characters look ugly

>How does Apex Legends do it any worse?
the characters are hideous and not fun in design or personality.

>shitting out diverse looking characters can be done near instantly and takes zero effort.
You can't be more wrong. My Hero Academia is an achievement in animation. It is a prime example of all these principles of character design and animation, culminating into a near perfect aesthetic masterpiece. Compare that to K-On, where your casual observer can't tell the difference between Yui and Ritsu.

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You don't have a problem with it, because the quality of media produced by everyone else is vastly superior and you don't like in a country made up of black people in first place

If you lived in black country, and blacks produced games or books worth a fucking penny you'd have problem with it, or very least see the problem with having constant Jewish voice telling you how you need to take more niggers to destroy your welfare state and any resemblance of country

That's highly subjective, and many people would disagree. In fact, you are the minority opinion here, so I think it's on you to make a decent argument in this regard. Give me something more.

pretty sure that the animes where characters look the same like k-on are so on purpose to reinforce the whole close relationship to each other and the like. i do graphic design as a hobby and never felt making diverse characters was troublesome at all, the hard part is making sure you stay original and dont copy shit from others.

the /pol/fags are just really fucking loud about it. most of us really just think whatever

>culminating into a near perfect aesthetic masterpiece.
kys boku no piko academia tard

Ooooh, you're one of those people. Uh, good luck with that.

>In fact, you are the minority opinion here,

I like how white videogame characters are often based on real white people, while attractive minority characters are usually just over the top fictional designs, really tells you a lot about how hideous minorities are.

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>one of those people
Go back to redd*t you retarded fuck.

That hair stile sure is popular with ... that one girl.

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What does it matter who produced what though? So long as the quality of the product is good, then you should be blind to the author.

You should be asking who designed Apex Legend characters, you should ask if their designs are good or not. Which, judging by reception, they appear to be good. Maybe you don't like them. But a ton of people do.

diversity to the left literally means no white men.

Those are 4 different hairstyles, user.

>Fortnite has everything Yea Forums doesn’t hate about modern gaming
>except it’s the most popular game right now
>therefore, Yea Forums would rather into homosexual pandering than Fortnite
You fuckers disgust me

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If everyone disliked the character designs so much, then why is Apex Legends beating it's contemporaries. Overwatch is dying. And Fortnite just changed it's boxart on twitch to a black woman, to try and siphon off some attention from Apex, which has been beating it in stream numbers since it came out.

I played Fortnite for a bit before Blackout came out. The focus on the building mechanic really hamstrings how serious you can take the game. It is never about who is a better shot in Fortnite, the better builder is king.

Spot on. Then they'd cry white genocide because ken is half asian.

The people that believe programming is too white care very much about who designs the characters.

are you saying that the asian girl is based on a real asian person? she doesnt really look asian at all, looks more like a east european

Ever noticed how this fp2 game gets shilled here 24/7 even though no one here plays that garbage?

Good for you and your graphic design experience. But if you ever watched the documentation of the philosophy that went into TF2's design, then you'd know a lot of effort went into it. It wasn't just "shat" out.

Wraith is pretty cute desu

Fuck off, stupid kike

and thats a good thing.

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its a new game user, lets wait and see before we jump to any conclusions yeah? it probably hasnt even turned a profit yet for EA, and wont do so anytime soon.

>What does it matter who produced what though? So long as the quality of the product is good, then you should be blind to the author.
If you push the idea that diversity is good, shouldn't you have something to factual to back it?
But in this context, it matters because the monkey doesn't care he's not the target audience in most cases, which is because blacks don't produce anything worth a penny (But I agree, in most cases it doesn't matter who the author is, as long the product is good - only making a point why he's not the target audience)
>You should be asking who designed Apex Legend characters, you should ask if their designs are good or not. Which, judging by reception, they appear to be good. Maybe you don't like them. But a ton of people do.
Well there's 2 reasons as to why they push the diversity crap, 1st is ideological (In here there's like 500 Jews and they still push this diversity crap systematically, one of those Jews push the idea that we should market positive sides of diversity in schools and neglect all the negative things about it at all educational levels)
2nd being to make money from niggers, you have them spending that hard earned welfare money at digital shit, because they have no real concept of value. That's why children in general are so lucrative as well in gaming industry.

And here we go with the whataboutism.
>Well what about these unreasonable people over here? That means my group is free from jdugement, right?

hispanic here, can some user explainme how the fuck those ugly bastards are supposed to represent me?
Please i really need question because i can't tolerate mostly all of those guys there.

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>apex muh diversity
You buncha retards, the kids and streamers don't play it because there are ethnicities, they play it because it's a fun game compared to the rest of the genre. Ask some fag who plays the game regularly and you will see that even them agree that the character designs are crap

i'm triggered they are ugly as hell and i'm not white, but i'd rather have a white girl in my screen than a mestizo one.

well they also put a lot of money and design into the new pepsi logo if you saw the multi page report on it. doesnt mean someone else couldnt have done it better in less time. i see a lot of great character designs in the simplest of games and media since i spend a lot of time on that topic. it might be impressive to laymen but from a design perspective its the status quo

I don't think you understand what you're even saying, retard.
Telling you to be consistent isn't a logical fallacy. If you accept that some people believe some jobs are simply too white, then you should accept that some people also believe some jobs are too non-white.

You can't be fine with racial discrimination going only 1 way.

Scout: American, Boston
Engi: American, Texan
Soldier: American,
Spy: French
Heavy: Russian
Medic: German
Demoman: Scottish
Sniper: Australian
Pyro: ???
Diversity does not reside in skin colour, you absolute retard

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If everyone disliked the characters, then it wouldn't have reached these heights to begin with. It would have been panned, just like the other shooters vying for the top spot.
Now Lawbreakers is a game with unappealing character designs.

you wish it worked like that in real life but it dont.

fortnite's ugly and the building is gay

Pretty much this. I'm Asian but I can properly enjoy media no matter what ethnicity it was made by or represents. White, black, brown, yellow, it doesn't fucking matter as long as the content is good.

Scout: Angry White
Engi: Ignorant White
Soldier: Ignorant White
Spy: Uppity White
Heavy: Dumb White
Medic: Crazy White
Demoman: Black
Sniper: Angry White
Pyro: ???

>then why is Apex Legends beating it's contemporaries.
because it's more fun? are you stupid?

American detected.

hispanics and asians don't really get much representation in western media.

maybe thats how hispanic bloggers and "videogamejournalists" look like. free shilling from them if true. all we know is EA went with a totally different marketing approach on this game and it seems to have worked out well for them. i guess we will see more of this strategy in the future with other games.

Tbf I agree with you. If all the classes were something like 1 Nigerian, 1 Somalian, 1 Zambian, 1 Sudanese, 1 Congolese, 1 black Caribbean, 1 Rwandan, etc. I wouldn't call it "diverse" either.

And I would still be the racist in all of this, right?

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marketing can make or break a game, i wouldnt put all the blame on the game

>If you push the idea that diversity is good, shouldn't you have something to factual to back it?
What? This question is so random. See, this has nothing to do with my point. I was never arguing whether or not diversity is good or bad. Only that when it happens to exist, it's interesting how white people tend to stray away.

>it matters because the monkey doesn't care he's not the target audience in most cases, which is because blacks don't produce anything worth a penny
Hypothetically speaking, even if blacks were the primary producers of high art in the world, what would that mean for me? That I should stop partaking in media crafted by whites? Why would I do that? Who makes more or less quality art, makes no difference. Good art stands on its own.

You bet. Does any other opinion matter?

Remember when "stop caring about representation" was the go to to own the feminists whining about video games around 10 years ago? What changed?

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>Centre your revenue stream on players buying cosmetics.
>Don't make any attractive characters for these cosmetics.

They'll do hotcakes if they release suits of power armour or generic soldier gear with full-face helmets.

>this thread

Attached: 1551026123573.gif (278x300, 132K)

but thats literally how a game with minorities looks like to white people

Shoot, I'm out of fanart. I'll have to go find some more.

Attached: Blackhound.png (977x880, 300K)

dont expect a lot of fanart for these uggos after the shiny new has worn off

another trip to tumblr should do the trick

I'm white and I don't mistake a Japanese for a nigger.

It’s stupid. I don’t know why anyone, especially people with generally high IQ (native europeans) would ever want to be represented in something as degenerate as video games. If every western game character was black, transsexual and gay I wouldn’t even be mad

That document does prove that they put a significant amount of thought into the matter. I know you're trying to suggest that there is an ulterior motive as to why they chose to be diverse in their case. And I agree to some extent. There were probably a multitude of reasons. But one of which would certainly be distinguishability. I don't think it was some "lol, fuck whitey" agenda behind the scenes.

how about african american, south american, indian, arabian, pacific islander? they are all brown

That's where I got the first batch. What else is tumblr good for? The Japanese don't really play PC games, and I don't think Korea does BR. So tumblr will produce 90% of the fanart.

>If you accept that some people believe some jobs are simply too white, then you should accept that some people also believe some jobs are too non-white.
I consistently believe that both of the mindsets are ridiculous.
I don't understand why you assumed I would think one differently than the other.

of course not, corporate has no agenda besides "go where the money is"

When you're the group that's the default choice for everything you feel like you're losing out when everyone else starts getting some form of representation. It's kind of like sitting in a lane of traffic that's stalled while all the other lanes are moving forward, you feel like you're moving backwards. If you were a white guy there's a decent chance you too would go on suicide watch over inane shit like this too.

maybe you should change your taste in games if you require decent fanart.

hi im pure 100% asian
where the fuck is my race????

Dude, come on. Half of the appeal of these games aren't for the systems. There's a reason they invest millions of dollars creating vignettes for their cartoon characters. Personality is half of the sell.

They all look ugly and boring. I look at that cast and I don't see any character I want to play, Caustic included. I hated how Overwatch played but at least the character design didn't actively make me want to NOT play a character when my friends eventually dragged me in.

Also Lifeline's voice drives me fucking crazy. Any time she's the party leader I want to disconnect.

Yea, and? North Chinese people are pale too, do you mistake them for Swedes?
Because one actively affects the country.
For all this talk about "racism" and shit I don't see any real major push against affirmative action or the constant demands for less white dudes in everything.

Likeable characters is the marketing. The faster you can attract people with your colorful cast, the better.

if you lost your dominance over something, wouldnt you naturally be defensive about it? its human nature, this planet aint a charity no matter what facebook made you believe.

Yea Forums used to be mostly neutral. But /pol/ took over, and now everything is about preserving white purity.

welcome to capitalism you commie fucks

if having a diverse cast attracts more customers then you can get fucked

>Personality is half of the sell.
no, it isn't.

play asian games and stay away from our diverse ones then

Oh, so you don't even disagree with me. You're just bragging about how good you are at character design.

actually north european people have somewhat asian features DESU (like icelanders)

I would be defensive about it if it's something I actually cared about. Seeing characters that look like me in media is something I genuinely do not give a fuck about.

Aww, you're cute. You can stick around.

Attached: apexlewd.png (995x776, 284K)

Somewhat Asian features like 2 eyes, a nose, a mouth, hair, and etc?

A more accurate analogy would be in a lane that slowed from 80MPH to 70MPH, while the other lanes that have been in a jam since forever, finally moved 100 yards.

if you feel this thread is /pol/ then you havent been to /pol/ in its glory days. this is nothing, and i consicder myself a racist


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>Because one actively affects the country.
You know what? I almost got trolled into giving this a thoughtful earnest reply. And then I remembered we're talking about video games.

user.... video games.

>He doesn't know the only cute White people are the ones with heavy Asian features
oh no no no

Aaaand, we're done.

No, no, user. This is /pol/ occupied Yea Forums. Where we don't discuss video games anymore. We discuss how jews are taking over video games, in order to degrade the white race.

maybe thats what it looks like to you, i have seen a lot of amazing design philosophies, i wouldnt even consider myself above average. to be fair videogames arent the medium where a lot of the great designers work in, its mostly amateurs there or those that failed to get into other, better jobs. (same with voice actors, story writers, journalists) videogames are fun but professionals usually look elsewhere

Here is qt asian girl bro

Attached: 1541247547963.jpg (871x711, 112K)

Astolfo is for hugging.

Cool story, bro. You're well on your way to your dream job at Disney. Keep at it.

ever seen bjoerk?

Attached: ice.jpg (742x594, 89K)

thanks bro. enjoy your videogames

The video game industry isn't real?
Do you believe that the features whites and Asians have in common are "Asian features"?

She looks somewhat Turkish, I'll give you that.
Still, are you implying this is the average North European?

reminder that typically asian features are ugly

Attached: waifu.jpg (597x1067, 202K)

this is how the true northern europeans look like, unless you are implying germanics are north europeans

user, don't even start this shit, you'll get destroyed.

Attached: 1551255852175.jpg (2048x2048, 1.79M)

it doesnt even match on the asian face

comparing some race mixed plastic surgery kpop aesthetic teenager girl with a full grown european woman, you must be desperate user. enjoy your imaginary japanese waifu

Nah, you're pretty btfo mate. This is hilarious, I'd never seen this reply image to that borderline phrenology image.

The fuck are you talking about? Icelanders and Scandinavians are Germanic.
And no, the average Icelander woman isn't a round-faced dark-haired woman.

Why haven't you joined the winning side yet?
>Atlus censored away the transphobic content from Catherine Full Body
>CDPR Twitter guy that made disrespectful jokes got fired
>Even Sony and Valve are censoring loli now
>Hbomberguy raises 340,000 dollars for transgendered children while streaming Donkey Kong 64
>Klei takes out character based on white colonizers because it's culturally problematic
>NetherRealm Studios alters the female character's designs to be classier and more sensible for the new era
>Nintendo censoring Game&Watch offensive native American mimicry
>RDR 2 sold 17+ million and makes fun of racists
>Speedrunners that are too "redpilled" got taken out of the speedrunning charity shtick
>The Witcher Netflix series has African American and Indian women in major roles
>THQ Nordic apologized after hosting an AMA on 8ch
>Ubisoft bans people for using toxic language in their chat (Including the n-word)
>We have based people making their own games, just like they were told to 4 years ago (Th Last of Us 2)

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>eye 5 cm lower
>it matches

user i have bad news for you because you seem to have never visited asian countries. the people there on average look nothing like what you posted. the european girl on the other hand is pretty much average for europe especially eastern europe.

>nononononono your version is wrong my agenda must win

>Everything that challenges my perception is plastic surgery.
>White people are the REAL anime.
Pur delusion.

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