C'mon admit it. Even if it was just a tiny beginner's pack, you've definitely done it.
You've bought microtransactions
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i buy warframe platinum sometimes because i like being a space ninja
Not yet I never have unless DLC counts but when that apex legends battle pass comes out I won’t be able to say that anymore
I got tricked into the gacha meme once and i can see why that shit makes so much money. Got out of it fast and never again.
Before Warframe came out I bought the big dick nigga dub edition pack where you got to name a planet and a gold frame.
I buy all the dlcs of paradox games i like
Basically all of them but eu4 and hoi4
Bought ONE GTAV:Online shark card for $20 when the low riders came out and instantly regretted it
I bought the angel city skin pack for titanfall 2 recently for cherry blossom and another skin
regretting it now because the game feels more unbalanced than it was at launch
I think the only DLC I've ever bought was map packs for multiplayer games
Microtransactions are for queers
The end result is emptiness
We all did user, that’s why we hate them.
gave like $500 to path of exile, however I did play like 4k hours before spending a dollar and now im at about 6k hours of playtime so i find it worth
I've done worse than a beginner pack.
I've spent even more in FGO
i bought a new FGO account that has shit tons gem for 3 bucks, Did shit tons of roll and happy with it
I know arcade games need to be 1ccd to be considered finished but the Time Crisis 5 here operates on the 75 cents to start 25 to continue model. I've used this. Is this a microtransaction?
Yep, 10 bucks on ESO and I felt like a retard immediately.
I spent $3000 on tf2
I bought your mother's filthy cunt with my gargantuan cock and unbeatable charm.
>buying lapis
what is wrong with you
I never have. I haven't spent a single buck.
Why not just hack the fucking game?
It's a fucking game, why waste money on minor things.
ive only bought $50 worth of shit in tribes ascend and warframe because i easily spent 200+ hours in them and had loads of fun, the devs deserve my support
any other reason is literally wrong
I bought around $200 in destiny silver years ago for some cool emotes and armor sets. And years before that I bought many, many LBP costumes and level packs.
I've gotten a lot better since then.
Not trying to put the blame on anyone else but both my grandmother and mother I found out were shopaholics so it basically runs in the family for me.
Nope. Never have.
I bought one premium set in ijji Gunz.
literally never
It's actually gonna instigate laws I think... it's pseudo gambling.
Nice. I paid 2.50 for a cape after 2000 hours.
That's not a real "disease" you fucking retard.
I've spent around $500 on Duel Links.
Spend in the 1000s on microtransactions across different games over the course of my life though.
>buy microtransactions for game I've played for 11 years
Honestly felt like I've got more than my moneys worth, it felt more like a donation at that point
Battle passes make games fun tbqh
Well I guess if user says so, it must be true.
Yes in both Pokemon GO and Shuffle, fuck mobile gaming
Nope. I've never even bought dlc or season passes.
Yes i will admit that i have indeed done it. The amount of skins i bought when i played HoN was too much, but god DAMN some of those skins were slick.
Its actually come to the point that i can no longer invest myself into a multiplayer game without buy a skin or some shit.
>1,5k in dota 2
At least the mini aegis looks good
Bought boxes for overwatch during the second summer event cuz I really wanted to get the junkrat skin. It was either the $20 or $40, but I literally only got one of the legendary summer skins that came out for the second summer event. I contacted support and said this was fucking bullshit and if you don't give me my money back I am contacting the bank and issuing a chargeback. They gave me my money back and I literally never played overwatch again. I just wanted the fucking junkrat skin.
I think I've spent around $150 across all games and I'm not happy about it.
I bought a couple Overwatch boxes. I actually got what I wanted so I was pleased. I’ve also purchased a couple account upgrades for ESO
>tfw spent hundreds on TF2 boxes when they first came out
I did it only one time for Team Fortress 2 then realized what a waste it is. Never again.
I spent some of my steam vallet to buy one MVP music kit from the market for CSGO
i dont even buy games
Of course I have. But only for games I like, and for things that weren't pay to win bullshitwith the exception of hearthstone, but only once.
>TF2 cosmetics
>OW cosmetics, all access pass, etc.
>WoW pets, realm changes, etc.
Oh absolutely. But only for the games I truly want to support. But as I've matured I've become much more fickle.
No, I haven't. Not everyone's as weak willed as you.
the best micro transaction is WWE's accelerator pack which unlocks everything so you don't have to play various mode of the game. so you can quickly just play the game the way you want to play it.
I was tossing 40, sometimes 80 a month into fire emblem heroes for awhile. I never went out of control though and I stopped completely since 6+ months ago. At the time I justified it that it was just a small portion of my paycheck and I was having fun so it's fine but it really is completely worthless and a waste of money.
I don't really regret it but I can see how some people might lose control. You have to have some strong will power to let shit go when you've got that high as fuck percent gacha going but no more currency to roll.
smite gems and used to buy lol skins. lol is dead or at the very least dying, smite knows what it does well and sticks to it
Nope, only macrotransactions.
Nope, never. I briefly considered it for GTA5, but when I saw that the $8 million shark card "micro" transaction cost more than the game and could be spent in minutes, I continued to grind until I hated it and started playing something else.
bought plat in warframe cuz muh %75 discount
I spent money on League of Legends back in 2009 because I thought I was "supporting the devs". A decade later and they're a multi billion dollar company who has tripled the content of the game.
Whose face is that? It looks like an XC2 character but I don’t recognize it.
I laughed at Bethesda's Horse Armor back in the day and even now I've yet to buy any cosmetics, micropayments, XP boosters and all that trash. Virtual items are so worthless you might as well literally burn your money, at least you'd get some warmth that way.
I’ve only bought 2 keys in tf2... with money I got from selling trading cards
Aw, now I feel dumb.
I've spent
~20 euro on hats in TF2
~30 euro in magic the gathering arena
~10 euro on some beginner's pack in some gacha game
Compared to what I've wasted on kickstarter and on overpriced beers in bars this is nothing.
I bought physical YuGiOh booster packs...
The other kids just stole them
I fell stupid now
That doesn't mean I don't regret it, and that it's a good thing. In fact it actually shows how much of a predatory thing lootboxes are if you're 100% sure that anons have bought one.
Absolutely not. And I never paid a subscription fee either. Why should I have to KEEP PAYING for something I own? That's like paying rent. Do I have to pay rent on movies too? Final Fantasy 11 is just a scam.
If you morons had the same principles as I do, the industry would look very different today.
I bought Frostfire Annie. It is the only microtransaction I've ever bought and I wish I could take it back.
i spent 300 bucks and all i got was a fist in my ass
Around 50e on ffxiv trough mogstation.
Maid outfit and other stuff.
Never, 10 years ago i said i wouldnt do it and i still keep that word.
Once on a byond game for pvp bonuses. It wasn't even worth it.
id throw some money in if falcom made a gacha with ys and kiseki
I bought your mom fuck a night it was fucking cash. Bestmicrotransaction ever! That bitch can suck a dick and fuck like a train!
13 years ago I wanted to buy some gems for a browser-game, that reduce the time you have to wait until units develop, which cost 5$.
Back then it was payed over the mobile plan and you had to send a message over your mobile phone to agree to the transaction. They would send you a code for the gems back and you could enter it when you are logged in with your account.
I never got that message...I lost 5$ that day...and it was a lesson.
Never bought anything that resembled a microtransactions since that day.
Only in f2p games.
Who was in the wrong re: THIS fucking copout?
I bought my buddy league of legends points for his birthday. I personally don't play many games with microtransactions. SFV is one but I'm not sure if you can buy fight money.
I wasted 100 or so dollars on Granblue Fantasy. The game have these "pick any character you want, no RNG involved" tickets and I ended up buying 3 of them.
gunz was the shit... i still play it in universegunz
I do it a lot
I have more money than I need
No, I don't I have. I'm too cheap.
yeah, and?
what's your id user
I still play, will add you after maintenance if you're still here
No but im tempted to buy keys for rocket league. I have like 90 crates and only opened 3 or 4 with encryptor keys. Fuuuuck
I kinda did, but not really. I've bought 5 keys in rocket league, but I paid with the steambux I've acquired via selling csgo souvenir cases so I technically didn't pay for shit
it's really not worth it. Just hoard and sell stuff like crates and pass items
The trading is confusing. I get spammed invites but the offers are shady and nobody says what they fucking want.
I brought a barbarian skin on chivilary medieval warfare at 90% off while drunk
Only if i support the dev and its not going straight into publisher pockets.
Warframe is the only one i can think of, although i might have bought riot points in it's early days before it all went to shit.
Same, 75% off was to tempting. Bought 1k, then doubled it up jewing people on trade.
Good times.
I used to buy the monthly items in Kingdom of Loathing, but that was before mobile gaming took microtransactions and turned them into what they are now.
>tfw spent over 5000$ on csgo skins over a 4 year period
>1000$+ on Maple Story since starting in 2003 or 4
Get on my level, and most was pre-cubes. I managed to not spend to much on cubes but perm pets and items got me, also limited outfits.
I spent about 400-600 dollars on skins in league, I kinda regret it but it taught me that microtransactions are almost never worth it so im basically over it. Havent spent money on a free game since
Sure I did.
In that MLP game by Gameloft.
I mean, I did buy a key a few times for tf2
never got anything good
even before 90% of the cosmetics are worth less than 3 dollars
bought some tour of duty tickets for tf2 and other stuff for tf2. not regretting a thing
I spent $5 on overwatch lootboxes and gifted them away
no, i have not. nor will . they are a blight upon the medium
I was on the verge of being a full-blown Warframe whale before DE fucked over the clan.
Never, being a poorfag kid worked out back then
>$100ish on Path of Exile supporter packs
>$100 on some shitty gatcha game years ago
>$50 on CSGO
>few bucks here and there for some other games
I don't regret buying PoE packs because its a great game but the others? yep.
Opened about 5 Csgo crates about 4 years ago. Never again
Not a fucking penny. Fuck you for thinking it's normal. Also fuck anybody who preorders games.
Bought a weapon in TF2 to get premium. Really glad it went F2P, probably would've never played the game otherwise.
I bought a key for a crate in TF2 and felt scammed.
What the hell is wrong with you user. None of them are even any good, and the appeal wears off fast. Also it's the worst game, stop playing it.
Fall for the skin meme for LoL and spend 250$ over 6 years
I spend 50$ dollars all together to buy hextec lootbox because I broke with my gf
TF2 was my first and only to this date.
Its low-key gambling.
Only the ones that sexualise women, and I'm proud of it
I buy cosmetics all the time because I want to look good
No I've never done it..........I'm serious
of course, I always buy weapon skins
i spent almost 19 grand on fire emblem heroes and am definitely going to spend more. i'm still in serious debt with no way out but at least i have my favorite loli waifus at +10 so that prevents me from just driving my car off of a bridge.
Yeah I have but only on games I like and I don't feel good doing it
It was over about a 6 year period so I didnt really realize how much i was spending but I agree the appeal wears off fast. After you buy one you want a new one a few days later. I still play with friends every once in a while but I really despise the game now
Is why game developers and companies alike are shoving micro-transactions and in-game purchases for literally any reason, since they know more than half of us are dumbfucks with more money than skill.
>After you buy one you want a new one a few days later
Get help, man.
You're literally at risk for a gambling addiction, especially if those purchases were loot box shit.
I bought a season pass for For Honor, padre forgive me
I ragged on you but I'm nearly the same going on and off over the years except I didn't spend on anything except like one thing. I'm finally free though. Good, but try not to play even with friends, you may get dragged back in out of bad habit.
Forgive me father for I have sinned what is my penance
If a free game gave me 10 plus hours of fun I'm more inclined to give em money as a reward but only if the shop has things I'm interested in.
Mandatory diversity in multiplayer.
If the lobby is too straight, white, and male, the game will auto-kick players until the lobby is sufficiently diverse.
>Dark Souls 1/2/3 DLC
>Botw DLC
>Smash 4 DLC
>couple TF2 keys
>Sanctum 2 DLC
Most Shamefully, around $100 in Riot Points spread over 4 years. I don't know what I was thinking, probably because League is more addiction than game.
I spent $10 on Overwatch boxes and the only legendary I got was the goth Zarya skin and immediately felt like a retard.
I wouldn't even count most of that DLC as micro transactions, since they're basically just expansion packs.
$120-ish on TF2
$40 on Path of Exile
$20 on Paladins
That's all for me, could be worse.
I havent bought as game in years
all money I spend on vidya is on skins/lootboxes/gacha
Yeah I buy league skins on occasion if they don't suck. and I've given GGG some money for good looking MtX over the years. Seems fine with me I've played these games for thousands of hours at this point 20 bucks once in a while isn't gonna break my budget.
Basically everytime I just keep playing lol or poe instead of the new hot shit for a month or more I spend 10 bucks or so - seems like a better use of my money than buying a switch anyway
I paid for Alexstrasza in Heroes of the Storm
And if it counts I bought pic related for Pokemon TCG Online too.
I bought diamonds in minecraft.
I only buy Ad removal.
Some games bundle Ad removal with Premium currency, but I still only buy ad removal.
Most of the mobile games I play are light on Microtransaction, and I buy them because I enjoy them.
Got one pack of stash tabs so I could trade in PoE.
The only time was when I spent 25 cents on a gun in team fortress 2 to upgrade my account to premium so I could sell some promotional item I got for free for 2 bucks.
While shopaholism isn't a disease, manic depression is and on manic periods people tend to spend a shitload of money.
No, the only dlc I buy is proper singleplayer content, no skins
no, it's actually an extremely sensible way to price the game.
here in my euroshit country TC5 is 1euro to start, 1€ to continue, so you're lucky
2$ in Tf2
there are websites specifically designed for trading. Avoid those who want 24 mixed crates and they'd give you black market stuff for them. They're scammers.
>Played DotA2 some years back
>Had a shit load of items from drops (never bought anything)
>Decide to sell all my items to see how much Steam Wallet I can get
>List almost everything in my DotA2 inventory, about 200+ items
>Prices range from actual decent legendaries that average at $5 to grey trash for $0.02 each
>Forget about it
>Come back a week later
>Have about $30 Steam wallet
>Spend most of it on hats in Warframe
Does this count?
Technically I paid nothing.
I spent money on poe, marvel heroes and warframe. All of them have a fair model exept warframe desu. I completely stoped playing warframe when they turned my char into a tranny.
I bought Udonna when she was on sale for $2, and if Doggie ever shows up for $2 I'm going to buy him as well
I don't even like this game
is it a microtransaction if it costs fifty bucks?
Ive spent over 100$ on Fortnite
Yeah of course I did. I'm not some "MW2 Boycott forever" type fag. I buy shit sometimes. I work a job, I get good dosh from it, sometimes the store has something I like, I grab it.
Not a cent. My first experiences with mmos and being assaulted with gaudy animated rainbow effects and angel wings and glowing armor turned me off from any cosmetics at a young age.
Only for 5 keys in Rocket league because no one wanted to trade them to me.
Nope. I win again.
Nothing bad about microtransactions.
The bigger problem is that we have casual games instead of actual fun games, but faggots only worry about microtransactions.
Personally I wonder of card games count since buying cards is as old as Baseball cards.
this is a the survey thread!
Yes. I sell all the steam cards I get because I couldn't give a single fuck about them and I use the money I get to steam wallet from those to buy shit like skins and whatever I usually wouldn't put any money on.
I spend money like this too but I do it for real stuff. Why do you do this? What did you even get for this?
I bought riot points once when I was 18. Never since.
I bought some cosmetic items before. I'm happy with them, I like the way they look and I like the trash talking that comes with having them.
I bought some shit I don't even remember for TF2 so my Steam account could be validated and I could start jewing guns 1 scrap each.
This was back when a key was worth 3 fucking ref.
I've only bought some for KanColle because it quite literally is the only game good enough to earn my money.
I've spend more than 200 in Overwatch, and I'm not planning to stop =3
I bought a Vayne skin in League back in '11
There was a 95% off on Beginner's Pack for World of Warships Steam version. Haven't used it yet.
I don't give a shit about multiplayer games and single player games that rely on microtransactions make me want to vomit, so no.
bought 3k plat multiple times
>no big dick nigga dub planet
one fucking job
Even worse. I've spent a lot of money on Gachashit. Oh Yea Forums, oh the shame. What should I do? Should I just kill myself?
i wish i had money to play with people. fml
It was 2 for 1, so I gathered 15 bucks for Planetside 2's virtual money. Not regrets really.
i bought a bucket load of hearthstone cards and didnt even like the game
I mean, I know you're being sarcastic but gachapigs are literally subhuman wastes of flesh that deserve nothing but a bullet, so yes.
Nope. Never. Suck my cock, hypocrites. You complain about games going to shit, but you're all just maggots crawling on the pile. Games are better than they've been in years, but you're too busy choking on EA's cock to realize. Eat shit and die, zoomers.
Does buying characters for Fighting games count?
>Games are better than they've been in years
>Nope. Never. Suck my cock
Bought Kira Yoshikage for the Jojo game and regretted it the moment I hit proceed to purchase... I think I'll buy Baoh just because looks like a cool character that will never be in any game again and also because the game will probably be delisted sooner than later.
i bought some crates in tf2 once
got an unusual festive shortgun amongst a pile of shit, turned like a $30 profit when it finally sold
I've only bought DLC for both Smash games, BotW, XB2, and Mario Kart 8 as a birthday present for my younger cousins. I haven't paid for anything else but my brother can drop $200 on World of Warships. How do I convince him to save his money so he'll stop complaining that he doesn't have a Switch?
I'm sure I've done it multiple times, I just don't remember.
Yeah, back when I was younger and didn't really care about that type of shit.
i bought some league skins once
Spent about 300 bucks on Fortnite unironically, and I'm not even good at the game. I really like the girls and the world is fun to run around in and mess around, and the Unreal lighting and effects makes everything look so pretty.
I paid €0,99 for a chance to pull on a banner in Final Fantasy Record Keeper, and I got some bronze crap.
It haunts me to this day. Microtransaction gacha shit games where you can't obtain stuff other way than the gacha system are the worst.
I bought some Dota cosmetics for a couple of cents
Biggest waste of my money.
Probably, but they cant get very far, as lootboxes are more or less similar to booster packs in card games or those "1 in 20" toys. You cant make money directly from the loot boxes, so it probably wont fall under the definition of gambing.
i spent like £1000 last month on bbs
i usually but the character packs they release each month which is 22.99 each
that sounds pathetic, you're such a child
I bought Reaper of souls for diablo III, and forgot to buy the Necromancer pack. I was told that Necro was too over-powered though (after the main transaction)
Am I supposed to be ashamed? I've spent over 2 grand probably on various games in the last two years, because I'm not poor and it gives me satisfaction.
No, I only buy macrotransactions
I know I bought some cash items in Maplestory when I was like 13. I think that's it though. That was all cosmetic too. Maybe I have but I don't remember.
Why would I spend money to play the video game less?
Yeah but I pirated games worth fifty times more than that
Is that you riofag?
this but unironically
I buy shit like that all the time. I have money I can just piss away and I like vidya. I pay attention to the types of microtransactions games I play use, and I drop them if they are basically engineered to steal my money. I like systems of “Here’s our catalog of gay hats, give us some currency and you can have them”. Pure lootboxes or randomized catalogs are a no go. I’m likely what the marketing fags refer to as a whale, but I’m not gonna be baited by their shitty systems designed to hurt me. I know it’s hip and cool to shit on valve, but the community market is one of the reasons gabe newell has gotten alot of my spare wacky bucks for the last 7 years or so.
I’ll buy a couple of micro transactions in FTP games I’ve genuinely enjoyed. I got 70 hours out of apex, and even though I’ve moved on to other games, they at least deserved 5 bucks for the enjoyment I had
i haven't spend a dime in videogames since the ps2 came out
>you've definitely done it.
Yes I have, no Im not proud of it, luckily I made like 1k with skin betting and gambling back.
Overall i think ive spent around 3k on the most different games since ive started playing
im fine with that, its not much compared to what normies waste it on
Don't know if it counts but me and a friend purchased like 600 crates on TES as a joke neither of us played the game just wanted to see what we could get in them
I confess, I put quarters in Pac Man.
At least he learned his lesson
Pretty much this exact same thing, also instantly regretted it because modders gave me 1 billion a day later
>tfw i got the junkrat skim
>tfw i'm a junkrat main
[spoilers]Did you get to keep the summer event skin?[/spoiler]
I bought the model viewer dlc for no more heroes heroes paradise because of my dick.
Yeah, I'll admit it
For all the MOBAs, I've spent money.
At least either HotS and League, I felt like I got my money's worth
Fuck DotA, holy shit
Also, microtransactions in any other game? No way fag
Only for games I literally have hundreds of hours in, and even then only if there's a good reason
Too bad none of my games currently give me any reason since they're all in a shit state
Wasted 1000 bucks in a f2p title.
warframe and granblue are the only games I've spend money for microtransactions on, and that's after hundreds of hours of gameplay
yeah fuck dota for giving you the heroes for free and having any transactions being purely cosmetic
pic related was the first MtX I ever bought. It was a pet in RoTMG.
some tf2 keys i only bought to make my alt idling accounts become premium, a scout hat, one of those retarded overpriced tf2 winter item packs that i really regret spending money on.
some elin items in tera but i never got the ones i wanted and quit playing so that was a huge waste too.
i'll also spend my google play credits i get for free from the rewards app on dumb smartphone microtransactions but that's because i have nothing else to spend that free money on.
Not even once. I don't need cosmetic items even if they look cool. and I don't play games that are pay to win
I bought microtransactions for fucking TF2 (like a key or two) and SMNC (some random costume). Never again
Do Mann vs Machine tickets count?
I won an Australiem Flamethrower that's like triple the worth of what I spent, so I guess it worked out.
Also fuck tonnes of scrap for trading for hats.
I wouldn't have spent a dime if I could have just played proper MvM for free, I don't really care about the prizes. MvM is just too fun.
I bought a shark card to get the flying car in GTAV. There was a deal at the time that doubled the amount that shark cards gave you, and I couldn't sell cars reliably since everyone else had the flying cars and bikes.
I will confess my sins. I bought a blue orb on DMC4SE cause of that fucking mission on not getting hit by enemies.
It...it was only a dollar. a dollar and I can just focus on playing the fucking game.
>tfw people make fun of Nintendo for selling $80 cardboard
>tfw you've spent thousands of dollars on cardboard