>Nintendo solves the issue of controller aiming being crap
>Nobody else uses it or implements it (or if they do, it's halfassed and only on the switch version)
Nintendo solves the issue of controller aiming being crap
Other urls found in this thread:
splatoon is still more playable than any calladooty/genderfield game even without the waggle shit.
I've started playing warframe. Been reeeeeeeing about this exact issue every minute of it. Why don't they use their brains.
Console makers have tricked an entire generation of young, stupid men into believing dual stick is a "good enough" method of controlling First Person Shooters (or third person shooters too, I guess). They have achieved this with HEAVY auto aim.
I use stick controls in Splatoon 2 and can easily btfo my gyro virgin friends.
It takes Nintendo years, but eventually they come around and fix well known video game problems, but hardly anyone ever follows them or properly implements the things they fix.
sonyboys don't want to play actual video games requiring anything resembling skills, you don't
expect them to learn how to aim after decades of automation do you
Stop ingesting soi
Haven't played splatoon, what solution did they find to the problem?
rockstar ruined rdr2 by making it either auto aim plays itself cancer or free aim with imprecise sticks cancer.
your friends probably just suck like the vast majority of the playerbase. what weapon do you use?
gyro aiming, like in BOTW
Motion controlled aiming. I welcome it as an option, but that's it.
Aim with both analog and gyro controls, use gyro for fine adjustments. Thought it was weird at first when I tried it but now I think it's quite useful
Ummm, what? Like you think this is an update? This is some kinda new feature? This shit has been the default control scheme since the launch of Splatoon 1.
nerrel did a very good video on this
basically, the stock wii motion control fucking sucked and had the unfortunate side effect of associating motion controls with casual wagglan shit
so now even though a better option has been created, developers don't want to be associated with wagglan because they know their audience, retarded console FPS players, doesn't want it
the irony is that the DS4 has a gyro and you can use it if you connect it to your PC, but no PS4 game uses it
>no ps4 games use it
this is incredibly confusing to me, im not complaining but how hasn't it been phased out to make more moolah if no ones using it?
>Mercenary does it, and does it quite well in order to make up for the handheld format
>Everyone laughs at it (Gyro controls for aiming? That will never take off!)
>Nintendo does it
splatoon is good unlike shillzone
also it has the same problem splatoon does in handheld mode
>you have to move your controller, but your controller is also the screen
not exactly a match made in heaven
lmao if anything dual-stick cucks are the ones subsisting on a steady diet of onions
aiming is too hard for them so the developers have to do it for them
yeah, I only play Splatoon on the TV because of that reason
I think he means solution to the problem in shooters in general, user.
i'd definitely try killzone mercenary if you can play it on a vita tv with ds4 gyro
Oooohhh, yeah, that makes more sense. My mistake.
>sniping 5 year olds in turf war
negro what are you doing
They already fixed this with the Wii.
Every shooter was better with Wiimote + Nunchuk but unfortunately it didn't get many of them. Pointing and shooting is just so natural.
I actually preferred that over gyro but gyro is an okay substitute.
You answered your own question before you even asked it
what does it look like? sniping 5 year olds in turf war. they have the same hitbox as a non 5 year old btw.
>fartnite allows everyone to simply plug a mic in and chat with everyone
>meanwhile shitendo greedy fuck forces you to buy some shit looking accessories + to use a phone app
>Splatoon aiming isn't even that good, there's no option to play it when you're laying in your bed
>no servers browsers
>can't pick the gamemode you want
>salmon run is closed half the time
geez thanks nintendo
Why the fuck would anyone WANT to chat with randos in Splatoon.
>giant hitbox
>one hit kill
>don't even need to hit the head to secure the kill
I guess this is supposed to looks impressive for a console player
it's being done with a controller with no aim assist whatsoever, so what do you think dipshit
I dunno, because I can do it in any games on PC and if it bother me I can mute anyway?
Only nintendies can push a lack of options as a plus. Lel.
Okay, go play Fortnite then and enjoy your screaming 8 year olds. That's why no one wants public voice chat.
>>Splatoon aiming isn't even that good, there's no option to play it when you're laying in your bed
There's separate options for handheld mode, retard. Just crank up the sensitivity so you don't have to move so much or use sticks. You would know this if you played the game.
>>salmon run is closed half the time
It's closed for like, an hour at a time now. Hardly any issue anymore.
There's no aim assist on pc too. Here's what a true shooter looks like zoomzoom:
>There's separate options for handheld mode,
You didn't understand what I'm referencing lil nintendownie. I'm talking about the fact that the aiming can't be used when you're laying on your bed because the x or y axis ( can't remember which one is which ) is locked.
Before I filter all your posts I just want to remind you that Halo wrenched the entire genre away from you and you will never be happy again. Stay irrelevant, you're the meleefags of FPS
On PC, I can simply point and click with no input lag. Very impressive...
I took some screenshots for you to chew on. The first shot was so quick that the reduced 30fps video didn't even catch it properly (game is 60fps but the switch captures video at 30). It was a headshot. If the game had such "massive hitboxes" then the 2nd shot would have hit as well, but it didn't. Goo Tuber takes so long to charge (did you notice the reticule filling up?), it has to be a 1 shot kill to be viable, and you can swim with a stored shot, which is why the 3rd shot is able to be taken immediately, because I had already taken the time to store it. Time where I could have been killed myself. Even so, the vast majority of players are too scared to use it because of how fucked you are if you miss in close combat.
Pretty sure in Quake you can just shoot immediately and don't have to take such risks under fire.
>posts video of a pro to try to make a point vs someone that has posted their own gameplay
Again, very impressive.
Since I'm not a consumer-whore simpleton I can be happy with what I have, I don't need "new fancy games" every two months to entertain myself.
I'm still playing doom 2 mods and there's thousands of them for me to play still.
Being "irrelevant" when playing a video game is not one of my concerns, but I guess it's your kind of things since you're such a sensible pussy that you need to filter people on an anonymous board.
>Doesn't know the difference between the X and the Y axis
Your opinion is worthless you absolute brainlet.
This thread has inspired me to play HL2 with my Switch Pro controller.
It plays pretty well desu.
>Since I'm not a consumer-whore simpleton
>On PC, I can simply point and click with no input lag. Very impressive...
That's the point, having the purest gameplay possible you mongoloid. And It is still impressive since your opponent is using the same setting and same tools to face you.
Next you'll tell me that playing some kiddy shooter programed to be played with your feet on the last Microsoft's controller designed for crippled people is the greatest thing the video game world has to offer. Lmao. FUCK consoletards.
And FUCK NIPS too.
Gyro aiming feels like shit, having to move both hands around to aim feels awkward as hell. The Wiimote felt way better with shooters than Switch/Wii U gyro aiming
I could check on google but I'm too tired and didn't sleep for more than 30h, that's all you have?
You're such a simpleton that you go into a thread and start acting like a faggot about things you know nothing of.
>retarded frog poster
Don't bother wasting your words. He won't get it. He's convinced that Nintendo has invented the next great thing by making console aiming a teensy bit less shit, but he doesn't understand that a much better method already exists.
If Microsoft and Sony doesn't use gyro next-gen then fuck this earth. ANY shooting game without gyro is trash
I'm using a mouse to reply to yet another dipshit. I understand it pretty well.
>mfw I responded to everyone with solid arguments and everyone is bashing me while focusing on stupid shit instead of being serious and fair
pedotoons BTFO
Now I'll take my leave.
Use split joy-cons, then.
Makes you wonder why they even bothered adding gyro in ds4? Not even R&C does experimental controls like six axis on ds3.
>triggered pc fats coming out of the woodwork when they see someone has better aim with a controller than they do with a mouse
I actually love splatoon to death and y'all got trolled hard
fuck blaster niggers
>Nintendo solves the issue of controller aiming being crap
I believe the Vita did it first.
>i was pretending
>get shit kicked in
>"I-I was pretending"
fuck off retard
>Makes you wonder why they even bothered adding gyro in ds4?
No idea but it's just absurd. Making a AAA game can cost 40-100 million and a lot of their exclusives are shooting games, Days Gone, Uncharted, tlou, Killzone, HZD, Death Stranding also has a shooting weapon.
At which point? Even if I'm trolling all I've said is still very true, splatoon has obvious flaws that die-hard fans pretend to never see.
The lack of maps and the retarded timed gamemode schedule are two things I want changed asap
Not really. I mean Vita had gyro controls, but was barely ever used. Same with PS3 and PS4 controllers. They have gyro but barely ever used.
All this thread is about is that Splatoon shits on virtually all other console shooters because of its control method and that's true. It has nothing to do with PC and nothing to do with map rotations.
I’m a sniping god in Splatoon 2 literally every weapon benefits from gyro
Doom/ Wolf 2 gyro ironically made the game too easy
MHGU still has no fucking gyro for fucks sake
Meanwhile PS4 games that already have gyro built into they’re controllers refuse to use it
Nani the fuck
We actually get something good from waggling controls yet everyone refuses to steal it
I'd lick squid cunny and suck squid peeny
But I hate everyone who draws squids with boobs
>lack of maps
Lul wut? When the game started, it had like only 5 maps. Now they have 24 (not including Shifty).
>salmon run timed mode
I mean it's still timed but it's much better compared to launch we're they were days without Salmon Run.
I meant as in there were actual games that used gyro aiming on the Vita as soon as it launched.
I could never get used to gyro controls when I usually play on PC.
Aiming with motion controls when a mouse does it better feels like trying to reinvent the wheel.
You’re friends really likely B- scrubs
Anything pass A- is literally everyone uses gyro territory
It's easy when the alternative is stick aiming.
Won't change the fact that a lot of what I said was true even when shitposting.
Splatoon needs new maps and gamemode options, simpler voicechat like in Mario kart and fortnite, more options to use gyro aiming in any position I want, and also better tickrates, I forgot about that.
If you were to choose between a Proven Method of aiming with Aim Assist that has barely no skill, or a new way to aim without the help of Aim Assist and one that requires skills. People will always choose the proven method. Why should they change and suffer the penalty of losing a lot at the beginning trying to learn a new control method?
You're just choosing to argue about something else which is a logical fallacy.
>more options to use gyro aiming in any position I want
Elaborate on that since it's actually relevant to the topic.
Well it doesn't feels like if there's 24 maps when you're stuck for hours on the same gamemode. This is stupid.
Is there even another game in the world using such a dumb system?
All these webms of gyro control shooting chargers twitch shooting and not actually aiming reminds me of the old halo days where you upped your mouse sensitivity because of how the game registered headshots with snipers
I play the switch in bed, laying on my back.
Turn gyro on and try doing that and you'll quickly understand.
You still use the sticks for general movement but gyro allows fine tuning and high sensitivity gyro acts like a 3 less sensitive stick
>Aim at your target
>Sticks would normally sweep right over them
>Gyro slows it down and compensates smaller movement along with bigger sweeps
Put this two together and you get a much more accurate true iron sighted aim
>literal twitch shooter
Why do faggots prais quake again?
>PS Vita
Maybe if Sony actually advertised the vita and copied how Nintendo fixed the 3DS’s god awful launch we’d killzone appreciated more
Funny enough Splatoon is a “Better played docked” kind of game
We do that because in Splatoon, there's a visible laser that extends the entire range of the shot and warns people they're being aimed at. It's not because of an exploit, it's because we don't want to warn our opponents to know they're in danger until it's too late. Movement in Splatoon can be very fast. That's why you see people hiding their lasers before a shot.
I would never do that. I only play on a TV with a Pro controller. I would not even play with the nunchuck things. They're god-awful.
KB&M is so great. Let me just pull it out while I’m sitting on the couch. Not cumbersome at all.
I bought Doom 2016 on Switch specifically because they added Gyro controls and I wanted to support it. It's not as good as Splatoon 2's, but it sure as hell is better than normal dual stick.
The game uses loli and shotacons so you're more busy hitting your meat that caring about anything else.
Also the lack of oxygen going through your brain when fapping allows nintendo to brainwash you more easily.
Yes but like 3 games used it and none of them are even memorable
Are you a nip or do you use Splatoon in Japanese just for the visuals?
If you're Japanese why aren't you studying h24 to become some souless overworked salary man?
Really wish gyro became more of a thing on other systems. I can understand (well, tolerate) autists who insist on mouse/keyboard on PC games, but FUCK the auto-aim bullshit in RDR2 and other big-name shooters.
>Hold down left trigger to lock onto guy.
>Tilt stick up slightly for headshot.
>Pull trigger.
Where's the fun in that?
I use the japanese version because the lobby is less insufferable both because they draw better art and also if they're saying some stupid shit I don't even care since I can't read squiggles anyway.
fuck. I'm french and wanted to check if everything they say on the topic of japs fantasizing about us frogs is true.
Yeah, it's called a Paris Complex or something. Paris syndrome, yeah.
There’s this guy who plays PC with a steam controller
He’s good, his aim is on point too but it looks kind of shaky which makes me feel like this is very hard to do.
I have a DS4 but have never really bothered configurating the whole gyro thing, but it shouldn’t be hard right? There’s probably presets for basically any game on steam.
Because git gud?
Anything that refuses to grow means accepting to die?
>People will always choose the proven method
That sounds like some iron steed are better than cars or electric typewriters are better than computers level bullshit.
Sounds good at the time because it’s the norm but sounds retarded in foresight
In the real life Paris is crowded with niggers and arabs imported by the Jews ruling us.
I wanna die.
It’s like oh my god
The only thing I hate is the AI didn’t improve I definitely felt like Doomslayer absolutely curb stomping everything into dust
There’s literally 0 fucking skill it’s all auto aim bullshit
If Rockstar wanted to improve me patch in gyro for RDR2 and let me do the aiming
They are
If anything they’re disappointed when coming to French to find chain smoking everywhere spitting alcoholic faggots every time they turn their head
Oh wait no that's the complete opposite, but it is related.
It's finicky. You have to do set up and testing per game and consider how the game works in order to figure out how to implement it. It's not for brainlets. Generally for games like that someone will have the gyro only active when the "aim down sights" button is pressed. I tried to use it with RE2 Remake but went back to sticks since every time I went out of aiming mode, the camera was always fucked up. I needed to correct it every time I aimed. It was just too disruptive to enjoying the game.
Who cares, that's not what I was getting at, no need to move the goalposts. Also, while Gravity Rush may not be a pure "shooter" per se, it certainly memorable.
DS4Windows let's you customize your PS4 controller to a tee. You can even change the color and rumble.
That’s just the natural shake of your hands
You won’t notice it but we all have a very subtle shake
Not trying to push the goal posts
I never owned a Vita so I couldn’t tell you anything about it outside it’s memory cards for 16 gigs cost like 10$ more than a new 128 gig SD card
I remember that made a lot of people mad and called out Sony for proprietary price gouging
That’s exactly the reason why I didn’t get myself a steam controller. I really don’t care about setting everything up for every game separately
I don’t want to see it on my screen though
Yeah it sucks. I really wish it were good since I'm so used to playing Oblivion with a controller but I can't go back to the 360 version.
would you?
You have the option to turn it off
Don’t like closed captions?
Turn it off.
Not colorblind?
Turn off the colorblind feature
Don’t like Gyro?
Toggle it to off
More options is never a bad thing
The fact that more ps3 games didn't use sixaxis stuff was a crime.
Idk about the ps4 controller because i don't have one, but why would they take something fun out?
I guess it wasn't great for some games, but aim assist + gyro ADS would be neat.
Other shooters have pc versions so anybody who cares about having good aim will play that instead, splatoon only has console so they have to make it good.
Don't like voicechat?
Turn it of- ...
Oh wait it's already off
I think astro bot uses it
Patrician pairing coming through.
Anything that raises the skill ceiling is bad for revenue.
The devs want everyone to have a 1.00 K/D so they add random elements and remove things that take skill
Much better
That would probably break the he balnce of the game Splatoon 2 can get away with it because almost everything is broken to the point even subtle hackers can get still bodied
>5 year olds
A 5-year-old Jap would probably smoke 90% of Yea Forums in Splatoon 2. Japs take that game very seriously.
>team shooter without voice chat
most team games nowadays spend all of their budget on "toxicity".
Splatoon just kicks that problem in the nuts, it works fine
Who actually wants voice chat on when it’s typically full of annoying faggots, kids screaming, families fighting, dogs barking and all this other unpleasant shit to the point anyone with sense would just use Skype or discord with people they actually know
The purest love.
Move it or loses it, queerwig.
>But they’re males nips....
One day nintendo will fall for the sjw card and inklings will look like this
I’m stealing this
Oh god no.
Ironically enough I do want dreads in Splatoon
Go for it, I stole it from MXC.
>just jump trough hoops to get the same result
>octos were supposed to have more hairstyles
>they only got 2 each
What went wrong?
Wait, do you mean that there's no gyro aiming in Warframe on Switch?
With people you know?
Fuck no
>Loud obnoxiousness slurping from a friend
Yo Kamber mute your mic that shit is annoying
>Oh yeah sorry user!
>Louding obnoxiousness slurping from a random
Yo mute your mic that’s annoying
>Hey fuck you shut the fuck up before I come over there beat your fucking face in then fuck your mom in the ass
Day and night difference
Ironically animal crossings
The squid research lab and AC team are the same people
God damn it Nintendo hire some new blood already
that's a trap isnt it?
I agree, but make that new blood only touch Animal Crossing. Splatoon is a fresh new series that's been doing a ton of stuff great. Don't mess with that winning formula just yet, just revise it and add good shit.
Why the hell did they change this animation? Squid girl hugging her splatling was the cutest thing. I don't even remember what her new animation is.
So everyone has to suffer because your friends are disgusting, you can't communicate with strangers and you're too dumb to mute.
>we won't get another Splatoween fest
Feels bad, man.
Keyboard and mouse exists, so who cares?
>wanting to play shooters waggling like a literal fisher price toy
Nintendo fags truly are manchildren
how does that gyro thingy work if you've got one joycon in one hand and second in another?
The right joycon is the one with the gyro sensor. If you just have 2 loose joycon it's kind of like playing with the Wiimote.
gyro aiming is not waggling at all, you barely have to move your hands
They both have a gyro sensor, Splatoon just uses the right one for aiming. The right one does have an IR camera that the left doesn't.
Gravity Rush and Killzone did it first. Once again Nintendogs take credit for Sony's innovations
This just feels fundamentally wrong.
>inklings and octolings without their robin mask eyes
This doesn't look right
I like how you can use more of the Dualshock 4's features on a PC than a PS4
Fucking Steam utilizes more of the shit it can do than Sony does. It's confusing.
Nintendo really needs to start solving the JQ
>controllers are fisher price toys
>when a computer mouse is LITERALLY an animal toy
lmao onioniggers self-btfo again
>>Valve solves the issue of controller aiming being crap
Having muters on your team is a disadvantage
Having chimps that scream into the mic instead of providing useful info on your team is a disadvantage
Having a ching chong who either can't or refuses to speak your language on your team is a disadvantage
Being that ching chong for the rest of your team is a disadvantage
Easier to just not do any chat at all
Think for yourself. What would benefit your team the most? What do you think your teammates will do? Do they have a chance of fucking up and can you preemptively prevent that or at least mitigate consequences?
This line of thought, as well as keeping constant awareness of your surroundings, is pretty much mandatory to win consistently, and when you have an entire team of people doing that everything just fits like lego. In a way it's closer to actual sports than to vidya.
oooohhhh waaaahhhwwww~! little wickle inky plush~~ ohhh and me want to spread those ickle lickle legs and smell that cunny mmmhmmm yes me doooo~~~ sniff sniff that little cunny wunny and grab inkys bouncy little butt and feel how soft and squeezy it is as me licky licky little inky cunny mmmmhmnmm ohhh yes ooooaahhhhhhhh~~
Mouse is the OG motion controls, so in a way we are bros.
IIRC, the Gravity Rush remake used gyro, but 2 didn't.
Gyro was legit fun in GR on Vita-chan
>implying splatoon /doesn't/ also use auto-aim
i like gyro aiming too but damn
2 also uses gyro
you can probably see it in this clip
>the Gravity Rush remake used gyro, but 2 didn't.
You mean for sliding? Otherwise that's obviously wrong.
Man, I'd manages to forget. I was probably just thinking about sliding too much. I really enjoyed gyro sliding.
I just didn't recall correctly is all.
Not how it actually went though.
>sony does it
>off by default
>stickfags laugh at it without even trying
>people who see the potential are written off as insane, everyone advices to not turn them on
>nintendo does it
>on by default, can't change without completing tutorial
>stickfags laugh at it the same, even comparing it to Killzone and citing that it didn't work
>they soon start getting destroyed by newcomers to shooters who kept motion on, either finding them more intuitive or not bothering to change
>later generations of players are adviced to stay with motion on
>even many of gen 1 stickfags convert and say they are happy with the decision
Sony is great at ideas, but good golly gee they suck at selling them to people. Gravity Rush and Killzone may've pioneered the control scheme, but Nintendo were the ones who made people not turn them off.
That is something Nintendo always did, if they thought something was good they fucking forced it on the player.
It does backfire as well (like Star Fox Zero), but they are the only developer with enough balls to commit totally to an idea.
Unironically VR needs a company like Nintendo.
If they delevoped a VR system, you know every game they make would force you to use it helping adoption massively.
Sony can't even seem to throw PSVR a bone anymore, they just don't care.
>Sony can't even seem to throw PSVR a bone anymore, they just don't care.
Where the hell did you get that idea? Their japanese first party output has been nothing but VR shit for the last 2 years
I can't wait until Japan Studio makes something the 95% of PS4 owners who don't have PSVR can play, but we're running out of time this gen
They literally asked bamco to make a PSVR-exclusive campaign for AC7 recently, and I'm sure the biggest reason they ported Wipeout was to make it PSVR's killer app as well.
It's good they still have support for the system, weird how under the mainstream radar that goes.
But these are still small niche titles, that is my actual point.
Where are the GoW VR mode, or Spiderman?
Nintendo would probably make Metriod Prime 4 a VR exclusive if they could (no matter how stupid that would be).
I would have expected Vavle to step up by now, but nobody really wants to take the (massive) risk.
Just wanted to update and say that this is the shit.
Why the fuck should I even bother with KBM when I can do this.
there is, it's enablable in the setttings, but it's fucking shit, the absolute maximum sensitivity is lower than splatoon at -5 and it doesn't have a recenter button like splatoon does
Because it's better in every way.
It's more precise, but Switch Pro is comfier and has analog for movement.
>Sony can't even seem to throw PSVR a bone anymore
The fuck are you on? I wish they shilled the Vita that fucking much.
Point taken. Can't argue with that.
Stop making me gay, fagit
>we finally started to get awesome holiday Splatfests that changed the plaza and stages to be based on Halloween and Christmas
>it was as Splatoon 2's updates were winding down and starting to come to an end
Valve did that a lot better, though. It's even compatible with literally any game.
But consolefags are brand retards and never care for something better.
>cute inklings won't ever sit on you
Nobody uses Valve's method either though.
I'm sure they'll continue the trend in Splatoon 3
>Played half life 1 on ps2
>You can actually plug in mouse and keyboard into the ps2 and play the game with it
>play the orange box on piss station 3
>can't use mouse/keyboard anymore
I fucking hate consoles and modern vidya
If you let normies actually aim at things accurately, they will start to notice things like how flat and simplistic all level design is now, how low FPS can negatively effect gameplay, and how little weapon variety there actually is.
Best that they don't start asking questions.
This, every fps now is a hitscan shooter with some different spray and dmg number depending of the gun you're using. And the movement are all based on the usual cod militarytard dork.
Remember when fps had a lot of gameplay variety?
>males nips
Only thing better then boi nips is boicunny
>You're a kid now
>You're a child molester now
How come boy nipples sfw? That's insane
>gyro doesn't count because reasons
lmao KBM shitters are the worst
ya RDR2 came out last year
Cute girl
Aim in Splatoon was never crap.
You may have brain problems user.
I wish I could be a cute octo boy
Too many supple young boys in this thread desu.
I can use it on literally any game on PC.
>Literally any
What about games that don't allow simultaneous controller and mouse input?
Map mouse and keyboard input onto the controller.
It’s the same with every game, someone else solved the problem ten years ago, but no one wants to implement their solution.
I wish I could be a cute octo boy's sexslave
>game where you just shoot the ground is better than shooting other people
That is also acceptable
Violence is bad, user!
My sexual desires towards my Inkling are far more wholesome.
A lot of games don't allow both mouse and analog input for some stupid reason.
That's too much work that doesn't directly earn them more money by selling shinies to whales :^)
Even forknife got gyro, even if its implementation is so shit it's unusable.
what dumb argument
I wish we could have a splatoon related thread without degenerates shitting it up for no reason. kys
My love for twinks is more important than the well being of this thread
Then fuck off to /fag/ or whatever or drink some bleach.
>bleach slosher
The official British Splatoon weapon
He meant to map the mouse onto the controller.
What did he mean by this?
>Male 3, Fem 4 and Male 8
perfect as it should be
Cute art