Is Far Cry 5 any good?

I love Far Cry 2 and 3, and thought 4 was okay but too samey and generic compared to 3. How's 5 compare to the others?

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endless respawns, its shit.

It's alright. It isn't great, but it's not terrible.
Like anything, it's good with friends.

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The US is a nice change of pace for a setting for the franchise, but gameplay-wise it's not going to blow you away or anything. I couldn't finish it.

Started it last night after playing some of the absolute fucking dogshit that is New Dawn, the intro is pretty good but once you get into the free gameplay it quickly gets pretty boring.

it's probably my favorite of the post-2 Far Cry games. The setting, atmosphere, and soundtrack are top tier. Unfortunately it's not much different gameplay wise than the rest aside from focusing much more firmly on free form exploration.

Love the music and the setting, but it does get a bit stale in the midpoint. Also I’m not sure how but it feels like the stealth is worse in this one compared to 3 and 2

feels about the same to me

It's the same until a badger or bear decides to rampage in your direction from out of nowhere.
I swear the density of rabid animals is more than the people in this game. People just walk along the road and get their dicks ripped off by badgers.

Far Cry 5 is boring shit that I've barely finished.
Really lazy design of everything and plot is just boring and unbelievable.
If you want fun, play Far Cry 4 or Blood Dragon.

>If you want fun, play Far Cry 4 or Blood Dragon
Both of them are less fun than Far Cry 3, though, which I've completed like four or five times

Far Cry 4 is the best.

Music is great
Atmosphere is great
Ending is kino
Gameplay is as average as ever

Fun open world shooter. Story is kinda mediocre and bland, but the mechanics are solid and the game is fun.

Standard open world shooter. Not as rigid and repetitive as some of Ubi's other game's, but the experience is a solid 7/10 imo. Also great soundtrack.

I’m playing it now, it’s pretty good. More interesting than 4, less so than 3. It seems...slow for some reason, and gunplay is a little stiff, but that’s probably because I’ve been playing Apex the last two weeks. But so far it’s pretty enjoyable. Not looking forward to those godforsaken multiplayer trophies though

The ending was shit.

some really cringe tier writting by some thot for the menus but the pew pew is fun

In the vein of far cry games its good. In the veins of video games as a whole its bland and boring.

It rises above far cry games because its set in Montana and not some no name shithole riceball country in the middle of nowhere.


2 = Blood Dragon > 5 > 1 = 3 > 4 > Primal
So pretty good.

i would like blood dragon if i had not encountered a mission that FORCES you to go in the water with a big fuck off shark.

i am NOT doing that. and theres no way to skip it is a main mission. so fuck blood dragon up its 90's synthmetal asshole.

Played it for about an hour, quit as soon as I realised when I turn around all the vehicles behind me despawn.

Goodbye having a faithful vehicle you use through thick and thin. Goodbye to setting up road blocks. Goodbye to making your own fun in this piece of shit.


i dont like sharks okay
i dont get scared at 'scary' games usually. im willing to face unnatural horrors from beyond. but water enemies can FUCK. RIGHT. OFF.


sharks are bros you total pussy


FUCK that airplane boss mission
Was stuck for hours on it with co-op
Eventually had to alt tab and google how. Had to summon an ally to kill it for us. What a fucking joke. The rest of the game was piss easy.

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FC3 is just FC4 with a single environment type and only one type of missions

I like 5 the most. But I found the Redemption mod on PC pretty essential for fixing the flow of the game. I didn't play the first two and found the colors in Blood Dragon hard to look at for length. I spent the longest on 5. But 3 had my favorite story and characters.

Its a far cry game, nothing too out of the ordinary. Fun shooting, big world, some random time wasters and a story. Its a 7 out of 10.

>too samey and generic

I thought Primal was the best of the series, no one ever mentions it though. It branched out and tried to be a little different in ways.

lmao what the fuck dude
its just a virtual shark dude
like just play baby shark lmao
its not gonna get you dude

>get captured
>bad guys monologue at silent protagonist for 5 mins
>repeat like 9 times

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Had a superior story though.

not really

It's good but the fact that it could be much more not only gameplay-wise but STORY-wise makes me angry
the sound design in the game is 10/10, the world is very well made and pretty

Fagan Min vs. Vass?

Come now user...

Vass is pretty shit, he's a generic ADHD villain, Pagan Min felt more like something out of Bond at least

vass had no substance

there arent enough enemies

Only ever played blood dragon and hated it. Do the stories in the series connect because 5 looks interesting to me

>no substance

wow some pseudo intellectual shit so deep

Dragon was it's own thing completely.
3,4,5 don't really "connect", but they share the same world.
Different events in different places and times. Some nods to characters in previous games but that's about it. No over-arching plot or anything. It's all stand-alone.

>Pagan Min

I don't know if this is a bug or something but it's worth mentioning
every enemy uses 2 different guns at best and the weapon variety fucking blows

3-4 (dunno about the rest)
connect through a single character

5-New Dawn connect much closer but New Dawn is fucking dogshit

It's okay, just very generic. The game follows the Ubisoft template and it's more of the same, except more streamlined.

2 and 4 are connected via a shared character
3, 4, and 5 are connected via a shared character, as well as outright referring to events from previous entries
New Dawn is an outright sequel to 5
Blood Dragon is purely standalone (but possibly a movie in the Far Cry universe)

I didn't play Primal.

Far Cry 1 has the least direct ties to the other numbered entries but should still be canon

>2 and 4 are connected via a shared character
really? who?

Maliya and Goka Falls are mentioned by Longinus, who is himself probably Kouassi

>New Dawn is fucking dogshit
I was really hopeful for new dawn but they somehow managed to make the already just okay gameplay more bland and the story [more] stupid. At least I finally got to shoot joseph in the face with a shotgun and light his body on fire.

>At least I finally got to shoot joseph in the face with a shotgun and light his body on fire.

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Yeah but it has Carmina Rye and she is cute

>doing such sinful act

lmao she's ugly as fuck

best song

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Far cry 4 fucked up by making the Villain way more likable than any of your allies. On the other hand, Vaas was fucking perfect. He was a well written, well acted character, that had just enough charm to make you want to listen to him, but was sadistic and threatening and gave you a reason to want to kill him. FC4’s secret ending was so satisfying, I lost all desire to play the game afterwards.

cmon user

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I put the deputy out of his misery the first chance I got.

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It's worth trying. I've As someone who 100%d Far Cry 3, 4 & Primal, I would say the fatigue is definitely there but they had some excellent moments in it. For example discovering prepper stashes and bunkers felt amazing. I say try it

Why’d you kill the hero like that?

New Dawn is amazing. What the hell is wrong with you?

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FC5's ending is one of the greatest videogame endings of all time.>they somehow managed to make the already just okay gameplay more bland
You can fucking DOUBLE JUMP. You have superpowers. How is that bland?

fpbp. it annoyed the hell out of me when I had to fight 3 helicopters in a row.

>You can fucking DOUBLE JUMP. You have superpowers. How is that bland?

cute feet

>Also I’m not sure how but it feels like the stealth is worse in this one compared to 3 and 2
level design, also takedowns are sped up and boring, they fixed stealth in new dawn, but it got other unbearable problems
FC5 characters are godly written in comparison to new dawn.

>FC5's ending is one of the greatest videogame endings of all time.


holy fuck why is everyone written like a cartoon character in new dawn, it's like they had the watchdogs 2 writers make them, fucking unbearable.

constant chaos is what turns me off from long term in this game, and it gets only worse when you progress
you can't walk 30 seconds without shootout,badger,helicopter or rabid dogs on your ass

FC4 got best setting and best level outpost design. I wonder why they cut fortresses in FC5, I loved stealthing that.

Tell me about it.
It was funny for a bit, being taken out of the shop because the shopkeeper is busy being mauled, but it got old after a while.
Couldn't walk 10ft without bumping into a bear or wolf. Plenty of pelts to sell though I guess.

The game has some issues though.
I still love all the fun webms I got from it.
Music is top tier though.

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>You have superpowers. How is that bland?
You only get the "super powers" at the end of the game, and even then double jump is the only one that notably changes the way the game plays and it doesn't actually add anything to the experience - it's just a novelty for reviewers and retards to fawn over. The game wasn't built with it in mind and so you can't actually do anything interesting with it.

No u.

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watch dogs 2 was fine because it was intentionally written as parody, most people miss on that, dialogue quality was still good

new dawn is written worse than marvel netflix series, it's like it was thrown off to interns while real people on something else

Giving interns a checklist of cliches to work through would actually explain a lot of New Dawn's writing.

New Dawn gives you a reason to re-do outposts


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yeah, I couldn't handle it, they improved and fixed a lot of far cry problems in it, like outposts, stealth, some missions compared to 5, but I couldn't find strength to listen to that drivel
ah also, since guns are rated now I had to use holo on a fucking beretta, fucking holo on a pistol, what the fuck, and you can't remove it
the way guns are don in both games simply infuriates me, at least in FC5 you could play with weaker naked guns and be fine.

>2 that high

I wish outposts were as cool as FC4. It was splinter cell tier stealth in those enclosed locations.

The forced feminization scenes were a little weird. They send a squad of goons after you with special tranq-bullets and knock you out, then you wake up in the villain's lair, wearing flats, a short skirted dress, and presumably panties since it gets commented on and your hands and ankles handcuffed. They instruct you to do actions around the base and if you don't hit the button prompts they start shoving you around. Just as they force you on to your knees and your screen's filled with a goon's crotch as he fumbles with the zipper some of your friendlies bust in and save you. Seemed really out of place, but I guess they pay it off when you beat the villain for that region and do the same to him, though no one's coming to save him.

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It's a Far Cry game. Same old. Decent time killer. It's a nice looking game. Choices don't matter really.

The stupid unskipabble forced capture sequence is annoying. Despite being a one man army, you still get knocked out.

I'm really enjoying it. It's Ubi so it's far from perfect, but I've got next to no HUD and ive found that boosts the enjoyment

If UBI had the balls and actually followed through with a cautionary tale of the average Trump voter they might have struck gold. they were already halfway there with the amount of fucking undercuts the bad guys have

the music is pretty much the best part of the game. i thought it was really fucking good and it just seemed so wasted in a game like this.

other than that, its pretty much the same stuff as previous farcry games. so if you like that type of mission formula/story structure. go for it.

For me its

4 > 5 > 3 = Blood Dragon > 1 > 2 >>> Primal

Not buying New Dawn till its 50% off.

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to be fair, 90% ubi games got really good music

>watch dogs 2 was fine because it was intentionally written as parody, most people miss on that, dialogue quality was still good
horrible horrible reasoning, intentionally writing your characters as fucking unbearable is still writing unbearable characters

Is someone having trouble landing headshots with the revolver in new dawn or better yet just landing shot with the revolver in general what the fuck is going on.

I liked them, for the most part, I get it why americans would hate it though

>watch dogs 2 was fine because it was intentionally written as parody, most people miss on that

>im a video game pretending to be retarded!

lol, no it wasnt. the game was suppose to be edgy and hip. that wasnt done for parody sake at all.

It's true though.

Yep. That's another good one.

I have trouble landing shots - period, centered crosshair doesn't help, sniper rifle misses 40m away, no clue what is going on
sometimes it's fine and others I miss almost point blank with any weapon except shotguns

if you are shooting at enemies above tier 1, they can sometimes wear helmets that take several bullets to get through. mitigate this with AP armor and slugs

I know that they recoil when you break their helmets but sometimes or most of the time the bullets just dissapear or hit the torso.
Maybe im just going to stop bothering and just use the bow for bodyshots.

shot still registers, you can see it, crosshair lies
you can see bullets in this game, they fly 2-3 section from center, it's like shooting not zeroed gun

>bullets just disappear
that is also my experience, is it a bug?

Not an argument.

Is the stalker experience.

I still can land proper shots in stalker, bullets behave close to real bullets there also in FC5 I could land headshots easy with handguns

Another brain dead open world walking simulator, with guns and some retarded edgy story.

>walking simulator
You don't understand that term do you?


2 > 5 = Blood dragon > 4 > 3 > caveman shit > niggershit

I really enjoyed it, but I hadn’t played a Far Cry since 3, so I didn’t have a chance to be burnt out on the formula. The setting is what drew me in. Montana was a great choice

More of the same from 3 and 4, no radio towers to climb though (except one at the beginning that they make a joke about anyway)

Who's the superior choice to join as a cult member and why is it John?

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>the cartels are not a thing
lol mate

Because bliss.

5 stands head and shoulders above all the other games by a huge amount

i enjoyed it a lot


Enjoy being a mindless drone.