I feel like anime video games are not quite there yet. They look a bit weird.
I feel like anime video games are not quite there yet. They look a bit weird
what ps2 game is this
Dynasty Warriors 4
Ni no kuni proved this wrong. Ignore the second one.
The Attack on Titan games get the anime aesthetic down
hopefully they'll get bigger and better with time
>outdated log pose
wtf is this garbage
so they've kept the same size since alabasta but the camera angles have changed
Current Nami looks like a trashy slut. A stick with melons. Old Nami is way better.
not quite the same size
by old nami you literally mean before she reached Alabasta.
but not a "big" change from Alabasta
>Mfw Oda said he doesn't mind if people make porn of his characters
she didn't have water balloons for tits in Arabasta
Anime games and would all look aesthetic as fuck if they attempted to emulate the style of Mega Man Legends. Or modern arcsys fighters like Xrd/DBFZ for 2D games.
The Naruto games look perfect.
>Nami gets part of a yonkou's power
>will still never get a 1v1 ever again because Oda doesn't want women to properly fight
never heard that but sounds hardly surprising, Oda is unusually forthcoming about being perverted in his Q&As
Based suicidanon
you're in the nile.
Based lewd user
they always varied in size from episode to episode but it never got this ridiculous pre time skip
It's for the best, they're way better suited for support and even if they did get 1v1 battles it would have to be against pretty shitty enemies given how far along the Grandline they are and none having haki. I'd rather see them being good support against decent enemies like Luffy+Nami against Cracker than seeing them beating jobbers.
ArcSys consistently gets it right. Their GDC talk about how they initially approached the effect in GGXrd is great and eye-opening.
Oda basically had this thing where he would increase Nami's breast size over the course of an arc. If her boobs got too big he'd realize it's time to end the Arc and then reset them back to being small.
This stopped after a while becaue Toei bitched at him about keeping it consistent for their animators so he decided to keep them perma huge which is why all the more modern one piece games have her a titty monster.
wasting their efforts on this ip is downright criminal.
then it's settled science, the empirical truth is that Nami has big boobs and that's great
What about robins breast size is it always the same
so are you saying the length of an arc depends on the rate oda decides to increase namis tit size at
based goda
that's just oda's terrible art style OP, it isn't a video games thing
I like Nami when she’s 60.
Not sure, I learned this from an Yea Forums thread where a guy posted proof mainly using Nami as an example.
First two are perfect. The Gold label shirt ones looks like stickfigures with tits.
Go to Yea Forums you faggots
one pieces threads on Yea Forums are just a bunch of elitists and nakamafaggots.
what she put in the magical pot?
Robin-chan is the best.
fuck off you pedophile
I don't want to be lynched by Yea Forums, so I'll ask here: what's the best way to experience One Piece? I want to get into it, but the anime has so many episodes and I've heard the pacing is shit. Is there an acceptable alternative? Or should I just pick up the manga from chapter 1 and read the whole thing?
Nigga wat?
start from chapter one.
And yet I still want to fuck that thing.
Manga is better but you need to get to arlong park to get it. The first chapters are boring af
Shes spoken for
Manga is the much better choice but the anime is alright. Just use One Pace for the majority of it to skip most of the filler. I do recommend the G8 filler arc though, good stuff there.
watch first 44 episodes, if you don't like the Arlong arc then it's not for you, if you like watch until it feels like pacing went to complete shit (probably around 300-400 episodes), then switch to manga and just look up specific moments on youtube.
Thanks anons. I'll give the manga a try.
Move it to Yea Forums faggot
Nami or Robin will fight the one female on Blackbeard's crew at the end of the series.
The most perfect woman and wife.
Anime's good up to a point. VA work is highly enjoyable and the quality is consistent but it eventually goes to shit. I'd recommend watching up until you can tolerate, but that's just me.
why do retards from Yea Forums lose there shit when you ask them something and other shit like that i got banned just for making one post in a thread
Yea Forums have very strict moderators to try and prevent it degenerating into a shithole like Yea Forums. Of course, this leads to pic related.
i get it weebs with any amount of power turn into crazy dicks
old nami = pure and wholesome
current nami = souless generic thot
I was watching constantly up until I finished fishman island and pretty much got over it. that was around maybe 6 months-a year ago, until the last few weeks I started reading the manga from there and caught up.
everything just dragged on way too long in the anime, fishman island took forever to get through, I'm enjoying the manga much more
Also I don't remember Robin being that brown, did they whiten her up later on in the anime?
>PW4 never ever
Why did they have to make 3 so soon after 2?
>I was watching constantly up until I finished fishman island
>I don't remember Robin being that brown
user there's a sizeable set of people who are mad that she lost it during the timeskip. Oda never intended it but the anime colors came before the manga colors and they just stuck with it. In the end it doesn't really matter, Robin is always perfect.
PW3 got me into the series I really hope they make a 4th one instead of these weird one piece games they've been cranking out lately.
How do you lads think World Seeker looks? I've never played a OP game and the only warriors game I've ever played was Hyrule Warriors
Read the manga and start from the beginning. There is even a colored version if you are interested. The anime if fine, until a point and making the transition to anime can be difficult. The manga also has a bunch of stuff anime fans usually miss out on. The author does a Q&A segment that gives a lot of background info and is some of the funniest writing in the series. The author also uses the cover of the chapters to tell side stories that don't get adapted into the anime. You also miss a lot of great cover art. The anime has great voice acting and music through out, but the animation and pacing will dip after a point. You can just go back and look up major scenes if you feel like your missing out.
What we need is another Grand Battle. There aren't enough Power Stone knockoffs in the world.
So far it doesn't look like anything special, just sort of like Spider-Man but with Luffy. Only having him playable is a major detriment but I suppose it could turn out alright
>the only warriors game I've ever played was Hyrule Warriors
Play Pirate Warriors holy shit it's the best musou game out there. The movesets and character variety blow everything else out of the water. Not to say HW is bad, I fucking love it but out of all the musou games I've played One Piece nails it.
got anymore of these?
unlike all other plebeians out there i am a connoisseur of fillers, manga does not have fillers so i will keep watching the animated shows
Yea Forums is a reddit colony
What in the flying fuck is this
At least post the real one instead of just nami with different hair.
Yea Forums is original Yea Forums. You're just so used to Yea Forums being reddit to tell the difference.
Of course he doesn't, he's japanese. Neither does Yoko Taro. Only westcucks like Kevin Levine openly cry about porn getting made for their super special waifus.
One Piece has incredibly exaggeration character designs and proportions and isn't especially suited to 3D models.
Godspeed Ace. Finish Kiwami 2!
That's bullshit, but I believe it.
Thank you DeSu.
Feels batman
My wife on the right
>milf nami
jesus christ my dick
It's a meme, you dip
>tfw you will never get paizuri from Nami and Robin
Who the fuck is the left one supposed to be? Nami?
Without the spinwheel tatoo? Fucking sana shippers man.
Brown Robin is much better though. Oda originally made her tanned but not pale and she had brown eyes. I like her better the way she's anime.
Did Yea Forums go to far?
I wish I could still enjoy one piece
Now I just can't believe I watched like 600 episodes
Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?
i think this has more to do with one piece's terrible artstyle than anything else
So did I misunderstand back in the day or was Robin one of those characters who was disgustingly powerful so the creators had to constantly shove her in the background or have some excuse she isn't there so all fights wouldn't just be concluded by her summoning a million hands to kill whoever they're fighting?
What's terrible? It feels unique, that's what actually got me into watching it.
Not jojo like unique, but still. At first i thought from the opening that luffy is not a rubber man and that's justthe artstyle making everyone very stretchy, cause sanji also seemed to have prolonged legs when fighting.
But i kinda hate it somehow.
Personally I have no gripe with the artstyle, it's just the billion budget cuts and animation tricks they constantly use to save as much money per episode as possible.
Once I started noticing these things the show became unwatchable to me.
I like her every way.
She was definitely OP when she was first introduced. Being able to blind anyone or snap anyone's neck/spine without being near them and they can't fight back is a hell of a power. Sadly, due to power creep she fits into one of two roles. She either gets bodied by enemy captains and shit or she effortlessly mows down all the low level goons at once. There's no in between, Oda can't seem to write any good fights for her since Skypiea. It hurts.
>tfw no bellydancer Robin gf
its proportions have absolutely zero consistency and the characters look like gangly mannequins, it's gotten so much worse as the series has gone on too, now they look like some nightmare visions out of a funhouse mirror
sure, it's immediately recognizable, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's good, just like how Chris-chan's artstyle is unique for all of the wrong reasons
Dare to dream big.
>I like her every way.
I kinda do as well, but still. And with nami, i only like the timeskip nami
>its proportions
Yeah, it's not realistic, i mean, the main guy is a rubber man and half of the characters look ridiculous, just look at gecko moriah or similar character.
It's more like a westeren cartoon, not everything must be realistic. Besides, most of anime faces don't look realistic anyways.
At least Yea Forums doesn't have ACK.
Its a cute drawing you shit. Lets see you do better without tracing
Robin's power is strong, but there are some real monsters in the series. If she tried performing a clutch on someone as strong as Zoro, she would just get over powered. She has the strength of a normal woman multiplied times 100, but that still doesn't make her that in the grand scheme of things. Pulls, she takes the damage any of her limbs suffers, so she can't just throw them out there.
PW3 is one of the best musou and OP games, Shitload of characters with different movesets and mechanics, but I'm still salty that CC2 still didn't make OP game.
Storm games were the better than naruto anime and manga combined. And I wonder what CC2 could make with OP
I just want an actual 2D fighter. The roster potential is limitless and Bamco keeps pussyfooting around.
she manifest her vagene unto every man in that room when her dance was finished. i am sure
I can't believe Luffy scored with Sanji's sister.
Oda throws proportions out the window, but I also love that about his style. There are random 10ft people walking around and Oda's explanation is, "Sometimes people are just tall. Just looking at all the background characters is fun and interesting.
i really fucking hate this
I like that it's a plot point at certain parts of the story. Yeah, there's weirdly tall and proportioned people but they're just people. Meanwhile actual giants with giant strength are their own species and have a significant real in many backstories and motivations.
and going by this logic, there must also just be really tall individuals amongst the giants
VC did it right.
KLK was great, don't embarrass yourself.