It took me 9 fucking hours to beat this

>it took me 9 fucking hours to beat this
Why am I so shit at games

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You shouldn’t expect to get a good rank on your first play through though

I took about the same amount of time hut mostly cause I was dicking around and checking things out.

That might be an excusable time for the original if it was your first play through and you weren't playing with gamefaqs open on your phone, but since this game literally tells you what to do at all times through objectives or your character blabbering this is pretty inexcusable.

if it's your first playthrough you get a pass but if that was done with repeats then yeah you're shit

Yeah, I remember being afraid for the game being like this like four months ago when there was only promotional material, but then I actually played it.

Competely average for a first playthrough. You should be able to beat it under 4 hours pretty easy this time. Once you are able to hit 3 hours, try looking at speed run video's and strategies, most of the time you wasting time on frivolous shit.

I'm stuck at the sewers.


mine was 8 soon you will be s+ ranking every time if you care enough and or speed running like a champ or both whatever works for you.

You must go deeper


It wraps around on itself and I keep reloading if I feel like I took too much damage or used too much ammo. The mutant boys are really fucking me up.

Took me 17 as leon and 7 as Claire, I was mirring the world and models and taking my sweet time, can't wait for remake 3 and would not mind a code veronica one, since it's the only game I could not bring myself to finish and I want REngine matrix Wesker.

Don't worry about it. I know someone who took 68 hours to get to the Arboretum in Prey, a game that most people finish in 20-25 hours. Not even joking or exaggerating.

This user knows.

>Took me 17 as leon
HOW? Tell me, I mist know.

This. First run is getting your feet wet and admiring the game and getting used to it. second run you'll get it done in 4 hours at least. Any after will have you done in no time

In the originals, I don't remember Birkin killing X . Surprised the fuck out of me. Additionally, why didn't we fight Irons-G?

Seriously? how?

Leon is hot

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>omfg how did it take you X amount of time to play the video game, can't you even video game right?

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I have no idea, but I found it funny how he criticized the game for taking too long and not having a story.

In his words, Prey needs reflexes, intelligence and problem solving skills that he lacks. I'm as confused as you are.

Umn...s rank

I take long to complete otherwise short games too. I love to just really immerse myself and take it really slow. Screenshots, reading ingame journals/lore etc. I haven't played RE2 yet, but I bet you I would take longer than you did.

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I miss the spiders.

Can you guys help me through the sewers?

It helps if you open up the shortcuts with the crank. Also, taking the Rook means you can't get across the bridge, so you'll miss a bunch of stuff over that side (you can open the door at the far end with the same key that opens the other door in the area, found on the desk near the G tunnel).

piss easy enemies that shuffle around. if they were more realistic they would be too fast and hard. they were always more of a blue herb check anyway and you get that with the G bros


I guess, but they felt like they had far more character as a world element than the G adults.

That's exactly what it's like though

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Literally open the map and clear the red areas you troglodyte cunt

The first playthrough is always the slowest. Learning the mechanics, where things are, the system and how to abuse it

I remember my first play through I was scared of spawning mr. x, so I took my time until I had no choice. Now I can run through standard in under 2 hours easy, I still haven't done hardcore yet.

Just keep at it, you'll get it.

Why do muslims keep saying this? The g adults are way better than meme big spiders.

Already told you nigger, I was playing with dismembering mechanics, walking around main hall with classic soundtrack on, same with NEST, getting myself killed by William and Mr X, for real and on prupose just to see the death animations, RE4 is still king, why does garrador can impale your head and not lickers?and whatnot.

I'd love if they added one giant spider as a jump scare mini boss in some future DLC, same with the Moth.

They upped the overall gore but got rid of most player death animations. Gayboy-2000 if you ask me.


I'm pretty disappointed with the death animations in re2make. You'd think for such a gore heavy game they'd have some more brutal deaths. Claire doesn't screaming nearly enough to get me properly hard either, it's pretty sad overall.

git gud

? You can dodge every G adult in the game with proper spacing even with RNG spawns.

All of the resin shit on the walls made me think I was coming up on the moth


Nice meme never herd that one before.

There's a block off area in the NEST with moths flying around. No idea why they cut it since seeing a Moth up close is scary and they don't even have to make it hard because the OG moth wasn't hars either.

thanks i stayed up till 3am last night thinking of it.

Well at least you can admit your not great at something, unlike someone like DSP who just blame the game. Even Kamiya, the guy who made the original had to take his time.

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I'm guessing they just ran out of time or something as far as the lab goes. There's definitely space for more stuff there.

that's not uncommon, most people beat it in about 8

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Aren't the moth's supposed behind this door?

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>first time 11 hours and 44 saves
>second run 6 hours 8 saves
>third run 4 hours 2 saves
This game has same the git gud feel of games from the '80 and '90.

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I most admit I cringed the first time a zombie killed me, but yeah, they really missed out on that shit, Ben's death made me verbably ecxlaim "FUCK", but I guess Claire and Leon are too pretty to get mauled

? Most G Adults while submerged can be shot by one pistol bullet and you'll be able to run past them. G adult charges have a range with long recovery frames. If one spawns randomly infront of you, You can just back up abit and it'll always miss.


>tfw no Mr american history X finisher where he curb stomps your face in

thx bro


What's wrong with RNG? Nothing us scary if they're always predictable. RE3 has good replayability since enemy rooms are randomized.


Your not welcome sir.

fuk u

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RNG is scary is like getting aids and cancer it's not!

I just finished Claire's B scenario. Should I go straight into her A scenario and then do Leon B right after? I'm only asking because I'm already kinda bored of her weapons and I want to go back to blowing zombies in half with the shotty.

>giant spiders
>with modern graphics
Yeah, good way to kill people via heart strike for real and getting sued into oblivion.

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Kek, maybe not something that drastic, but they could at least, made him drop you and paste the same fucking model for a zombie exploded head to leon's/claire's neck when he smashes their´s.

just do whatever dude


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I feel conflicted on whose weapon's I like more. Claire's grenade launcher is great, but Leon's shotgun makes me rock hard.

Is there a mod to give Claire big boobs?

Shotgun is best. I even have a mod to get it in Claire's Campaign it's so good. It's funny how much bigger it looks when she carries it.

I was actually thinking about this. I'd love to make a "busty Claire" mod that just makes her boobs look a bit bigger, not too much but just to get flack for it.


I wish my PC could run this so I could do shit like that.

Do it

Have you ever heard of something called aracnophobia? Its not rare at all.

Is there a mod for your basic bitch personality?

The grenade launcher is functionally great, but not as satisfying imo. The shotgun brings out the absolute best of the gore system every time.

Spiders were in the earlier versions of the game, but they made testers anxious as shit so they got removed.

Is there a mod to delete flat-fags from existence?

I would've stopped playing at the first sign of one of them.

So will they do DLC that'll add in extra bosses and story stuff, or will it just be more extra modes similar to Alien Isolation DLC?
They could add in the Black Tiger, Moth and crows.

Is there a mod to kill faggots on this website?

If they add anymore speed running bullshit i'll kill the niggers.

I wouldn't get too hung upon it, these games are meant to be played multiple times, in a fraction of the time on later playthroughs.

Do you really want to die that badly?

You tell me faggot?

Thats average time, what the fuck is wrong with ego on Yea Forums?

Shut up retard.


Actually yeah, because there are cunts like you that ironically think like this. I did better than OP by a few hours on my first playthrough but stop acting like a dick.

Nobody cares mad faggot LOL

The game said it took me 10 hours when Hardcore Leon which is clearly a lie since I had to reload saves a fe times, so more like 12-13 hours, i played just walking aroun the game didnt usually run since its an horror game and Who knows whats behind the corner?

Just by running and knowing where are the enemies I cut the time in almost a half to less than 6 hours

This game needs secrets. Something like unlocking an item or getting an Easter egg for shooting all the target practice boards in Kendo's and the shooting range, for example.
The game is lacking in this kind of stuff.

Don't fight the G-boys, run past them.

I unlocked your mom on s+rank shit was casH HUUUUUUUUUUUUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

That webm is completely unrelated to what you're saying.

We all know that's a bullshit excuse because they couldn't be bothered to animate them.

When was the last time arachnophobia killed someone? And looking at a spider that's not actually there at all.

Dumb faggot with aids

We get it, you're a Jordanfag. But you don't need to defend her at every turn, she won't ever know you exist, white knight.

> being this autistic about video games and think his SKILL actually matters
Ha, retard

You took your time as you should with such game, there's nothing wrong with this

Who let in the underages?

It's just Yea Forums being Yea Forums

U mad, fag?

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You actually have to kill first g-adult, otherwise itll be pain in the ass when the game spawns 2 more later.

The one by the T-valve door that leads to the Rook plug? Not at all.
Just shoot him once to wake him up and run past. He stays in that corner of the area and doesn't move. You don't need to kill any of them, user.

Is the game really so short? That hardly seems worth the price.

M8 you don't need to kill any of them. I can't even think of which G you're talking about

Stop worrying about being shit at the first run of an ACTUAL survival horror. You're supposed to be ass and make a bunch of mistakes and get yourself into wholly unique situations because you have no idea what to expect next. Half the enjoyment of these games comes from just.. running that bitch back and getting better and better at running the game until shit like what items are where are second nature.

It was worth the price for me. Way more enjoyable than shit like Fallout 4.

You did better than Kamiya, be glad.

Kamiya probably spent alot of time gawking at just about everything in the game, cut that man some SLACK

Poorfag here. Is there any way to get the ghost survivor dlc for the cracked version?

>tfw did my first S+ rank in 3hrs 15m
It felt like I went faster than that. Ended up doing a bit of backtracking though.

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I think it's fine. Running through it normally, it's about 6 hours for each character not counting the other a/b scenarios you didn't do your first time through, plus the bonus modes. It doesn't overstay it's welcome and isn't full of too much filler to pad out game time. I got my money's worth out of it.

What I love about X is that he still manages to catch my ass off guard sometimes while i'm zooming around the RPD unlocking shit.

He made me jump out of my fucking skin once by bitchslapping me right as I left a saferoom. I waited a while until it sounded like he walked off, but he was actually just wating for me to peak my head out of the door the cheeky fuck.

I've been taking my time as much as possible, I won't be surprised if I get a similar amount of time.

Tips for a HC Pacifist run? I'd like to throw in No item box too for the hell of it.

It took me twelve
I had never played any of the resident evil games before, and my friend said I had to play on hardcore otherwise it was too easy. I spent a long time just exploring, scared I missed stuff or double checking for bits of lore and the like.

Beat it with claire in about 7 hours the next time though. not going for a speed record but i felt pretty happy with myself overall.

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Why are people so adamant in their belief that games should be completed as quickly as possibly can? Why the fuck can't you just sit down and enjoy the game?

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It took me 14 hours, but I was just taking my time and enjoying myself.

He mind freaked me once after getting the maiden medallion, ran to the door, played that bookcase animation that takes forever and he just, came straight through the door, which sent me running backwards straight into a zombie, requiring me to burn a knife and run.

>94 saves
Toppest blocked

why not do both?

not even its kid. was just using its beak to scratch its ass

This one in particular kind of encourages it with the different rewards you get the better your finishing rank is.

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How do you do this? Editi a file or something? Or is it just a bug?

Did you have fun with it?

Every RE has encouraged speedy clears, but that still doesn't mean you should run through your first playthrough, there's no time limit. Just take it slow, take it all in.

What do the moonrunes say?


Why do I never see people complaining about the objectively trash weapons in this game. The not only sound like shit, which sound like they were recorded using childrens plastic guns, the also have absolutely no feedback to them. They have no recoil or punch. Easily the worst weapons in any resident evil game.

I know that feel OP

So… Is Chris posting finally over? Haven't seen it for a dew threads

Oh hey, someone slower than me

With the success of resident evil 2 does that mean more triple a publishers are interested in survival horror?

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What was the purpose of the underground facility? Like what was it supposed to be used for?

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It means we get Dead Space 4.

For William to create g unit

Viruses and bio weapons

i wish.

Not talking about NEST / the lab. I mean where you fight G1, under the RPD

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What does Umbrella do when it isn't pretending to be a pharmaceutical company, user? It's for creating and testing viruses and BOWs. The isolated and fragmented nature of it being perfect to shut the whole thing down in case there was an outbreak.

That's a lab?

It was the RPD basement and it has boilers and shit

it was a redfield research base dedicated to creating the perfect mate for claire, but having destroyed the other subjects leon has proven himself to be the alpha instead. Time will tell if will embrace his destiny.

Studio that made those games got killed by EA. That series is dead.

But then why was it hidden behind a secret passage?

This also makes me wonder how the Umbrella scientists at NEST got to work. Surely nobody actually used that secret passage in the middle of the RPD main hall.

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you know you can get down there another way right, the usual way is blocked off or locked or w/e until you progress, remember?

they get to work but subway/tram

Oh yeah the ladder under the parking garage. They could park at the police station, go down the ladder to the underground facility, take the elevator down to the sewers worker's break room, and take the other elevator by the rook plug. But then they would have to trudge through some shitty waist-deep sewer water though, there's no way they did that

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Well in the original canon the Raccoon City lab was a small facility used mainly by Birkin and a skeleton crew of people, it didn't really need a way to get many people in and out, however, even then it had the underground railway so you had that means of getting them there.

The remake lab though, they either use the train or there's another entrance topside, likely in an Umbrella owned building. Park your car, head into the building, and take a lift or tram to the lab

Like the one that Leon and Claire used to escape? You think they drove to that station on the other end and rode that train to / from work?

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i guess. makes more sense than wading through sewage - though that would be funny

Long complete time is nothing to be ashamed of if you didn't use a guide or get help.

>we're gonna remake an old game
>the old game has old mechanics
>we add in modern gaming trends
>TPS aimshooting, move while aiming, reload while running, sprint button
>oh no we threw in the gameplay of a third person shooter and now players can easily just shoot every enemy
>we'll just make the enemies bullet sponges

Well there was the orphanage elevator which goes down to the that secret office and then down to the sewers at point K12, though you still have to trudge and slide through sewage starting at point K12 to get to the cable car from there.

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Aracnophobia is overblown. Most people are naturally scared of bugs and spiders so when they freak out over a big one they think they have the phobia when they don't.

t. Me who used to say I had aracnophobia like literally everyone else and while I won't ever let one get close to me I don't shit myself oer seeing one from a safe distance.

Probably the same way Annette got to the cable car. Ada never once stepped in sewage and only had to do all that shit with the going through the vents because Annette shut two secret passage doors in her face. Annette knocked Ada off the catwalk when she was over the Treatment room (but catwalk ends over the garbage room), and the Treatment room is where the cable car is

I wish I could play it for the first time again

And at least you actually beat it, not like some people who actually quit when Mr. X came along.

its a hard game. you should see how much abuse Claire takes in a hardcore run

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heres a tip for speed runs: Claire walks faster when shes in danger

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Doesnt she walk fastest in caution state

>9 hours
>60 dollaros AAA Game


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When you play as Ada you see Annette use various secret doors throughout the sewers, so I guess thats how the staff got in and out.

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you mean caution
Both characters move slower in Danger, and Leon moves slightly slower in Caution

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ol marvy wants a taste

What's his name again?

yea meant caution
obviously its immoral to make her take pain on purpose to achieve caution status, so Im against it

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By that logic, it's immoral to play the game at all because you are forcing her to go through a horrible nightmare of a situation by doing so just for your own entertainment

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no, because she meets the love of her life and gets a daugterfu, which makes her happier. you just need to do it with no damage

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What room is that in the eye?

the little secret room under the statue in the RPD