The Absolute State of Shantaefags

Seriously, what's up with these guys? The games are decent at best, but they keep pushing a 90's waifu like she was Banjo or something.

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I know right? We all know the best boy can still be DLC.

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Waifufags are cancer in every topic they penetrate

Yeess, I certainly can! Aahaha, but what are you doing with that stupid puppet?

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Snooping as usual, I see.

no idea, she's not even best wayforward waifu, let alone a good waifu

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Both Patty and Shantae are good.

>90's waifu
Shantae was released in 2002

These things aren't alien at all to Yea Forums, where does your confusion stem from?


I genuinely don't know. Every other character, even Steve, has some solid logic behind them, as shaky as it may be in some cases. Shantae really has nothing except having some positively received games and starting on the Gameboy. But that's it, and a lot of series started on Nintendo hardware, with some being exclusive which Shantae isn't.

Absolutely BASED eggheads saving the thread.

I'll never understand it, it's far more likely that BUBSY could be in than Shantae at this point, and that's saying something

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shantae games aren't even good, except maybe one and that's still kinda meh level design wise

Her games are short. Her big crowdfunded project didn't offer much for discussion.
This is simply the nature of a bored fandom, a plea to fulfill their inner starvation for more fame and a raised likelihood to get another satiation.

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>Kickstarter raises twice the amount of money Shovel Knight made and over 10 times the amount Hollow Knight made
>her game has the least amount of content by a large margin compared to those two
how embarrassing

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hollow was a sprawling metroidvania by design and shantae games are really just rip offs of the monster world games which have always been a tad overrated to me. But even the remake of dragons trap shits all over shantaes kikestarter game

That's the cost of GORGEOUS 2D ANIMATION (with 3D backgrounds) my friend! Sorry! Thems the breaks!

>hey do you think you could make the least detailed face possible for this character design?
>you got it boss

still, the kickstarter made nearly $1 million and they couldn't be bothered to add more than 5 actual levels

I never liked Metroidvanias ever so I never looked into Hollow Knight, does it do anything that special because everyone seems to love it

It was just an indie fotm. Same with shoveknight.

it's just a well made game

combat is pretty nice in it and the equip system is different from most metroidvanias. It's interesting in that you cant just overlevel and crush everything and the game becomes brainless. Other than it just standard castleroid shit

Bitch Shovel Knight is a fucking masterpiece that I still replay occasionally to this day

You jest but there's a reason indivisible was asking something like 1mil bare minimum.

even undertale made less than shantae on kickstarter and it absolutely decimated her

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Good for you. The game is still greatly overrated.

So Shantaefags are the new Ridleyfags?

I'll never understand how undertale got as popular as it did. Pure fucking cancer.

I guess that means she will eventually get in

lol at least ridley had an actual semblance of a chance. it's more like the new Gokufags

luck and the homestuck community jumping ship and latching onto Undertale.

3 unique and polished as fuck different campaigns with radically different control schemes with countless options to spice up gameplay via cheats with great music is a masterpiece in my eyes.

>his free demo is more memorable than all of Shantae
Absolutely based

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>he doesn't know

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I don't know if you know this, but Hollow Knight was actually created using 3D elements

>being so bitter you have to shit on the good natured shantae games
You should all be ashamed.

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More like painfully average natured

is that the DQV hero on the right?

Again, good for you. I tried the game and thought it was just a decent game. Not deserving of all the praise, but that usually happens when people latch onto the latest indie darling.

>3 unique and polished as fuck different campaigns with radically different control schemes
it's super unfortunate that Yacht Club lost a shit ton of money making those campaigns and I hope that their next project actually gives them a good profit, those guys actually seem to care about what they're making

just let him make his stupid video that will only get like 5k views max op
like who cares

What did shantae ever do to you, user? Does it make you feel good to bad mouth things you don't like? Shame on you.

Good job not actually saying anything
>it’s not worthy of praise because I thought it was decent and I will refuse to mention anything about the game that can be discussed

of course they do, they are former way forward employees, and way forward has always put way more care and love into shit than it should have, especially with some of the garbage IPs they worked on. They made the best contra since the fucking original one honestly

>Yacht Club lost a shit ton of money making those campaigns
You must be joking.

No it’s not bad but just “eh”

they posted that they spent somewhere around $1.3 million making Plague of Shadows and didn't make any of that money back(since it was free for anyone who owned shovel knight)

Maybe on the Plague Knight campaign but they realized going all out with Specter Knight definitely garnered more attention

I'm not looking to have a big brain thought provoking discussion. I think the game is overrated. You think it's a "masterpiece". Good for you. Do you want a debate or something?

they said that they didn't make their money back on Specter of Torment, but they at least earned SOME money on that. Heck this is probably why the King Knight campaign keeps getting delayed

>they posted that they spent somewhere around $1.3 million making Plague of Shadows
No fucking way user, I’m a huge Plague Knight fan and there’s nothing in that game that could total up to it.
You might be thinking of total sales because they passed 2 million with specter knight

Yeah? You’re acting like discussing games on Yea Forums is a foreign concept user

>didn't make any of that money back
Didn't they release the game like, 3 times or something? I just find it hard to believe a game that was as shilled as shovelknight had money problems. Then again, buzz doesn't necessarily equal sales.

Just answer him and tell the guy why you think the game isn't deserving of the praise it gets. That shouldn't be hard to do since you're so adamant about your position.

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I’d like to know where you read this user because I like to look at the yacht club articles occasionally and I don’t remember saying anything about losing money

There's nothing to discuss. You really like it, I don't. That's fine.
It's just a decent game. Not really worth elaborating on. Just take it at face value.

>We had 8 people full time on the project for about a year – meaning we effectively spent roughly a million dollars creating FREE update content for the game. Is that ridiculous?! Yes, most definitely. Was it worth it? We think so! We really love what we created and we think the fans who gave it a shot did too. That said, by traditional publishing standards, it would probably be perceived as a catastrophic failure!
>After our last sales update, we made it pretty clear that going all out on Plague of Shadows was not worth it financially! We spent more than a million dollars developing the game and made zero dollars… woopsies!

>it’s overrated
>there’s nothing to discuss
wew lad


How do you spend a million dollars on pixel shit? Console fees?

>This game is overrated. And no, I will not discuss why it is overrated. You just have to accept that I'm right and that's just a fact.

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paying employees, office fees, and licensing fees probably

I'm sorry to disappoint you but I'm not looking to get into a debate about shovelknight so lets just agree to disagree.

>not doomguy

They're better than isaacfags, who are extremely delusional about their 14 year old dead series being extremely important

You’re probably one of the biggest douches on this site tbqh

>paying employees, office fees
Let me guess, california?

I mean, it is the most popular Nintendo IP thai debuted on GBA

>I'm right and that's just a fact.
I'm pretty sure I didn't say, or even imply, that. Calm your fanboyism.

You keep responding to me about not wanting to debate me.
I legitmately don’t understand you

yes, Yacht Club and WF are both in the same city in California

pixel shit is more expensive these days because of the amount of work that goes into animating that shit

So do other indies talk shit about shantae because it's more popular despite only having like 2 1/2 half way decent games?

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No we just hate Waifufags

I say I don't want to debate, and I'm not. What's there to understand? What's even going on with you?

Normalfags are not welcome here.

>implying having a waifu=being a waifufag

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Mods have really cracked down on smash “leaks” huh? Barely see them anymore

People were starved for options, man. you didn't get ffta until way later and golden sun had a single interesting mechanic. people have the most intense rose colored glasses for that game.

go play it now, that shit doesn't hold up at all, everything about it fucking sucks.

>I have a waifu but I'm not like THOSE waifufags
The normalfags will never accept you.

You’re just being oddly adamant about responding to everyone about how much you don’t want to discuss a game

lol Shantae is a literal who in the general indie community. if it wasn't for WF's smash shilling, nobody would know who she was

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MY waifu already made it in so i'm not complaining

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Well, why do you keep replying to my saying I don't want to get into a whole thing about a game I don't really care about?

I know

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Here is your transformation character bro

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Because your posting behavior is unlike anyone I’ve ever met on this site and I would like to understand why you’re posting the way you are

>if it wasn't for WF's smash shilling, nobody would know who she was
I learned about shantae during her kickstarter. Before then I thought she was some old nintendo character some people really liked. I would say that's what led to her new popularity since then.

still mad that Nintendo didn't test the waters with the LA remake engine by remaking Frog Bell so that the west could know who he actually is.

I want to impregnate the shantae.

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>Because your posting behavior is unlike anyone I’ve ever met on this site
I find that very hard to believe.

I want to worship Shantae’s feet!

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No really usually if someone disagrees with me they’ll either try to debate or start calling out insults as a shitposter but you’re so focused on not saying anything and trying to leave this neutral but always responding every time

Reminder shantae and shovelnight fags are best buds. Don't believe anyone who tries to tell you otherwise.

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While I have your attention, I'd just like to say that I'll be glad with whoever makes it into the game. Despite wanting Shantae to be in Smash, it's more important that we all have fun playing games together and not about who gets onto a roster.

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So what you're hung up on is that I keep replying to you?

WF was shilling the crap out of MN9 what the hell was the original artist trying to do here

>tfw the smash ballot forever ruined smash threads

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>WF was shilling the crap out of MN9
In so much that they acknowledged the poor timing of both kickstarter happening at the same time, and that you should check it out too. They also mentioned hyper light drifter a few times.

Yeah. You’re so persistent on adding nothing it’s impressive

It's a free imageboard. I can post nothing if I want. Stop replying if you have a problem with it.

It might happen if the remake is a sucess, the demand for it is higher than ever.

I’m continuously impressed with what you say

Then maybe you'll be impressed with THIS
*unzips dick*

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No, it's the fact threads are going to be shitted like this until 2020 when the DLC cycle finishes. Even then there will be eternal "DLC wave 2" shit threads.