Video games more realistic

guys what is the term for details in a game's interaction that don't affect the gameplay but 'sell' the reality of the world? I mean the thing modern games don't have like in Goldeneye you can shoot the lights out and it doesn't affect anything it just makes you go wow, i can do that.
In FEAR or someshit everything is destructible but the point of that is to make for frenetic visually cacophonous cinematic shootouts so it doesn't quite count as .. the thing i mean which i want to know the word for.
The key is it does NOT count if it has associated gameplay. If there's fire arrows that douse in water, but there's eventually a mission that uses that - that's out.
It has to be because some programmer was passionate about having this thing be able to be done in a game. anyway what's it called because i want to ask for it back, since games went the Other way than this

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I think the term is "noise". It's nice when you can do stuff that isn't mission critical, and it has some impact on the environment.

Isn't the term just 'detail'?

Can't really think there's a better way to describe pointless assets in a game that are meant to convey a deeper sense of realism than 'detailed.'

i haven't heard that that's a great term. unfortunately loaded with more established meanings. would a game dev comprehend if i said "you need to have more noise"? 'noise details'?

that's pretty much it except that it's not graphical detail etc., it's "interaction detail" or action detail or some fuckin thing. "physics detail" is too specific it doesn't have to be that.
"environment detail" is still off
i'm kind of liking "interaction noise" or something now

Interactive detail?

Noise sounds too abstract to be a professional term. Not that I'd know, desu.

well if i look up noise with any combination of game terms to try to find any writing abut this i still just get stuff about sound noise so i think the term is quite obscure even though it's good.
fuck if interactive detail isn't what i mean exactly it's still something i could bloody go for in games. it would do, but what i really want is to be surprised by the thing - as in, if the game's selling point is interactive detail then that's one thing, but i want to go - oh fuck - i didn't think that would actually do that when i tried it

my own thread but i probably realise the word immersion is probably related or involved here

I don't think there is a specific technical term coined for this. Yea Forums occasionally calls this "technology", but that is hardly a wide-spread concept, and also the meanings overlap only partially.
You can pretty easily create your own terminology/neologisms that people will quickly understand though:
"background interaction", "non-essential environmental interaction", "detail in interaction" etc...

why dont you immerse yourself in a detailed cock then OP

Immersion is the result of the process, what OP post is asking for seems a lot more like he is interested the tools that are involved in making immersion happen - and only a specific set of tools to the boot.

i said i am OP lol but you're right

these are all good. i like the concept behind calling it tech. need to think of a way to make it distinct from other meanings

So basically you have started a TECHNOLOGY thread.

looks like i may have - well, what are some instances of TECHNOLOGY that get posted?

I fear no man, but that thing...
It scares me.

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Remembe when you'd open fire in a room full of desks and hardware in FEAR and paper smoke and paper would go flying all over the place, remember when the AI and you could use fire extinguishers, barrels and power boxes to explode each other, remember when there would be a big hole, smoke and dust everywhere after a gun battle. Those were cool huh ... I wonder if there's more out there. Surely there must be.

Attached: Feels like it's been a long time.png (632x852, 47K)

you see if i try to make this sentence i get stuck
>Modern games have a lot more graphical detail than, say FEAR, but a lot less ___ detail
'Living detail'? dynamic detail?

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Would it be accurate to call it "setpieces"?

>Added new shockwave reaction system, allowing various props to audibly resonate when an explosive detonates near them.
shit like this?
(this is from the new insurgency sandstorm patch notes btw)

these is ball

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Setpieces are more big and flashy things, like the train in Uncharted. I think dynamic environment is the best description but that's so generic.

i don't think so. that sounds like the opposite. as far as i know that means spectacular staged events. instead i mean like where in Deus ex you can go in the toilets and if you go in the womens one you get told off. though, that's a bit contrived and pointed. maybe more like, when you can flush the toilets and turn on taps even though, there's no need or reason to implement that. that's the Classic example but there are better more joy-creating ones

you can draw with faeces in duke newkem

Reactive details? Interactive level design, bits and peaces that the player can react with that don't add anything aside form that "feels amazing man" vizuals.

Attached: Megaton Rainfall.jpg (300x168, 6K)

It's called soul, and I'm not even memeing.

hmm. HMM.
pretty close. it's only off in that it sounds pretty on-theme for the game, pretty relevant to the core of the experience. it's thus a bit less likely to produce the exclamation
>i can't believe that fucking worked/you can do that/that it does that
Still close enough that i want to know what do you *call* things like that?

Doh, meant to post this one.

Attached: Megaton Rainfall.gif (569x320, 3.98M)

no memeing taken - this resonates pretty hard- i mean, my thing might be one part of having soul, not the only part but fuck. awkwardly, that might be the best answer in the thread because i can't go around saying
>i wish games would go back to having soul

In our studio we call this type of thing player impact. It represents a philosophy that the player should be able to leave his mark on the game world just by fucking about and not just using the core game mechanics. This encompases a wide range of interactions whos only goal is to increase the players "presence" in the world. I dont know of a single industry wide term for this.

this looks more like a core mechanic

Among the many disappointments Sea of Thieves offer, the biggest detail the game missed (aside from lack of progression) is that whenever you're doing something you don't actually see your hands do it. Barrels stay closed yet you can teleport items out of them. Using planks to repair holes in the hull seems to have been done via telekinesis. You can't even point at the map! Nor can you customize your character unless the roulette works in your favor. What a crappy game. And it's the only one Rare made since Rare Replay.

thanks. 'presence' yeah i could definitely say other games are lack *presence*. 'player impact' being the means. yeah that's pretty good. interesting that there's no industry term. wtf
Yes and no, the goal is to destroy as little eviroment as possible while fighting off alien invaders. So the destruction is there, more for the aliens visually destroying the world... I gues and maybe to give you an idea of just how over powered you actually are.

You would be surprissed at the lack of industry terms. Most devs achieve the same thing using vastly different methods and tech. There is hardly any standardization especially in the fields of game and level design.

>Yes and no,
sorry man it's really obviously core to the experience of the concept of the game

>>i can't believe that fucking worked/you can do that/that it does that
probably just attention to detail