I have information that will lead to the arrest of AWACS Bandog

I have information that will lead to the arrest of AWACS Bandog.

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Ace Combat radio banter makes me feel good in my heart.


Game should have been just about spare.

The Spare Squadron radio chatter was the best

You motherfucker

Loved the banter in Spare. Shit was so much fun. It was almost like they took Chopper's personality and chopped it up before spreading it around a whole squadron.

>It's voided you moron
>Must be straining to hear from high altitude
Unnamed Spares bringing the bants

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That was a highly memorable historic event, one that I am extremely looking forward to tell my offspring about.

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I'm SHOCKED that this motherfucker lived. What a red herring.

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>that thigh high bulge

I can't fight that thing awacs I just can't

He had a story to tell to his son.

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>Spends entire childhood listening to his dad talk about how bad drones are
>Grows up and literally becomes wingmen and best friends with a drone
Good parenting

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Your daddy didn't do shit

Yeah but he saw a lot of shit.

Yea done by me

In response to hearing about war crimes being committed during a mission

>Mobius 1
Erusean dogs must die but they must die within the boundaries of honorable warfare

Aw geez, that's awfully bad. I'm really sorry about it.


If it was me, I expect to be fairly compensated for it.

How can there be war crimes if war was never declared?

I bet if I did mach 2 while flying directly over that mass driver it would feel like I was being launched into space.

No, it was me.

dumb fan theory


I was trigger who were you?

That's fine, just keep popping the drones for a couple more minutes.

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I've gotten most of the kills, learn to Count, will ya?