Kills a random online player

>kills a random online player
>"lets gooooooo duude"*snorts*"lesss goooooooo"*pig noises*
why are smash players like this?

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He has that shirt on every single time I see him in a video or picture lately

1. why are you watching him?
2. how badly did he beat your ass?

You seem upset, dude. Were you that random player?

I don't know who this is, but I can smell him from here.


>"lets goooooo dude"

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Go where?

That's all fighting game players.

No Mr. user, I don't want to become the lust cock.

I was under the impression that streamers are like that in general

I keep seeing this man being made fun of but no one has told me why.

I don't agree with Aris from the Tekken about most things but I absolutely resonate with his hatred of "let's go". Its as insecure and normie as "who hurt u"/"that was aggressive" and as middle school as dabbing. It makes me wish 10 year olds weren't the target demographic for fucking everything nowadays.

>Are you ready to get rekt
>Let's goo duuuuude
>Wait this isn't melee

Ludvix is great, suck my dick

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mad from years of him winning in Smash while playing in a way people hated

His name is ZeRo. I'll give you the rundown

>fat slob from South America
>wears a scarf to "honor grandma"
>known for being a defensive pussy in the brawl community show constantly runs out the clock for wins
>does this with smash 4 and gains some clout by winning a few of the first minor tournies
>meta evolves, people realize Diddy is OP.
>he starts getting his ass kicked by diddy
>starts getting his ass kicked by Diddys
>writes a big sob story about how Diddy ruins the game and he needs to be banned, begs people to stop playing him
>the smash players are fucking retarded and a majority of high level diddy players stop playing him
>ZeRo then immediately picks up Diddy
>wins the first six months of tournaments in a row because of the fact that he just cheeses everything with Diddy
>DLC comes out
>meta changes
>he starts losing
>loses steam
>doesn't even place well at EVO 2016
>Smash 4 begins dying out
>he starts climbing the rank ladders again
>bayonetta comes out
>despite the fact that bayonetta is easy as fuck to counter if you have half a brain, ZeRo just can't do it.
>gets his ass kicked in by a Bayo at EVO 2017
>supposedly had a meltdown in the EVO bathroom after the game
>kicked a bathroom stall door off of its hinges
>threw his gamecube controller so hard at a toilet that the toilet shattered
>quits competitive
>competitive scene gets a small bump in interest because people think they can just win with Bayo
>Bayos start winning more tournaments
>this gives people the retarded idea that Bayonetta is an OP character despite the fact that she never won a tournament when she WAS an objectively OP character
>this convinced Sakurai to nerf her to hell and make her unfun to play as in Smash Ultimate
>ZeRo notices that Ultimate is more offensive than brawl/smash 4, decides not to run competitive in it because he knows for a fact he would get his shit kicked in and his reputation tarnished

One more that I didn't have time to put in

>So he ends up being regarded as the best Smash 4 player despite the fact that all he really did for the game was have an impressive six month run when the game initially came out by manipulating the community and cheesing his way to victory. Now he's too scared to play competitive because he'd be exposed as a fraud.

I don't understand his game plan.
>come off of going on like a 50 tournament winning streak with a couple bad placements
>literally don't enter a single tournament in all of 2018
>dedicate yourself completely to the new game
>but don't enter tournaments for it
>but sit home restreaming tournaments you're not entering
Like if you're just done with competitive Smash, sure, but he's hanging out there in the fringe without really committing to leaving.

because he makes money from his twitch stream. he can be lazy sit at home, rebroadcast streams without effort and make money off subs, tips etc.

How does he attract so many viewers? He's not even the best Ultimate player and his personality is obnoxious as fuck.

>threw his gamecube controller so hard at a toilet that the toilet shattered
Good old Nintendium

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Is that Dyrus?

Why does competitive smash attract so many insane people? My locals are fine but all the pros seem like nutters.

>leeettsss gooo
>doesnt enter tourneys

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Anyone else want to gouge out their own eardrums whenever they hear, "let's goooo!!"?

What pisses me off even more are the ones that try to act black.

Seriously, go look at Shofu's YouTube comment section. They literally repeat slang he says followed by a 'bruh' or some dumb shit. Fuck white people.

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That's fine and all but I wonder how long it will last considering his popularity came from competitive Smash in the first place. Gonna need some mad charisma on his streams in order to retain his subs

People that try to time out are cancer. Why don't tournaments have unlimited time so this shit isn't valid?

dont lose your waaaaaayyy!

He thinks that people will stay subscribed to his twitch and watch him fight people online forever even though his streams will be dead once they realize he's not a top tier competitive ultimate player due to the fact that he doesn't do tournaments.

Yea, his gf broke up with him and he really let himself go in the depression.

>despite the fact that bayonetta is easy as fuck to counter if you have half a brain, ZeRo just can't do it.
Tourney results seem to disagree with your opinion there, user.

>Why don't tournaments have unlimited time so this shit isn't valid?
Because then you just get shit like this.

source on him melting down after evo?

>"lets gooooooo"
getting really tired of this zoomer phrase in particular.

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It's beautiful.

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I am from his country, and I can tell you, every chilean with that appearance smell like literal corpses.

not really, just means most smash players really are just brain dead

Holy fuck. I would have came off my char and straight up knocked that fuckers teeth out so every time he would try this future he'd be paranoid. Watching his side constantly for the next guy to clock him.

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His average viewers are down to the level of Mango, whose channel has only grown since Ultimate launched while Zero's is declining as the new game smell wears off. I don't think it's sustainable for him. He doesn't have the personality or entertainment value to make up for the dwindling "BEST SMASHER reputation that brought people in. Skipping every major that's getting as much buzz as Genesis and Frostbite did is a huge missed opportunity for him.

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>ZeRo notices that Ultimate is more offensive than brawl/smash 4, decides not to run competitive in it because he knows for a fact he would get his shit kicked in and his reputation tarnished
More like, why be a competitive player where you need to be winning to make ends meet, when you're making literally hundreds of dollars a day streaming?

Why weren't you sweeping up all that free tourney money then?

Mom wont let me go :/

So basically he adapts and outperforms everyone else because he’s objectively the better player judging by his track record? Why the hate?

im surprised theres still hate from zero. Im not a fan but I used to dislike him

>admits to being a brat in the past with brawl
>he was the best smash4 player
dont complain about tier whoring diddy either. Literally any """""professional""""" smash player doesnt play whats fun, they go for the top.
>hes taking the streamer route now so you rarely see him at tournaments

but he is fat, cant really argue that.

Seriously what the fuck is wrong with guys? Do you not have mirrors? You see your disgusting facial hair and the shitty way you present yourselves and wonder why people can't stand you? This is natural selection, you are trash because you think you are too good to learn how to bathe like an adult. Topping it off with some LOLXD gamer shirt? Fucking pathetic.

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What are you, president of his fan club?

se te perdio porla6chanidodefinition?

big yoshi

don't all streamers do that 'les gooooooooo' thing though?
good thread though op, you got a laugh out of me

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did his paramore dump him for a chad cock yet?

holy fuck my left ear

Smash is retarded so camping is usually really fucking good.
If you have time both players must compete for life advantage even if they are planning to time out, without a timer you aren't giving the person at lower health any reason to do anything.

this was satisfying as fuck. you can tell at the end, zero is fucking salty as shit

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This game looks so much more satisfying to play than Ultimate. I'm not baiting, apart from the obviously broken moves, it looks great.

Possible branding?
He's trying to build his streaming career up, but the biggest thing he needs to do is work on his personality development imo


he looked much better without the neckbeard

Would you prefer he not have a shirt on?

why do smashfags talk like niggers when they aren't