What have they done to the earth? WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO OUR FAIR SHIBUYA RIN?

What have they done to the earth? WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO OUR FAIR SHIBUYA RIN?

Attached: image.jpg (1366x2048, 257K)

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STOP THE CAR! I'm getting out, I can't take it. Hey look out, there's somebody coming and there's NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT.

wait which one

Indians scattered on dawn's highway bleeding

Attached: rinrin.webm (1100x618, 2.88M)

Anyone think these creepy animu masks would look okay if someone competent made them?
The only issue with these is that bone structure is nonexistent, the eyes are too large, and the entire mask is too bulky and rounded. If they made them smaller/more human shaped, they could probably look semi-decent. Better yet, ditch the PVC exterior all-together and just do a silicon mask.

What have they done to our fair SHIBUYA RIN


as you wish

Attached: vs giant rin.jpg (2480x3507, 1.15M)

Attached: image.jpg (2730x4096, 1.16M)

what have they done

They TOOK her face from the ancient gallery and they, WALKED ON DOWN THE HALL.


it's hard to tell who's female or not

You aren't

even better, Surgery

Attached: 1444623981603.webm (500x374, 1.64M)


and no more rin

how can you post something like this without the sauce?

Koikatsu bitch

What in God's name is that thing?

Attached: b70478e1-6588-4704-bf1b-feeed121fdc7_screenshot.jpg (854x480, 24K)

yooo rin lookin' good
