It's beating PS+ bros.
>4.5 months for NSO to reach 8 million
>4+ years for PS+ to reach 7.9 million
It's beating PS+ bros.
>4.5 months for NSO to reach 8 million
>4+ years for PS+ to reach 7.9 million
The snoys won't be happy about this one!
how much do each cost again
>Its okay when Nintendo does it
>Forcing people to get it for smash
Of course
Fucking Tetris 99 man
Wow that’s fucking fantastic
They are seething already
>nintendo diarrhea is winning against sony diarrhea
probably because it's at a "why not" price. I don't think the service is great but I still dropped like $20 on a year subscription and I don't even use it much.
cope snoy
Not even out when this happened. That’s just another layer to go on the cake.
>Nintendo Online forces Sony and Microsoft to put their online systems up for free
>Nintendo follows up by doing the same
>No more paid online
Nintendo did it again.
>sony making 3x as much as nintendo with their online service
>nintendo wins
I would rather suck a trillion billion dicks than pay for online like a homofag
>paying for online to begin with
Would that many dicks make you the faggot?
it's fine as long as I remember to say no homo after
I miss gravity falls
So if I buy my subscription with a check and write no homo in the note line, that means I’m not a faggot?
>celebrating a company fucking you in the ass
It's unbelievably cheap so most people have no problem with it. In fact, the only people I saw complaining about the price was broke NEET's here back when the service was announced.
About $4.35 for an entire year if you can get 7 other people in on it.
>being a commie
>not loving unbridled capitalism
some people.
This is the same board that wants to ban lootboxes. The fucking irony
This is the power of holding smash faggots hostage.
For everyone else this subscription is literally an overpriced save cloud.
OP posted this thread because he's absolutely buttblasted over this one
>cheering for ANY paid online, of ANY company, EVER
you're a cuck
.5 months for NSO to reach 8 million
How many are active subscribers? That and it costs far less than PS+.
>4+ years for PS+ to reach 7.9 million
Those are old numbers and PS+ literately made more money than XBOX and Nintendo combined last year.
FAKE NEWS and I love my Switch.
SeeIt's literally a fanboy damage control thread
People love capitalism until they don’t get their favorite JPEG in a phone game
>How many are active subscribers?
You have to pay to be all of them?
Eric, this thread has straight facts. The other thread's OP claims that there are no subscribers, which doesn't even mesh with the picture. I know you prefer to lie to yourself, but it aint healthy.
f*cking delete this
>The other thread's OP claims that there are no subscribers
I don't see that anywhere in the OPs post, why are you making shit up?
??? Not him, but it’s clear
>people won’t subscribe to their paid online
8 million subscribed. Thats not negligible, especially based on the info in this op.
Don't respond to Eric retard
Wow, you must be an actual autist
> more subscriptions
> but less time subscribed for
Double edged sword right there
Family plan really fucked them over though why would I pay $20 if I can somehow manage to get a few people for $5 each
Shit. Why is he in every fucking thread?
>Not him
To be fair, I’m not. I just stepped on the perverbial landline though.
I thought King Jap was complaining about there being more monthly subscribers than yearly subscribers
If you actually read the article, you'll see most people only buy the shorter subscriptions rather than the year one. The president literally said it
>president literally said it
>people won’t subscribe to their paid online
Where user? Don’t be a faggot.
Why can't I be somewhere in between.
The president said most people only buy the shorter subs.
But that’s not what the other thread said. They said
>people won’t subscribe
I'm not arguing for or against the validity of what the OP typed. I'm simply stating that most NSO subscribers buy the shorter subs, instead of subbing for a year. The president said so.
Literally what the fuck is sony doing with this shit?
Now they give us 2 fucking games instead of 5(?), but we still have to pay full full price.
Why did he hate video games so much?
Nintendo gave us 3 NES games in 2018 but now we only get 2, how are they better?
Didn't they announce half of them are on month-to-month
It's going to drop like a rock after Smash novelty wears off
>Not being based Japanese
>reposting month old "news" daily
so this is the power of mentally ill snoys
Once again obsessed insecure tendies have to always compare Nintendo to Sony.
Considering its so cheap, I'm surprised its not higher. The online is barebones as fuck but $20 pricetag is something you barely even think about as a cost. Tetris 99 is the best use I have gotten out of the service, if they manage to make something good out of their virtual library then the value goes up.
>only positive threads allowed in muh safe space
Don't matter, online games are generally shit cuz mother fuckers would rather leave games than play them. I don't wanna pay for that.
They're not, but i'd rather pay 20$ than 60$. I'm not playing these shit games anyway.
says the same retard that spams all snoy censorship threads with incoherent screeching
Sony won.
Not surprised.
I owned PS4 for 4 years and I never signed up for online, but I did sign up for Switch online as I bought the system with smash Bros last year.
SeeYou aren't typical
Microsoft and Sony already softened the consumer base up to accepting this sort of stuff as the industry standard, so everyone just went along with it
Videogame killed his family
His parents are Koreans who died in their seats after 48 hour gaming runs?
People brought 1 month to play Smash & then cancelled it
The CEO is complaining not enough people are using it
Cope Eric
>muh eric
Literally sonyfag tier shitposting.
>Eric doesn’t exist
You can’t be serious, user.
Tetris 99 is completely worth the yearly subscription price alone.
I'm talking about the constant whining about it. At least someone like ACfag and xv-kun are actual singular people, but I don't need to see people whining about their bull every nintendo thread when it's just some random shitposter like usual. Would hope that it'd stay in XB2 threads, but it's been spreading to media create threads for some time as well.
Wouldn’t XV-Kim be limited to systems with FF XV?
yeah, no it's not
>The statistic presents information on the number of monthly subscribers of PlayStation Plus worldwide from 2014 to 2018. According to the source, as of December 2018 the paid online subscription service had 36.3 million subscribers.
I have a Switch and a PS4 with both PS+ and Switch Online, but let's not pretend Nintendo is winning this battle. There's also the fact that one year of PS+ is worth 3x as much as one year of Switch Online, so yeah. Sony is raping the competition as usual, nothing to see here. Just a typical console war bait thread.
Eric actually is a real dude.
why do they only buy short-term subs?
What are we celebrating for again?
that's total number of subsribers ever vs active subscribers
Because Smash is the only worthwhile online game, and normalfags won't play it for a year straight without getting bored
console war shit.
He's shitposted against DMC, KH, TW3, and XBX. Probably a few other games as well. Surprisingly not a whole lot against XB2, despite the game still having DLC around the time we got more news of 2.
I'd imagine a lot of people are doing the family plan for around $4 a year, so its probably a bit more than 3x
He was the one who was banned on Neogaf/reset era, right? I don’t understand the obsession. They spend more time on video game boards then on video games.
Why do Nintendo fanboys make so many console war threads?
>4+ years for a service that was purely a bonus on the PS3 and not required online, reaching more sizable numbers in the first year of the PS4's launch for 50 dollars at that point, or had maybe just increased to 60 dollars, but is locked to the console's master account
>a service which can be 35 bucks for a family plan for 8 accounts so people can keep playing Splatoon 2 and Smash online, so groups of friends can go online for even less
Despise those statistics, people are still getting very uncomfortable about Nintendo success for some reason.
>people are still getting very uncomfortable about Nintendo success
OP literally made a damage control thread downplaying Sony success. You're fucking delusional
So why is OP so uncomfortable over Playstations success?
>He thinks it's Nintendo fans
There are some that make them, but it's mostly mustards playing both sides and Sony fans instigating.
Nintendo president himself says less people are opting for the full year subscription in favor of the 1 month subscription so it would be much more than 3x I'd say.
It’s mostly just Eric spamming crap against Nintendo.
do you have a single fact to back that up?
>actually saving images of that
>not just ignoring the trolls
He's not even as rampant as sex genie, yet you've given him so much ground because you can't go a day living without speaking his name.
Yeah. He didn't even platinum XV, either. Even got banned from the official forums, and countless times on numerous boards here.
Once the best, they've gotten some bad apples
>cody (nu-paper mario defender)
>localization defenders, and I mean the hardcore fanboy kind - though they seemed to have died out hopefully
>"muh eric" fags
>Xenoblade X fag
>Xeno 2 babs
>Gamefreak/Pokemon drones
I'm surprised the AM2R and Samus Returns didn't generate as much bile as one might expect, though.
1 month subscriptions cost more overall than 1 year retard.
why did everyone ignore this?
PS+ wasn't required for multiplayer on PS3 so of course people didn't buy it as much back then. NSO literally paywalls all of your online games
Bing bing wahooooo my fellow retards!
PS+ was optional on the PS3
You're so fucking stupid.
They don't keep renewing it month after month. They just buy 1 month for Smash and then let it expire
Because PS4 came out in 2013. So even shortening the comparion, it’s 1 year for Sony vs 4 months for Nintendo
Winning what? Everyone loses with P2P.
I don't have a reaction image qualified enough to show just how fucking stupid this post is.
Haven't bought either services despite owning both consoles.
Not sure why people need to be online for most of the games. Don't y'all have friends irl?
How much does a 1 month sub cost? Multiply that by 12 retard.
We need another fucking /vint/ so I can see how many of you have a Brazilian flag or a Canadian flag.
What are you retards celebrating for?
/vint/ also revealed that a lot of console war faggots are from South America.
>consolewarring over paid online now
Gaming is truly dead.
>this retard honestly thinks people renew their 1 month sub every month
This is your brain on Nintendo
what are you retards celebrating Nintendo for?
Notice how console war shit increases around 3:00 AM? It's Brazilians.
>everyone loses
>implying keeping poorfags and third worlders out of online is losing
You only release numbers like this when you're desperate to convince people to jump on board to your failing service.
>It's totally not dying guys!
>Most games don't totally have dead online guys!
>Buy it!
Even Nintendo fans aren't falling for this shit. People just want to play Smash and when that's over they won't be back until Pokemon
>console war threads are fine when they're pro-Nintendo
Oh, and all the fucking pokemon threads despite /vp/ existing. It's fine if it's just one or two threads, but that's not the case, and it's been nearly 48 hours. And they have the gall to complain about posting there, when this is fucking Yea Forums, you can't take any high ground.
I mean it has things to do but I’m not happily buying that for peer to peer internet connection.
My Switch’s screen has been sliding out of the system ever since I bought it and I’ve been sitting on sending it in for a fix.
This is the ONLY time I’m buying the online so I can backup my game data
alguem br?
But it’s still before dawn in Brazil?
I report all sides for shitposting. Not my problem the mods are shit.
games like Mario Tennis Aces are already niche, and you want to reduce the playerbase even further.
What a stupid fucking retard you must be.
This. Brazilians are all poorfags that can only (barely) afford one console and need to shitpost to validate their choice
NEET Brazilians.
>You only release numbers like this when you're desperate to convince people to jump on board to your failing service.
So PS+ is a critical failure given they release numbers every year. They didn’t between 2010-2013, so damn the PS4 really tanked it for them.
You don’t believe that, right retard? You release numbers to show of your digital penis.
Man I can't wait to bathe in the snoyigger tears once they see this!
bingo paying for online was always shit no matter who does it the only real blame that you can level against anyone is the one that started it, Microsoft.
>Nintenfatlards now celebrating paid online
What happened?
They are already coping user. Pure seething.
That SNES Online is gonna come any day now....
OP made this thread because he's butthurt over
Night, night Eric...
It's ok when Nintendo does it, like always.
what do you expect from nintentoddlers
It’s alright Eric. You got blown the fuck out, no need to show us your blunder of a thread.
>console warring over paid online
>literally arguing over who likes to get fucked more
fanboys are insecure as fuck
hi OP.
In what timeline does Yea Forums applaud P2P?
the one where Nintendo does it
Get help, subhuman.
>You release numbers to show of your digital penis.
You're an idiot. This is all about flocking instinct. No one is going to jump into a service where it's critical said service has mass adoption rate. The same is true for consoles too. Every single time you see ANY video game company talking about how many units they sold, they're basically saying "LOOK AT ALL THESE PEOPLE WHO BOUGHT IT, IT'S NOT A FAILURE, IT'S SAFE TO BUY". It's so ridiculously transparent
how delusional do you have to be to type this
Eric that’s not my name. It’s Anonymous.
Ironically it’s Eric also lmao
So every game console is a massive failure and no one bought any consoles this gen?
Even youtube comments trash talk and downvote Nintendo's official online videos and monthly(?) updates. Yea Forums manages to have fanboys even worse than youtube.
wow the fact that so many people are just willing to pay for permission to use their internet is really sad. Much less turning it into competition.
so why do you post console war shit threads?
>literally made another thread to damage control
looks like he got under your skin ;)
why do you post console war threads, like this one? Isn't that what underage faggots do?
Eric, samefagging is retarded. Especially since you got the wrong person.
Level with me, Eric. what are we even doing with our lives anymore?
>still pretending you didn't make this thread
Oh, wasn’t me.
Oh I’m just prepping to go to sleep. Just finishing the decompress.
>wasn’t me.
lol sure
I think part of that is how much online subscriptions have been unfortunately normalized since PS+ started. People don't bat an eye at it now.
>since PS+ started
you meant Xbox Live, right? That was the first one.
Not him but yeah it is, and it's really pathetic. Imagine clinging to a corporation that most likely doesn't give a single fuck about you and sees you as dollars signs this hard i.e paying for online.
Eric, you are free to think I made this thread all you want if it helps you cope with being blown the fuck out. It is funny how you keep posting to remind people of your thread with false info.
That too, but I feel like the big shift in public acceptance came more recently, after the big subscription services like netflix became popular.
>with false info.
>no u
Come on, Eric. You tired too?
paid online is a scam
>interview from Nintendo president
>"false info"
Yes but the consumers do not. Pretty much no one would want it if it wasn't neccesary for playing online.
Fucking clown, cheering for your favourite company.
Blame Microsoft.
>bragging about having to pay for online
Man, this hobby is so fucked.
>people won’t subscribe
>8 million subscribers
SAD Eric. Keep coping.
Either you're a brainless fanboy or you and that other fag are samefagging. Regardless, you're shitposting hard.
Stop spamming my name
It's not that people won't subscribe, it's just that they subscribe for a short time :)
when smash is the only thing worth playing then of course they only purchase a 1 month sub.
i do
notice how this board only started defending paid online after Nintendo did it. Really makes you think
No one says a damn thing about PS Plus.
Imagine bragging about the fact that you paid $60 to Sony so they could give it to Activision. Literal cuckoldry.
>it’s not that people won’t subscribe
>Thread says people won’t subscribe
itt: onionboys
Yea Forums doesn't have fanboys. Yea Forums have geniune Nintenshills.
Stop pretending to be me.
it's not my thread, I'm simply re-stating what the president said in his interview. Most people only buy short-term subs- that's literally what he said.
>Sony's game division is making more money than all of Nintendo
The fuck?
>Shitposters don't play both sides
Eric you are ignoring the part where THE THREAD HAD FALSE INFO LIKE I SAID. You just admitted it. It’s nice to know you finally admit you were lying.
God man, so much this.
I already said I didn't make that thread faggot.
Eric, you can stop pretending that you think Nintendo is some titanic corporate conglomerate with a small gaming division. Nobody believes that.
And yet you said the thread didn’t have false info. And then you fucked up and admitted it did. I guess we are done since you have been thoroughly destroyed. Night Eric
This board needs IDs
>And yet you said the thread didn’t have false info
well I'm not an autist so I didn't read the thread to mean "literally zero people have subscribed"
I thought you were saying the article was "false info" or some shit
If only.
It needs IP filter.
We should have flags like pol. So then we could find out everyone is from Brazil.
Why did onions get filtered again?
Not exactly hobby, but rather this trash board.
It's literally filled with rabid nintentoddlers that will defend their company with their very lives.
>only autistic people buy switches
>flood of autistics and underage shitting up Yea Forums
>switch gets paid online which everyone laughs at
>full nintendo damage control
>fastforward to now
>nintendo bragging about being more cucked than sony
what the