lifeline is fucking cute!
Lifeline is fucking cute!
she looks ugly in game though
>Your brain on Yea Forums
"master1200" in the filename suggests you got the smaller version of the image. Do you have a link to their pixiv?
>all the fan art looks nothing like the baboon in game
You know, she doesn't really look that bad in game...
I'd gladly pay money for another character with her kit. Same with Private Badass Bangalore.
>what if she was like black and like jamaican or japanese or something and also ugly
yeah respawn character design isnt their strong suit
Say that again mother fucker
a bunch of respawn staff left back to infinity ward in 2017 (including the titanfall character desginer) to work on call of duty
anyone got the pic of her bandana saying "nig ga" in japanese
>jamaicans aren't black
She wouldn't be so bad if she wasn't over designed like a motherfucker. Her voice can't be fixed though.
Her voice is just an average Jamaican voice
She's not ugly though, the pic posted here was a bad frame and the style was different. She looks fine in-game
No, it's really not. It's over exaggerated and slow.
t. Worked with a shitload of Jamaicans before
Apex Legends is fun!
There are no such thing as cute niggers. I don't care what you mix them with. They are nappy haired abominations that should be purged from this earth before every precious white child is raped by a monkey.
I hate how this game has no husbandos
and no, black men can't be cute dont @ me
They aren't
>tfw Lifeline has an amazing body (seriously look at her in game mode sometime, her waistline is small and her ass is fat)
>Tfw hater her voice at first but it grew on me and now I fucking love it
>tfw think her face is pretty
I’m a huge Lifeline fag now, I would marry her if I could
Is this drawing supposed to portray her as cute or attractive?
Niggers can't be cute, but they can be dead. Now there's a pretty sight.
trying too hard
>black men can be cute
Bangalore actually looks alright if you're not a negative IQ waifu//pol/fag
Lifeline is pretty ugly though
artist name in the image retard
Bangalore's biggest sin is her modelling clay hair.
Fuck niggers you nigger loving faggot
why don't people who do this get called out as racist/sexist
You can tell Apex is getting to the /pol/tards because of how aggressively they attack any apex thread.
g-get woke go b-broke
yeahhhhhhhh im thinking thats a big "no"
sily op, nigger can't be cute.
She's cute in game though. Maybe you've only seen the trailer.
Lifeline is fucking BROKEN.
>TWO passives
>faster heals, shields, and ult accelerator
>impenetrable shield when reviving
>Small hit
>ult is at least a guaranteed purple for your team
>free heals for herself and the whole squad on command
based goblina mickey mouse
Ugly shitstained nigger with cheetoh puff looking hair. Fuck niggers.
Are you an American?
guys I must say......I really really really HATE
I really fucking hope people don't actually believe this. Please be trolling. There's no way people could actually think this looks good in any way, shape, or form.
So triggered
Fuck niggers
Bangalore is hot. She can foxtrot me anytime.
imagine having standards this low
She looks average ingame. whoever did that fucking la creatura version in their trailer should be shot. It's so mind numbingly awful
I'm just waiting until they give smaller characters less health, or larger characters more health.
I can deal with her and Wraith's bullshit, but hitboxes are where I draw the line.
>90% of all champions nowadays are Lifelines or Wraiths
>NEVER see Gibraltars at all anymore, rarely see Caustics or Pathfinders
>Respawn is fine with this
What the FUCK were they thinking?
You never see them because you die before the final circle. Git gud.
when wilkl they fix this?
maybe try aiming consolebab
>When will they fix me clearly missing my shots
How are you going to slow this down and STILL post it?
>Mfw all I play is caustic and I'm not some gas the minorities self insert faggot
they don't get picked because they have bullshit huge hitboxes.
>Yea Forums
> cheetoh puff looking hair
Sides are in orbit
>unironically can't understand her in-game callouts because of the god awful accent
Really? They are designed to be pretty clear. Do you have any known learning disabilities?