Why is the US soundtrack of Sonic CD so hated

I don't understand the hate for this ost, sure it's not better than the JP version but it's still fun to listen to.

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Cause it's not good


This is like saying anyone who calls it the Mega Drive is a "weeb"

Why was the US soundtrack changed anyway?

JP: Catchy and energetic
US: Moody and atmospheric
The Past stages have the best music. Good thing they're programmed into the game! anyways

Sega of America thought it was too energetic and joyous for American Audiences, as far as I know.

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It's not all bad music per se (I love some of the US music) but for a sanic game it's honestly a really weird selection of music. The JP soundtrack has its weird moments too but overall I feel like it works way better (and has more BANGERS) than the US soundtrack. 90s Sanic always gave me a sorta New Jack Swing/House music vibe with how colorful and occasionally weird/goofy the games were so the Japanese CD soundtrack just works, man.

SoA's president wanted to make use of the band he purchased/hired for the American Branch of Sega.
Previously, that band hadn't done much, and Sega was losing money on them.

their style of music kinda makes sense in context too, sonic's "edgy" marketing campaign was always more of a sega of america thing and the music in US CD reflects that approach.

Tidal Tempest US > JP
Wacky Workbench US > JP
Stardust Speedway US > JP
Metallic Madness US > JP
FUCK huefags and FUCK JPfags

No need to be so touchy about it.

Both soundtracks have their strengths. I’m just shitposting about my preferences. Have a good night, user.

The Japanese Stardust Speedway tracks are some literally the best tracks from the game but these picks aren't too bad to be honest

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All I know is that JP boss theme > US boss theme except for the final boss. JP final boss sounds like some JRPG garbage.

I love this soundtrack. It's so haunting.

Autistic fanbase

>Tidal Tempest US > JP
>Wacky Workbench US > JP
>Stardust Speedway US > JP

I agree with all of these. US Palmtree Paradise also doesn't sound like someone composing while on cocaine.

Tell me this doesn’t sound fucking amazing

also, Sonic Boom > You Can Do Anything
Especially the credits version

Cosmic Eternity > Sonic Boom Credits

I fucking LOVE cosmic eternity, the version with lyrics anyway
