What's the worst AAA game you've ever played?
What's the worst AAA game you've ever played?
Destiny 2
final fantasy xv
Assassin's Creed Odyssey
Fallout 76
Holy fuck, yea
Bioshock Infinite
Destiny 2, no contest
I don't really play AAA games, but a year ago I tried to play Ass Creed three and it was so fucking boring I stopped playing it an hour in. Never had that happen to me with a game before.
Destiny, I already thought Halo was bad but God damn it looked like the messiah of the genre compared to this piece of shit
Animal Leaf: New Crossing
Playing it right now, got it free on PS+. Too much grinding, but not that bad.
dark souls
from recent memory
botw because i didn't really enjoy it
and metro exodus because the open world felt more like a chore than something interesting to explore, and also those terrible boat sections
and then this user reminded me that i played AC3, so yeah that one
Man op here I'm a big ass ds fan whyd u hate it?
Tripuh AAA? That's a wide pool as to be pretty much meaningless.
MGS4 is the most overrated game ever.
Dragon Age Inquisition, it was like they randomly put interns in keydevelopment positions
God of War 2018
>implying FROM makes AAA games
Dragon Age 2 and FF13. They're tied because they managed to be so boring that I fell asleep in the middle of battle multiple times. Waking up to a "game over" state wasn't terribly uncommon but sometimes I wouldn't be able to tell if I won or not.
Stars Wars Battlefront
While I liked playing as Jyn in that hero vs villains mode, Jyn didn’t return in the sequel so fuck Disney and fuck EA.
That fucking piece of shit right there.
It was the only game I dropped after actually buying. I usually try to get my money's worth even if it sucks, but that fucking pile of garbage was just so painful that I'd probably pay to never see it again.
Worst part of the game was the dance sequence in the ball
>He bought a modern Star Wars game
It's been so long since I bought one.
Bioshock Infinite literally killed the first-person shooter genre for me for years, along with Borderlands 2 and Call of Duty: Ghosts.
Crysis 3
Fails dramatically in literally every area. It's ugly, it plays like shit, the story is both puddle deep and one of the most pretentious in gaming. The characters are stupid, their actions are stupid and everything is stupid.
Second worst is Last of Us. It breaks down completely when you actually have to play the game. I got so frustrated with the combat and stealth I just ran through a "don't get detected" section while angrily yelling at the game. Completed it no problem. Absolutely awful design.
Probably Dragon Age Inquisition.
>Chosen one bullshit
>Multitudes of characters/party members who are actively obnoxious or antagonistic against the most basic choices
>Massive bland open environments, with hundreds of collectables that either give you 3 paragraphs of useless "lore" or randomized trash gear
>Dialogue choices that have giant symbols representing their tone, such as a giant fucking crying eye for the SAD option, or a giant red fist for the ANGRY option
>Crafting system, which means loot is flooded by thousands of bits and bobs that fill up your inventory quickly
>Real-time waits for missions to complete despite it being a single player RPG, with times up to shit like multiple hours sometimes
>Big bad is an ancient evil that has literally awakened to become a god
>All character models look greasy, with your own character made with shitty customization options
>Horses to traverse the open world getting caught on everything, and having a max speed of maybe 2-8 mph, but having goddamn speed lines on them when running
>Fucking multiplayer and microtransactions
>Shit logic and retconning in certain bits, like with the Qunari suddenly being accepting of trans people because fuck if I know
>Glitchy as hell, with my character model floating in place multiple times, getting stuck in the environment, and actual scenes not playing out (like Cole supposed to have been introduced before, but I was able to have a later dialogue discussing his role as if he had been around for a bit)
>Fucking Sarah or whatever the elf's name is
>Horrendous animations
>Non-existent music in a lot of areas
I could just keep going. Even judged by itself, it's a train wreck. Compared to older Bioware games, it's a fucking disaster. Ironically, I can't even force my way through the game because there's so much filler the game is decently long. And it requires exploring the bland open worlds significantly to get anything done. I've been picking away at it for maybe 3 years now.
For like 5 bucks in the last year before the sequel came out with all the DLC included.
I spend more on a meal or alcohol so I said why not?
Fucking sucked.
Yeah I liked the heroes mode but the only character I liked was Jyn who wasn’t some bounty hunter or force user.
I could shoot the bounty hunters and even melee against the light sabers.
Was fun enough for me but they dropped her for fucking Rey, who is nothing new.
i didnt used to come on v when that released and really liked it. I guess people hate games here because others tell them they are shit.
Also loved mgsv but here faggots pretend its the worst shit since godzilla.
this, it's like early 2000s shovelware tier quality juxtaposed with high production values
gamebryo was barely holding together with scotch tape when fallout 4 came out, let alone supporting a fucking MMO. and yes i know that's the engine was originally made for but its become an abomination, the engine is like a serial killer trying to hide the smell of a growing pile of bodies
Jump Force
I'll never get that money back
Good for you. I don't fucking care.
Nier: Automata
t.cant form his own opinions so hates games because others tell him to
That one you like
I change my answer to this. Infinite completely ruined the entire series with it's pandering and the sheer idiocy and lack of subtlety in it's writing. Especially the ending and Burial at Sea.
That hurts man
Forgot to mention I ended up so frustrated I couldn't even enjoy the downtime. I tried going ahead of Ellie on those stupid raft sections and she just appears behind you after a while. What the fuck is wrong with that game? It's so uninterested in it's own gameplay.
Breath of the Wild
>No content
>Repetitive mini puzzle shrines
>"just do whatever brah. that's the game lol"
If you honestly believe that most people who hate certain video games are influenced by Yea Forums then you're a fucking retarded shit for brains faggot. I'm sorry that you have really fucking awful taste in games. Bioshock Infinite is literally the worst, most boring and uninteresting shooter with the shittiest try-hard story ever. I wasn't even on Yea Forums at the time those games released either, but those games, along with shit like Dead Island ruined AAA games for me for a long time.
still hands down Final Fantasy 13
Woah calm down man
>bioshock infinite was ba-
Bioshock 1 killed the series for me with how bad the FPS mechanics were and yet everyone ate up the shitty story.
Bioshock itself was part of the death of the FPS genre itself cuz it proved retards want a story and shit gameplay.
Give them a shit story with the gameplay and they can’t even compliment the gameplay.
damn dude you're booty blasted
pick a better game to be assmad about, Ken Levine is a hack and always has been
Make me bitch. Don't start something you're not going to go through with.
What's wrong with Dead Island? We got Dying Light because of it, too.
Damn its op I get u dont like the game and the guy shouldn't have tried to censor u but like chill
>game opens up with RACISM BAD
>fails to properly depict racism and thus undermine its own message
>handles multiple universes and timelines about as well as a cow in a forklift
>completely misses what made big daddies worthwhile and memorable only to mistake them for bullet sponges
Bioshock Infinite or any Dragon Age after Origins, it's a hard pick.
Your mom.
Starts off okay, but it's janky as fuck and only gets worse and worse the longer you go into it. Every single enemy turns into a really fucking awful damage sponge and guns are basically completely useless, and it just feels really fucking bad to play. If you're playing it solo you're going to have an awful time, and even if you're playing it with friends the story's way too fucking long and tedious and super drawn out and ends unsatisfyingly.
Ken Levine is garbage, his life is a lie and Bioshock Infinite will only be remembered for sfm porn of the equine variety. The immutable truth.
My mom isn't triple A, she's cheap
Max Payne 3.
>Muh cutscenes
>i'm such a pathetic drunk boohoo
>20 minutes later
>can finally play
>kill everything in room
>5 mins. later
>dude babysit this guy with a sniper rifle gimmick section
>3 mins. later
>hallway shooting section
>Time for a 10 minute flashback
annd dropped. Fucking zoomers shilling this rockstar trash.
I have a split between Resident Evil 6 and Final Fantasy XV. The former isn't even that bad or buggy, but boy is it jank and kind of a pain in the ass, and obviously not a good RE game. Final Fantasy XV on the other hand makes me kind of wonder what the fuck the execs and management were smoking, given how divided up the product is and how much of a barely-functional mess it all was.
Damn op here my mom is trash left when I was 12
I didn't hate artifact (actually enjoyed it for the dozen or so hours I played) but at some point I just never launched it again and don't really want to.
That's because I pirated her. Don't worry, I didn't actually rape her. I just made a copy of my seed inside her twat.
Yeah same. All my friends dropped it too. It's an okay game but I'm probably never gonna play it again and the money's gone.
New Vegas.
F76 or Anthem. Can't decide on which.
resident evil 2 remake
How are we defining AAA here? I mean Siren, for example, was a publicized first party Sony title with a decent budget that was attempting to cash in on the success of Silent Hill and is terrible fucking game but I'm sure someone is going to claim it's not "real" AAA.
AAA as in well known title at the time or high budget
Dragon Age II
DaS is AA, something that only Japan does anymore.
literally any call of duty campaign after MW1
It’s an interactive movie user. Nobody plays it because it’s fun, except the multiplayer I heard that was a blast while it lasted. Ironically because there was no story to trudge through
>SFM porn of the equine variety
I think I understand what you mean but I had to read it over a couple times
this and mario odyssey
WoW BFA or WoD
a toss up between far cry 5 and metro exodus
i dont know which one is worse
Shadow of Mordor. Fuck that game is ass
witcher. all of them
>the engine is like a serial killer trying to hide the smell of a growing pile of bodies
hahaha yes. i didn't play 76, but it was already evident at fallout 3. it was great on oblivion and did a fine job at skyrim - always sucked for fallout though.
atleast it seemed like it was promoted to be AAA i'm unsure at this point
Yea it was a launch title
And to think I forced myself to play this giant pile of garbage only to know what became of Morrigan and the son. I should've looked for a 20 min youtube video instead of wasting 90 hours to 100% the game.
Witcher saga is a meme. No one ever liked it.
This, I hate this game more than DA2.
Bioware was dead to me when this shit came out.
That's a lot of fucking triangles. Does this game run well at all?
It's not great, but you have to admit that it's polished.
Either the first Destiny or For Honor, but if I had to pick one then I’d go with Destiny. At least For Honor tried. The Division is probably a close third. I’m sure I’ve played worse AAA but that’s what comes to mind.
Rise of the robots on snes. Was super hyped and is the worst game I’ve ever played.
EA Battlefront 2 absolutely. It was the only pack-in game on offer for the Ps4pro, so I sadly had to get it just for that little extra value
>mario odyssey
why? :)
Shadow of Mordor.
>both main areas are incredibly boring visually
>no room for exploration at all, all "side content" is acessed by directly following a quest marker to it
>completing side content like challenges doesn't even give you anything special, just xp (I thought you'd get some cool shit for your weapons for example for finishing all their respective challenges)
>almost no story and barely any LotR characters
>almost no enemy variety, just orcs, "ghouls" and pseudo wargs and trolls
>the last boss is a short qte
>extremely repetitive and formulaic gameplay
>nemesis system is a big nothingburger
t. seething quake nigger
This 100x, none of the games listed are as half-assed, dysfunctional and blatantly missing content as this game.
hands down bioshock infinite
Actually the exception to this would be fallout 76.
monster hunter world
Horizon Zero Awards
The reason it sucks for fallout is that Bethesda has no fucking idea what they want fallout to be. Fallout 76 is proof enough of that. F3 was basically an Oblivion expansion and F4 is damn near a 1:1 Skyrim expansion, replaced with shit and puke colored hills with absolutely no soulful moments that make you go "wow" (blackreach, first time seeing college of winterhold or a dragon, going back to morrowind etc.)
battlefield 1. the only time i really had fun was operation mode on that mountain map where the attackers had to at one point enter one of 2 doorways, and our entire 32 man team was downstairs spamming grenades, shotguns, and lmgs on bipods
Battlefield 3's singleplayer
for such a derivative but technically well made game its incredible how they could make a single player story so utterly devoid of fun or interesting moments