Whyd they do it, boys? Whyd they take it from us? It was so young, too

Whyd they do it, boys? Whyd they take it from us? It was so young, too.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>lineup purely consisted of Cops and Cheaters

That's why.

Tech TV was better.

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Some of their old execs must look at Twitch everyday and feel fucking awful for how much money they missed out on. It's like if Netflix was still built around the mail order DVDs and had to watch other platforms crop up.

TechTV was Soul. G4 was soulless. TechTV had tons of unique shows that could have gone somewhere, but they all died when G4 bought TechTV, fired everyone that wasn't working on 2 shows and ruined any potential with airing shitty Cops/Cheaters reruns. Spike TV shouldn't have been anywhere near TechTV. All they did was ruin everything and turn the channel into a Mens lifestyle network. How'd that turn out? Fucking idiots.

Cinematech was kino. Learned about Rule of Rose from it.

TechTV was good.
G4 was absolute dog shit.

This. I remember watching TTV in the mornings before school. Wish I could find that Xplay exercise game review. The skit they did killed me as a kid.

Don't forget Star Trek and Ninja Warrior

Aots was born out of the end of tech TV, and XPLAY carried on

I remember being staying at home from being sick and would be genuinely entertained the whole day watching just tech tv

adam your shirt are so ugly my penis fall off and run out the door

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in the current year this network would be absolutely pozzed. you really want that?

it died at the perfect time. before the SJW takeover

Why would you want it now? imagine G4 with all the politicization of games and drama and circle jerking and all the current non-sense. You wouldn't want to watch it.

AotS was unironically good. Vidya, technology, movies, pop culture etc.

Plus it was always obvious that the people in the crowd wasn't an actual audience, but more like crew members just reacting to shit yet it was always so genuine. It gave me something to look forward to on weeknights.

If you watched G4 and not TechTV, you're a ZOOMER born in the late 90s.

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speaking of things that should have been great but were completely fucked up at some point

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holy shit the memories of nothingness flooded back

In the 2002-2006 era, G4 wasn't like that, but started getting like that by 2006-2007. Coincidentally that was when the Zoomer kid era began.

Late night anime was ok.

No one knew dude.
Did anyone think streaming would take off?
Or shit like PSNow still existing?

>other kids watched jeopardy when they were sick
>you watched these lads

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>TechTV was Soul. G4 was soulless.

The brief period when it was G4TechTV was the best of times though.

>you will never again stay up late playing video games while Cinematech: Nocturnal Emissionsplays in the background.

How does it feel Yea Forums?
Also, is Tommy Tallarico unironically the most successful of the G4 alumni? Video Games Live seems to be doing pretty well.

I remember being a dumb kid switching between cartoon channels, g4, fuse, spike, and the history and discovery channels
those were the days
well except when I'd watch g4 and happy tree friends was on

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>well except when I'd watch g4 and happy tree friends was on

But Happy Tree Friends was great.

>Happy tree friends
>the 2006 happy tree friends
>as a kid

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Leo is really weird now.

i unironically liked code monkeys and fuck you if you disagree
it was dumb fun
ultimate ninja was okay too i guess

i never cared much about the hosts or whatever shows they had. it was always like 2am i would tune in

Code monkeys fit the theme of the channel though

i met the voice actor for mary. she writes books and is fat. shes pretty cool but her book material fills me with dread because it could be so much better
i was the only one in the class that knew the show
getting steve woz to voice himself was also pretty nice

I was born in 94. Watched it when I was in early middle school. Delusional boomer.

nothing makes me nostalgic quite like g4

just wanna watch episodes of cheat in 2005 while playing mgs3 and re4

They didnt see a profit in it because the internet was still young and gamers were still a niche market at the time. Boy, are they kicking their own ass for not pushing on and capitalizing in the craze when the boom of gamer culture came literally like a year later after they sold the network. Suicide watch for the exects. But why dont they resurrect it? Why?

Imagine a G4 streaming service.

because it costs a lot of fucking money to host or stream video and Twitch and youtube would murder them in the cradle if they tried. The rights to the name G4 are probably tied up to whoever owned Esquire anyway

Thus. Born in 93 and I loved G4 before they fucked it all up. Xplay and Cheat! Was GOAT.

Nothing stopping them from creating a streaming service resurecting all their old shows as well as some new ones. They wouldent make money from that with the nosalgia market being so big with this generation? Id subscribe. E3 without jumping through hoops to watch the entire live coverage? Comic Con coverage? Im in.

Wouldn't have helped, G4 was niche channel, of course it would die first, that's just the way most regular tv formats will

Xplay was the go to for gamer entertainment. Youtubers dont quite do it like they did. It was a perfect little slice of life we wont ever see again.

G4 was always shit, even before it became the Cheaters, Ninja Warrior, and Star Trek channel. Cinematech and Arena were the only somewhat passable shows. Xplay was worse than the worst youtube cringe reviewers.

what would your modern dream G4 schedule be?

>ywn watch MechWarrior matches on Arena ever again

That was truly a special time.

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XPLAY>Cheat>Filter>Arena>AOTS>rerun of XPLAY>Star Trek 2.0 >Electric Playground>Cinematec>Cinematec Nocturnal Emissions>Paid Programming until repeat

Cops and Cheaters. To make matters worse, it was moved it to a different cable plan in my area without anyone being told.

>not putting Cheat at the top purely for Kristin Holt

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>it was so young
Are you serious?
It lasted 12 fucking years.
If you count Tech TV it went back even further than that.

Both G4 and Tech TV were significantly better before the merger.

Saying G4 killed Tech TV is retarded because both networks prime shows were shitcanned and all they had was AOTS and Whatever the fuck X-Play became.

If they both merged and the companies had the good programs from both it wouldn't be so bad.

Imagine having
>Screen Savers
>Anime Unleashed
>X-Play (Before the thots took over)
>Judgement Day

In reality, both networks were run by retards, both before and after the merger, they kept creating new and awesome shows, and then shitcanning them before they were allowed to gain traction and a following, they were chasing after that investment/advertisement money, not realizing they were a fucking cable TV channel that required a special package just to watch.

What happened? I literately learned about computers from him

When G4 first started (2002-2004) it was soul as fuck. It was a channel that was seriously, almost austistically, dedicated to video games. Unfortunately, most people didn't get G4 until after they started to fuck it up.

it was a lineup user, not a tier list

>Code Monkeys


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my memory might be wrong but wasen't MxR also on G4? or was that spike?

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what would you put in new episodes of cinematech?

Pretty sure that was spike, they might have put it on their syndicated programming block at one point or another but that was probably replaced by ninja warrior shit real quick.

I'd just hire the guy who did the cinematech reboot youtube channel to make new episodes.


Let's not forget about one of the best shows to exist.

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Thank you. Thank you for saying this.

X-Play. They review the games the best way. It's as pretty as a bouquet...of flowers.

Tfw i use to binge watch how it's made, NW, MxR,AOTS, X-play while playing gb/gba games in bed.
>i miss these chill days when people where not SJW's and worrying about genders

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yeah I was born in 97 so I think I'm squarely between boomer and zoomer, probably more towards the latter though

i was born in 93
>to young to see the glory
>old enough to watch it die

Considering streaming is easily doable these days, why hasn't someone just set up their own tech tv style 24/7 channel.

Im sure they could do it without network TV faglords ruining everything.

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>history channel

remember when they actually showed HISTORY on the history channel and not reality show TV and Ayy lmao stuff on repeat?


What are these 2 up to these days?

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The Hitler Channel meme was real but I would take a million repeats about WW2 over ancient ayy lmao

Because good editing is hard and time consuming.

I always got back from school just in time for CHEAT and X-PLAY.

then they added attack of the show and I stopped watching that shit. That was pretty much the beginning of the end. They basically did everything BUT talk about vidya on that show and it was just random garbage.

where's her arm...

The sad truth is that they were probably getting shit ratings because of low viewership. before ~2007 video games were still relatively niche and not completely mainstream the way they are now, so they were a bit too ahead of their time for their own good, for better or worse. If G4 started in 2010 or 2015 it would be an entirely different story, since it would be much easier to appeal to the broader audiences and stay successful, but this would have also meant a severe dip in quality to pander to chicks and normalfags. I think the best we can do now is just appreciate it from retrospect and let it die, because G4 in 2019 would be a horrendous mess.

I think he runs an AOTS stream now.




This is how I remember G4. Even if it was only for a couple of years.

Because Adam preferred to sell have sold his soul the porn industry to go suck tranny and shemale dicks instead

>G4 today

No thanks, I'd rather leave it in the past with fond memories than have it run into the dirt by zoomers

Does anyone remember X-Play: The Musical

do people even fucking watch TV anymore? like fore real. we have youtube and netflix now. Hell the only reason we still have TV channels in my house is because it's bundled with our internet to make it cheaper and no one even watches it.

They got poor viewership because all their shows had no time to grow, most of them were only up for one season on an obscure as fuck network only available for premium packages of cable/satalite TV.

>StarCraft: GHOST

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Fuckin' hell yeah

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Cinematech was the show where they showed a bunch of game trailers, sometimes for Japanese games, right?
It was maximum comfy

I miss them

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Anime Unleased at like what, 12am every night was how I became a weeb

Sorry friend, I misunderstood

I completely forget that even existed
Just like the PlayStation Move

>tfw you learned a bunch of random video game trivia just from watching Icons.

No one watches tv anymore. I haven't sat down in front of a television and watched network tv since 2009. It's a waste of time and has nothing to offer.

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Xplay and Cheats were so good.

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Which is worse, History turning into Nostradamus Ancient Alien Pawn Lumberjacks or TLC becoming Pregnant Baby Dwarf Hoarder Wedding Cakes?

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did anyone actually watch Revision3 and its shows online? it was basically techtv 2.0.

If the internet didn't exist it might still be viable but not now.


>tfw unironically kinda want to live in an internetless world

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how is that any different from them showing off 1337 Halo3 FRAGS or cowadoody multi kills/montages?

so long as they kept skits and game review segments I would be fine.
>fond memories

I dare you to go back and just attempt to sit through a episode of Code Monkeys.

they brought back the screen savers back in 2015 and it just recently ended december of last year.

Right you are, Ken.
You know they're doing a new season of the original show in Japan right now?



youtu.be/3bUYx8h8TwA s

>Waking up early in the morning just so you can watch anime
God Bless, G4 for showing me Kino like R.O.D TV and Magical Shopping Arcade

>Code Monkeys.
>first aired 2007
I only have memories of 02-04 G4.

>Yea Forums doesn't remember us

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It introduced me to Shadow of the Colossus. Until then, I had no idea Ico had a sequel. It's been in my heart ever since.

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That's because their show was boring

Went the same way game magazines went. Nobody wanted to wait for new anymore they wanted it dropped right into their brain if possible.

I remember Arena. The E-sports show before e-sports

and how EVERY tiebreaker was decided with SOCOM II

I rarely watch the 'black & white movies' channel. Oldies are funny sometimes. And they're good for sleeping since they're so quiet.

>he didn't call in an debate why ocarina was overhyped trash, just to get them flustered

I remember them and had one of my forum posts read on the air.

Netflix still does Mail Order DVDs, but it's under a different naming.

Dude. I fucking used to watch R.O.D. every fucking night. I ended up buying the movie on dvd, all eight manga (the original and the Paper Sisters ones) and got the entire tv series on dvd back in the day. I LOVED Read or Die.

Nancy was the first clinically retarded person I ever saw in an anime.

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Tower of London, Harvey and It's a Wonderful Life are my fave black and white movies.

Re watched the pilot, not that bad honestly. Visual gags carry the show

Nigger this shit was basically for most of its lifespan. It was only ever a good channel for maybe 3-4 years tops if that and about half of that was before the merger with tech tv. Also many say tech tv was the better channel before the merger. By the time 2007 or 2008 rolled around the channel went to absolute shit.

I think R.O.D was the first anime that I fell in love with that wasn't Dragon Ball/Pokemon/Yu-gi-oh. I was so refreshing that I fell in love with it.
Also I think it's the first anime where I spawned my first waifu

>Boogiepop Phantom
>Cromartie High School
>Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi
>R.O.D the TV
>Serial Experiments Lain
Fucking hell, Anime Unleash was fucking Kino

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As someone that started watching during the TechTV days I find the channel's arc and place in history interesting. It was mishandled in so many ways, and by the time X-Play and AOTS were taken off air and the channel faced total dissolution it felt rather belated. I think many people that profess to miss G4 actually miss TechTV/G4 from, say, 2002-2008.

Even if it had been better managed and kept to its programming's comparative advantage I doubt the channel would have lasted much longer than it did. That's just conjecture though, of course.

>tfw first waifu was literally retarded

She was cute though.

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Nancy's English VA said it was her first anime role on one of the dvd commentaries. She said she did some research for it and watched the OVA in which Nancy is a sexy spy chick and thought it would be like that but the voice directors were like, no. No. And she found out she was playing a retarded person instead.

Ain't nothing wrong with a cute retard.

She may have had her brains scrambled to candy land and back but at least she still has the body.

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>Also many say tech tv was the better channel before the merger.
Depends on if you were interested more in games or more in computers and technology in general. Original G4 from 2002 was my main source of game information because I had shitty dialup internet at the time.

Video games were very mainstream then too. G4's issue was that its audience was internet-savvy in a time when growing broadband availability meant similar content could be accessed with increasing ease, and poor management reduced the channel's content into milquetoast professionalism that made it even more redundant.

i feel like people dont realize that G4 pretty much only lasted for about 2-3 years. that channel was pretty much doomed from the start. early g4/tech tv was fine but yeah, like you said, maybe after '08. thats when it started to get shit.

I remember when the guy who made this was posting in these threads and was just starting out.
Its a shame he stopped making more I always watched them.


Early seasons of AotS were fucking great TV

>Be summer 2005
>School is out
>friends come over to hang out and play games/tv while parents are at work
>Flip through channels
>G4 comes on and its E3
>Sit around the TV getting hyped for all the new games being shown and planning out which games were going to get so we can swap and share saving money.

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I've literally never even found streams of people replaying any of G4 or Tech TV content at all. You can find people stream lots of old shows from back then but I never ever found this stuff for G4 which to me is pretty telling. I think this is why you won't ever see someone try to do a 24/7 channel as you said. It is a lot easier to just fill a certain niche of content and get viewers that way.

Same user. 2005 summer was my junior to senior year. Miss the simplicity of those days and how genuinely hype G4 was for videogames at the time.

Wasn't saying something like toonami aftermath for g4, I was saying someone who has all the infrastructure already, like Linus Media Group, to make their own stream channel that operates in much the same way.

Honestly, with media being on demand as it is today, I wish there was still channels out there playing random shit for those times when I have no idea what I want to watch.

>I've literally never even found streams of people replaying any of G4 or Tech TV content at all

im so sorry you werent around Yea Forums when we did stream nights of old G4/tech tv shows.

>to make their own stream channel that operates in much the same way.

uhh they did do this. it was called Revision 3, it was literally tech tv since it had some old hosts return.
its dead now though but it lasted for a couple of good years.
theres also TWiT.tv which was created by leo laporte from the screen savers. thats still going on.

>Honestly, with media being on demand as it is today, I wish there was still channels out there playing random shit for those times when I have no idea what I want to watch.

And that was the point I was making first in the post. I've never found this for G4. I've found streamers that stream shows like DB/DBZ and anime in general, old cartoons like Thunder Cats, old wrestling shows, old movies, all types of content you could watch. Even at times more obscure stuff. However never anything from G4. It makes me wonder how many ever actually watched it or cared enough to record those shows or at least some of them but apparently nobody with the ability to stream content has. Never have found a site that hosts the content either like a lot of those anime sites out there that you can find.
I didn't know of Yea Forums back in 04 until maybe 07 or 08. G4 got crap by like 08 from my memory.

I don't remember what it was called, but there's one where a dumb lady pays to put her name on a billboard and becomes famous because her name is big. She didn't actually do anything. People just thought she was important. It was silly.

Wow, that's kinda like people today who are just famous for being famous. Ahead of it's time.


That show sucked for no reason, the jokes just weren't funny and had almost nothing to do with games. Its like the only reason it was on the channel was because it was sprites.

>It makes me wonder how many ever actually watched it
Not many in its last few years. You can find Youtube channels that upload old episodes and similar archives elsewhere if you search around, though.