In the end, everyone will know Toon Link is the best Link in the entire Zelda series

In the end, everyone will know Toon Link is the best Link in the entire Zelda series.

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That guy’s name is Zelda retard


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Definitely, there's not even an argument to be made if analyzing the Links as characters, of which only 2 or 3 have an actual personality


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Toon Link is the most iconic Link. The other Links are just generic elf boys, but Toon Link actually has a specific, unique look

>anime dude with pointy ears

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Does he have black eyes or extremely dark green eyes


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Did you say Toon Link?

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nearly all of them have specific qualities though

Twink Link>Toon Link>Polo Link>Pink Link>DSL Link>Grimdark Link

Other way faggot

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I admittedly haven't played many Zelda games, not even all the 3D ones and only a couple of the 2D, but WW Link was the only one that seemed to have an actual personality.

>WW Link was the only one that seemed to have an actual personality.
You definitely have not played a lot of Zelda to have made such dumb post.

Yes I just said that, which ones does he have a personality?

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can't tell if this is very good cropped porn or a screenshot from in-game


He's right though
In most Zelda games, Link is a stand-in for the player that just stands around looking dumbstruck for the most part

Toon Link easily has the largest emotional spectrum, and acts like his own person instead of letting the player project whatever he's feeling onto a dummy

are you for real? selfies don't count

Only two of those I played, and I already know you're full of shit just by listing OoT.

The only way you could possibly think Link has any personality in these is if you have consumed so much fanfiction it has warped your memories of the games.

Said can be said about WW

How much longer until he gets a good game again?

It's a screen cap.

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whenever they remake minish cap

His only good game was Minish Cap.

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OoT fags are the worst

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Cd-i was better though.

I like that he shows up in Twiligh Princess, and sings the Song of Healing he learned from Majora's Mask

It's time we reach bump limit.

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He's not even the best rn

not that user but OOT's personality is already made clear at the start of the game via the drawing on his treehouse, he wants to be a warrior and a hero

how much of this thread is pedos

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Aonuma wishes WW was even half the game OoT is. Figuratively and literally.

So predictable

TP and SS sure, maybe a bit in OOT, but BOTW Link was a fucking blank slate most of the time

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It’s the truth, WW’s ONLY saving grace is looking like a cartoon while OoT has good dungeons, even better pacing and an overworld that isn’t a complete slog to traverse.

Shota isn't pedophilia

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>an overworld that isn’t a complete slog to traverse.
Because it's the size of my backyard.

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>Still no outset Toon Link alt.

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Which skin do you prefer? I go with pink

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I like the blue one.

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>BotW has a patch that allows for higher framerates (up to 165fps i belive)
>WW doesn't even have a 60fps patch and it's been out longer
what the hell is going on?

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