Oh, dear user! it appears Windows 7 extended support is coming to an end on January 2020! I really wish your well being...

oh, dear user! it appears Windows 7 extended support is coming to an end on January 2020! I really wish your well being, so, what about trying a GNU/Linux OS distribution on a spare Hard Drive you have laying around your room? 1 years is plenty of time to get the hang of it!

Attached: 1544588712982.png (962x620, 892K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>no games
>no programs
>no productivity

You can't do shit on Linux

W10 is shit, and Linux fell for the SJW/anti-meritocracy meme.

They'll only take W7 from my cold, dead hands.

I’m not a creepy racist incel with a neckbeard, but thanks :)

>Linux fell for the SJW/anti-meritocracy meme.
So what? it works you idiot

Only thing you are doing whole day is watching youtube and shitposting on Yea Forums, you don't need games or programs...

I've got mixed feeling here

stop describing yourself user

>Linux fell for the SJW/anti-meritocracy meme.
Give me a quick rundown.

I'm not going to install Gentoo, Hatate, fuck off.

Attached: 1337984311070.jpg (228x221, 15K)

Install Centos, learn how to set up server and maven project, learn git and java and then someone may hire you.

W8.1 will do for the time being
It's not as horrible as anons make it out to be
After that I'll go for something similar to old school Sabayon

already installed ubuntu as a secondary OS, booted it up a few times but in the end and in spite of my good will I couldn't be bothered setting it up and getting the hang of it. such a hassle. I'll just stick to w10 and tails for privacy browsing

"don't worry user! I'll share my make.conf and .config with you!"

Attached: __himekaidou_hatate_touhou_drawn_by_windart__5414b7f7d5cf474153f9f37e986f753c.jpg (1020x861, 250K)

Switched to Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB a couple of years ago. Switched back to 7 temporarily and it's amazing how much better it is. Windows 10 is worse in almost every way (excluding the new Registry Editor, Task Manager, DirectX improvements, and multi-monitor taskbars). But you get used to it. But goddamn is it a piece of shit compared to 7.

Really not looking forward to 10 taking over. Especially when they start moving everything over to that UWP garbage despite literally nobody wanting in.

So does W7

Last year, Linus' daughter signed an SJW manifesto that basically called for more inclusivity at the cost of actually qualified talent.


the manifesto in question: postmeritocracy.org/

Attached: 1392537646316.jpg (618x619, 95K)

>setting it up and getting the hang
>of ubuntu
maybe you should hire a computer operator for you

>they fell for the w10 sucks boogey man
it's the best windows to date. miles better than 7. whether GNU/linux is a better choice, at least in some aspects, is another matter
>but muh-
everything you're about to whine about is just default settings you would obviously change anyway. seriously just try that shit before dismissing it. I can never go back to 7, 7's a stone age OS in comparison

what exactly do I need support for? i haven't updated in nearly a decade

I mean, sure it's usable off the box, but are you denying that it takes time to both set it up to look good / function to your liking and to get used to the way shit works?

look at
I had W10 for a months and tore the settings apart but it still fucked with me

first step is
>default ubuntu
it's confusing as hell at first, but all ubuntu "flavours" are just base ubuntu with a different Window Manager, that is your "Desktop". research about one Window Manager of your liking and install its Ubuntu version. or install it over your default. the default Ubuntu is Gnome and, guess what, it sucks for customizing

How did it fuck with you exactly? I have pro so I don't know much about LTSB besides the fact it gets shilled on /g/, the only way pro ever interferes with anything I do is by wanting me to update, but I do want to update and I keep it paused until I'm able and willing to unpause so there's literally nothing that gets forced on me.

i have linux on laptops but rarely use them
ive been using w7 for like 10 years i dont want to change

>Tried installing Linux on an old laptop
>Spend 2 weeks trying out various distros, desktop managers, and software to find the perfect combination
>Realize that I'm putting far too much work into customizing what's essentially a Yea Forums machine
>Give up and install Windows 7
I respect the amount of freedom that Linux gives me, but it hits my ricing autism hard and makes me want to customize every little thing.
Also no software unless you want to put up with trash like GIMP or OpenOffice.

>7's a stone age OS in comparison

Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa.jpg (1300x951, 127K)

no software is the reason linux can not truly replace windows. linux is great to have and support for what it is but at the end of the day when I want to edit a video what am I going to use if I don't have windows installed? fucking openshot?

>Realize that I'm putting far too much work into customizing what's essentially a Yea Forums machine
you don't need to. just use defaults.

Attached: default_i3wm.png (1200x750, 357K)

>video edits
ffmpeg on terminal. it's what all the big boys use.
for shitposting it's more than enough

jesus, those are big boys indeed. doesn't really do much against my point, but you did make me want to try this shit out, can you glitch it in some way?

What's stopping people from going back to a versions before a compromise and create their own fork?
I see people do this all the time with open source software.
Is this something that is just too major, were some sort of split cannot happen?

basic use is just
>ffmpeg -i input.file output.file
but you could start with something like
>ffmpeg -ss 00:00:00.000 -i '/path/to/file.extension' -to 00:00:00.000 -c:v videocodec -an -sn newfile.newextension
where "-ss" is starting frame of a crop and "-to" is seconds to its end; "-an" is ignore audio and -sn is ignore subtitles
I use it to create webms for this shithole. it has a GUI for the windows version, called "webm for bakas". it just werks, man

Attached: cutie_honey.webm (540x360, 554K)

webm for bakas is what i use on my microsoft windows™ machine, it's great. it's nice to actually know how it works now, i'll give it a shot your way (the real way) later
that's not what i had in mind when i said video editing though. but nevermind

Taters you slut cover yourself up, jeez.

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