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Holy Niggers did nothing wrong.


Is there any mod that makes female faces not look like shit?

Is there any mod that makes the game good?

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What's bad about it? I have it downloaded and ready to go but haven't touched it yet.

slavers get fucked

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Don't misunderstand, I have 160 hours in this game, but why is it getting so much attention lately?
Depends on what you want, but I'm sure nothing meets your expectations

Wow this game is really blowing up isn't it

shit game

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is that earth at the background?

no it's kenshi prime

It's very janky, but the jank is the nature of having such a complex set of systems in a 3d perspective. Frankly, I wish there was more to the survival mechanics similar to something like DF/ Rimworld, but it's good for what it is. The wonderful thing about games like this is that you make the stories and set the odds just by playing it and learning how to survive.

It feels like it's a cult classic made by slavs that came out 10 years ago, in every good and bad sense.

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Hey hey people

What a hero. Think of how many people will buy the game thanks to him.

I like the game but I don't like that characters with high stats will always shit on a large squad of characters with low stats. The x3 Attack Slots mod helps though.

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>why is it getting so much attention lately?

Because it takes time for these sorts of games to get attention through word of mouth. Also Sseth made a review of it on Youtube.

Can I play as an enslaved woman?

is there a button to auto center the camera on a character?

double click on their portrait

If you double click their name on the bottom I think it does it. It's been a while since I've played

Get the x5 one and you wont be curb stomping holy nation as normal, you need a small army to take on factions. I kindof hate how the default works, a shame they stopped development of the game and things like this wont be improved outside of mods.

I love this game, but can someone please make a mod where they close their eyes when they sleep? It creeps me out seeing them just stare off into the void

You can click the portrait or double tap number keys.


What are the interactions like?

in the world of kenshi never sleep with closed eyes

5 people hitting one man at the same moment is barely possible irl.

It barely happens if you have more than one unit, it just means that one unit isnt beating 5 enemies because 3 of them are standing waiting for their turn to fight.

It's more of a sidegrade than an upgrade. Dev has said that most people don't really play the game as he was thinking. He was planning for smaller scale harder but still heroic adventuring but then someone made the 256 character mod and turned it into Mount & Blade.

Would you shut your eyes knowing you share a continent with skin bandits and blood spiders?

Sleep in a cage, mine copper, get yelled at.

You are sold to the slavers and are forced to do hard labour with other slaves or something. They will beat your shit up if you refuse or try to run. Being a slave is a good way to raise some of your skills.

>being a slave is actually the safest thing to do in the game since you have powerful guards watching over you, free food and a place to sleep

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Can't complain in pre-modern conditions provided the relationship isn't abused. For most of human history it wasn't actually seen as an inherently bad thing. After the American Civil War the Yankees flexed their culture-power to turn it into a sin to legitimise their bloodlust and greed.

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Slavery doesnt really work in the modern era, the idea of slavery was "I have conquered you, I can have you work under me, or I can kill you". Most people like being alive and thus were enslaved. Its even how the african tribes that sold slaves to whitey operated, they sold captives from other tribes that they beat, people werent running around with lassos and nets. It was in the owners interest to keep their slaves alive, the same way you dont want your car cutting out when you have a job that is miles away, you just spent money on it so it can make you money in turn, why would you go out of your way to break it

Loli mods when?

>get enslaved
>escape from cell
>knock out the nearest guard
>put shackles on him before I put him in a cell
>get back into a cell and get a free shackle
>wait for the next shmuck to walk by

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But you can just make a character short, with no tits, that is already in the game. I have children working in my wheat and cotton fields.

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he did a nice review

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Slavery is the effective ownership of someone else's labour. That can work in any era. Amazon probably already have a plan to bring it back under some weird name like 'corporate sponsorship'. Something like you work for Amazon and can't quit they can alter work conditions as they please, in exchange you're provided an Amazon apartment, eat Amazon food, etc.

Funny comparison I read, someone argued that Japanese salaryman culture is effectively modern, arguably benevolent slavery. If it comes back in earnest it'll probably look like that.

No, its shit and barely scratches the actual content of the game.

>tfw computer is too potato to play kenshi

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Run in windowed and turn off shadows. The game looks like shit either way but at least it will run, in all honesty I can barely see the difference in shadows being turned off unless Im right beside a fire or light source, these things tank framerates and I hope they improve on this. Theres also a compressed textures mod so when you are travelling through different areas there is no stuttering as it loads assets.

Is there a greater feeling than enslaving noble shits that fuck with you for no reason?

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Sseth made a video about it.

All wage labour is slavery.

I think I'll start playing this. Am I making a good choice? Is IGG still risky?

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>try to take the queen of the southern hive
>eventually arive at the throne building
>that "king"
Wait, is THAT thing fucking THAT?

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based and marxpilled

>google kenshi compressed textures mod
>links to a nexus mod
>taken down because its out of date, links to the up to date version

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Its on the steam workshop.

Well you see, user im a filthy pirate, its a hassle to constantly refund games when i meet the minimum recommended specs but the framerate is fucking mierable at them


I've been thinking, does Yea Forums love slav or jap cock more? (as in jerking off about their games)

There isnt much I can offer user, all the mods seem to be on the workshop since its full release. This is one issue with pirating I couldnt be fucked with anymore.

Japan is eternal king of gaymes.

Not if you're free to take your labour elsewhere. It's effectively *becoming* slavery as monopolies form, borders open and everything that was once the inviolable domain of your ancestors is declared up for grabs by people who hate you and want you gone, but it's not slavery *yet*.

Slav. Youll always find groups of people who hate jap games but not slav.

Thanks for trying though, maybe ill try again when its on sale

am i a bad person for wanting to play this just to start with a completely overpowered character and roleplay kenshiro dispensing moralfag justice all over the wasteland

Got a higher res of this?

Slavery is a fun mechanic. Prove me wrong.
MLG pr0 tip: you can't.

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The journey is the destination with Kenshi, once you have a character that is no longer struggling to survive the game gets kindof boring.

Admittedly its still interesting to just explore but your exploration will be vastly more memorable if you arent a god among men