Advance Wars

Is it better to spam low-cost tanks or risk it with less numbers but more powerful Neotanks?

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Mech spam.

why though, their movement is low unless I ferry them via APC

I've beaten most AW game missions by turtling and building up heavier tanks and artillery type units.

I'm pretty much a brainlet when it comes to TBS but it works so I stuck with it.

low cost tanks, use co power to initiate with bigger tanks

so far I've had better luck winning in numbers, my bigger tanks get overwhelmed eventually
i have no idea what im doing when it comes to sea warfare however

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p o w e r
o f
m o n e y

100 jeeps

Sea warfare is harder especially since its so expensive. It's been a long time since I played AW2, but I remember mostly using submerged subarines as "scouts" with a cruiser trailing behind to help pave the way for battleships and their fuckhuge range to annihilate everything.

Against human, low cost spam. Against AI, high cost spam.

light tanks are the backbone of your army
buy them whenever you can and they fill almost any role

mech troops have the best point-per-damage ratio
use them for "aggressive defence" and to defend mountains and cities
mechs cant go anywhere without APCs, and are a pain over long distances, however

neotanks counter light tanks, they can destroy them at a favourable cost ratio
however, mech spam defeats neotanks at a favourable cost ratio, although it requires positioning so the neotank doesnt just run

use neotanks to attack/defend chokepoints where enemies cant bring too many units and are forced to fight 1v1, or if you bubble wrap the neo to prevent enemies from ganging up
mech troops are nigh unbeatable on defence, and can be used to win economic trades due to low cost
light tanks have good numbers, cost, and mobility

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>fog of war mission
>rockets can shoot me from long range even though their range of vision is shorter than attack range
fuck you too game

This was legitimately a moment where the game did not play by it's own rules. It was even more obvious when they were attacking from a wooded area too, so you KNEW they were fucking cheating.

Yeah, I try to advance forward asap but it's 50/50 whether I survive, but I'll keep this in mind. It took me a few tries to get into AW but I'm having fun with it even if I have to restart a few times. Also fuck these rockets

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I loved these games so much
Why did they stop making them

Depends on the mission. Sometimes the key to an easy victory is preventing the enemy from taking one specific base while you slowly capture everything behind that point. Light tanks are really effective at disrupting enemy infantry because of their high movement range. Having multiple cheap tanks also lets you merge them to keep your technique score high.

so this is the power of mech spam?

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Basically. Mech spam gives you decent firepower but more importantly it gives you control of the enemy's movement.

ever played advance wars 1?
rivals ac?
what a fucking nightmare

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Use the smallest tanks available backed up by artillery. Regardless of unit quality, each unit can only attack once per turn so if you surround a neo tank with tons of little tanks and have good artillery support the enemy will never be able to move and you’ll be able to shit out units faster than they can destroy them.

Spam mechs, faggot.

Mech spa--

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oh that mission is fun as hell, probably one of the most fun in the whole campaign. its hard campaign variant is even more fun
enjoy that one user
protip: dont use lightning strike after hawke uses black storm or black wave. also basically never use lightning drive

I remmeber that mission it's the one where you fight another airforce right? Good lord

point for point, mech troops are the most cost efficient unit in the game

mechs will destroy their equivalent in lights, meds, and neos everytime
even AAs are losers against 2 mech troops

they are only inefficient against infantry, arty, and aircraft
2 troops beat 1 mech, but cost 2000 vs 2500
mechs cant threaten artillery without taking casualites, and cant push through bubble wrap very well
bombers are worth the expense for the sole purpose of destroying mech blobs, no joke
helos are cost efficient, but take scratch damage and will eventually go down

sort of, its the one where you have to kill the 8 minicannons but you also just happen to face an air force
you have a very small naval force in HC too which makes is cool but really showcases Eagle's complete dogshit ability to do anything with sea units (-30% offense day to day is downright crippling), although the cruisers do help with the bcopters and the fighters, and to finish off bombers

Mech spam only works well on maps with lots of mountain ranges and no airstrips. Even then that is easily countered by artillery or if there is airstrip bcopters

Did anyone play Wargroove? How was it? Campaign? Unit balance? Variety of maps? etc.

also Sea for All, the orange star one where you fight against Hawke with only ports and airports is fun as hell too but really easy

its shit. also the artstyle is a fucking abomination.

How would modern day Intelligent Systems revive Advance Wars?

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It's pretty damn good. I recommend it if you need another advance wars type game. The online is alive and well. Don't listen to people who hate the game and their only criticism is the artsyle. They have no idea what they're talking about.

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go back to the aw1/2 style with the co powers and abilities being global day to day bonuses, and then with the powers and super powers
get rid of the fucking tag powers they were dumb as fuck
playing and being able to swap between 2 cos is fun but tag is just too broken. if theres a way to balance that
force ranks are pretty cool too especially for campaign, id like to see them return, but that would definitely pose problems for multiplayer. maybe each one could come with like some sort of downside for balance reasons? i dont know
something like that though
also balance would be nice, no AW1 Max or AW2 colin/grit/sturm/kanbei/sensei/sami

>How was it?
its good
did you like AW?
you will like wargroove
lacklustre, often a bit tedious
not the worst, but its a slog at times
characters are great though, have cute interactions
>unit balance?
not bad, though all units are direct analogs to AW units
game is less about spam, as pikemen (mechs) are efficient but less dominant
knights (light tanks) are more specialized rather than all purpose units
archers (artillery) can shoot and move

cities are way different
they act like immobile units that you have to attack, and can return fire
repairs are done all at once instead of turn by turn, so its more worth it now
>Variety of maps?
some are pretty bad
avoid symmetrical maps, because first turn advantage is very crippling there, as wagons (APCs) can capture from the enemy side ans create a economy gap

customizable units and waifus
also hawke almost already has a full super, goddamn

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dont take that the wrong way, i love those COs and obviously want them to make a return but they have to be balanced better
dont use lightning strike while he's under black storm or wave, he (and so does everyone) gets extra defense while either of his powers are active. wait so you can maximize your damage, especially after he just gained health and you lost it

>fog of war mission
>turn on gameshark and get rid of that shit
At least they fixed FoW on days of ruin but that game didn't sell well

Underrated gem right here. The sequel was even better.

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yeah that was complete bullshit. fog of war missions in aw1 and 2 were a prime example of artificial difficulty because the game cheats. you can test this yourself in design maps too; the game doesnt even try to hide it
at least you can abuse the AIs retardation a lot of the times but its still frustrating as hell to play against

It’s crap, boring cos and powers. But we’re not getting real awanytime soon

You can play it if you really want another AW campaign but there's really no point in my opinion, game's just a carbon copy with minor changes. May as well play an AW romhack.
And yeah the artstyle is shit.

IS is a very different developer these days. The most we will get is probably some Sami cheesecake pic as a bonus in Fire Emblem.

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Bros why are they not making more of these games?

The engine/gameplay/mechanics is good to go and all you really need is to make more characters/maps and some new units and it sells itself.

Did DOR tank the franchise or what?
I can't imagine them spending a lot on development of a new game. It's flash-tier production wise.

>kill 3 units

Hawk was a monster to face, good lord. Every last Green Earth mission made my butthole clench.

>His CO power builds up more slowly than others

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what about it

This .
The AI isn't very good and high cost spam makes it easy to get perfect scores, but mech spam is meta, it works regardless of opponent.

it was already downhill after awds and days of ruin didnt do it any favors
thats literally impossible because each star represents 9,000G worth of damage for defense. even if you killed three bombers it would only be 66,000G which is 7 stars, not 9. it also costs more each time you use your power. it would be possible if you killed three battleships BUT Hawke HAS no battleships in that mission!
it means his powers are over costed for their effects. healing 3 hp to all your units costs 3 stars, or 1 hp per star (andy's CO power). dealing 1 damage to all units costs 1 hp per star (drake's CO power), which would equal 5 stars. BUT drake's also halves enemy fuel. Hawke's does not!
Similar fashion for black storm, but it's actually less efficient than black wave.

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Cute war triggers people. Can’t sell loads o dlc. Too hard for casuals.

also in the same way Adder's powers apparently charge "faster" than others, but it just means they are more efficient than others. Adder's is a bit harder to pin point because his effects are essentially one of a kind (nobody gets global movement boost across all unit types from CO powers, and nobody else gets +2 global movement boost across all units types from super CO powers. Jess and Max get +2 movement on some units but not ALL units), so we're just going to have to trust the game on that one
allow me to clarify: your power charges normally, 1 to 1 for defense (if you lose a battle copter and you've never used your power before in the game, you will get one star). on offense, it charges half as efficiently, as in killing a full health battle copter will only give you half of one star if you are attacking.
power charging also works for counter attacking damage too, which is why sometimes you might notice you charge your powers faster sending some units on a suicide mission, especially on Nell and Flak - you got both the offense and defense power charge.

It charged to full on day 3 before mine, surprised me
also gonna wing it

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again its cause you keep killing his shit and your powers charge half as fast when attacking than defending

is this true. so then defending is better?

yes it is true, you can test it yourself
it's better in a power charging sense sure, but it's better to be proactive than reactive in most cases anyways
also: every time anybody, including you, activates any power, all of their units get a 10% global defense boost, which is just a trait of activating CO powers. it's additive with the regular effect of whatever else your power does. for example: Sturm's power, meteor strike, does the 8 damage meteor, and also grants all of his units +20% attack and defense, on top of his usual, day to day bonus, of already being 120/120 (as in +20% offense and defense), and then with his power active, his units are effectively 40% stronger offensively, and 50% stronger defensively.

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Neotanks just aren't worth the cost

well of course

Neotanks > Light tanks > POWER GAP > Med tanks > POWER GAP > Megatanks

I did it
Rest in peace most of my air force though

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*blocks your path*
nothing personnel andy

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>megatanks last
its easy tell you have never played aw:ds at all if you think megatanks are that bad

Its basically Advance Wars, but I feel the animations take to long during the battles. It may only be by a second or two, but considering how long the games can be its a real pace breaker.

You can turn them off

>tier list is almost entirely backwards
lmao nice try retard

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That isn't a solution, part of the advance wars formula is that everything is charming as fuck and the game succeeds on that front but not being well paced.

>being this wrong
ok retard

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no man
is right
for 28,000 you are better off buying a megatank over a battleship unless you are grit or drake, and even with drake its questionable
it has no negative matchups save for other megatanks only
almost literally built to stop mech spam, a strategy that was relevant for two separate games, but is still good, even great, outside of mech spam

You could've bought an actual useful unit like a bomber for the price of that neotank

>even with drake its questionable
of course playing drake is questionable to begin with

also the 6000G gap between neotanks and megatanks vs the 6000G gap between medium tanks and neotanks is not even comparable. medium tanks at least put up a decent fight against neotanks, but neotanks stand no chance against megatanks. you can at least attack md to neo and get 6 or 5 and you go to 7 or 6, but neo to mega brings the mega to 7 or 6 and you go from 3 to 1. the tradeoff is so much worse. in a situation where land is equally as viable as sea (hah) and you arent playing grit, you ALWAYS buy a megatank over a battleship, almost every single time. they are too hard too kill and deal too much damage to ignore and to try and block with mech spam

just posting the best CO

also true

get ready for the final mission op.

your in for a bad time.

>unless I ferry them via APC
now you know why they are named mechanized troopers
and why their historical and modern equivalent are defined by being motorized

>even more broken Strum

you dont even need to ferry them you can just slowly creep everything up because you get so many and they get stupidly hard and annoying to deal with
shoutouts to the AWBW days where we had games of literally only mech and infantry. partly for the lulz

pick eagle or max on a side and you can easily sneak a bomber to kill the death ray and win
youll get horrible score but you can do it easily with that

There's Wargroove

if you want to unlock sturm you need that high score

Koal also had movement bonuses for CO powers. Just sayin'

in that case you can just pick broken characters like sami colin and sensei and win easily
yeah but koal wasnt in aw2

No, DoR is actually more profitable than earlier AWs. The problem with AW is that it was never a popular franchise in japan. It's basically on life support and is only alive thanks to the western audience, that's why they changed to tone of DoR to pander to us.

Killing tanks in one shot feels fucking good tho.


>game is less about spam, as pikemen (mechs) are efficient but less dominant
lol no. Pikemen cost half a mech does (which also makes healing them practically free), move faster, and boast absurd defence. Pikemen spam is even worse than mech/infantry spam in AW.

Why is Days of Ruin considered a bad Advance Wars game?

It utterly improved the strategy part of the gameplay while nerfing the annoying Co powers.

Not to mention it has a great story.

no idea user. played for the first time last year and i liked it. i guess its beacuse it came out during a time where black/Brown edgy war games were the norm.

Dual Strike despite being the worst still has it's fans who adore the mess of mechanics. People also get way too sensitive over the artstyle, personally I prefer AW1,2,DS but there's nothing wrong with Dark Conflict.


Best CO power theme coming through

am I the only one that got a sort of Advance Wars vibe from Girls und Panzer?

*Cute girls wearing military uniforms
*WW2-era vehicles
*In the end it's just a game, everyone is still friend
*Plenty of funny national stereotypes

Attached: GirlUndPanzer-ds1-1340x1340[1].jpg (1340x817, 217K)

you have fewer factories per map in general, while their main counters, helos and artillery, are comparatively stronger

so its harder to actually amass so many of them, and you have a few more counters to them, especially late game
they are still the most cost efficient unit in the game, but spam in general is less incentivezed

thought for the longest time that grit was a fatass holding onto his belly in that pic

whats a good AW-like game for pc?

but AW doesnt have best girl

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why is DUCE so red

>advance wars2
this game is pretty broken
>dual strike
holy shit

should've spammed rockets sooner

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Not really worth it, the characters are boring and lack their own unique CO themes, mech spamming is even worse here because their respective mechs gets free critical strikes if you blob them up and online play is, can't stress this enough, REALLY bad.
One CO dominates over everyone else (plant bitch) and some online maps have really bad balancing by placing the free infantry the second player gets in the beginning near no neutral building so pretty much deadweight that does nothing against first turn advantage and the netcode is so buggy the turns can randomly ends for you randomly at times. When you're have a 20 minute game and you pass a turn because of this shit, it's pretty much game over which is frustrating as hell.

Do a hard pass on wargroove since its only decent feature (online play) is garbage atm.

Content dearth. Say what you want about Dual Strike but there's a ton of stuff to do in that game.

sami pls go

>Kanbei's Mistake on hard
What the fuck?

I want to get into Advance Wars. Is it complex or something? Is it playable on My Boy the GBA emulator for Android phones?
Also is it possible to play with other anons now thanks to technology?

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Wargroove duh

It's a gba game made for kids. It's not complex at all. Yes you can emulate in on pc and phones.

Take your shitty old game to the right board. Just because Wargroove came out recently doesn't mean you can be contrarian and suddenly post about old games no one gave a shit about here. Go to your containment board.

It's a basic turn based strategy game. The mechanics are pretty simple to get the hang of and the controls make it pretty easy to play on your phone.

I think Yea Forums did some netplay together a few months ago but I wasn't part of that.

fuck off, /vr/ is for games released before the year 2000

Anybody play the predecessor, gameboy wars? I've played the shit out of AW so I tried it out. Been pretty fun so far, like AW without CO powers.

how are the graphics?

Thanks. Guess I'll try it to see if I like it.

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My friend always played Colin and always crushed me.

Please tell me that this is Colin was OP and not because he was better than me. I played Sonja btw.

Colin is probably the most OP character in the game. Sonja is kind of useless outside of fog of war.

>lease tell me that this is Colin was OP and not because he was better than me.
colin was enormously OP
only hachi, grit, and kanbei were stronger

sonja is only good in FoW, and is very underpowered in a standard match

Mech's have the firepower of Tanks

Can you use Sturm in versus?

Yes but his stats are completely different.


>We will never have this amazing OST without the shitty DS audio compression.
It hurts

Like a gameboy version of advance wars. Not a whole lot different when it comes to battle animations.

In AW at least
In AW2 he's so OP your friends will hate you for using him

>sonja vs colin
What were you thinking?

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Was replying to

>Video games aren't allowed in a video game board.

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AI cheating at its finest.

im pretty sure if you playing with a friend, you have a unwritten rule that no one is allowed to use sturm.

whats bubble wrapping? surrounding a unit with buddies?

Something like that, or surrounding one enemy from all sides to stop movement. Also the AI has its moments

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i love pulling that shit off while having a altilery near by.

>all these wgbabbys insisting mechs were good in any other game

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i really liked how in-depth the tutorial was.

I started with AW2 but had to go back to 1 since 2 just throws you in with the bare minimum and I wasn't understanding it well. The thing with 1 is that its a long tutorial

well fuck you than since AW2 expected you to have played one with its long ass tutorial which is why a tutorial in 2 was not there (and that was a good thing).

Almost a quarter of AW2 is tutorial. What are you on about?

They're cost efficient, can move through mountains, you can mobalize them with APCs, and you're going to need APCs late game if you even get there to resupply your tanks and artillary.

>giant map with laser cannons going off every round and Sami stuck in the middle with hardly anything
well shit this is gonna be fun

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