>Your favorite game
>Your darkest secret
Hotline Miami 2
I unironically liked Undertale.
dark souls/WoW
I was forced to have gay sex with another kid just before my 8th birthday
sometimes I tell strangers to vent but I would die if anyone I knew found out
Steel Lancer arena international
I was molested almost daily by my own mother when i was 11
Aww I thought this was going to be a dreamcast thread
either Mother 3 or MGS3
When i was 9 years old i was groomed by some 20 something and did a shitton of sexual stuff at his request in front of my webcam, nobody ever found out about it
Same dude also got me into gay furry porn and most of my current other fetishes (Watersports and foreskin)
if anything this proves gays are a result of molestation at an early age
Jak & Daxter: The Precursor Legacy
I'm schizoid and no matter how much I proselytize about truth and love I don't trust that anyone actually wants me around, they're just waiting for me to slip up so they can stab me in the back
I told you he was onto us
I wear girl clothes
Persona 3 Fes or MGS2
I said my father hit me in family court when I was 4(I don't remember exactly what it was called) I meant it as a discipline way but they thought made me think it was in an abusive way. I never could explain myself and everytime I tried to tell them they thought I was covering for him. I haven't seen my father in so many years and he's in thousands of dollars in debt because he couldn't keep paying child support. I want to be successful so I can find him and give him money so I can erase his debt. After all that I plan to kill myself.
Cave Story
Due to my extreme interest in fat fetishism, I actively put on around 20 lbs of fat.
star ocean 2
I've been looking at all sorts of porn since I was at least 10 and now I'm irredeemably fucked up
Are you me?
Super Mario World
I'm addicted to GR15 pornography.
Wind Waker
I've been addicted to pornography since age 16. I'm 26 now. It is horrible, but has never effected my "real" life, but I'm afraid it may some day. I also have a job in ministry and am a professor.
same here user...
my favorites are either TimeStalkers or Evolution 1 and 2
unironically and unedgyly trust no one
Resident evil 4
I'm pretty normal compared to you guys, yall are pretty fucked up
>mfw all this is a FBI honeypot thread and this is all going into your profiles
Fallout NV
When I help bathe my 650lb sister I fuck her fat rolls while I pretend to be cleaning between them with the brush. I don't think she even realizes it. I'm ashamed
>suikoden 2
>[Spoiler] I watched mlp in college but stopped after graduating
Star Fox 64
I unironically wish for genocide against Somalis
fuck off deepstate
please be a lie
>he jerks off to himself
I throw out the game boxes
I consider myself straight, but wanted to "be sure I didn't enjoy gay shit" just in case later down the road I found out I liked it and wasted my early years missing out. So I paid $400 for two trannies to get the whole experience. After an hour of sucking dick, getting fucked, spitroasted, and fucking them, I decided it wasn't for me and I'm happy being a straight man. For their part, the trannies were extremely friendly and understanding of my situation and guided me through the whole thing. I'm glad I went through it, but would never do it again. Thanks for letting me vent, I would kill myself if this got out
Dragon Quest 8
thoughts of love and relationships refuse to leave my mind no matter how much i want them to. It's been so long since i've touched another person it's driving me fucking crazy. Being a complete autist when it comes to socializing does not help my situation
I'm not gonna even spoiler this, I fucking hate muslims with all my heart and if I could kill them all I would.
>Paper Mario N64
>I used to kill kittens for sexual pleasure as a teenager
worst one itt
It's true. I don't even know if it counts as losing my virginity even though I've done it 7 times now.
lol I know a guy that was like 140 pounds before I met him now hes like 290
fucking fat fuck fetishist
You're brainwashed to hate Muslims
fucking LOL
>I’m a professor with a porn addiction
Why don’t you bang one of your female students or colleagues?
Shut the fuck up shitskin. I'll be coming for you sooner or later.
You are just normal, man. Everyone here jerks off a lot. Until I got married and a full time job I did it 3 to 4 times a day.
Don't you have a goat to be fucking right about now mohammad?
While you’re busy gaming, they’re busy breeding.
C&C3 Tiberium Wars
I had sex with the corpse of a little girl while I was deployed on Chad by the UN
>implying hitting your kids for "discipline" isn't still abuse and isn't the reason why you're a retard who hates themselves
Diablo 2
My cancer was actually pre-cancer, easily removed, and pretty much didn't affect my health at all but I still used it to get massive sympathy and attention from everyone I knew.
>Alien Soldier
>I didn't think it would happen but my obsessive fetish with rimming has now devolved to getting off from eager filthy woman who like getting shat on. I can somewhat see why people like scat now and I wish I didn't
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3
I'm tired. All the time. I'm just fucking tired of everything. I don't want to die I just want to sleep and not have to do anything.
Resident Evil 4 tied with Majora’s Mask
I get my best friend black out drunk on a regular basis then molest him till he cums. I’d feel guilty but I’m suspecting he’s only pretending to be passed out.
>Tony Hawk's Underground 2
I butt raped my buddy during a game of truth or dare when I was 13, mostly because I wanted to show I was the dominant male though heh.
I'm a NEET and try to convince myself that I'm asocial for this reason.
what do you do to him?
I think they'd try to understand, but I can only begin to imagine the complexity of how that offense to your agency feels, and I do not know the situation that you're in. I hope everything works out buddy, and I hope you come forward with that. It takes a strong person to admit that happened in any context.
That sounds pretty traumatic
I fucking feel you man....
Fresh unclaimed body that had no injuries at all because she died out of medical negligent by the doctors that don't give a shit and are there for the tourism and prestige, so I got my chance. It was the perfect crime but it haunts me nowadays
Armored Core: Last Raven
I miss my mom.
>wake up tired
>drive to job in bumper to bumper traffic
>work job I hate for 8-10 hours
>drive back home in bumper to bumper traffic
>make shitty dinner
>say I'm gonna play vidya
>shitpost on Yea Forums for a few hours
>lay down to go to sleep
>can't sleep
I feel your pain
Muslims are tragic. A lot of them could have been good decent people but they're genuinely mindfucked into becoming unreasonable psychopaths. My muslim friend's family copes with so many issues its ridiculous but they don't see any of it. The only good muslim is one that is too stupid to understand his own religion so he can't follow it properly or the one that is only religious out of fear for exile but is smart enough to not truly live by it. I've gotten good at identifying insecurity and delusion just from interaction with these people.
Get yourself checked with the doctor. Constant tiredness is a common sympthom.
it haunts you because she wasn't alive?
Metal Gear Solid 2
I held an e-boyfriend when I was 9 on MapleStory, and lets just say it didnt end well
I always thought it would be too dangerous becuase you're easily identified by checking your cum or other leftovers.
he means her actual ghost haunts her
her ghost haunts her? holy shit
>haunted by a qt loli
I could think of worse things
Should have been kysing instead.
>Hollow Knight, Isaac Rebirth+, or Cave Story
>Im friends with THE real Eric "Shitch" Weathers, but nobody here will believe me
Sounds cheap, hope you didn't get AIDS.
Yeah, if you do it on first world countries that don't depend on campaign hospitals brought by the UN to avoid their rural population get wiped out by measles.
>I'm a NEET and try to convince myself that I'm asocial for this reason.
social withdrawal is one hell of a drug
Breeding with donkeys
i want someone to do this to me
How old was she? I would've done that same thing, man.
I was actually scared as fuck going into it, but it was surprisingly professional as shit. They sat me down, I clearly explained what I was looking for, and they accommodated. It was like I got a fucking consultation beforehand or something. They had their papers too, for what that's worth. Everything was covered btw, fuck dealing with STDs
Terranigma for the SNES
I was raped when I was 4 and it's why I am suicidally depressed.
Super Mario World
I dropped out of college because I didn't value the situation I was in and got lazy. The worst part was the fat grant I got that covered 75% of my tuition. I'm sorry mom, this year I'll do better
The tag said 11 but she was a lot more developed than that
> Yoshi's Woolly World
> despite my gf being a Jewess, I harbor deep antisemitic sentiments
>Sonic Adventure
>I jacked off to my cousins panties while reading an incest doujin
Diablo , tied with Diablo II. God those were amazing
I was psychotically depressed and sociopathic as a teenager. I tried killing myself twice after having period of visual hallucinations and catatonia, had issues with substance abuse, and I committed arson more than once during this period. Nearly did some serial killing as well, like I would stalk homeless people in the middle of the night with an 8 inch knife in my waistband thinking about ways to kill them. I never ended up trying to kill anyone else but myself though.
nothing wrong with it if she was already dead tbqh
did you do it because you're a necrophile or just that big of an incel/horndog
Persona 3 FES
I fucked a shemale in an adult movie theater in front of a group of people
Legend of Mana
Into fictional beast. None of the real stuff, can't get off. Mostly art, with SFM becoming a fucking godsend in that department. What's fucked up sometimes is I provide therapy for sex offenders in a prison, so I actively preach the dangers of pornography and certain fetishes despite my own shit. If literally anyone found out I would likely kill myself.
Not schizo, bpd here. I have the same thing but I think it's just from a couple unnecessary hospitalizations i was put through.
Any child with a Jewish mother is a Jew. Don't forget that, user.
What do you expect from a 23yo private that wasn't able to play with its meat for 4 months of deployment? hell I wasn't even the only one, I got the tip of the morgue "brothel" by another sentinel. It was a "common" practice
Mike Enoch? What are you doing on Yea Forums?
probably disciplined you in the head a little too much lol
was she still warm? How did it feel? How did you sneak in there to do it? Did you wear protection?
surely you could jerk off at night/in a latrine
>4 months
Big yikes
yeah who doesn't wanna jerk off in a latrine
M8 I've slept with one of mine, it's really not a big deal
It was my first time deployed, it was special for me
Hey me too man.
Jet Set Radio
My niece gave birth to my son and nobody but us knows. I'm eleven years younger than her
I masturbate to gay scalies
Are you a Colombian? I've seen that shit being too common in that country, specially with cousins
>revenge of shinobi
>a combination of horrible early dating experiences and my dysfunctional family has made me afraid of intimacy of any kind. i've been in therapy for 10 years and still can't even cuddle without feeling paranoid and uncomfortable. im also an unironic waifufag now because of it. my therapist doesn't know and just thinks my gf lives in italy
I'm pretty similar user
>Wake up tired at 7:00 am every day
>Need to be to work by 7:30
>Always arrive at 7:32 - 7:35
>Work job I enjoy for 8 hours
>Drive back home in nightmare traffic
>Jerk off and sleep for 2 hours
>Wake up and browse the internet until 2:00 am, only eating if I remember (I usually eat enough to last me the day during my break at work)
>Rinse and repeat
who's your waifu?
that actually sounds pretty comfy tbqh (outside of the bad traffic)
not saying
wise choice
At least you didn't fall in love with your therapist like I did. When I found out she was pregnant with her BFs kid I stopped going to therapy and trusting women.
Stab you in the back for what? Just for shits and giggles?
It's not like normal people have something to gain from betraying their friends. Literally no upside.
I was an utter little shit back in high school, ended up vandalizing a couple neighborhoods by spray painting houses and I broke stuff in my school all the time my biggest "prank" was around the final days when I got hold of the classroom keys, ended up locking almost the whole class during a break but still maintained plausible deniability and got away with it, the worst part is there was a guy in there that had to leave a little earlier to take a bus for a really important test which had his future tuition riding on it and he ended up missing it, honestly I was pretty sociable back then but these days I'm completely antisocial, I feel like I regressed a ton just because of how bad I ended up feeling for my past even after going to university I could barely even meet or talk to people which turned out as 5 years of literal 0 memories and a constant downward spiral in my life and mental health
Monster girl quest and Radiant Historia
I know your secret, Eric. I'm watching you... always watching you...
Is he as autistic in real life as he is here or is he a normal guy who unleashes his autism here exclusively?
I met my last gf because she was training to become a therapist and wanted someone to practice on. Speaking from experience, opening yourself up to someone right from the beginning and ending up dating them is a very unique experience
Persona 4
I was highly praised for my creative writing skills in high school and probably would have easily became an author or some sort of write but all I really use it for nowadays is ERPing with people on /trash/
>Chrono Cross
>I'm 100% positive that no fact or material of this world is immutable, and are only maintained by group belief. Things like history and even natural laws can change themselves if they leave public consciousness, and chances are good you've noticed one of these changes before. The only problem is you can never tell another person to verify, because they will always correct you, and you will lose what certainty you had.
It is
Team Fortress 2
I feel responsible for the death of my father. He had an alcohol problem for years, and it got really, really bad in terms of negatively affecting his physical and mental health. I and his mother tried very hard to convince him to go to rehab, but he wouldn't do it. In fact, he even spent a whole week in a hotel room while he told everybody he was at rehab in an attempt to make us get off his back about it. We only found out he got a hotel room after we looked through his phone after he died and the book dates were, of course, the week he was gone. I left him because of his constant mental abuse on me and other family members, including his own mother. Just a few days later he died alone in his bed of alcohol poisoning on a Sunday night. I didn't hear from him since that Sunday morning, and the last time I talked to him we got off on bad terms. Came Tuesday and I decided to check on him and found him rotting on his bed. My brain wasn't ready to accept the hard truth, so I pulled the pillow away from his face and it was all fucked up and rotten, and dark blood shot out of his nose. Of course I freaked out and ran out of there to immediately call 911. I feel like I could've prevented his death if I tried harder, showed more support and never left him. But now its happened and there's nothing I can do about it. Just treat every loved one like it will be their last place on earth and don't be a jackass like me.
Say it, faggot. I love 2D girls too, pic related.
Dude, I used to burn down buildings and stalk people with the intent to murder them in between bouts of psychosis, you're fine. If I can maintain a somewhat healthy and stable life afterwards you can as well
Despite looking like a chad I'm a kissless virgin at 36 and keep telling everyone I bang bitches left and right to keep appearances
my therapist is male fortunately.
I mean as long as you can separate fantasy from reality homie, I don't think that's actually that hypocritical.
Dorf Fort
Got fucked in the ass by a few dudes from Craigslist when I was 18 and horny and experimental, glad I didn't catch anything but I honestly don't regret it, wouldn't want any of my family to know because they're all pretty hardcore Protestants. Also wish I could have any sort of intimate relationship with anyone no matter the gender but I'm antisocial as shit and can't hold a conversation and haven't even gone out with friends or coworkers in something like 5 years
Dino Crisis 2
I have an extreme phobia of women, I am terrified of what they could change in me if I have a relationship and specially what would happen if I get betrayed and to hide it I abuse them and keep my distance with hostility to them. Also to avoid making my parents get worried if I was gay when I was younger I spend my life with work, hell I created a conglomerate that makes a small fortune of over 60 million dollars a year by selling beef and copper to the Chinese just to hide my phobia and explain to my parents that I'm to busy and old to start a family
Despite being masculine as fuck, I crossdress regularly in my room, I told my rommates about it but I'm still too embarrassed to be in front of them with it despite them saying it's fine.
Hell fucking yeah, all my teachers said I was a talented writer and know I'm smutting it up on f-list as a musclebond she-stud.
Yeah I used several condoms but only used her vagina, didn't wanted to get my dick soiled even with protection by experimenting with other holes
post body please
Cynthia a shit
good taste
>Mega capitalists are just incels
I fucking knew it
you have good roommates
Sure, and if there's anything I can take solace in is that I'm actively repulsed by anything that would take place in reality. Don't know why I have that distinction, but it's there. Still, feels funny basically breaking down these cognitive distortions clients have related to unhealthy fetishes and use of pornography when I always know in the back of my mind I'm just as bad in some ways.
Thanks though, I appreciate that.
Is you mom hot?
Money is a lot better than bitches m8 you're not missing shit
Nah, it sounds like you did what you could, legit. I'm dealing with a father wrapped in abandonment issues, substance abuse, and general mental trauma and there's only so much you can do for someone that won't help themselves. There is a point when you have to realize that your life is your own, and while I think you are obligated to help your own blood to a certain extent, I also think it's wrong to make someone else sacrifice their life for you, even in a father and son relationship. There are lines that can be crossed even between blood I think, and it's not your fault that your father drank himself to death. You can't hold onto regret based on what-ifs, user, as much you'd like to have done more.
of course they are. The gigachads who strut around "wolf of wall street" style are just putting up appearances
>Xenoblade Chronicles X
I bite my fingernails, which isn't that uncommon, but I also bite my toenails.
My favorite game?
I guess I'd have to say Custom Robo.
I have a forbidden attraction to a certain type of girl, I fear that I am constantly being watched for every word I say so I make it vauge as to not incriminate myself. But oh god, do I want to just grab a certain type of girl and make sure she remembers every single thrust I can muster
Splatoon. It got me through a real time a few years ago. I feel comfy just thinking about it.
I like to think of sex, but I don't like to fuck.
>I bite my fingernails, which isn't that uncommon, but I also bite my toenails.
Me fucking too, I'm disgusted by myself but I'll never change.
A real tough time. I'm tired.
>a certain type of girl
Ape Escape 3
I write Pokemon fanfiction and I'm too embarrassed to post any of it online. It's not even smut, just stories with Pokemon characters.
learn how to lucid dream, I have a feeling you'd like it
Silent Hill 2
I licked my best friends daughters 12 year old pussy.
And then again when she was 16.
i think you know
Makes sense desu, economics is one of the most autistic fields of all time. It's even worse than programming
I'd rather not
Cheese Pizza?
by certain type of girl do you mean a preschooler?
same. I hate it but I can't stop.
You just KNOW
Jazz Jennings
huh, that's weird
I was hoping it wouldn't be that
Just create an ArchiveOfOurOwn account and post your stories there. The fact that you just wrote two complete sentences with no spelling or grammar errors means you're already a better writer than half the people there.
How would it help me, user?
It was canceled but never announced
You know who I am
I would never partake in illegal activities such as those.
My mind is enough. And often times it is too much to bear.
from my experience, businesses typically have one guy who's the "brains" of the operation, and one guy who's the "sales/business" side of the operation.
You need both in order to be successful
he said girl
honestly, what other kind could it be, that he couldn't even mention it
>civilization iv
>my exwife cucked me for vinny vinesauce. havent seen her in 2 years since
How dare you
As long as you aren't molesting any kids.
Cap is that you
No wonder you hate him so much
FUCKING KEK. Based Vinny.
You can't be worse than me, I pick my nose and eat my boogers
New Super Mario Bros.
I killed a drifter in Atlantic City on a light night LSD binge
Hes very entertaining in voice chat though. Lots of singing and taking multiple very large shits every day. Atleast once per hour.
I'm not some degenerate who has sexual feelings towards their own mother.
but no, she's not.
>Rondo of Blood or Mother 3
>I have a kickboxing class at my college and I can't get my teacher out of my mind. She's 55 and I'm 20, but God she drives me fucking wild. Her ass is incredible and I always stand behind her whenever I get the chance.
Ori and the Blind Forest
my secret life ambition is to make furry porn for money
Okay, that's kinda nasty. I feel better about myself now.
>Final Fantasy 10
>im gay, black, jewish and a furry who voted for trump
I feel like Vinny is not all that impressive in real life.
Red Dead Redemption 1.
I actively hunt for pedophiles online, those with identities that could be easily tracked are automatically reported to the police, those that cant be identified, I keep track of until I can. I know they wont be arrested if they havent commited a crime yet, but a close eye on them from the law will be enough to stop a child from potentially being harmed
That's ludicrously easy, user. Furries will pay out the ass for even garbage-quality art.
>You know who I am
I've been doing both for nearly all my life, I always fear I'll slip up sometime and do it in front of somebody
shoot your shot, if you won't someone else will
whos cap
and i dont hate him. just not sure what to do with life anymore. she master-baited to him on a skype call and he master-baited back. i only found out because she told me. she broke down crying and revealing everything valentines day 2 years ago. she also sent tons of nudes to various men over the 4 years of dating and 4 years of marriage. suicide is an option but im a coward.
inb4 triggered weeb nonces
unironically based, hope you've been successful
>Final Fantasy 10
voted for Trump
good taste
im sorry you feel that way you do know, me, you just havent had a refresher in a few years
Picking your nose and eating it is actually beneficial to your immune system. Its why boogers actually taste pretty good, its to encourage it.
Why you ask? Well, by eating boogers, you're actually ingesting small amounts of potential threats to your body that your boogers have collected, and your dosing yourself with small, unharmful amounts of said threats, thus, boosting your immunity.
Get a load of this gay lmao.
I don't know its hard to choose a favorite game either Gitaroo man or Radiata stories.
I'm gay as fuck but I desperately want a kid of my own blood, or atleast have my sister continue the family line, even though she says she doesn't want kids, I don't know why I'm so obsessed with the idea of having a kid but it actually tears me up inside and I desperately wish I was never gay because of it.
Regardless of potential health benefits, people still think it's pretty disgusting. Plus, I hear it can damage the inside tissue of your nose.
Won't stop me from doing it though
When was the last time you checked your exo skello teen?
So far, One person from Florida, a few months ago, was confirmed arrested. Its a very slow process.
It was a joke, but I feel for you man, that's some shitty stuff, hope you can work out that relationship in some way or another
I was raped as a child and it gradually turned me into a turbo degenerate that will probably never be able to have a real relationship and its slowly eating me alive inside
Resident Evil 1
When my brother sister and I were young, I would dry hump them to climax. I've also tried to fuck my Xan-ied out mother when I was 18, but all we ended up doing was making out. The incest fetish has worn away for the most part; I still watch momson every blue moon, but I'm scared shitless of people finding out about it. Mostly because I wouldn't be able to convince them that I'm not attracted to my relatives.
It's because you're not really gay you've just been jewed into thinking you are.
Super Mario Sunshine
I frequently go on websites/apps like Whisper, Omegle, Kik, etc. posing as a girl I had a crush on in high school. I'm not into guys but having them come onto me is the closest I'll ever be to feeling loved
Just fuck a girl and get a kid u don't have to enjoy it
Fucking go for it motherfucker, I don't care if you have to ditch the class if you fail. Do you know how many of us would kill for a chance with a fit/muscle cake with a nice ass?
Garry's Mod
I'm bisexual and probably trans, but I will repress both things forever because I feel bad about them.
Yeah, don't do it in public, obviously. And dont drill away in there so much that you're hurting yourself.
I know the good book says "judge not" but you're making it really fucking difficult man
based, do you dox them?
idk about damaging the tissue but when I was a kid I'd make it bleed pretty frequently going at it, so there's at least that.
So it all makes sense now, when I'm arguing with people on Yea Forums I'm arguing with gay furfaggots, pedophiles who fuck children's corpses, kids that were raped, guys who fuck their sister's fat rolls, tranny "experimenters," legitimate rapists, murderers / serial killers in the making, incest lovers, and a WHOLE lot of "experimenting" faggots who claim they're straight but seeked out men to fuck them in the ass.
No wonder this board is such a shithole.
you'd only be just as bad if you went out and fucked dogs or whatever irl, dude. give yourself some slack.
godspeed user, i hope you get some of the smug fucks on this site
>they're just waiting for me to slip up so they can stab me in the back
They're waiting for you to slip up so they can hug you from behind.
If you're not any of those things you should probably just go to plebbit with the rest of the normalfags
welcome to Yea Forums.
Kingdom Hearts 2
I feel like if a 14 year old girl took interest in my i wouldn't be able to refuse her and it scares me
And how do you determine they are pedos exactly? Not many people stand up and proclaim that.
I bite my toenails too, and I sometimes peel the thick skin off my foot and suck on it and then chew and spit it out. I got warts on my foot one time when I was young and it made the skin peel and from there I started doing that.
I'm a weird fuck.
Good luck catching me; I have scrubbed every last bit of information of myself from the internet. Not that I would actually try it with my paranoia coming in at the worst moments, but still.
Sometimes I feel like If I had the chance to do it and nobody got hurt, I would. And I would try my best to have an experience that will be good enough for the rest of my life.
Well when you put it that way, it's actually kinda hilarious.
>Lying to your therapist
That literally defeats the entire point of therapy. You're wasting your money.
This thread reminds me of Dishnored's heart whisper thing where you can check every NPC's secret and they're all horrible people no exceptions, at first I thought it was silly and immersion breaking but now I'm finally seeing the light of truth
DK 64
I had sex with my little sister three times a week for like 6 years.
Do you consider someone a pedophile if they post anime schoolgirls showing their panties?
Lost Kingdoms 2 on gamecube. It wasn't perfect but to this day is still the best action-card game for comfy adventures.
[Spoiler]I hate people that act like videogames is a hobby. Its degenerate behavior. I feel gross after playing for too long[/spoiler]
Who do you play as?
this is a website where you can be anonymous, where you can say whatever you want and basically incriminate yourself and the worst that will happen is you get banned. People seem to forget the crowd that attracts.
>when I'm arguing with people on Yea Forums I'm arguing with gay furfaggots, pedophiles who fuck children's corpses, kids that were raped, guys who fuck their sister's fat rolls, tranny "experimenters," legitimate rapists, murderers / serial killers in the making, incest lovers, and a WHOLE lot of "experimenting" faggots who claim they're straight but seeked out men to fuck them in the ass
How about a friend?
You're a good man, user. Pedos are too secure in this day and age.
No, I know I'm gay, you don't jack off to that much gay porn over the years and say you aren't gay.
As stereotypical as it seems I'm thinking of just calling myself bi and fooling around for the few years while I'm still young and then settling down with some woman if this feeling keeps eating me up like this at this rate.
How old was she?
That ain't no secret, nigga. Welcome to Absolute Truth
just use a surrogate you actualfag
Super Metroid
my cousin and I who are around the same age explored each other sexually when we were around 8 or 9 years old. Neither of us ever bring it up but I'm positive she remembers
welcome to hell faggot. you're here forever
What are you two like now?
Man I have difficulties talking to chicks my age, and having an affinity for older women makes it worse. I just wanna talk to girls god dammit. I know complaining does jack shit and I need to better myself, but damn being that "quite kid" for so many years does no favor. Especially since I've been feeling really good bout myself recently for some reason.
>dude imma master hacker bro lol
>posted from his home ip or phone or hotspot
>janitors and moderators can read all his posts
>us gov can probably freely request info on posters
Cringe and yikespilled as fuck.
I hope U get caught.
>if no one got hurt I would do it
fucking retard pedo sex would traumatize a kid regardless of wahtever bullshit you peddled to them, you are always going to hurt someone by being a fucking rapist
TES IV: Oblivion, despite all it's massive flaws.
It's a fairly common story here, I bet, but my love life is a total fucking wreck. I'm a 24 year (almost kissless) old manlet virgin who's never had a girlfriend. I totally wasted my time in high school playing video games, was too shy in Uni to even go up and say hi to the girl I like, and too witless to do anything about the girl that liked me. For years I obsessed with a girl I knew online until I finally told her how into her I was, until she told me she was seeing someone else she had never once spoken about before. There's next to no chance I'll meet someone in my line of work, and I don't have any real hobbies outside of video games. It's been well over a year since I've been on a date, and at this point, I'm wondering if I should just give up and try to enjoy being along for the rest of my life.
I built up an entire social circle in my early teens of being an "Atheist", but the older I get, the more I find sense in the traditional wisdom and am slowly becoming a Christian of my own free will.
>that boy love symbol
That guy is a gay pedo.
Chrono cross
i have been watching porn since I was 5 and im addicted to it now, all porn became dull and boring to the point only the most fucked up things are new and exciting, all other things are just meh
it's giving me ed and making me bald at my 26s, been trying to stop for years and even deleted all porn and blocked it but I cant idk what to do or how to fix my life
Only ISP's have access to someone's personal IP address, dumb fuck
Join the club
Halo Combat Evolved
i have an extreme aversion to every form of exertion, be it work or even playing vidya no. Everything seems like a chore. this very mentality caused me to not try at all in school, drop out of HS and now i'm a 26 year old khhv autist with a part time dead end job
suicide is on my mind daily
If you remember, she remembers.
You should post the story.
Sorry sweetie I can't quite give you this (You) yet! You will need to bait me harder!
Ever heard of surrogates?
This happened to me too, user.
Unfortunately, that doesnt work in most states. I only have the power to report blatant examples of pedophelia in the dark corners of the internet, anything that is vauge or otherwise not incriminating, I have no power over.
It's a disgusting world we live in, if I had more power I would make sure everyone suspected of being a pedo gets a knock on the door from the Police. If I could do it personally, I would
Fill your addiction with something else you find personally fulfilling.
Once I got in a serious relationship, I cut down on the amount of times I masturbate and looked at porn altogether.
Everyone here is a degenerate misfit in some way. We wouldn't be here if we weren't.
Sounds about right.
this ain't a Yea Forums secrets thread, don't wanna get banned again
that's the beauty about older chicks user, they know what you're trying to do. Takes all the guesswork and bullshit out of it, just be direct and upfront that you're interested in her. You'll find out immediately whether you should be wasting your time on it or not
What even constitutes a secret? Not liking the idea of telling it anyone? Because I'm very discrete, I don't like to tell where I went or where I go to anyone, even if I'm just going for bread. Fucking up my life if I tell anyone? Then every single shit is enough, like my trap folder, being unironically racist, mommy doujin, and stupid shit like this. Sincerely there's nothing I have a problem admiting in an anonymous imageboard, but at the same time I don't like to tell even regular shit to people IRL. Wich makes rumros about my life go wild, in my old town people think that I sell drugs or some shaddy shit like this, because I don't like to tell then what I do for work so I have no idea what to say here.
heh, we'll see about that
*starts hacking you*
hmm seems like you dont approve of incineroar in smash
*keeps hacking you*
and are a bethesda fanboy, even worse than being a pedo
The Wonderful 101
I pick my nose and eat it. I don't get any particular pleasure out of it, it's just so ingrained in my brain as something to do when idle and alone that I do it basically every day. The worst thing is that I know for a fact that my mother HATES nose picking and booger eating and would vomit on the spot if she saw me do it.
Baldur's Gate I had a sexual encounter with a girl which would qualify as rape by today's standards. I knew she had a thing for me but she did say no though was really submissive after that and even got off My only regret is that I wasn't pushier and made her my gf Already posted it a month ago or so and have nothing else. I'm a boring guy.
That's fucked up dude. Does she hate you?
>i only started to become a decent person after i turned 22. before then, i was a shitter who would verbally attack my friends, and quickly burn bridges with people on a whim. i want to blame it on the fact i was verbally and emotionally abused by my suicidal mother up until i was 21, but i feel like that's just a shitty excuse, since no matter what i went through, only i and i alone could control how i acted. since then, ive graduate college and my friends nowadays tend to really enjoy my company. but in the back of my head, i feel like im not worth anyone's time and deserve to be friendless.
*passes u the kain and able*
get him bro
*passes u an unopened cold can of moutnain dew*
hit him with the wireshark bro!
Hey man me too up top
normal people don't belong here, they never have
>Bethesda fanboy, even worse than being a pedo
unfortunately, i have other problems besides crippling autism. rest assured my money is well spent
join us in the light brother, it's comfy over here
Make it vidya somehow, I believe in you.
That sounds horrible, user
8 year olds shouldn't even think of doing that stuff at that age
Honestly an easy habit to break. I did it up to my 20s and it took like, a week to stop permanently.
sonic adventure 2
I've probably got some illnesses but I can't go to the hospital because I'm a NEET and I just live through it
my body is deteriorating and I've started putting on makeup to hide it
I'm too scared to tell anyone
and more than anything I'm scared that I'm actually dying and that I won't live much longer
To all the anons supporting this post, what if he's doing it because he's also a pedophile himself?
I still suggest you not lie to your therapist.
how do i even figure out a darkest secret i cant think of anything could i be repressing something? my life has been all kinds of fucked and could be a movie but I can't think of any deep secrets
genuinely how do you cope? every day is a step closer to the edge at this point for me, i am unsure how long i can sustain this without suicide or a mental breakdown
>hmm seems like you dont approve of incineroar in smash
>and are a bethesda fanboy, even worse than being a pedo
how do I delete my lewd folder?
Spiderman 2
I have a addiction to masturbation that is ruining my life since i was 19. I do it at least 12 times a day, the quick release of chemicals in my brains is the only thing that keeps me going. I'm reaching peak NEET status, i can't read, i can't play games, i can't do anything else but lay down in bed and browse random bullshit untill i feel horny again. Every energy and soul i have left are being drained by a invisible succubus and my spine feels like gelatine. I sleep two hours a day in the middle of the day and search for porn in the rest of it. I lost my job, my friends, and i just want to die now so my family can get ride of me, but i'm waiting because they are in a delicated financial crisis right now and funerals are expensive in my country and i also don't want to ruin my brothe's marriage
This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
Why go through all the trouble of incriminating people if you are putting yourself in the spotlight?
Go to a clinic and give them fake information. They'll send a bill to whatever address you give them but it wont matter. It's better than dying, user.
Your roommates are pretty nice. You should let then ravage your boipussy while you're crossdressed.
have either of you gone through any severe trauma in life? I was like you and the only thing that changed me was seeing how fucked up everything around me is and I started taking pleasure in being able to care for myself and others
This is the furry community at its core. Fuck furries.
do what i did. i went on trash, found someone local in two weeks, and dated them for a while. you'll only be a kissless virgin if you don't try to put yourself out there. literally all you have to do is try, and you'll get someone sooner or later.
>too witless to do anything about the girl that liked me.
oh fuck me this girl told me she liked me but caught me a bit off guard so all I could tell her was "thanks". When I see her I'm gonna tell her I want to know her better
>have either of you gone through any severe trauma in life?
yeah, it did nothing for me desu.
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon
I found a destroyed house and skeletal remains in the woods behind my neighborhood when I was 8. I still have not found an explanation for it.
might be a chemical imbalance. Talk to a doctor, seriously. I did, got some anti-depressants, and it's like a switch went off in my brain. Everything seems "normal" now
Not sure where you live, but even just going into a walk-in clinic might be a good idea. Even if you're a burgerlander, it shouldn't put you in an astoundingly deep hole. Also Sonic Adventure 2 is a good choice.
proud of you user
Little Big Adventure 2
I met my wife at a BDSM club. When we are alone I'm not allowed to wear anything but plugs and cages. We have done most fetishes, aside from cuckoldry as neither of us are poly, or faggots. She does reem my ass however with a strap which I guess is a little faggy.
Dont take it too literally, just post something you wouldnt tell a family member
katamari damacy
i hate people that aren't 100% like me for very hypocritical reasons. if people knew my true thoughs, i would be shunned from the community im a part of.
System Shock 2
I attacked my next door neighbor when I was 6, hurt them pretty bad. I've come to accept that it will haunt me to some extent, and have since taken to meditation and apiary research.
are you in a position now where you have anyone to care about or are you just living alone? do you have any pets?
>get put on ssris bro it will fix you
Nah that was just a prop from Scooby doo user, no need to worry about it.
By the way, you are alive and not dead
Even as a non-schizo, this is sound advice. Never automatically trust anyone. Charisma can be tools to trap you, remember that.
Rainbow six vegas
I raped a guy
feels a lot better than constant thoughts about suicide
>are you in a position now where you have anyone to care about or are you just living alone? do you have any pets?
i'm a carer for a chronically ill parent.
>12 times a day
Holy shit, how is your dick still functional?
Link's Awakening
I dropped out of college 3 years ago but have been lying to my parents about it since then, they still give me tuition money
Just remember that granting a child the capacity to be tortured is not something you should aim to do to people you supposedly care for. If you just want to scratch that child raising itch without having to consider their wellbeing beyond that then I can't stop you.
It wasnt even a normal furry,i met the dude in a fucking Sonic forum of all things
I'm fuckin mad the dude turned me into the degenerate i am nowadays
How else would those nasty bastards ever ease their guilt?
me too, I don't know then sorry
No more heroes
I really, really hate white women
You are fucked. But also, how are your parents that stupid?
My favorite game is Suikoden Denketsu 3
I mean since everyone here is a Pedo I guess its not a huge secret, is it? At least Im not one of those fags that harm children. I just watch from a distance and do the dirty deed when Im home and alone.
>me too
i'm developing an intense resentment to my parent because of it. life truly is endless suffering
Plan on committing not alive when they die desu
This fucker still thinks there's decent people on this planet somewhere.
Get that shit out of your system user, the longer you wait the worse it gets, I felt horrible lying to them after a single semester and once it came out it got a lot better after the initial anger.
>24 and worried about being alone forever
I understand that you’re concerned because you only have your own experience for reference but you’re far from over the hill and a lot of people get married at your age only to divorce a year or two later. If you really want to get into a serious relationship then try getting out more either by picking up a new hobby, volunteering or going to events you have even a mild interest in. Don’t compare yourself to others either, not everyone loses their virginity in high school and meets their wife/husband in college.
I guess that I was an “incel” until age 25 but I never pursued a relationship or sex so it didn’t bother me. By chance I struck up a conversation with a woman at a bookstore I had never visited before and four years later we’re married and have two kids. TL;DR you’re doing fine, don’t beat yourself up over not having your life completely sorted before you’re even a quarter century old.
Hang on...
I dunno, probably Dark Souls.
I hate all my friends. Literally hate with a passion. They have all changed, I don't recognize them anymore, people I've known for more than 20 years. They've all become cringelords who hang out with other cringelords. I don't want to be left alone but I don't have anything in common with them anymore and I can't make new friends at this age.
I have darker secrets but I just wanted to get this off my chest.
You'd think that but some normies find drama "entertaining" and so will go out of their way to cause it.
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
I've lived my entire life on the sidelines, have never had a girlfriend, and never more than 2 people I could consider friends. I'm charismatic, intelligent, and dependable but I simply cannot form any kind of real relationship with a man because I believe he will eventually betray me, or a woman because I've been ruined from years of scenarios in my mind of what the perfect woman is and how she carries herself and I can't stop being disappointed when I so much as speak to a woman.
I'm also extremely well built from years of sports that still continues but cross dress in women's clothes in my spare time locked in my room despite living alone. I would literally sell my soul to be reborn as even a mildly attractive girl (just like my mother always wanted, ironically enough).
I beg every day for death through any means but my own free will because I'm too much of a pussy to end my miserable life with my own hands and I feel like I would disappoint everyone in my family because I'm the only one who ever made anything out of their life
have a checkup before it's too late man
think of all the things you will miss if you die
My sister did that for a year. She was pressured hard to do well, and when she failed she skipped for a year. When she was finally found out she had a break down and went to a shrink. She went on from that to attend college, and university. You can do it user, don't be scared.
i appreciate your concern user.
was with cousin at grandma's house, both our parents worked frequently and we were too young to be on our own in the house during the summer so we'd get dropped off there. Grandma wouldn't really pay attention, just leave us in the living room and fuck off to do other shit. My memory of it's pretty hazy to be honest, might be repressed somewhat. I just remember we both hid behind a couch and started feeling each other up beneath our shirts, we attempted kissing as best we could and also licked each other all over a lot. I honestly don't remember what prompted any of this, just that we both liked it a lot. I vaguely remember grandma seeing us behind the couch but didn't see what we had been doing.
I obviously don't harbor that same attraction to my cousin now, I just notice how hesitant she is to initiate any kind of physical contact with me. She'll hug my sister as greeting but just say hi to me, and it's not like we aren't close. Might be her mind subconsciously telling her to avoid it, might just be me assuming shit idk
>By the way, you are alive and not dead
That's a bit obvious.
That isn't a dark secret, everyone you talk to knows. You think you hide it, but you don't.
well im not a fulltime carer but i cook and clean and stuff for them
i want to not die too but I will only maybe do it after both parents are dead because it would destroy them very badly
Im starting to wonder if im crazy or if I genuinely cant feel emotions anymore. I see people more for their uses than for their affection
When I was younger, mid to late teens, I spent a lot of time manipulating roleplayers on a few sites into gratifying my non-overtly-sexual fetishes. I did this to so many people and while in the grand scheme of things, this isn't the most horrible secret out there, just the notion that I was capable of such creepy, outright predatory behavior on such a scale before I really had the proper realization that what I was doing was horrible and stopped has killed any self confidence or self-like I could've had since. I know that deep down, I'm kind of disgusting.
Only god knows! Sometimes it feels sore, but i still just deal with it
It's pure masochism
They know man, just get your shit together and stop doing that. They are sacrificing their well being for you. And shit man you are so lucky that your parents are paying for it, don't waste that opportunity
That's called "sociopathy."
Yo dude me too i dropped out of high school midway trough the last year and been a NEET ever since (23 now). I have no plans for the future at all so i might be you in three years so here's looking forward to that! I really wish i could actually dedicate myself to something though. My entire life has been a loop of getting interested in something, hoping i'm magically super talented at it, realizing that i'm not and then giving up because i don't want to put in any effort. Seriously, i've done it so many fucking times.
>ironically enough
No, that's not irony. You are disappointed and lack the proper motivation in life because you are hounded by guilt from your parents for things you can't control.
You are you. Not your parents, not someone else's dreams or desires. Live up to what YOU want. If all else fails, start a punk band
Jak 2
[thats pretty much it]
Good job entertaining all these pedo's dicks ITT you moron
Hitman blood money
I'm a hitman
are you american? they will reject someone without an id or valid proof of address
american healthcare is fucked, he would need to go to an er not an instacare or clinic, he could go in and lie about everything related to him but that would be fraud and is illegal
Either that I'm a crossdresser or that I constantly think about suicide
>The majority of Posters here are pedophiles.
>One of them even hunts Pedophiles.
Nuh uh
Fuck all y'all
Don't give up on yourself, user. Give romance and friendship another chance and even if it doesn't work out in the long run don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened. Every day is a new chance to make things better. Love ya, bro.
>My entire life has been a loop of getting interested in something, hoping i'm magically super talented at it, realizing that i'm not and then giving up because i don't want to put in any effort. Seriously, i've done it so many fucking times.
Spoiler user: It only gets worse, i've spent all day today looking at my steam library occasionally launching a game and then quitting in the main menu
Literally what do you mean by this? Explain yourself
Are you able to get hard normally or do you have to jerk off to get hard?
Hitman blood money
I'm a hitman
That's pretty nice user, good luck. No need to an hero though.
>I'm a 24 year (almost kissless) old manlet virgin who's never had a girlfriend.
You are still a kid, play like a kid, study, work, make your castle and be happy. Travel the world and fulfill your desires that can't be done once you get the weight of a family on your shoulders. Don't get fooled by the jew propaganda of "marry young, pop kids like crazy and get into a huge debt to support them"
Give me a man, hug!
Honestly if you look visibly like you're dying then would collapsing at a hospital force a hyppocritical oath situation where they'd have to help and then subsequently run tests on you? I'm not sugesting it because i have no fucking clue, i'm just curious if anyone knows
that sounds like it'll bite me in the ass eventually, I don't wanna do anything wrong, man
I hope not, I just don't wanna trouble anybody... I've heard of places that have free checkups and stuff like that but I'm sure I need medication or maybe even surgery and I don't know, my family is poor and can barely afford to pay bills as it is... but thanks
I know, that's what scares me too
I can relate to the first part, senpai. Just focus on yourself and if something comes along, don't be afraid to take a shot going for it. Self improvement and doing what you enjoy should be your first and foremost goal, but never use it as an excuse to force yourself into a passive role. Regret is always going to feel worse than anything else. I know from experience.
Can't relate to the latter two, though. Wish I could give some more advice
how did it happen, user?
autism strikes again
What? Like, /trash/? Clearly, I'm missing something, I didn't even know people did that kind of thing there.
That's a great idea, good luck. Honestly even just going for lunch or coffee or something sounds like enough to get the ball rolling.
Thanks user. I appreciate the perspective.
at that age, simply tell a woman you like that you are still virgin, she will fuck with you immediately
i hope he never pays it off, that kid-hitting faggot
unfortunately i can relate
Final Fantasy 12 or Megaman X
I literally cannot begin to confess the atrocities I have committed. They haunt me every day in every moment with every action or choice I make. If anyone were to ever find out and understand on the level that I truly know, see through all of the lies that I've masked it all with over the years, I would immediately jump off one of the parking ramps in my city. People see me as a good person, a good friend and someone to trust, and I am for the most part, but there are some terrible things that keep me up every single fucking night. If there is a hell, I am going to it. If there is somehow something worse, I will end up there because I will sin again.
best guess: he's an anti-natalist
second guess: he just considers having a gay parent as torture kek
If you go to a hospital, they will treat you no matter what. But you're going to get slapped with a bill afterwards.
based and redpilled
Even if fake that sounds pretty damn hot
just go to an er, even if you don't have id they will still have to do something for you if you have a serious problem
I'm probably gay. I badly want a boyfriend and to get dicked but it goes against my faith (Christian). Jokes aside, I can't change what I believe and am extremely stressed about hiding this, never being able to achieve sexual release in a halal manner (gay sex is a sin, so is masturbation as it is lustful) and I can't even sleep at night because I'm so pent up.
this right here is a Yea Forums banner.
I have secrets, but no favorite games.
>so is masturbation
That's a meme. Bible says nothing about masturbation.
16? ha, that's funny. Watch this
I have jacked almost daily since I was 10 and i'm 26 now
yoshi's island
im gay
Is no one going to mention that he confused Yea Forums with Yea Forums?
Understandable mistake, but still.
when i'm down, it aways starts as a chub and i immediately feel the desperate need to work on it. When i'm in public sitting or walking, just the feel of it rubbing against by underwear does the job
This shit right here is why Yea Forums should still be the first board that filters people out of Yea Forums, but even Yea Forums got tame like a puppy
probably a typo
have you ever noticed how close the letters are on a keyboard
Jesus got himself crucifixed and poked for that stuff man, beat your meat and don't torture yourself
Well at least you're trying to pretend this is still Yea Forumsideogames.
How bad are we talking?
I cut back to once or twice a week when I hit 30.
Yea Forums and Yea Forums are the same brand of shitty.
Hm, I thought you would have masturbation induced ED.
I rarely get hard unless something is super hot, is that strange? I can get hard just fine and last if I jerk off but I can't get hands free erections easily, how to fix?
Not explicitly, but it's sinful because it's lustful, which is pretty explicitly stated to be sinful.
Sin & Punishment
I molested my sister multiple times in her sleep when we were teens and it's only just recently that I mustered up the courage to confess this to her. There are no words to describe how grateful I am of her forgiveness and how on good terms we still are today
user, as a kid who was forced into religion at a very young age, you gotta learn to accept a few things about the world.
1. Sacrificing your happiness for faith will not reward you in the end. Would you rather live in a certain way for the promises of something that may not be? Or would you rather live your life as a happy individual today, knowing with certainty that doing the things that make you happy, will make you happy?
2. Everyone jacks off, even the majority of Muslims jack off. My mother caught me jacking off and the only thing she did was tell me to do when everyone is sleeping,which is more traumatizing than what any god could punish me with
if you told your therapist you were a full blown unironic waifufag they'd probably throw you in the loony bin without a second thought
at least you have good taste in vidya
Let's be honest tho, every 8 year old would think of having sex, with a woman, when they discover porn.
Also I got caught jacking it with my webcam on. Friends subtly mentioned if I jacked a lot when I least expected it during school and then denying they ever said it. It made me seriously think people were spying on me
yeah like /trash/. it really depends on if you're gay or straight, since gays are thirsty as fuck all the time, so finding one wasn't hard. though i feel like the same applies to girls
as long as you can at least hold a conversation. also always use protection unless you absolutely, 100% know the other person doesnt have some nasty diseases. good luck, user, i believe in your ability to find someone sooner or later! just dont give up if you fail a few times. this kinda shit takes time.
Jesus Himself said to go and sin no more. Both he and Paul make it clear that the repentant are not to continue to live with sin having control over their lives, otherwise they are no better or even worse than non believers--they know truth but chose to reject it and will burn in hell for it.
jesus was crucified to forgive the sins of man.
if jesus peered upon and forgave some colored hair neckbeard blasting dick to waluigi hentai four times a day in alabama then he can forgive a gay.
I'm not exactly sure what I would call my favorite game as I'm extremely indecisive but I enjoy Tetris, Risk of Rain, Dota 2, S.T.A.L.K.E.R, and Space Station 13 immensely.
Like others, I considered committing suicide for a while. Have a really nice family that likes to be supportive as well as growing up in a loving environment for the most part. I'm told I have a lot of talent but I feel like I fail at every fucking corner despite my parents having no real expectations and only love. I know I have a lot going for me and yet I do nothing with it because I mope around a lot. It results in me viewing myself as a disappointment. Trying to pin down a job right now and build up some of my social skills as I know it's the right thing to do despite me feeling unmotivated and a waste of space. I haven't killed myself solely because I don't want to harm my family and want to give back as much as I can even if it's them knowing I'm alive and still somewhat kicking. im also a newfag and a redditfag that got tired of filtered shit happening there and came here solely for a unfiltered environment and worst of all i like anime
godspeed user
>Link to the Past
Neighbor friend and I did gay shit over a decade ago when we were young. touched dicks, put them in ass. I sucked his dick.I regret it to this day and it fucking keeps me up at night. we've never talked about it since and I don't know if we should.
when I was 14 I had a 11 year old cousin who was really effeminate and had once slipped up saying he wanted to be a girl, I told him I could make him like one if he listened to me. He jerked me off and I came all over his face. We kept this going for years now, still going, I'm 20 he's 16. I practically raped him when we wanted to break it off but he ended up saying he didn't want to leave me when I made him cum from his fucking his ass. He is going to spend his spring break at my place. We are probably going to fuck like crazy. I feel horrible about it but I can't help but get crazy hard at this Twink teen who submits to me everytime we get together.
Touhou 10
Posting it would derail the thread
Mother 3 and Yume 2kki
Nothing too special desu. i am just gonna enter college in 4 days and i have so much fear about responsabilities and future, and after that i have fear of how the fuck im supposed to work. life is been pretty ncie with me so far and i dont know what to do when my luck inevitably runs out. also i have alot of fear my mates from college wont like me for some reason and spend it alone like i did with school and highschool
Toshi Densetsu is a masterpiece. I was going to post a pic but honestly being in the thread with an actual necrophylic lolicon child rapist makes me question if 2d loli is really ok.
She's 55 dog, she's probably already been across the road you're walking now and will be nothing like your relatively clueless female peers. Just be upfront with her (don't be autistic though, just play it cool but more importantly have common sense), she might even find it invigorating to lay a younger gentleman.
do you make him dress up as a girl?
You are strong for that. Stronger than most
Good luck bro. I'm going through a similar thing. Also, what mods make Stalker look like that gif?
>trying to pin down a job right now and build up some of my social skills
You're on your way to improving. Just keep at it.
porn just grossed me out before I hit puberty, dont know what the fuck all these people on here touching their cousins up when they were 8 or whatever the fuck are on
>Wind Waker
I thoroughly enjoyed my playthrough of Final Fantasy 13 and I liked it way more than I was expecting. Also I'm gay for one of my best friends.
Deus Ex
I have schizophrenia and was hospitalized twice after tripping out and thinking people were trying to kill me, god was talking to me, etc. and cut myself all over without realizing what I was doing.
Also a lot of you guys are fucked and need to get some help or therapy.
I think you should, if only to understand it better.
Maybe you just want a second round, drain yourself of taboo. Play with the balls of societal standards. Fuck the norms ass.
>derail the thread
we left the tracks hours ago
He will forgive them if they recent and don't live with sin having control over their lives (e.g. do that) anymore. If they apologize for it yet continue to indulge, they're not really repentant and they'll pay the price. I encourage you to read the Bible because what you're saying is not at all supported by it.
How is having sex with a corpse rape? How do you ask for the corpse's consent?
Based but bluepilled
Chrono Trigger / Okami
I have a habit of people relying on me to do stuff for them but I get too depressed to do anything productive after work. This leads me to feel guilty and instead of apologizing I just stop communication and don't answer calls/texts, which makes me feel even more guilty and afraid to communicate
found the nigger
Harvest Moon BTN i guess.
Back in elementary school i steal my friend's money and blame it to a fat chink guy from a year above me. I got away because everyone believes it and he was in sort of trouble after that, but it always haunt me that the guy someday will be back to take his revenge on me.
>All these gay niggas in this thread
what the fuck
>Yume Nikki
>in highschool i bullied a kid into suicide. he got shit from a lot of people but I cant help feeling like its all my fault. im also just a general piece of shit human all around, im lazy, selfish, and use others to my advantage.
I don't want a second chance. I should talk about it with him tho.
He actually does it himself
>everyone is either gay, suicidal or was molested
Why is everyone here so messed up?
Fuck it. I'll try talking to her next class. I need that milf ass.
that's just how Yea Forums works
Deus Ex
The first relationship I had broke me and I never got over it. Since then I use every opportunity to hurt women emotionally and ruin them as much as possible just for a short and shallow feeling of revenge, but it's never enough
you should ask the judge when you meet him
I hate to say it but you're probably a huge newfag if you didn't know that Yea Forums has the highest degree of faggot posters outside of the literal faggot boards.
you cum in his ass?
What aways worked for me was (no joke) practicing with my imagination. Practice it by using pics only for a while, never videos or animations. Then softcore. Then no porn at all. Helps if you imagine some kind of immaginary partner that you have a actual fictional "bond" relationship with, and can aways imagine again.
But again, you will just end up like me if you go to this path
Thanks for the advice, user. I'll take it to heart.
Nigger, therapists have to deal with shit you would not believe. Waifufags are downright tame for them. They probably deal with patients with an unhealthy attraction to imaginary people all the time.
I was sexually awakened by inflation porn starring Talim from Soul Calibur 2 being inexplicably made heavily pregnant at high speeds by Soul Edge's power. I am able to jerk it to more normal porn, but I absolutely need good inflation porn (which is frustratingly hard to come by) to cum buckets.
I'm pulling for you user. MILFs in shape and hungry for young dick is one of life's rare treats, don't miss out on it
Team fortress 2
I made a little bit of foreplay with someone when i was 7 in my bathroom that will be the first and only time i saw a pussy
that's just how the world works
at least 30% are lying for attention
Theres a very big correlation between a man being gay and being molested/raped.
Fuck off faggot, now i dont know if i want to beat the shit out of you or feel bad for you
Based taste btw, and is kinda ironic when you compare your favorite game with what you did, did it felt worse after you played it?
>im 25 kinda big and muscular
>19 year old straight chubby coworker comes over my house to watch basketball
>drinkin beer
>notice he literally has a bubble butt like ive only seen on chicks
>kinda turned on
>we start talking about chicks at work and who we'd fuck
>i say mmm Casey gets my dick hard thinking about her
>he laughs
>grab his hand and put it on my throbbing cock through my sweatpants
>he pulls away quickly says wtf
>i jump up and start open handed slapping him
>he turns his head and i continue slapping him the back of the head
>push him on his stomach and pull his shorts and underwear down in one motion
>spit in his ass and jam my dick in
>hes just crying and whimpering but not too loud the whole time
>cum in his ass
>pull out and make him suck the shit off my dick
>he leaves
>he never came back to work
why do you think trap threads are so popular nowadays?
I never wanted to but when he first let me stick it in, he insisted I always finished inside
to everyone, everybody is just an amount of casino chips waiting to be cashed in, this is the real world, everyone has a price and everyone puts you a price since the moment they met you, an oportunity presents that the win surpasses your price and they will cash you in for their benefit.
Sonic Mania
one of my friends was being an absolute piece of shit to her boyfriend and was probably going to go to his house and kill him. I got one of my friends to call the police on her and she was detained. I and the rest of my friends cut off all ties with her. Also I have a crush on her boyfriend now and want to go out with him as a big middle finger to her.
lol where do you think you are?
Do you still live with her?
thanks anons
I actually found this gif rather than making it sadly. It's one of the reasons I got into STALKER recently. I've asked some people I know and I've been told it's likely one of the more popular graphics mods. They named on in particular but I'm not remembering it. I grabbed a few though in-case it's one of these. If you figure out, let me know. I really dig weather like this and wanted to install it myself.
I tried to have sex with my young stepsister but my brother stopped me and told me that if I ever tried again, he would kill me. Its been 2 years and he acts like nothing ever happened
Jesus Christ, that is hot as shit.
Gonna an hero in a couple weeks for my 30th birthday. Some folks just can't get their shit together no matter how much they try and I'm tired of being a walking example of the sunken cost fallacy. The family will be better off without me holding everyone back
Why do you think we ended up here in the first place?
Pull out next time just to torment him.
I can't only choose one game, but Sonic 3 and Sonic Mania are always good times for me.
I don't talk to a whole lot of people these days, as crippling social anxiety developed after bad experiences with the wrong crowds over the course of a few years, leaving me feeling iffy about trusting new folks, sometimes even old ones. It's not fun living life always feeling like someone's out to get you, despite just wanting to be a good person to people and show that you have a good heart. Just seems like some people wanna capitalize on even the smallest mistakes a person makes. Sometimes I even feel worthless towards others, it feels better that I take the blame for problems instead of others. So for the most part I just stick with the circle of close friends I 'know' I can trust.
Society isn't too kind, user.
victoria 2
i'm utterly incapable of talking or being friends with other people. i probably have autism
Sounds like you need to simply be up front when you first start seeing yourself slipping. It's better to have other people know you have problems you're working through, and that you can't always be there for them, then think you're just flaky.
>but my brother stopped me
how did he stop you?
so basically it's because I let porn do all the work instead of my imagination?
yeah I get diamonds thinking about it each time, we joke about how I made him a fag, but he said he has feelings for me and I only want to fuck him so I feel like shit for it
I moved out with my dad when i was 13 because "i like him better"
only people on Yea Forums know about this, its not easy to bring it up in a conversation
Godspeed, you glorious fuck.
He grabbed me by the neck and raised me against the wall. He's a gymrat, I'm not.
Unironically some of the best and most varied porn.
> So for the most part I just stick with the circle of close friends I 'know' I can trust.
the fact that you even have a circle of friends is more than most of us can say. I think you're on the right track user
so when are you gonna propose?
your brother is fucking based and I want to buy him a beer
fuck you lol
Were you right about to fuck her? How did he find out you were planning that?
is the stepsister puss worth the death threat?
Hey, even if shit goes south, you tried. That's a chance a lot of us wish we had.
God speed.
thanks, that at least meant a little to me.
Does your balls ever slapped his when you go doggy?
Get your mind in the game and do it, even if she's married, fuck it. That should stop no man on his quest for pussy.
F-Zero GX.
I'm a 23 year high school dropout turning 24 in april, I have a laundry list of weird fetishes.
I want to study neuroscience, mainly because of weird fetishes but being out of school for 7 years and only having a small amount of self study makes it impossible to get back into school. I've wanted to make a game since 2014 but never made one, now I'm working on the absolutely rudimentary parts of a project, slowly.
If you're really set on it, there's probably nothing anyone can say to convince you otherwise. But I'd personally rather live if not for myself, then others. Even if you think your own life is a waste, it doesn't mean you are not still walking potential to do something that really makes a difference.
Probably he was already fucking her silly so he was only marking his territory
I feel somewhat similar, though I often experience the turmoil of being unsure as to whether or not I really am a "good" person - wondering if I really do care about others selflessly or if everything I do is just me hoping I get something in return, be it money, friendship, whatever.
It feels like it's been so long since I've had an honest to god friend I could trust and talk about anything with. And I'm pretty sure I'm at the point in life where finding one of those is impossible
At least your starting something, keep going user, even if just a bit at a time
Yeah fuck you cunt, Im gonna fuck his bitch and he wont even know, I've been planning this shit for years
I was taking a shower so I didnt smother her with stink, and he was outside the door. I don't know how he knew, I think my stepsister told him but she wouldnt tell me.
>Does your balls ever
im so tired of south american phone posters on this motherfucking board
Are you OP or are you just some other user? I genuinely want to know how the brother found out and stopped the user
>Does your balls ever slapped his when you go doggy?
>mfw you never knew you wanted to experience this until now
doubt it
the fact he pretends it didn't happen is because he's waiting to slam you at the first chance he gets
Don't go out of my way to look for it but I think video games gave me a thing for guro, with the stipulation that it's only when it happens to cunts or enemies. If a game comes out with good gore and female enemies I'll probably spend a good amount of time in it just blasting hos away. I hate that I have it because it's some real ooga booga shit
>I think my stepsister told him but she wouldnt tell me.
Did you ask your step sister to have sex with you? I'm so confused? Can you hit me with a green text?
I guess
Also, try thrusting your hips and not only your fist while doing it
If it makes you feel any better, I still believe you'll find at least one, in due time.
Stopped reading half the thing
Fucking faggot fantasy, get the fuck out
Do you ever like to make him gag on your cock?
Mortal Kombat 2
I am a good friend to others and a generally social person, but that's really all I have going for me. I've gone NEETmode, don't have a car, got fired from my only job, never had a girlfriend or a sexual experience (though I honestly doubt a serious relationship would do much good for me). I used to be really good at writing, but I'm too scatterbrained and self-conscious to follow through with any projects I set up. Essentially, my life is very unfulfilling, but I put up appearances for the sake of other people, since I hate being worried about.
I mean, it's not rape or incest or pedophilia, but it's something.
Claus go to bed. You must be tired.
I fapped to tranny porn once. It felt so bad afterwards I quit porn completely. Only fap to instathots and magazine models now.
>Team Fortress 2
>I don't think this is too dark compared to the rest of the anons here, but I remember fucking with my ex incredibly hard after she cheated on me that she ended up disappearing for awhile. She eventually came back a year later and tried apologizing to me but I didn't care, she was a fucked up bitch and most likely suffered from ASPD but whatever.
Dota 2
i told a girl friend in high school about my fetish and she told everyone of her friends who then ended up dating my best friends and now they all know that I have a weird fetish and it's never brought up but I constantly feel uncomfortable about it years later
>mount and blade
I fucked up the only time I've ever had a female friend in my life. She felt comfortable enough around me to drop by my house and hang out after work, then one day, she changed out of her work clothes into her normal clothes in the bathroom and forgot her work clothes there. When she left after hanging out, I went to the bathroom, saw her panties, took a sniff out of curiosity, and they smelled so fucking good, like pure concentrated pussy, they were slightly moist too. I'm a perma-virgin and realized this would be my best chance to get that close to a pussy, so I took her panties, put them on over my face, and had the most furious, rockhard fap I've ever had in my life, came so hard I almost passed out. While I was in that post-daze cumming euphoria, I pulled the panties off of my face, wrapped them around my still throbbing, cum-covered cock, and started beating it even harder, was so aroused I came again within half a minute. The panties were almost completely ruined, they were super stretched out from how hard I was grabbing and tugging them and were absolutely soaked through in cum. She came back for her clothes the next day and asked why her panties were missing out of the pile of clothes she forgot, I feigned ignorance and said something cringy like "h-haha, maybe you forgot to w-wear panties to work?", it was clear as fuck I was lying, she looked SUPER uncomfortable, left and never spoke to me again. I'm 99% sure she told all of our mutual friends because I stopped getting invited anywhere. I keep reliving my encounter with her over and over again, it makes me cringe super fucking hard and keeps me awake almost every night. It's been a few years and I've still never been as hard or as aroused as I have that night
OG Dark Souls.
I'm literally an ugly autistic manlet NEET and video games, nerd culture hype bullshit, and fear of the unknown are the only reasons I haven't had a serious suicide attempt yet.
One step at a time user. If you want to self-improve it's simply a matter of 'where there's a will there's a way'.
Mother 3 is one of my favorite games and I don't I could replay it again now.
>Only fap to instathots and magazine models now
that's somehow even worse user
My only real passion is writing and I do the same shit so I guess we're stuck in the same boat, though I'm not a NEET. Not yet anyway
I wish I could make writing my full career instead of keeping it as a hobby, as far as I know though its basically impossible in this day and age without connections
I appreciate it. I hope you reach the place you want to be at too
I once fucked a loaf of bread when I was 16
i did that to my ex but i beat the shit out of her during the sex but i think she liked it
God dammit I knew somebody would make this joke about my plight.
who's the fag with the incredibly small face?
That's pretty common and not dark at all. There's only one person I can talk to for an extended period of time without me feeling very uncomfortable and that's because that person never tried to get too personal. On the whole I find social interactions very tiresome and tend to be the most happy when I'm left alone to tinker with my PC and stuff.
sonic 3 and knuckles
the big tiddy goth gf meme makes me miss the girl i dated for four years that I broke up with almost a decade ago who cut me off completely because I broke up with her for a girl with bigger tiddies that i'm still with
crash bandicoot 2
I made a couple of characters in an MMO and I can't stop writing smut about them. I have about seven docs now because they start to get hard to navigate when they're over about 150k words long. Is it autistic? I just think they're really cute together...
Ok so like, its not the first time I've tried something with her. We've made out before, I never found out anything wrong with it at least. She let me fondle those underwhelming tatas of hers. I actually planned a safe space to yknow, just fuck without anybody knowing, and she agreed to it. This was after months of just lite making out and cuddling, so I thought I could trust her with it. But the only theory that makes sense to me is that she ratted me out to my hulk of a brother, and he came right at me. I was so fucking ready for it too, I was about to take her to a motel but me being the dumbass I am decided to take a shower at home for no good reason. So I was trapped, and he fucking held me by the throat and slammed me against the wall, made me promise "To never fucking touch ****** again or I will fucking murder you". And then he just fucking left.
lol you sound like a real tough guy, sister-fucker
this is tragic
Tfw I never felt i've had a "real" friend in my whole life. I've been with "friends" but only because i've nothing else to do. I always fake laughed at things and never got to decide anything or talk about anything, just following the stream, so to speak. A platonic friend you could come over and just hang with would be nice.
What's the fetish m8
i'm serious
there are so many fucking typos made by fucking south americans on this board its not even funny
doesnt his x
when do this x
>Whenever I poop, I pop a boner from the sensation of the turd sliding out of my ass because it feels like someone's hard cock is slowly pulling away from my asshole
>I was hoping it wouldn't be that
A tranny?
Get a dragon dildo user
it's a recent thing too right? I thought I was going crazy, what changed?
its because of your prostate retard
just bdsm so i know its not that uncommon but its still weird that my friends know. by the time i finished high school a lot of people knew and i was seen as a huge pervert/freak. did fuck a couple of chicks who were into tho cause they found out so i guess it wasnt that bad
Nigga just get a dildo.
wouldn't do that myself but that seems like a pretty sensible way of dealing with those feelings imo
the push in feels much better than the pull out sensation, FYI
You sound like a real asshole, she probably didnt ever want any of that shit
Yeah, you fucked it. We all do seriously stupid shit in our lives though, and living with the shame is just part of it. Sounds like that was it, but it doesn't mean your future is in danger because of it.
Honestly not too bad at all. Only real difference between that and regular smut is you were just inspired by an MMO.
>Super Mario RPG
>I was never molested but I have a lot of the symptoms of someone who was and it really makes me paranoid that perhaps I'm blocking memories out. A pedo one time tried to lure me out of a church but I caught on and ran. Although it scared me beyond belief and I never told anyone, I refuse to believe something almost happening to me can have any impact really. I don't know what's wrong with me.
I mean, I didn't beat the shit outta her. All I did was slowly fuck around with her social life. And the only reason why I did this is because she has done this to 5 other guys before me.
Dick Masterson.
Fuck her user. It is your destiny.
Thanks user
>his poop feels like hard cock
He wouldn't have that sweet feeling of a log pushing out his ass if he ruined it, user
I've had "real" friends here and there over the course of my school days. I have this particularly bad habit of dropping people after a while though. I went to a different high school than my middle school friends did, I chose not to go to college while the friends I made in high school did, etc. Really I complain about not having real friends but I guess I brought it on myself.
But I hope you meet real friends user. And if you do, don't do what I did. You ever meet someone who enjoys you for you, you stick by them instead of up and leaving because you're afraid they'll stop liking you for some dumb reason. Or because you think you can do better. Fuck idk
This is my jam.
Well of course you're not supposed to get anything bigger than a medium, the big stuff is for freaks
That's why you get a medium or small one
coping tranny response
It goes for you as well
not him but I want to get my hands on a dildo and a fleshlight because I want to experience being sandwiched between a man and a woman from behind and in front respectively. Problem is, I don't want anyone to ever know and I'm in a house of six and I can't lie myself out of a empty box.
You are going to absolutely devastate your entire family, and likely traumatize the ever loving fuck out of whoever finds you. I'm fucking serious. Your death will be their new year zero, everything they do after it will be measured in distance from when it happened. Every single person who is close to you will have "what could I have done to help him? Did I do anything that caused it? why didn't I see it coming" over and over and over in their head at 2am. Even if someone is a total asshole and thinks you're better off this way, THAT thought and the attendant guilt will rot a hole in them that will never, EVER go away.
Don't fucking do it.
there's symptoms?
oh uh, my favorite game is metroid prime and i found out my cousin was gay when I stayed over my uncle's house and the next morning he told me sometimes he liked to freeball for pajamas, asked if I agreed it was comfortable, then asked if I wanted to hold or touch his dick, he was really polite about it but it caught me so off guard I was bothered the rest of the day, never told anyone though
every gay friend I've ever had has confirmed this.
He may have a small face but he's the opposite of a fag. One of the only good ones.
You could get a PO box
>Sengoku Rance
>I ruined the one real chance I had with a girl and have been too destroyed to try again. That was when I was 26, I'm 32 now. I'd go to a prostitute just to get the whole virginity hangup out of the way but due to this being the one place in the country where it's legal, the rates are sky-high.
>Implying they're not the same plague infested rat nest
not him but I was thinking about that when I was considering locking myself in a garage with my car. I also turn 30 this year.
if you're in hell keep walkin' I guess, if I get this job I interviewed for things will turn around big time
>Yeah, you fucked it. We all do seriously stupid shit in our lives though, and living with the shame is just part of it. Sounds like that was it, but it doesn't mean your future is in danger because of it.
Yeah, it was dumb, and I shouldn't have done it, but holy fuck was it hot. I haven't had any friends since though, just wasting my life posting on Yea Forums all day everyday like everyone else on here. Starting to feel like my youth is too far behind me to make any real changes now
>normies find drama "entertaining"
Those are sociopaths, user.
Baldur's Gate (The first one because I'm trash(
I publicly rejected a girl when I was younger and she went on to die in a drink driving accident shortly afterwards. No one has ever suggested the two were linked, but I can't help but feel partially responsible.