Just played this. Can we talk about this here? Please lets talk about this game. Is game made me cry god dammit...

Just played this. Can we talk about this here? Please lets talk about this game. Is game made me cry god dammit. I couldn't even fap the the h-scenes, its that damn powerful. If there was ever a story that captured the raw essence of young love, how it brings out the best and worst in us, it is this. I'm not kiddin around folks, this is the magnum opus of eroge. There I said it, and I'm not even ashamed.

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thanks fren

I miss 2006

I started playing eroges as a meme to annoy my brother when I got out of highschool, he had told me some dudes on Yea Forums had made a visual novel about crippled chicks and he thought it was horrible, as a meme i decided to play it, and holy fuck he was wrong. The game gripped me, it drew me in to a genre of games I did not know I needed in my life, before Katawa I was your generic incel, antisocial, the "I don't have feelings" type of kid. But then after Katawa I actively sought similar types of experiences, which led me to Sharin no Kuni, which absolutely devastated me, and then I played G-Senjou no Mao, and that was the final straw that completely destroyed my emotional state.
G-Senjou no Mao is a masterpiece, an emotional rollercoaster like no other, while not equal to Yume Miru Kusuri, its not that far from the experience.

After G-Senjou no Mao, I went ahead and played Yume Miru Kusuri, I was a wreck then, having just finished G-Senjou, and I played Shiraki's route first, which was a really bad idea. I saw my highschool friends in her, the ones that I saw being bullied and turned my head to not see, I felt shame in that moment.
I really wish more people would appreciate Visual Novels, they give you an experience that only they can tell properly, and I really wish more people would experience it.
Thank you for making me reminisce about this.
Stay strong OP, you a good dude.

we become friends bros

does anyone have that comic where MC goes to hang out with Anttionete and leaves Aya alone?

I just remember the scene where he tries to rape his sister.

Fake news. Do not sully this work of art with such grift.

it really is a satisfying game. doesnt take long and is definetly a everyone should read aya's route once kinda thing.
'today again so pure a blue' is still wonderful years later

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Played that game about two, maybe three years ago. I agree with you man, the setup is solid and the routes are so god damn great. Loved Aeka's route more than anything else, and it spoke to me on so many levels it's ridiculous. This title has a special place in my memory.

I do believe most people would find her route over the top, because of the differences in bullying across different cultures(in the west it's mostly trite and childish, not with all that malice behind it). Having some knowledge of japanese culture is essential to getting the full experience here.


fucking 240p jesus christ.
the game is fucking old.
and yet, still worth it.

It was nice when I was new to VNs. Went with Aeka first.
Someone post the Aeka good ending reaction image.

FUCK. Aeka. her name is Aeka. goddammit i'm fucking retarded pay not attention to me.

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I really loved Aeka's route and how easy the story was to understand. The VN is great even if it has a reputation for being babby's first visual novel.

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will she ever win

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I mean, something has to be babby's first novel.
If not YMK then what, from Japan, else?
If anything it should be praised for being babby's first VN. People arn't going to start reading VN's if they are presented Evangile as their first. But YMK will make them curious.

The stuco pres bad end is probably the one that bothered me the most, only because WHO THE FUCK would think a seemingly innocuous choice would lead to that.

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>this choice determines whether she dies or not

I agree. It's just you can bet more than a few people have read it's an entry level visual novel, thought they're tough and want to play a 'real' VN, and jumped into Muv-Luv Extra and quit before hitting Muv-Luv Alternative.

[X] Comfort her

>Mfw I chose to endure and got the bad end
That drug fueled sex romp to Macau tho, wew.

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The 2nd eroge games I've played and boy the president council good ending was the trigger of my wholesome vanilla fetish, especially when the baby was born.

It was a great feeling

that's actually a really good question.
what VN is the most likely that people read part way through and conclude 'I'm a weeb, but even i'm not getting into VN's'
Is it the sister shit in YMK?
Do they fall for the Muv Luv trap and stop after Extra?
Or is the worst trap reading Steins;Gate and then never bothering with anything else?
any thoughts?

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