New trailer
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deluxe edition of dmcv on steam has 4 additional packages added to it as of 3 hours ago.
Yes we know
Hm. I dunno. I prefer Rebellion. I'm not a fan of the rocky texture.
Even if the game ends being the best in the series, critics will give it 70 / 100 or a very reluctant 80 / 100.
They're still super bitter over the DmC controversy.
Quick question, are those music packs also songs you own like a soundtrack or only for use in the game?
why exactly are they bitter? why can't they admit the game was a misfire?
They don't want to admit that they defended the wrong game. Now they have the chance to take revenge.
I'm sure the reviews will have a lot of negative comparisons between 5, DmC and Soulsborne.
They're control freaks and don't like that consumers exercised influence over the industry in direct defience of publishers, developers, and journalists. Journalists become a redundant middleman in that equation.
Why aren't they showing Kirie? Is it because she's the 7th playable character?
Looking forward to it
why the fuck does legacy just die off after the start of the fucking chorus.
comes in super powerful with that great harmony on
>There is no mountain too tall to overcome.
then just dies off into fucking nothing.
it should go again with the same chord progression but get higher and end on the route note to finish off the melody on 4 bars. instead of dying after 2.
>If you should falter then we will carry on!
something like that.
What happened to Nero?'s old homely christian gf.
We won't have the actual full version until the OST is out. Probably just sloppy editing for the video.
DANTE WEAPON LEAKKK.Capcom fucked up but they were too slow.
I don't like the claw handguard desu
Post a song you'd like to play if Vergil dies
>you will regret being born useless and human
First deadweight, now vergil just called his kid useless. Why is everyone being mean to him?
Playable vergil I hope
He's actually talking to V, the way they cut this trailer is to mislead you
Well how about that?
They're not bitter at all. As one might expect, video game journos don't give a shit about video games. It's all about clickbait. What does an aspiring game journalist with no name, no character, no personality have to gain by publishing an article that tells you "exactly what you expect". If you can't make it on your personality, then plan b is always gain infamy, and write shit that pisses people off. It still generates ad revenue just as well, and the best part? The journo doesn't need to know fuck all about what he's writing about.
Is V human now?
30 year old Boomer, his mom/girlfriend, his other younger girlfriend, his nephew, and his nephew's best friend go demon hunting.
Two leaks in the same day kek
How the fuck does the new sword work?
Matt literally said he’s human that with the recent leak of Vergil is V people are saying V is the human side
Yeah, it looks more like something you'd find outta Monster Hunter. It feels like some kinda weird dragon sword, and while I realize that Dante's Devil Triggers generally tend to have this "dragon" type theme going on (even though his dad's an overgrown beetle), I feel like extending that to his sword is excessive. I mean, I get that his original (technically second) sword was also a dragon sword, but I didn't actually like Alastor that much because the dragon's head on it looks like it has aspergers or something.
Whoa wait
V always was human. Well, originally he was Mundus but he lost his name.
I hope so.
>all this shit being shown
>still not even 1 (uno) shot of Kyrie at all
I'm gonna be a little pissed if she ends up being just a disembodied voice
unironically this:
just like when he "died" in DMC 3
>useless unhuman
Not "and human".
Only show's slightly more than what was showcased of the summoned swords already. And to the sperg who said they "aren't summoned swords" what the fuck else would you call them? They are translucent red swords (much like Vergils blue ones) that have been summoned by Dante.
New taunt LEAKED
This would not surprise me. They would have to pay another model. She'd have to be smoking hot, and high dollar, and she probably wouldn't satisfy the fans anyway, just to have what may possibly be a partially irrelevant side character. Depending on her role in the story.
I'm gonna be real with you guys, if you didn't do this while fucking around in the demo then you don't know SHIT about video games.
she doesn't have a model
why not just call him a demon dumb vergil
The OST preview has listings for the songs that play during Nero and V's music taunts.
It also lists one for Dante.
That means Dante gets a music taunt
And it will still be the best selling DMC game regardless.
Symbolism. DmC symbolized everything journos get wet over: post-modernism, anti-capitalism, Western vidya, cinematic experiences, extremely obvious themes, gameplay that lets you do cool shit easily/automatically, collectibles/rewards that require patience instead of skill, bright contrasting colours, and most importantly a big fat "QUE TE JODAN" to the "gamers" that value skill and depth in games.
Funny how the game ended up being one of the most blatantly misogynistic titles I've seen, but by the time that was realized it was too late to back down. There are two DmCs: the real one that's a fairly decent action title with a horrible story/design, and the one that exists in journos minds which is just the wig scene followed by imaginary footage of neckbeards crying.
>source: Dude trust me
Anyways it's not uncommon for demon bosses in the series to automatically assume Dante or Nero are humans when they first see them. No doubt Vergil is Urizen now, the question is if he's consciously acting this way or not.
This game is a gold mine for reaction images
This motherfucker needs to stop stealing from Vergil.
dmc is a good game though
Rebellion is supposed to be a manifestation of Dante's power, is this a more literal version of that? Like Sparda the sword being something born of Sparda the demon, so this sword would kinda be "Dante"
well better than that pork mc Ribs shit they gave us instead of Sparda.
Ok so Vergil is not only V and Urizen, but also a Nero now
imagine being this deranged
>Rebellion is supposed to be a manifestation of Dante's power
Revellion is just a sword Spurdo gave to him
Damn. And people being complaining capcom abandoned new donte series.
Never played a DMC game before. Have the Deluxe edition of V preordered. I assume I can just jump in there and have no problem understanding the story?
>I sway back and forth
was it autism?
no, you should play 3, 1 and 4 first
You have a week to play this series. Do it. The games are short.
well yeah but you should at least practice some combos with 3 or something.
Rebellion is also intrinsically tied to Dante in a way Yamato isn't to Vergil since it opened up Dante's ability to DT and reacted to his blood. DMC4 actually claims both, it was given to him but it's a manifestation of his power
The fuck
ah yes i remember playing as nero in DMC3.......
are you sure this translation is not fucked?
At least watch that story recap video they put up on Capcom TV. If you go in blind some references and the impact of certain things will probably be lost on you.
Game has something to let you keep up with the story. You should at least try 1, 3 or the DMC5 demo to get a handle on the controls.
Casey Edwards is so afraid of Capcom, he can’t even say Vergil’s name
doesn't he get rebellion back?
The facial expressions are really believable, the acting in 5 seems really good so far too. I still can't get over Nero's fucking face whenever he's around V
Pretty shitty when a rock, pretty awesome when it erupts.
If they made it a little more interesting when it wasn't on fire it'd be cool, but I guess it does make the change pop more.
Do we have any idea how it works yet?
>This game is a gold mine for reaction images
So was DmC.
>me strong
>me unga bunga with sword
>vee no strong
>vee no have sword
>how vee unga bunga?
Guys, I might not buy it at launch. Is that ok? I want to support it but I have too much shit to play and it sure seems like it'll sell fine without me.
imagine being this deluded
Not really, the only good one is Vergil's face after unlocking his deletus trigger.
on a side note,i know they hired a literally who to do face mode for nero,but i also think they secretly base nero on this guy without wanting to pay big fees,so that's extra bounus for me.DMC4 nero was totally unmemorable
Could someone upload it in here?
I can't open it for some reason.
buy it now, play it later?
I think companies usually look at the first few weeks of sales to judge success so you can hold off for a little bit and still have your voice heard
Looks like super rebellion with a side order of summoned swords.
In that order? How long are they?
I haven't watch any trailers since the initial reveal. Should I stick with the surprise?
Given you're here it seems like you've already made your choice.
Trailers do a good job of hinting at things while not really explaining jack-shit about what's going on
probably the numbered order because going back to 1 would be hard after playing the other two
1, 3, 4
3 is the longest, 4 is the shortest (if you don't count SE characters)
New sword looks like shite.
style meter is reaching SSSS
You tell me...
FFFUUUCKk no, play in release order. 1,3 and 4. 1 is the most primitive and it will feel really restrained if you play it after 3.
Where are these stills of the new sword coming from?
>noone is commenting on Vergil wearing red instead of blue
>chris in the background
At this point she just feels like epilogue bait, just like Namine was in KH3.
Why does no one mention 2?
bro are you colourblind?
Please go see an optometrist
Because he isn't.
I've been pretty exited for this game, but I've never been particularly good at these games. Do you guys think I'll enjoy it even if I'll most likely get consistent B rank, or less, through out my playthrough?
I bought the very first DMC way back on the ps2, I enjoyed it but never beat it cause I lost interest for some reason, I rented 3 and enjoyed the beginning but never got far, stopped at a dog boss fight and returned it, borrowed a friend's Copy of DMC4 but lost interest because I just wasn't interested in those type of games around that time. I bought and finish Bayonetta once but was never really amazing at it, I bought and enjoyed the hell out of Metal Gear Revengeance and S ranked everything through multiple playthroughs except the dlcs, and I quite enjoyed Nier Automata's game play, felt like an easier and simpler MGR. I played the DMCV demo and I enjoyed it but I rarely get past a or b rank.
Should this pleb get DMCV on release or wait for a price drop?
Release order. Each game builds on the one before it. 1 teaches you how to move, how to use lock-on, and how to use your basic moveset effectively. 3 teaches you how to make use of weapon switching and styles. 4 introduces Nero and style switching. 5 will add on breakers and give new moves to familiar weapons and styles. You want to walk before you can run.
just read a fucking wiki for it and or youtube the cutscenes. Not worth playing at all. Not even bad enough to laugh at, just absolutely boring and stale.
2 is complete shit, its extremely easy and short though so its still worth playing for curiosity and seeing why Itsuno had to get motivated to make 3 godlike or lose his career
honestly kinda a shit trailer, I feel like "woah everyone's about to lose!" combined with somber female vocals has been done to death, but the game still looks nice
Li'l bitch.
Why do i have a feeling we wont be able to control the summoned swords and the after images? It looks like it just happens automatically when you attack as swordmaster and when you lock on as gunslinger. Then again i could be wrong. Im just so hyped bros.
devil may run up on a nigga
Wait for a price drop. You seem to like parries. Dante has Royal Guard but Nero and V are pretty bare in defensive capabilities other than jumping/dodging.
Go away boy, Dante belongs to Lucia!
got deleted but this is what was in the tweet
yes, don't play attention to the autists who think you can only play these games if you S rank every mission on DMD
hell, play on easy. as long as you have a fun time then who fucking cares.
if you want to experience a game that will probably be fun as hell, buy now. if you're not interested or care about the game much then wait a few months for a sale.
It's because she's prego
So this confirm the leak from before was bullshit and this guy mistook V from Vergil right?
Actual translation
"When in Majin form, activates automatically. When using Swordmaster style, can attack with magic sword regardless of Dante's condition".
The first part got cut out so whatever.
Got that recap? All I can find is a video that plays clips from the past games without saying anything.
it's because she was only created as a plot device for 4, she has no significance to the story aside from having to be acknowledged due to them mistakenly creating her in the last game.
Thank you both
So the new sword is the Dante sword? Like Sparda, can all the demons do this like?
V has come to
>secretive about Kyrie for no reason
>implied Kyrie already had twins
>we're getting a flashback to Eva
Urizen will kill Kyrie in order to recreate Dante/Vergil's traumatic past.
just a guess, but maybe it manifests for the first time once you go to a super high level of DT
will DMC5 have any atmospheric audio kino such as this?
>Urizen will kill Kyrie in order to recreate Dante/Vergil's traumatic past
That’s some Batman Beyond shit right there
It already does, even better than 4's
Kyrie is Nico
I don't understand. Who the fuck is V. Who the fuck was the kid being shoved in a closet? Who the fuck was the woman talking to the kid? Looked like Trish but isn't? I don't keep up with the lore of the games, I just play them.
>Urizen will kill Kyrie in order to recreate Dante/Vergil's traumatic past.
>creating more OP Devil Slayers because it worked so well the first time for the Demons.
if i have DMC HD Collection on Xbox 360 is it worth picking it up for PS4? is there any difference?
>Who the fuck is V
A human that summoned Vergil from hell, and is now possessed by him.
>Who the fuck was the kid being shoved in a closet
>Who the fuck was the woman talking to the kid
>I don't keep up with the lore of the games
then why bother asking?
The woman is trish but she time travelled back in time to when V was young and told him to change his name to Nero. The V in dmcv is from the original timeline if Trish didnt interfere
Are you guys dreaming about the game lately? What the game looks like on your dreams?
>this trailer
if dante fucking dies im going to cry
He loves his son i guess
A few weeks ago I had a dream about Dante's new sword that almost matches up with what it really is. I dreamt that after a hit it could sort of "embed" on of the summoned swords into an enemy or stationary in the air, kind of like Lucifer.
I don't want him to die, bros. Not even if he's mundus, or a traitor or evil... ;__________;
yea, i remember 2 dreams
one of them was about dante fucking up demons in an industrial building with a boss in the end
the second one was about was about dante, v and vergil fucking up an entire fucking army of demons from 3 and 4 on a giant plaza
If Vergil is going to be younger than Dante, is he also going to be near Nero age wise?
I had a dream where Vergil replaced the Doom Slayer in Doom 2016
user... Devil never cry.
If he for some reason stayed in his DMC3 physical state, which I don't think he did desu, he'd actually be younger than Nero by 5 years
Maybe somewhere out there even a devil may cry when he loses a loved one... don't ya think?
I know the PS3 version of DMC3 will crash if you put too many inputs while in a menu, it's really fucking annoying. The newest versions fix that (supposedly) and have a few other extra features, mainly better resolution and (I think) fixed subtitles for DMC1, and apparently the ability to enable some cheat codes that were only in PAL versions originally. I'm planning to get the PS4 version when it goes on sale next, but the PS3 version is still fine.
>tfw this game looks so different compared to previous ones I don't even see them as the same characters and have zero emotional attachments to them
Feels bad man.
5 still feels like this weird spin off game like DmC to me.
>Not "and human".
It's pretty obvious from the trailer that Vergil comes from Urizen's corpse when the light first shows up. Make of that what you will.
Someone redpill me on Dante and Trish's relationship
to be fair i feel like all the Dantes from all 4 games feel quite different personality wise
3 and 4 in paricular Dante is just full WAHOO YAHOO CUHRAZY
I had more of a nightmare actually. Itsuno was working on his dream game and it was going to be perfect, but capcom pulled him off the project to help fix a western dev remake of Devil May Cry. In the end we got a butchered entry of dmc that nearly killed the series and dragon’s dogma ended up being rushed to release patchworked and with reduced content. Thank god it was just a dream right?
They're best bros.
She's basically a subtle tsundere.
>this game looks so different compared to previous ones
J-just good friends
they probably fucked at least once. And Trish probably can't stand that Dante won't accept her just because of how she looks.
>cue laughter
Based on the timeline we can surmise of the franchise, Trish is 14 in DMC5.
Do not lewd her.
Aesthetically, I feel like the new sword doesn't fully suit Dante. Rebellion was on the edgy side, but it was a more classy sort of edgy. In spite of having a skull and ribcage as part of his design and a pommel that could probably eviscerate enemies almost as effectively as the actual blade, it was still a well-forged, almost elegantly designed weapon. Stylish, even.
i think it's still cool though
i want to rub Trish's tummy!
Kamiya would have it that Dante and Trish are fugging because he's got a thing for blonde lead-females (see Joe & Silvia)
Itsuno keeps Dante a perma-virgin with no strong inclinations to either Trish or Lady, Lucia seems to canonically be attracted to him though
I really hope they were mistaken with V being Vergil in that interview. I wanted V to be his own thing
surely these songs are for Vergil's inevitable fight
Off topic but I feel the same with Max Payne. Each iteration feels like completely different characters.
But no one's canonically attracted to her!
>the duel
>dante vs vergil
>massive power
>dante loses, vergil acquires Demon Sword Dante as a new devil arm
>your legacy
>nero vs vergil, a passing of the torch with nero lusting for more power to protect those he loves
Then my only doubts is the new leak of the new Dante sword the sky looks really cracked, so that means after Vergil comes back is not a boss fight and the end there still a mission or two more?
No I still haven't played any dmc games except for dmc3 .
I expect everyone to post pictures of their pizza on the 8th. monster energy pisswater can optional
It's speculated the cracked sky is a dream world of sorts because of what Urizen says about showing them their worst nightmares. Once he's presumably defeated the sky begins to crack while Vergil makes his chad appearance. No idea what mission this is supposed to be taken place in, but the leaked cheevos hint mission 16 or 17 iirc.
Well in 3 he's young kid and in 4 he's already so powerful he doesn't give a fuck.
He's referring to DMC4, just he's retarded or he's memeing and pretending 2 never happened
>if Vergil dies
Dying is what Vergil does. He's done it more times than any other character and does it in practically every game.
Are those Summoned Swords Argosax's swords?
>Yamato awakening
I think he confuses DMC3 with DMC4.
Of course
Double Pepperoni, Jalapenos, Mushrooms and no olives
Vergil DLC
Trish DLC
Lady DLC
Alt Costumes Pack+
>Vergil switches from Yamato to Sparda and uses his father's power just like he always wanted
>meanwhile Dante uses his own sword to prove he surpassed his father
The novel confirms that the loud talkers are orphans they adopted
god i hope not i bought the standard one becuase the deluxe didnt seem worth it
music to my ears. I can't wait
>come up with a moveset for vergil
hardmode: no beowulf or force edge
He’ll get doppelganger since nero got quicksilver
how about evolving summoned swords to summoned weapons, actually wielding them and going full ham with that shit noctis style
GOD that be great.
Nero getting DANTE and VERGIL Devil Arms.
Thus getting all 3 movesets for one character like that mod in DMC4.
Nero with Style switching, devil bringer, exceed and motivation meter.
Someone probably said this already. but Rebellion is there to hold Dante's power. A limiter if you want.
Get Sparda moveset and DANTE weapon moveset.
Good luck with him doing fucking double round trips on your fucking ass alongside summon swords from DANTE/Vergil and the giant Homing round trip from Sparda. Also DANTE round trips also shoot out summon swords as well.
V EX Alt
Vergil EX Alt
Urizen EX Alt
Van EX Alt
That actually makes me think of something insane.
If we equip Rebellion, Sparda and Dante all at once can we do a triple Round Trip?
Have they revealed that during the time Dante/Vergil were in hell, they were actually just transported to the MvCverse, enjoyed it till Infinite happened and decided to fuck off?
>imagine being this retarded
I can do it too, cuckold.
Ok if V is indeed Vergil's human half or whatever, how the fuck does he summon demons?
It makes somewhat sense. DMC3 dante and vergil on the way to getting force edge end up in MVCverse then went back to the place of mission 20.
DMC2 dante in hell at SMT Nocturne.
I know matt mentioned this but how can V be human?
Please tell me that Vergil being V is just a meme. I would rather him be Urizen.
Seems like the summoned swords react different based on which style you use. Trickster did their own thing, gunslinger lets you shoot them individually, swordmaster enchances your attacks
We know he's at least Urizen from the hints we got so far.
>picked up my DMD DMC4 file
>actually progressing this time around, already reached mission 17
This party is getting crazy, bros.
I forgot how addicting and how much freedom DMC4 Dante gives you.
>Have I ever told you about Darth FUCK YOU the Wise?
>mission 17
Good luck with it. One of the hardest missions in 4 on dmd
Whoa, I can't believe Vergil became a devil arm.
Will Rebellion be ok bros?
oh user I....
>they definitely fucked after DMC1
>over time, Trish got tired of Dante being a manchild and decided to set off to travel around the world (she was basically a newborn after all)
>she comes to visit from time to time. Dante can't decide whether he wants to fuck her or not
>she knows this and is a big tease to him
"Why can't I ever meet any nice girls?"
- Dante Spardë, the son of Spurdo
Kyrie is Chico
What if DMC5 ends with a portal opening up to the DmC universe
[we shall never surrender]
The game will go out the fucking window
>Vergil borrows Vorgin's sniper rifle in order to prevent his grandkids from ever happening
>that Voltaic Black Knight sample
Holy shit I need more.
>Donte and Vorgin vs Dante and Vergil
Would be cool
That would be actually sick.
Even men with the greatest intentions
Start believing their own lies
You ever play bayo 2?
I am personally flying to Osaka to stab Itsuno in the throat.
But he's too based to do something like that, I mean, look at this guy.
we get it mate, you saw your own reflection in your monitor
you don't need to keep us informed about that
>lucia never got to see dante's BINGBINGWAHOOO PIZZA MAN attitude because he was depressed and edgy during their events
Is it fair?
yikes dude
>Nero kills all four of them
>Nero was the bad guy all along
Which one DMC HD Collection or separate games?
>Dante, son of Sparda, uses his sword Dante to fight Vergil, son of Sparda, who is using Sparda, former sword of Sparda
Don't worry, they meet again in the prequel book to DMC 5.
I promised to stream Kung Pow in the other thread, so here you go.
What 2? There's no DMC2, the devs skipped over a number for some reason
someone add red eyes
That's for taking my arm and calling me dead weight
i think Vergil could pull off a cool spear moveset pretty well
>Even griffon is flipping her off
Don't bully Shadow, please
>(except lucia)
>need to make an account to watch
It's 2AM anyway and I have to go to work in 8 hours.
He'll come back right?
It hurts bros
>Final showdown with Vergil ends with another enemy emerging to interrupt the fight
>Dante chucks Nero the dead weight down the tree that's ascending into a portal to demon realm
>Nero speed weeds his way back up the tree using his DT, only to find bloodied Dante and Vergil standing against hordes of demons that are waiting for them on the other side of the portal (with Moondust's tri-ball eyes hovering in the distance beyond)
>Vergil turns his head as Nero is trying to catch up to them and help
>Uses his last powers to conjure a summoned sword that gently blasts his son down from the tree
>"Legacy" kicks in
>The last thing Nero sees is Vergil propping himself up with a sheathed Yamato, one arm around Dante's shoulder, as wahoo pizza uncle hands him Ebony and they both turn to face the portal.
>tree gets obliterated in an explosion along with the demon portal
I need this pain, Capcom.
Shadow is a polearm with transforming head.
Griffon is a Kusarigama.
Nightmare is a greatsword (a la Nero Angelo)
I want to FUCK Trish.
maybe she should lose some damn weight then
You'll probably be able to select it once it's reforged as whatever the new sword is called, just like you can still use Force Edge when it becomes Sparda in DMC1.
How would Lucia work for a modern DMC game? I'm thinking a lot of flight/air raid but that might be broken if she can do too much.
So if Dante dies along with Vergil, how will you take it?
should have bought for the music tracks, to replace the awful V and Dante new theme songs.
Depends. If it's tasteful, it could be cool. If the idea really is that Nero has his own kids, DMC6 could focus on them and do something brand new with the story. They could wield Dante and Vergil as Devil Arms too.
Best bros
I'm going to be bummed out no matter how they do it, but I hope it's a good sendoff if it happens
>V theme
You don't deserve this game.
Took till two trailers later, but we finally got that Vergil stinger. I knew it would be final trailer material though. I just didn't think we would get this many trailers.
It would be the hardest laughter of my lifetime. Just thinking about it is enough to get me to chuckle right now.
I just realized they have not show a single Dante Boss fight except cavaliere angelo. and implied Cerberus was one. He's going to have some fucking amazing ones that they didn't want to spoil right bros?
I'm a brainlet, can anyone with the novel tell me if all the chapters are taking place around the same time? How would V(ergil) work if V was around before Nero got disarmed?
fuck that, shadow is demonic claws
gimme some vega/zhang he/hayabusa claw moves with itsuno's DMC flavor
>Hating v's theme
Guys! Im from the future. DMCV was a flop. It was secretly DmC:Donte May Cry 2. All the trailers and demos were actors and bullshots. Itsuno was captured by Tameem and locked in a wierd sex dungeon where he has to listen to shakespearean dubstep 24/7, basically the worst hell imaginable. I have to go now, the release of the game allowed Tameem to achieve godhood and he is trying to pull my soul back to the apocalyptic future he created. Stop Tameem! He must not find the chaos emeralds!
It's probably what happens when Dante sticks the amulet into the crown thing on the end of Rebellion. Like how Force Edge turns into Sparda, Rebellion turns into Dante.
I won't feel so good.
It will be a good send off to the Sons of Sparda Saga, but I won't feel so good about it
doesn't mean he is playable at launch though i hope his
NG+ and nostalgia blade only from now on. Dante is Dante's new power. God that is really weird to say.
unironically based
>Stop Tameem!
Initiate the Todd Project.
It is time.
Sure. They'd still need to transform, though. That's Shadow's whole gimmick.
I would laugh it off and applaud Urizen for actually showing me my worst nightmare.
>Looks almost exactly like DMC4 Dante
I do really love how whichever face next to the DMC3 version looks though. Third on the top row
Realistically speaking why doesn't dante want to fuck lucia?
I always thought it was possible he's only attracted to 100% humans
Hope his what, user? A-user?
Possibly. If we believe the OST, then he fights against Dr. Faust. All of Dante's boss fights after Cavaliere seem to happen in the Demon Tree.
He's racist.
yeah def, would be pretty sick to have something like wicked weave
The idea of getting an impractical magic demon sword from your own soul that acts as the embodiment of your power is the coolest fucking thing and I would commit unimaginable atrocities to create one for myself.
I once fucked a latina girl. she was a 9/10 but only fucked me because she was crazy and I was /fit/ at the time.
she's a party thot now and got kicked out by her family because she's 20 and only parties
The ones on the top row are all 4 faces meshed together, each with different layering.
Bottom ones are of course the individual meshes
He said. Really it seems to just be that he has trauma that was never dealt with and that ended up spilling into potential relationships and he would just rather not have girls get involved with him. Really I think he just doesn't want a repeat of what Sparda ended up doing to his mother and him. He doesn't want to be Sparda when it comes to family. So he would just rather not have one.
Il try!
I've been practicing and I think I can say I've gotten gud. I'm so fucking hype for DMCV, I play the demo at least once a fucking day
do you think dante still gets exited when he gets new weapons? or has he gotten so many devil arms at this point he just sees it and hes like" ehh this is pretty nice"
It's one of his few joys in life.
poor dude probably has legit paranoia that any woman he settles down and has kids with is going to get housefired like his mom
Dante doesn't even know what sex is.
>A Date With Corruption
>Lunatic Ray
This is getting me excited for some reason.
have you beat dmc4 bloody palace with nero yet? thats like the ultimate trial of getting good
I don't know. See what you can find. Dr. Faust is probably a boss. Three Hags is likely Nero's fight with Little Chickie. Gatekeeper Unleashed/Roar, Roar, Roar has got to be King Cerb.
>this may very be the last rode for the original Devill slaying crew.
>Dante may very well die and end up passing on the mantle to Nero.
Guys, I'm not ready ;~;
>already sad that I won't be able to play on launch day
>listen to legacy
>become sadder
Keep going, user. You can get even better than that.
>Dante Steals Yamato
>Dante Steals Summon Swords
>Dante Steals Force Edge
>Dante uses Fist Devil Arms Better
How can Vergil even compete? What does he have that's even unique to him anymore?
>Diabolical Incantation
That looks like it would be perfect for a two stage boss and it fits an enemy that we don't really know shit about yet and have seen Dante fighting in the tree. So perhaps it's a boss fight and Dante get some kind of magic based weapon?
>go back to my DMD playthrough of 4 after putting it off for months
>get to mission 8
>Credo's kicking my ass
>refuse to use items
I'm thinking about just saying fuck it. Don't know if I actually like playing on DMD mode, and also fuck Blitzes.
Ah, makes sense. Still partial to the one I pointed out, it looks great. Looks like DMC5 Dante with the DMC3 stylization. I also still think it's funny how well DMC5 and 4 blend together, it looks really accurate. I also think the DMC2 one is interesting? He looks ugly but not in a terrible way
uh, no.
Blitz is fucking bullshit.
I'd like to break 6,000 in all three at least, that's my next goal
>Have online on so you run into other players
>Everybody does the dance together
Lunatic Ray is doubtlessly Artemis.
The world is screaming sounds so fucking radical.
He's motivated and it shows. Dante's Devil May Cry is a rundown piece of shit while Nero's business is booming.
Nero is a go-getter like his father while Dante just sits there waiting for work.
>DT charge shot 3
>buster spam
>finish him with charge shot 3
wow so bullshit
It's gonna be called Redgrave.
>Dante gets style switching
>and weapon modes
>and a new DT form
>and now summoned swords that vary depending on your currently engaged style
Everytime I think Nero's starting to catch up to Dante in terms of what they can do they throw him something new, Jesus
I'd lose my shit. I love Killer is Dead.
Roar, Roar, Roar is such a fucking cool track name. I'm so hype for King Cerberus
Dude, we already know what the sword is called. It's Demon Sword Dante. Just like Sparda.
Who is that?
>played the demo a bunch of times now
>still no S-Rank
I'm not going to make it.
It could be worse. It could be DMC1 or god forbid DMC3 DMD.
Honestly DMC4 DMD is not that bad. if you really having problems, spam buster on enemies to kill them before their DT regen their health as a finisher but do it in the air pls.
Dante? Go attack constantly, do royal guard perfect release or be very familiar to Real Impact and Pandora Disaster gauge abilities.
Remember to taunt to regen DT meter and do it up close.
If you don't like DMD, don't play it. I'm sure others would tell you otherwise, but unless you're playing on easy or something I wouldn't give you shit. As long as you can pull off smoking sick combos who cares
Nobody asked you you fucking retard, go back2reddit.
>The duel.
Itsuno what are you doing to me
he steals nero's Red Queen and uses it like Force Edge
That's a stupid name so I'm gonna call it the Redgrave.
>he steals nero's Red Queen
>rips out Nero's left arm in order to get it
Katawa Shoujo's about to get another character
A very cute girl and don't let anyone tell you she's manish
Come on, user. Where’s your motivation?
Has the novel been uploaded yet?
You either have to not get hit, or keep up a double/triple S for a bit in some of the combat sections. You need Over 5500 style points for your end score IIRC for an S
switching between normal Yamato and 2-handing Yamato
And bare-handed instead of Beowulf
Truestyle is going to be absolute spaghetti and I almost feel pity on those that actually attempt it with a full loadout.
using the word “journo” outs you as a hysterical gamergoober
>Anarchy in the UW (DMC5 Remix)
Try to atleast get SS during the mandatory fights, and get hit at most 2 times by Goliath. You'll get an S rank guaranteed.
>Super Stinger become even more super
Any word on whether or not we have Drive yet?
>No strong indication for Trish or Lady
>Dante tries to make out with Lady in 3 and she "No way fags" him
>get S on all encounters
>you can get an easy SSS with an aerial gerbera start in the room fight
>don't fuck up against Goliath
>you can get a free break age he falls down the church roof
>you can parry his charge and rubble throw with your devil breaker(not sure if punchline can throw back the rubbles)
If Dante is killed, I’m out of this ride. DMC is about Dante as the main character, I’m already pissed enough that we don’t get to play as him for all campaign missions AGAIN.
Wanna make a Nero, V and Vergil game? Call it DMC: Something. Numbered titles should be Dante only, with other characters as bonus at best.
As stupid as it is, this hype train just helped me get through a shitton of work. STAY MOTIVATED!
the DMC2 one would look better if DMC2 Dante didn't have sickly yellow skin
They're friends with Benefits and the benefits are that she sometimes gives him an allowance and makes him Chicken Tenders
No damage is a good way to have a s rank but I always get hit at least once by Goliath
Use punchline throughout the whole demo (maybe use Gerbera for Goliath first phase to avoid getting hit), Punchline is the best DB in the demo and will really boost your style meter
dont forget to air taunt and exceed to
>tries to make out with
So..we MGS, Evangelion and Killer is Dead now?
If Dante stays as the main character for all the franchise, then the games’ stories will stop being about him and revolves around other characters instead, and that’d be a perfect waste of Dante’s character
A fitting climax for the series, don't you think?
Nothing wrong with that. The Hype Train has been real. I genuinely didn't think people could have threads every day until game release but I was wrong and I am appreciate that I was.
>Demon thinks being Human isn't the tightest shit.
>uses his father's power just like he always wanted
Vergil could never be like Sparda, just like Dante said. Sparda the sword just wouldn't give him any power, just like it refused Sanctus.
i'm not even the biggest dmc fan. ive played every game in the series but ive only finished 3 and 4 but this trailer still managed to stir up some feels. i need to finish dmc 1 by next friday, but i'm definitely hyped for this shit.
Here's your new Vergil.
Only Cheese to be safe.
>Drive with summoned swords
Don't user, I can't take much more. I'll also be massively disappointed if Dante doesn't have Drive in 5
That's not Vergil. That's Dante and Lucia's son
>Undeniable Fate
>Sword Fight
>The Duel
>Massive Power
God damn I'm going to have a good time with this game.
Media site. Also had shot of Sin DT face.
>Silver Bullet
So you guys think Nero will get a DT form or just the angel wings and glowing eyes?
>Griffon literally flipping the bird
The fact that Garcher could totally trace all these devil arms just hit me.
DmC Vergil's moveset
>V's Beginning
What did they mean by this?
Just the wings and enhanced attacks.
Nobody in this fanbase likes journos. Fuck off back to resetera and never comeback, tranny.
As much as i want him to have a proper DT, it'll probably just be the wings.
I think It'll be just Angel wings. Still it'll be nice for Nero to have his own legit DT this time around.
Dante's movestyle is legit too fucking deep nowadays to throw people into right off the fucking bat and I'm glad Nero exists to help people ease into the game.
That being said, IDK how to feel about V's presence in the game since he looms fun and summoners are cool but he is very unlike either of the characters
There's nothing deluded about what they're saying since we've seen the same things happen before. Most recent example being journalists actively crying because free DLC of the sam raimi suit was released for the new spiderman. It's literally impossible to spin something like that as a negative, but they tried really, really hard because they don't like the idea of people who actually play video games getting their way.
>implying Lucia won't do an heroic entrance at the end saving everyone while winning the Dantebowl
Found the site, but how did you get a 1080p verson?
i think i might be retarded
I would guess a flashback showing V's creation.
>Lucia is Vergil all along
Says the person who unironically says gamergoober
You damn well know she's gonna job if she does appear
Judging by its position in the track list, that would be the opening cinematic to Mission 12. No wonder they stopped the preview there.
Hell, I'd be okay with that. Did like her character; simply wished it was fleshed out more and, you know, in a better game.
Why are they blue, V2's wings of light should be purple.
It looks more like Moonlight Butterfly
>V gundam actualy stood for 5 gundam
>dmc v gundam
>kill em all tomino
>everyone dies in V
So does Nero become Gundam?
V Gundam. Didn't even think of that. Funny. I was thinking of Destiny Gundam though, because of the hand beam emitter.
You're only hurting yourself, man.
Does this mean Nero gets lasers and shields and fuckhueg cannons and dies?
>the longer you charge it, the more swords you summon
>all swords do the Drive attack
>it's Trish's Maximum Overdrive without the dumb combo
What would only make me happier is if we meet Patty face to face.
angel halo is like that thing at the beginning of the trailer
>Grilled tandoori smoke
What did they mean by this?
what the fuck is that supposed to be trish? if that was trish she would go from worst girl to best girl status overnight
It's Chicken boss, it seems.
Kyrie makes tandoori chicken for the gang in the ending
>Dante meets Donte
>"What the.. who are you?"
>"Fuck you, I'm your prom date you ugly sac of shit"
Personally I want another Nero, one that's more advanced gameplay wise and has DT stuff. I'm tired of Nero being outshined hard by Dante.
But what I want will never happen and no one else will like the idea.
Holy fucking shit, that's a lot of music.
Instead of the stand this time he'll have the DT spirit thing surround his body, wings included.
That fucking Sam Rami suit saga was hilarious
>most heavily request suit sans the symbiote suit, which was clearly being saved for the sequel
>DLC after DLC comes out and it's not there
>drones say it's too similar to existing suits in the game to be added
>last DLC blows that out by having the Spider-Verse suit added
>people complain on twitter about how the devs aren't listening to the fans
>one of the devs responded back that they had heard fans requesting it, but it doesn't mean they have to listen
>people get angry, journo's write about how it's an EPIC BTFO of gamers
>either someone at Insomniac or someone high up at Sony saw the writing on the wall and told them to cut it out and just add it
>added as free DLC, journos get made out to look like fools and get angry
It feels like we go through this same song and dance all the time. Reminds me of that fucking interview with Matt where him and the interviewer got into an argument over him saying you shouldn't piss off fans
That's Patty, user.
That's Patty, and yes Patty best girl.
If this doesn't sell more than KH3 then there is no justice in the world
my theory is that it is the "awakened" forme of rebellion in the same way Sparda is the "awakened" forme of force edge.
I have the same question.
Any update on this whole thing?
I haven't kept up with the series since 3, so I missed DMC4
What happened to Alastor?
The art direction is so fucking bad. Every character looks like complete fucking shit.
like you
that's him and trishu chating about dante
I wanna know what's "the demon's face"
Not yet. user we have translating it said that he wanted to get everything done before uploading it.
Of course there isn't.
The game ain't gonna penetrate the normie casual audience, which is needed to sell big, because journos still have a seething vendetta against DMC and will use any excuse to rate it 7/10, or a grudging 8/10, while claiming that it's a step back from DmC:DmC
Also Jim Cuckling, Seething Pendejo and YongYeurghhhh will devote a video each to the "predatory microtransactions" ruining the game.
It takes some getting used to, at least mods will be able to fix Trish and Lady
It's supposed to appeal to your sorry ass.
>imagine Trish getting pinned against a gray wall, that's the same color of her fucking boring bitch-ass character who imperonates moms becuase she's literally an unholy wretch with no dignity whatsoever, while at the same time the demon-whore who suckled Mundus' big red tri-balls and had so much piss-stained demon cum splurged all over her hair, it got dyed blond, is being fisted with pizza up her matrix-2000 black fetish pants ripped apart, so hard the term yeast infection gets a new meaning, and with her last whoreish, skanky, breaths she coughs up the crusty, hell-cum out her ps2-octagon mouth, leaving her dark soul unfilled, yet her ass stuffed to the brim
>That huge gem
Did he combine Sparda and the remains of rebellion or something?
Nico and Trash? yes. Dante, Nero, and V? fucking hell no. Dante hasn't looked this good since DMC2 and Nero is a complete upgrade from his DMC4 self but his prototype version is better
I'd say it's impossible for DMC5 to outsell KH3 even if it gets 10/10 reviews.
KH3 is a nostalgic normie game.
DMC5 might be nostalgic, but it's niche.
So now that Dante's getting his own demon sword just like his daddy, he's fucking dying in this game, right?
>vergil is everyone
what a twist
Three Hags is the chicken boss.
If you look at the two songs after it, Silent Siren, and Psycho Machine, those are both references to the DMC1 battle songs for Shadow and Nightmare. So I imagine this song is actually a Griffon reference.
Trish says “oh my god” in the final trailer
God is Canon in DMC
Nero is half angel C O N F I R M E D
It seems like it, yes. Though how he still had the pieces of Rebellion when he was knocked unconscious after that is anyone's guess. Maybe that is another thing that V was doing? Looking for all the shards? I can't imagine any other reason that Griffon follows Dante to his house.
I hate DMC4. I know a lot of this is because I'm just bad but I don't know what I'm supposed to do with Dante's styles, the level design is shit, the camera is atrocious, you have to pull teeth to do anything cool, every SINGLE enemy in the game is designed solely to waste your time, Bloody Palace is worse than DMC3, the campaign is unfinished, etc. What the fuck
>one of the last tracks on the soundtrack is called "I'm not crying!"
>In true DMC fashion it's going to be a reversal of DMC3 where it's Vergil crying about the loss of Dante
Dante's death flag is raised so high that it can be seen in another galaxy.
"Three goddamn hags" is referring to Trish, Nico and Lady
>Angel Trigger
>Devil Trigger
what about his robot arm? Deus EX?
Are we gonna fight V?
Maybe. Nico did say she would fry him.
Why does everyone say he's got a thing on his back projecting the wings? It looks like red queen.
Fuck that jester mask
I certainly didn't expect him to be both Eva and Trish, now that's a twist.
nero looks really good, and I say this as someone who had DmC flashbacks and a negative kneejerk reaction when I saw the very first trailer
What do fried demons taste like?
Is it better broiled, fried, grilled?
It seems like we'll be fighting his familiars anyway.
I remember someone bitching about Dante being a brick in terms of mobility in 4 so if that's the worst complaint we get it will be an improvement.
That's a big cock.
I'm retard and don't know how to get 1080p versions so if someone else can do it that'd be fantastic
Don't know, but the song above it refers to
More food shit. Very weird.
Why did Dante stop using Alastor in DMC2
The track after all of those is "Farewell."
>yfw this is actually Sparda
>D I C K
Well, I appreciate your efforts and I only ask that when you're done post it a whole bunch of fucking times. I'm working a lot lately and I won't get a chance to check most threads.
>The song after is "Farewell"
As someone who just finished it I'm inclined to agree. I thought Nero was kinda fun but Dante's DMC4 playstyle is just way too autistic to me. I can obviously get by just fine but I constantly get this feeling that I'm not playing him anywhere close to optimally because of how complex he is. I much prefer DMC3 Dante.
The only saving grace and thing that carries DMC4 is the gameplay you can extract out of it. Enemy variety and bosses are better than DMC3 and the performance is almost magical at least on the original PC version. But the cut content because they left the game half finished and wrapped it up in the worst package possible and shows its ugliness everytime I want to replay it with the amount of backtracking it has. I wouldn't say the level design and camera are bad, they are just bad in certain spots, but it's not as bad as it was in DMC3.
You know what I bet this sword is Vergil.
If RE2 Remake can not outsell KH3 then it's impossible for DMCV to outsell it, user. Anyways, I hope DMCV will be doing fine so that we will get DMC6 soon.
Imagine you are fat fucking retard with zero testosterone in your blood, your hair is balding, you're fat and you have no skills to speak of, so you write about videogames for a living.
To make any sort of money off that, you have to be invited to things and get review copies before release. To accomplish that, you have to suck up to developers and publishers and shill their garbage or get blacklisted.
Its a shitty job, you make minimum wage and you have as much sex as an incel unless you rape a women.
You're trying to do your job, trying to shill the next product and suddenly people tell you that the product you're shilling is garbage, that the developer is a cunt to them and that you should point out that its shit.
You have the choice of either saying 'yes, it is garbage' and get blacklisted, get your income fucked with in the longterm OR you ignore them, try and do your best to shill the garbage you have to.
Because you're incredibly insecure you start attacking these consumers, because you need to keep up the facade that you have any integrity and maybe that publisher will reward you for your relentless shilling.
Then the game comes out and it fails, everyone laughs in your face about what a fucking retard you are for a full month on Twitter, your articles get a few comments every once in a while telling you you are a retard.
How could you not be bitter when that company turns its back on the garbage you've shilled and goes 'yeah, that was a mistake'?
Can somebody post a pic of Nero waving his hand please?
I'm a dummy who can't find it
Probably sold it off
the calm part of this but a lot slower backed by some piano and possibly guitar
>DmC scene where the "wig" falls on Donte's head
>looking into the mirror is actually a portal to DMC5 where Dante is currently looking through a portal at Donte
>Kyrie doesn't appear because Nero fisted her so hard
oh fuck
As long as Dante spreads his seed first I'm fine with it. Dante needs a cute daughter.
I wouldn't mind it so much if they vaguely looked like they used to.
But it's not just the characters. It's the overall look of the game. I didn't like it when DmC:DMC dropped the chink stink look and so I won't like it now.
V looks like a goblin - like that Star Wars dude. I don't mind Dante or Nero though.
The art direction in DmC:DMC was a major point of contention for people. It's almost been a decade, sure, but some of you guys must still be around, right? I can't be the only one who's iffy about this?
lost it at strip poker
Why wasn't Rebellion in DMC1? What's the story excuse?
I really, really need the 1080p versions
Best part was the horrible clickbait they started shitting out afterwards.
>”Insomniac adds WORST SPIDERMAN COSTUME to the new Spiderman as DLC”
It wasn't invented yet.
What's even the point of Vergil anymore? All he can do is teleport and summon swords, and now Dante can do both of those things too. Just give Dante Yamato and forget the inferior brother once and for all.
1. It hadn't been invented.
2. Force Edge is more powerful.
Too much revenge boner for Mundus to bother.
Or it's a happy Tomino and actually ends up being genuinely heartwarming.
DMCV actually has a better art direction than DMC4 it's just RE engine is not working very well with an anime fantasyish theme of DMC.
I personally think the enemies and bosses were better in DMC3. The enemies were more boring design-wise but they weren't made to be as annoying as fucking possible in gameplay. There weren't any flailing parasites or enemies that made you wait a millennia before the fight could resume. I won't even justify your statement of saying DMC4 had better bosses than DMC3. Also the camera absolutely shits itself throughout half of DMC4, I would say it's honestly more of a rare occurrence in select DMC3 rooms like the gear room.
This fucking sucks then. KH3 was all looks but the gameplay was mashy and the worlds were big and empty. It required no skill and was just empty button mashing. Even it's biggest fans are saying it felt incomplete
DMC5's demo alone showed more care than the entirety of KH3, yet KH3 gets the big praise and reviews
Force edge is way stronger and he had just got it from temen-negro. He uses rebellion in 2 and 4 bc trish is using sparda.
Don't worry, we're still here, we've just given up talking about it because silent majority. Enough people think most of the models look like shit, there's just no point in bitching about what can't be changed.
It's the shitposters pretending to like the goblins and constantly spamming that get on my nerves.
no bully
>they weren't made to be as annoying as fucking possible in gameplay.
You mean except for every single enemy outside of the Hells?
This is going to look so good animated.
He can summon demon now.
Well I can deal with all of them except the spiders so clearly they did something right. Every enemy in DMC4 just shuts my brain down and I end up spamming whatever couple of moves look most effective just to get it over with
You're a champion user. The other sites I found only had lower.
Repostan in 1080 now
Hold on a sec, are you trying to start some arbitrary fanbase war shit? Is that you XV-kun?
Game sales never correlate to game quality, so why single out this specific comparison? Fuck off degenerate.
Vergil is all about speed and maximum style. As stylish as Dante is Vergil always has an edge on the showmanship and he's so fast he might as well change his name to The Flash. Aside from that he's just all round enjoyable.
I'm 90% sure this is Cowie's face and not Karlo's
capcom took the "bigger dick" meme too serious.
>just summons the swords to shoot his enemies like they are some fucking firearm
>incorporates summoned swords in all his styles and they get unique applications for all of them
Wonder what they do in Royalguard. If Nero's wings are Victory Two wings of light, doesn't it make Dante's swords behave like Quant ones? Will they form an additional barrier before him when used defensively?
Based and Itsunopilled
This is gonna be the longest week.
To be fair we don't know what's going on with Vergil's moveset now. His summoned sword abilities might be so next level that it will make Dante look like a child, just like when Dante used Yamato in DMC4.
Why would it be Karlo?
They appear behind Dante, seemingly forming a barrier.
>played DMC1 up until the bird boss then dropped it because I didn't like how it played. Spoiled by modern hack n slashes
>played DMC2 for an hour just to see how bad it was
>played DMC3 and really enjoy it but haven't played it in like a month because busy with work
>played DMC4 for two hours just to see how it runs skipped all the cutscenes
Are DMC 3 and 4 short enough to beat in a weekend? Don't think I'll bother trying to play 1 again just not for me.
Who cares about sales dumbanon. If quality equaled sales then we'd be living in a very different world.
At least KH3 seems like it had time and budget put behind it even if fans didn't love the game.
Now remember that the new Pokemon game that is literally a higher res 3ds game will sell 4 times more than both DMC5 and KH3.
Learn to love and appreciate the games you love for what they are and not how much others love them.
>Implying Vergil show him how to REALLY use Summoned Swords.
This game is gonna make me cry, isn't it?
you can literally finish each game in a day, they can be rushed pretty easily.
>Every enemy in DMC4 just shuts my brain down and I end up spamming whatever couple of moves look most effective just to get it over with
That's because they're actual enemies with actual attack lists instead of one skill that they spam like retards. I'm not saying 4's lineup is great. Chimeras are not fun to fight and feel like padding. Faults are utterly retarded. Blitzes fail as replacements for Shadows because they spend so much time WASTING time. Gladius and Basilisks are only fun with Nero, and Cutlasses are just shit. Scarecrows, Assaults, Frosts, Mephistos, Fausts, Biancos and Altos are all great, though. DMC1 still has the best enemy lineup in the series, but I judging by what they've shown, 5 might finally topple it.
3 is about 8-10 hours and 4 is even shorter
Keep your shitty secondary character away from my good gameplay.
I'll be there, pal. With both at 9pm. I promise
What if the new sword is actually Vergil
Because saying Dante's identical twin million times is not enough for some anons to stop speculating Vergil might look like his son.
>The Fallen
They're incredibly garbage
The only bad enemy 4 has is the swordfish and the flying swords as Dante, the chimeras+assault/scraecrow at least are threatening, but they have obvious timings to them.
Faust, Mephisto, Frost, Blitz, the two armors are all great, hellhounds are kinda eh.
3 also has some pretty shitty bosses like Gigapede, Leviathan's heart, fucking Arkham being the worst offender.
>Every enemy in DMC4 just shuts my brain down and I end up spamming whatever couple of moves look most effective just to get it over with
That is on you being retarded entirely
Because some people theorized that Vergil hasn't aged and that they're going to do what they did in 4SE
Some people thought that he'd appear younger ala DMC3 and that they'd use Karlo's face for that rather than Cowie's
>Force Edge is more powerful.
>Force edge is way stronger
Not Force Edge nor Sparda are "stronger" than Rebellion by the time of DMC4.
Pokemon has more thought put into it than both games combined. Fuck off
Blitz is notoriously bullshit user, don't try to pretend it isn't.
Nah. When activated it burns orange and if it really was the product of Vergil it would glow blue, not to mention it would be far more refined and ornamental instead of a lump of solidified rock.
They already called it Dante.
the new sword is Vante
Blitz is incredibly easy, especially as Dante.
He can only be annoying if there are two on the screen, or he is backed up by a combo of monsters, but that usually takes care of itself.
Literally git gud
pokemon hasn't had effort put into it since gen 5
With Nero Blitz is fucking nothing. Charged Shot 3 removes him.
He is only bullshit with Dante because DMC4 Dante is neutered as all fucking hell.
I think something may have upset Dante.
>Use stinger.
>Fire swords spiral around it like a fucking drill.
oh my God
They're only bullshit with Trish because if you don't snipe them with Pandora as soon as they appear, all she can do is slowly plink away at them. Everybody else has an answer to them. Blitzes aren't sub-par because "they're bullshit." They're sub-par because their movement cycle is invincibly teleporting around wasting time.
>charge shot 3 him at the start
>he dodges the explosion that deals the most damage accidentally just by blinking around
>charge shot 3 again
>this time he blinks the moment i charge shot cause his AI reads my input
>charge shot 3 again
>dodges explosion accidentally a second time
fuck this gay earth
The realization that once he becomes king of hell, no more pizza.
Does dante pull a sparda and make himself a devil arm wielded by himself?
>Open pandora's box
>wow his electricity is gone
>Fullhouse and JC the feedback three times
>wow his electricity is gone
>Shotgun JC him a few times
>wow his electricity is gone
>huh, he is weak now, do I real impact and kill him in one strike or do I style on him
4's enemies are pretty damn well designed in terms of gameplay, telegraphing their moves and having shit to utterly destroy them with.
>That is on you being retarded entirely
I should mention I'm trying to learn Vergil and Dante, and I'm finding them both pretty technical. Obviously I get by better with Vergil, he's the more powerful character and honestly feels more freeform despite Dante's various styles and weapons. I do not understand Dante at all and attempting to learn him hasn't been fun so far.
I can roll over almost every single enemy in DMC4 with Nero because lvl3 charge shot and buster are turbo crutches, particularly buster because the game was obviously designed around Nero.
I'm just happy he's aged as well
Angel's have always been a thing it's just that they've only ever been referenced. The closest we've got to seeing them is fallen ones in 3.
I still have the tweet up on my feed. 「魔剣ダンテ」= Devil Sword Dante
【DMC5 TIPS 24】 「魔剣ダンテ」の内部から射出される魔力の剣はDT消費技「ソードフォーメーション」で戦闘をサポートする。スタイルによってそのサポート方法は異なる。魔人時は自動で発動する。ソードマスター時にはダンテの状態にかかわらず魔力の剣で攻撃できる
It is the only way they should go.
>have always been a thing
retard alert
dude I like pokemon as well but come the fuck on. How delusional do you have to be to think that. Pokemon is literally the AssCreed/CoD of Japan.
Itsuno said there are no angels, DMC universe is a balance between demon world and world of humans. Any reference is an accident while trying to make them sound cool, and all angelic creatures are actually just demons.
Vergil and Nero are pretty much easymode and can steamroll their way through DMD without requiring much knowledge in 4.
Dante is different in the regard that he has considerably more moves but they're almost all a bit weaker and require you to be familiar with the 4 or 5 styles from DMC3, which is a lot.
He still has crutch abilities like real impact however.
The enemies however are almost all great, its just that playing Dante has an unreasonably high skill floor and an infinite skill ceiling and the game doesn't teach you shit about how to play Dante properly.
I really hope DMC5 Dante is more well rounded and doesn't have to rely on crutches to get shit done like 4.
back to /r/the_donald, 85 IQ incel!
Literally every meme has come true. Looks like we really might Get Dante and Vergil dying and becoming swords to be wielded by the next generation of main protags
Judging by what we've seen he is way more powerful than in 4.
His gunslinger shotgun alone looks like it can utterly rape pretty much everything because now it incorporates a dodge into attack string and each shot was eating a good chunk of Cavaliere's HP compared to the awful damage it did in 4.
This. Dante is legitimately deeper than a fucking ocean if you actually want to git gud with him. I don't hate when compared to Vergil/Nero who are easier. Then it's make sense
Only Balrog gets weapon modes.
>actually defending game """journalists"""
How do you even function with a single digit IQ?
>post yfw this actually happens
That’s a lot of projection, baldy.
I'm kind of annoyed by how weak most of the devil breakers seem to be, we've already seen the best way to fight Goliath in the demo is to just JC air combo him until stagger -> punch line break ahe -> repeat
I'm a bit worried most boss fights with Nero will just boil down to that except replace punch line with buster arm maybe since we've seen it delete a third to half of bosses' health bars by itself
Huh I never saw that interview. Well the manga has to be non-cannon then. Pretty sure it has a bunch of angelic references and says the seven sins fell from grace to earth or some shit.
I mean the fucking wing talisman from 5 says its made from a crystallized angel wing and Holy water is an item?
Literally never.
In the manga it literally says that "angels" are just demons underneath .
Wing talisman is from a cult that worships demons as Angels.
Credo is a demon yet calls himself an Angel.
>they become like Agni & Rudra and won't ever shut the fuck up
Dante some pretty strong moves, just releases with gilgamesh, JC'd Fullhouse, shotgun-rave-jc, lolrealimpact, lucifer when you do climax and straights murder bosses.
His other moves do less damage and need a buff, especially the guns.
>1000% absolutely fucking nuclear.jpg
Cerberus switches between like 3 states.
but I have full hair, I am thin and I have never shilled for a garbage product in my life
please do not imply that I am a game journalist, nobody deserves such an insult
>making your twitter theme look like your tranny furry ERP discord server
Oof. Yikes.
How did this work out in the end?
>not using dark theme every time it's applicable
worthless child
>literally having no counter argument
looks like your hormones have completely fucked up your brain, little tranny.
>Swordmaster Fire Bo
>Hold inputs lightning whip
>Normal attacks Ice nunchuck
It's already been confirmed that it doesn't work like Balrog's modes. So far Balrog is the only weapon with the mode switch mechanic.
We have DMC5, don't we?
How can the other arms even compete?
the correct response for these type of cunts is "and you guys wonder people don't take game journalists seriously". Guarantee to trigger them.
Probably Tomboy Breakage. Each Unga is like a 1/4 of the Punchline's damage and you have the sonic spin of bouncy doom that could shit out dps.
So am I casual for just wanting to stick with Vergil and Nero?
Kain and Raziel made the ultimate sacriifice.
This was 7 years ago. Now we have only 7 days left until 5's release.
It's just a shame that arms like rawhide, ragtime and helter skelter look so useless.
Rawhide is great, dude. Looks like awesome crowd control.
If you refuse to learn Dante, yes.
Just understand what his moves are good for and to the point where you can defeat every boss in 4 without dying regularly and you'll be okay
I've not had trouble with any of the bosses but normal mode of DMC4 feels like it hands you victories. At least I'm not as bad as the people that jobbed to fucking demo Goliath
Try crazy boss mode and boss rush in 4SE as Dante
If you can defeat all of them, not including Dante, without ever dying then you're okay
If you can defeat them without taking damage semi-regularly you're pretty damn stylish
Helter Skelter is great for shielded enemies like Scissors and Angelos
Rawhide is great for crowd control and Ragtime is also for crowd control. Seems more like arms for people who are newer to the games.
These really situational and specific usage cases don't really work when you can't switch between arms. Also, I've never been a fan of making a bunch of options deliberately only useful for new players with no room for growth because then the experienced players are left with only a small handful of options that are actually useful to them.