Games that literally only you enjoyed

I'll start

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Yes, the ps2 version

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shit taste

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Final Fantasy 15
Metal Gear Solid 5
Yakuza 6

I had fun goofing around in these games, but judging by everyone else response to these games and all the negativity surrounding them, I guess I’m the only one who managed to find something to enjoy abou them.

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hey I enjoyed that one

I kinda liked the ps3 version better


>judging by everyone else response to these games and all the negativity surrounding them

Yea Forums is not everyone bro, there are many people out there who enjoy these 3 games, myself included.

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What's the difference

Gundam is better

This game was legit broken and has a pitiful metascore. GTFO with this baiting thread.

GTFO Banrise shill

the difference is the box art looks better

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The premise and aesthetics are absolutely ace, and it's a nice relic from the end of that time when games were getting technically slick but still felt like video games. Weird, obscure, early PS3 and Xbox 360 games have this odd feeling to them, like they're the last real games.

>Weird, obscure, early PS3 and Xbox 360 games have this odd feeling to them, like they're the last real games.

Underage detected. Last gen was the cancerous gen that killed gaming. The true great last gen was gen 6. Gaming's Renaissance was gens 4-6. 7 and 8 has been the cancer that is killing gaming.

Why do you think it's broken? For what it's worth I think the game does stealth and mission planning well, and the fact that being discovered = certain death just fleshes out the horror element even better

and pls don't resort to muh metascore

Extremely unique and underrated game with an interesting premise and amazing atmosphere. Also Dennis Hopper did voice work for it like right before he died

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MGSV was technically disappointing, but it was still tons of fun, same with Yakuza 6. Those fall into the category of great but underwhelming.

Not the 360 version, but the PS2 version?

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Every AC game except FF is criminally underrated. Nothing else plays like them, but fucking retarded journalists never even read the manuals and thus score them like shit.

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Geez OP just said he enjoyed the game, he didn't say it was good or whatever LOL

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Early last gen before Call of Duty: Modern Warfare shit on console video games forever. Particularly the Japanese stuff that was coming out. Weird experimental shit that tried to take advantage of the hardware like Dead Rising.

A game where you always have a pile of guns but they're useless most of the time is too much of a mindfuck for a lot of people. I really like the idea though. I get what people mean by lack of options since it's mostly 'sneak from A to B by this one safe route avoiding detection or die', but I think the premise and presentation are almost enough to overcome that. With some more polish and maybe a bit more room for planning and creativity in dealing with encounters and the game could have been a cult success.

I've been putting off buying this game for too long

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I love the on PS3, but how is this version?

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I didn't enjoy AC5 much. I found it to be a step backwards from AC4 and For Answer, and it's online didn't do much for me.

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Reach was a lot of fun and had the best customization in the series

never gave two shits about everquest, but this game was tight

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I love Mercenaries 2 on ps2, since being pretty same as the first. So had the better AI, and black hawk for AN factions.

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yet all my friends still rank it as the worst halo, even after 4 and 5

Game was fun after overcoming the difficulty curve.

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buy it its so good

Ac5 and VD are very different from 4th gen for sure, but the movement is really nuanced once you get into it, even if the third defense type does kind of hurt customization overall. VD also allows you to customize and very autistically program AI ally units called UNACs. My perfect AC would probably be 4th gen controls with gen 1-3 energy consumption/builds, though.

I pirated it yesterday
Deleted it after the tutorial

This and The Evil Within deserved better reception than they got.

Kenshi's really taken off since 1.0.

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Kenshi has been blowing up tho

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I forgot this was a real game and just thought it was a weird fever dream

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How is it compared to the ps1 game?

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Holy shit what a blast from the past—Loved this game growing up. I wonder if it sucks now

The guns were mainly used for multiplayer, and were intentionally made rather useless in singleplayer (with exception of the UV knife, shotgun and sniper rifle). They were primarily used to shoot at birds and distract vampires instead.

Its ass but the OST is pretty good.

right here bro

the classic turn based Front Mission games are also great. The first game on the snes had a really good story too.

>tfw final boss glitched to be invincible
>reloading didn't fix it
still salty

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Daemon x Machina will play like them.

Are you sure you just didn't know what to do? I remember the end being some weird thing where you're chased by MC's possessed gf and have to avoid her until you can shoot some part of the environment or something like that. The game had lots of weird parts like that that almost felt broken but weren't.

i see you

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Reach was tight, seek better friends

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I don't enjoy playing games

It was interesting, though some of the challenges were fucking annoying as shit.

I've seen gameplay from a YouTube channel I trust, it looks reminiscent but nowhere near as complex at the same time. Customization is massively reduced and flight is actually infinite, not sure how I feel about either design choice.

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this is the most "underage trying to fit in based on things hes seen Yea Forumsedditors say" post of all time

I never played FFX, but my uncle had this and left it at my house

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Champions of Norrath was fucking great. I gave it another play a couple years back up, and it holds up surprisingly well. There are some performance issues, and the PS2 controller sucks, but it still plays well.

I would absolutely kill for an HD re-release of this and Return to Arms. Probably will never happen though, since I'd imagine there's probably some legal issue between Snowblind, Sony, and Daybreak.

Mfw chopping their arms off and watching them just fall forwards

Nü gaming will never be this good again

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You're the first masochistic motherfuker I've seen who unironically enjoys league

protip: if a game had a commercial release you're not the only person to play it you stupid fucks

The combat is dogshit, but the plot is just so fucking bizarre that I couldn't stop playing it.

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>reading skills: 0

This co-op with my bro was so good.

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This thread is like skimming a tips and tricks magazine from 2004.

This game had horrendous voice acting. Also had that Dreamcast look that so many games on the console had.

Played this a shit ton when ypung on my xbox. I only remember its a platformer and until today that i remembered the name i thought it was an ant

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Sorry to hear that, user.
I, on the other hand, got all (X360) achievements.

It was my first Resi game, so I'm still fond of it

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I've always defended Vampire Rain has being a decent stealth based survival horror game. The reason most people seem to dislike it is it's incredibly unforgiving of mistakes and WHAT THE FUCK! I HEAD SHOT THAT VAMPIRE AND HE'S NOT DEAD! No fucking shit, retards. It's a vampire. It's almost immortal. That's why at the start of the game they flat out tell you don't try to take them on and it's a stealth based game.

It's like a bastard child of Power Stone and Anarchy Reigns.

In fact, a lot of the staff worked on both

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I've seen alot of people shit on this recently but I absolutely loved it when it came out. Is the PC port functional?

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Vampire Rain has a lot of fans, they just got drowned out by the over the top hate campaign when the game came out. It's one of my favorite games.

There was even a youtube channel that had videos of killing every vampire in missions where it was possible, which was a good way to counter anyone complaining that vampires were "literally unkillable." I think he deleted or renamed his channel 'cause I've never been able to find it again in recent years.

AC4 caused massive shitflinging between fans when it came out, which couldn't have happened if a lot of people didn't like that game. A good chunk of the people hating on them generally warmed up to 4 and 4A over time, as well.

>Vampire Rain
I still remember that old GameTrailer review with the reviewer sounding genuinely pissed at the game

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I thought it was decent fun with a very trippy visual style. I only played the demo though so not sure how the final game was.

I get people being disappointing with no co-op and only one character to chose but a metacritic score of 45? It doesn't even come close to deserving that. It's a perfectly decent beat 'em up. It's also quite a challenging one which I suspect has a lot to do with it's low score.

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I never got around to playing it. It's a FPS based in the Wild West with vampires, can't be as bad as it sounds.

Gundam games usually suck but there are a few great ones. Mobile Suit Gundam: Zeonic Front was a gem.

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If you play that above a certain framerate on PC, you fall through the elevator taking you to the final section guaranteed. Fucking quality game
I half liked it

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I am the only person in this planet that liked and played Haze for 50 hours

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user everybody I know likes this game

I loved this fucking game. I actually beat it with the other characters too.

I don't know the hate, maybe because I didn't pay attention to or play the early access.
Played the full game for about three hours straight when I got it, really enjoyed it. Should probably get back to it.

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Its because it had a legit unique setting wasted on generic gameplay

People expected something like Bioshock

my nigga, i love this game

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As in the PS3 game? For 50 hours I almost wonder if you worked on the game or were seriously a huge fan of it.

Enjoyed the demo, but never actually bought it.

>The PS2 controller sucks

I still have this. Dad got it for me when I was a little kid, was too impatient for it.

>>you will never group up with your friends to punish the shameful monk only to get your asses kicked by a bear.

Good times.

Haze was pretty good FPS, but was to hype for it's own good.

thanks Yea Forums

What was that one game where you could play as different animals in an abandoned city?

sonic 3

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>OP starts the thread great
>then everyone starts posting critically acclaimed games that a ton of people have played

Could have been a good thread

Yooo i had this game, had fun until I replayed it when I was older and realized young me would have enjoyed any piece of shit game.

oh wow thanks

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I enjoyed the budget resident evil 4

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Still have my PS2 copy, never played more than 10 minutes or so

My nigga

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Anyone else played pic related? I liked it for some reason. Bought it for $1 brand new so maybe that's why.

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>never played more than 10 minutes or so

Honestly, it's not really worth playing more. The game is very front loaded. It's interesting for the first act but the rest of it is pretty boring. If I remember correctly the game was an experiment at low cost development by Ubisoft. It didn't work and they scrapped the idea.

It's well known for being that $1 stealth game


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I really liked this one. It's basic, linear stealth, practically a walking sim, but it's has better atmosphere than most horror games and at no point does it shy away from the reality of WWII. No "band of brothers" bullshit. No "Holocaust? What's that?" dodging. Just the stark reality of how brutal and cruel the nazis were.

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this desu

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>tfw you realise it's a just a warship musou
Turned it off the second I realised

no controller support

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Played through it multiple times

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I'm pretty sure the last time I will have ever played rta in my life was a year ago, when we got all 4 of us together to play again, and I hoped out of the vehicle in the lava the driver.... without saving for an hour.

I thought it'd be funny, oh boy... pretty sure Finland in champions rta will never happen again.



Very by the numbers, but the puzzles and visuals weren't that bad.

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>tfw lost my copy years ago

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Played the multiplayer a ton. Had some cool ideas, like being able to change the size of any map.
Don't remember much about the story mode.

Went back and saw the review after reading this comment. Most of the time the guy doing the narration isn't the guy who played the game, but in this case, you for sure hear the contempt in his voice. Genuine contempt, like merely reading a script that includes the game's title makes his blood boil.


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>Vampire Rain just SUCKS
I can still hear his anger by memory to this very day.

Mentioned this on another thread but 7,62 high calibre is /k/ autism simulator, really fun and nobody plays it

I can understand why. It's really not a game for everyone. You have to follow the ONE path through a level and any mistake means you are dead, nothing you can do about it, and back to the checkpoint. Unless you are a patient individual you will HATE this game because you really do have to take it slow and stop and observe a lot and if you don't the game will brutally punish you for it.

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Playing it now and I love it.
Already have 8 hours and I'm barely at Production B area. I'm mostly exploring and trying to find new gear.
I think I probably won't enjoy Dark Souls after playing The Surge. Good thing The Surge 2 is supposed to come out later this year.

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my friend who played a lot of runescape and japanese mmos loved this game

i rented this game and i remember loving the first hour or two of gameplay but feeling like level design and general game flow got worse as you progressed like they didn't know how to scale the badass gameplay up to harder difficulties or they just got lazy

only played the demo for both of these but loved them each

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I had a light gun and loved this fucking game

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Fuck you, user. I love that game.

never even heard of this

i fucking loved it even tho the loading times made me want to kill myself

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I miss these types of games.

What do I win?

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most underrated game ever
the only bad things in the game are how short it was and the wierd 2d parts

wtf it came out for ps2

Love blue stinger. Feel like dead space has some lowkey inspiration from that.

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so many hidden gems on this console

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Even the people who made the game think it's crap. They've disowned it.

you are literally the first person in all my years of internet to bring this game up
it was my first pc game and I loved it

it sold like crap /=/ its crap

Best why i can describe it is Final Fantasy but with Resident Evils atmosphere.

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Played this crap on an emulator way back when, you dont even control the girls, they just do whatever the fuck the please. The best you could do was give them instructions and hope they would follow them, yet i still had fun trying to have them train so they wouldnt job miserably. Too bad i cant read moon, probably would have enjoyed it more.

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I'm sure that's why it's the subject of an entire stage in Travis Strikes Again

I liked the fuckin soundtrack too aight

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It was short as shit but the upgrade system, weapons and gameplay were great. It also looked fucking stellar for its time.

I loved making full sanic who could run through the map in seconds.

More SH than RE since its all supernatural

You probably never even played the first two KUF games this game was fucking trash compared to them, still living through the disappointment

this was too soon
have them released it on android with all that monetization crap they would have made a fortune

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Amazing game

This game makes every Dreamcast list. Its fucking shit.

>In July 17, 2012, Mikami expressed his dissatisfaction with the game stating that both he and Suda were disappointed with the end product.
>"[Shadows of The Damned] became a completely different game. That was a bit disappointing. I think Suda was unable to create the scenario he'd originally had in his head, and he rewrote the scenario several times. I think his heart was broken. He's such a unique creator, so it seems to me that he was not quite comfortable with making this game."
>—Shinji Mikami

Nice I used to have it in my flash drive

I remember really liking Darkwatch on a rental. I never bought it tho. So maybe it was shit

>People expected something like Bioshock
so a game with a legit unique setting wasted on generic gameplay?

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This is pretty much a forgotten games thread, which I'm okay with.

This game was magnificent back in the day, along with the sequel.

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the RTS that is

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I always wished for a sequel on the ps3 or ps4.

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I also enjoyed the FPS of Starship Troopers.

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I remember that game being advertised with bullshots in some PC magazine, I bought the game and the actual graphics were complete garbage

I remember the doujin.

if just a competent dev would have made this. the art design and atmosphere was incredible. still really liked it though, but playing through it was very much hell sometimes

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If you think the game felt like Hell then I'd say it was a successful game.

>actual graphics were complete garbage
yes, very. but I also remember it being hard as fuck and very satisfying to pull your squad through succesfully

I'm still playing Survive off and on on PS4 every so often. Still need to get all the new gold rarity shit after the gold two-handers came out.

this games controls on 360 are fucking awful, something about aiming melee attacks with a controller
also I feel like the weapons break way too fast and some of the stronger zombie types like thug and rammer are annoying as fuck since its awkward to be dodging and aiming quickly with the scuffed controls

People talked shit non-stop about this game for not being made by Kojima. Sure, it's not a masterpiece or even a great game, but I bought it for like 25 bucks on launch and i don't regret my purchase.

I didn't even know what to do, I remember being so fucking lost so I just roamed around the map
I remember I loved getting the flamethrower

>People talked shit non-stop about this game for not being made by Kojima.

Holy fucking shit, yes. One of my buddies hopped on that hate train when he saw me playing the beta. Told him to try it out since it was free. Dude ended up buying it, loving it so much that he got the platinum.

Never seen anyone else even talking about it, but I absolutely love this game. It's a perfect mix of a strategy, RPG and adventure game, with great atmosphere and tonnes of replayability. Also provides a decent challenge on harder difficulty levels(if you ignore how broken archers and offensive mages are that is)

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>be 13 year old me
>go to eb games to buy fable 3
>asshole cashier has to mention to my dad that the game has sex in it
>had to get FF13 instead
fucking retail wagecuck

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>I don't have your stone. And FUCK you, anyway.

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good game man. gonna downloaded the ISO right now

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>but playing through it was very much hell sometimes

Did you play on console? It's not a great game but I found it played a lot better on PC with the better visual clarity, a consistent framerate and decent aim control. Wave after wave of instant kill exploding enemies that attack from both in front and behind and can only be stopped by aiming for little yellow spots on their bodies is quite a demand on console gamers who have only thumbsticks to work with.

Wait a minute that's just the same combat system for the LOTR games

nah I also played it on PC. something about gunplay and aim just feels off in it, but sure its managable. the AI of your squad was much more of a nightmare eventually though. really cant imagine playing that game on consoles

Good shit.

>tfw this was scarier than most horror games
old wrecks are some shit

>You're a fine warrior. Call me sentimental, but I wish we had met under different circumstances.
It's short, but it's kino.

Yeah, you spend most of the time reviving your allies because 90% of the enemies are those fuckers that explode.
Also you can't change the fov, despite running on ue3, it's like 60 or lower.

Fucking this

rip love this

Fuck yeah, this and spawn are some of the best Dreamcast games


as a massive hotd fan this was a let down and yet so good at the same time.

also this game

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Played on 360 as a kid, even got the Collector's Edition with the shitty statue and OST, remember tearing up during the kiss scene, after all the troubles they'd been through.

Game blew me away for some reason, I remember playing the demo before it released and being impressed you could blink...I probably had really shit taste, I'd like to replay it but don't want to spoil my memory of it.
The soundtrack is 10/10 though, still listen to it sometimes.

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How's the PC version? Think I own it somewhere

I loved this on PC with keyboard.

based, we need more Indiana Jones-type FPS games

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This game was brilliant, beating people to death with a riot shield or throwing molotovs at looters...just like a real cop!

This amazing piece of shit.

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I remember when this game was supposed to come to PC before xbox existed

>tfw no qt pirate harem

my local game shop was giving this game away for free with any purchase.

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>if you ignore how broken archers and offensive mages are that is
If I remember correctly they even included a "nerf archers" option in the settings menu in some patch to counter that.

This had some legit interesting mechanics that I wish were implemented into other games, like being able to hold people up at gunpoint and disarm them. Still never bothered to finish it though

awful port

it's also a somewhat accurate depiction of the end of the world

I am 100% sure nobody here played it because every post about JRPG combat should mention it because of how fucking amazing it is

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This game is so much fun.

I really enjoyed playing the multiplayer mode with my brother, but I have never even seen the game ever been mentioned anywhere else.

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Based, Rogue Galaxy 2 instead of that fucking weeb fucking team ghibi ripoff ni no cunt when

Fallout 4 cause apparently everyone hated everything about it but I fucking love it.

it's a good minecraft sim

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I know this was originally gonna be a AAA game but i still enjoyed it and played through it multiple times, it's only like three or four hours.

I don't know anyone else besides me who played it and enjoyed it. It's just a little arcadey TPS with fun movement and shitty writing. Overworld is a bit empty but pleasant and colorful. 7/10 not bad for 10 bucks.

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I was about to post this you beautiful son of a bitch. I fucking loved this shit, but I doubt it still holds up.

Ohh yes, this was the shit!!! One of my favortie games on the ps2, man those where good times...

You can still buy the 360 version digitally here but it's not backwards compatible on my xbone.


Shitty, dumbed down version of Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II

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Cool game but it has one of the worst endings I've ever seen.

Wasnt it the other way around

Fucking loved this game, the ambiance is amazing

That's one of the worst widespread misconceptions on the internet. Dark Alliance is definitely the higher quality series.
It has handcrafted level design to Champions of Norrath's randomly generated mess, and pseudo-DnD spells and feats to CoN's "shoot an orb but this time it's red"

Lmao first game i played when my brother got a 360 and really liked it altough i had to throw up in the begining

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Mah nigga

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That was years ago, I think suda warmed up to it gradually in TSA.



anyone else? I replay this jank shitshow every other year now

sidenote:aesthetic guitar-centric soundtrack

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The game with a necromancer and a cleric, and it's the cleric that animates the dead.

>I've warmed to that time some asshole American publisher crushed all my dreams and forced me to make a game I didn't want to make

Are you serious?

sounds like hans zimmer's apprentice, indeed a 10/10 ost

Yeah got this shit for 3 dollars thinking it was a no brainer for coop

Completely wrong, but still a nice timewaster

Blinx was great. I wish I got the sequel.

flying was fun


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Ah, a man with taste.

I should have kept track of the amount NPCs you meet who die shortly after, it just got more ridiculous as you went on
Best one imo was some spec ops guys telling you they've found out a way out of the tunnel, right before the ceiling crashes on top of them creating a ramp to the surface

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Good ost at least

I whored my copy out to friends and surprisingly a few of them really took to it. Ended up buying it themselves when I got it back, so we had a consistent co-op party for a while

I remember this game feeling so fucking awkward to play. I got to this part where you had to platform up this tower or something on a bunch of beams and never got past it.

>British werewolves
>Nazi vampires
>Main characters can die and be taken out of the story
>Can pickup enemy equipment off the ground and keep it
I don't care if it looked like a PS2 game it was fun as fuck and campy as hell

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>Hey hey, people

Fuck you user, for posting fake cover.
>S74 00023 PAL
That game wasn't released in Europe. I know because I was looking for it. (and Spectral Force 3)

I loved this game. One of the few times I play through a game twice back to back

This game is fucking awesome.
>that one cutscene where Hitler and troops walk through a wall that just has a blurry N64-tier door texture
Made me laugh hysterically for a few minutes for the wrong reasons. That aside, I love it

I really, really liked everything else about this game but not having an option to cancel movement in an SRPG took me out of it, especially since maps and spaces moved were massive. I'll give it another go whenever Xenia has it up and running.

>The final boss is Hitler who summons an army of skeletons and fights you with his vampire generals and Jin Roh looking Stormtroopers

Bought a physical copy - day one.

Day one patch was nearly as big as the base gaem.

Played it till third mission which I couldn't finish due to a bug.

I am a retard, a retarded retard.

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>this actually had a PS2 release
Wow, had no idea. Gonna give it a spin later

Man, N64 platforming games were kino

If only, brother.

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Get on my level niggas.

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iirc it was well known that there was no coop in this game. It wasn't Saint's Row and it wasn't trying to be Saint's Row gameplay-wise, but the devs had the bad idea to load the game with SR references, and even setting it in an alternate timeline. And then everybody got pissed because it wasn't Saint's Row 5.

Does it have ring levels?