Gimme all the memes
Gimme all the memes
Other urls found in this thread:
There’s nobody here kid
Your memes end here
hypes over kid
nobody gives a shit about this game anymore
ha ha
>yer pocket's dry as yer taint
What does it mean?
none of these are good except the one that copies limmy
Americans trying to imitate british slang is embarrassing.
if it's satire then it's funny
Aussie region when?
wtf this is lewd!!!!!!!!
That looks like legit UK.
Oye, Who the bloody hell are you? This is private members bar exclusively for the supporters of the greatest pokemon battle team in the world...... Manchester United. Now please enlighten me... Who the fuck are you?
god i wish that was me
I don't like this pokegirl.
She appealed to normalfags too much for my contrarian blood.
And Nia meme is leagues better than this shitfest. not to mention that I have yet to see a single funny pokebong posting.
what film is this again?
lock stock and smoking barrel? it's rare that i enjoy an abjectly british film, but that one was ok.
>british slang is embarrassing
do you have an uncensored version or the artist's name? yandex didnt give me fuck all
HAHAHA OMG guys this is so funny xDDD
She’s so cute! :3
Game Freak really outdid themselves. Like wow. These games are going to be great. I’m going to buy buy versions and play the girl on both of them! Post more of these memes bros. I absolutely love them!!
ya seethin
Oh I’m sorry. I forgot we’re supposed to be British. Oi oi oi. Guvener bloody righty o’. Hahaha. XD
Did I do it right?
you'll have no money and also you're barren
Pick one
Mate, I agree with you that the meme is not funny.
But please, quit acting like a faggot.
Max Caulfield is in pokemon?
Now make the guy Muslim.
>game takes place in Poke-Briton
>expecting Ireland to be part of it
Different Islands. It's just going to be Wales, Scotland, and England. No Ireland, Isle of Mann, or "North Ireland"
Eurotrip I think.
I'll watergun ya in th' gabba, swear to me Mon
Does anyone still remember "a miscarriage, she got"?
You guys better pick monky as your starter.
So if she is shield-girl why is there no pics of her charging at someone with a shield?
>"Wot's that? You se' you wonte shag me port reel lyff lyke? Weel wot argh'ye weegh'n fer ya pansy?? Threw me yer mum's hamebatch!"
isnt an edit from the Lets GO girl
Post the Limmy ones.
but IRA is not evil
Ah yes, Pen Island
IRA is good.
We don't mention that game here.
Not him but I posted this first pic in the thread called "Cutie!" but it seems to have been deleted. You can find the artist at @PunkinDraws
Someone needs to lurk hella more.
I'm good this caught on
No, pick both.
So Shield...wot's yer hing?
uh oh, her purity is in danger
Anything about the boy yet?
Thems a lotta spaces in those letters
I will rob all your money and you have an inactive sex life.
Yeah but
Swords are heavier that birds.
Damn Straight to the point.
>they both weigh a kilogram
But birds are made of feathers, and that's heavier than steel
>Haha dude what if we made republicans the bad guy haha they're called republicans that means they're the same as other republicans muh politics in gay men
Stupid Americans
But 2 kalagrams is the same as 2 kalagrams. That's a mathmetic fact.
Heh...I'm jogin'....
Scottish Twitter is shite patter and this recycled meme is just as shite.
Proxy using samefag. Yea Forums loves Life is Strange. Deal with it.
Yeah but....
Swords are heavieh than burds.
Nah, just stupid left fags
Yeah, they're over at .
Delusional faggot
It's funny because shes wrong
Absolutely, positively, one-hundred percent B A S E D.
Why are people so pissed about the new pokegirl memes? I thought the point was to have horrible/overdone slang?
But if ye 'ave the same weight in burds as ye do swords then its the fookin' same.
do you enjoy being wrong or something?
maybe shield-chan is going to be a IRA member.
>Gies yer pokemon.
>Don't mate.
>'m not yer mate, now gies yer pokemon
>How bouutae gi' ya somethin' more valuable than my pokemon.
>Like what?
>Meh time.
giga faggot
If ye 'ave 1 sword that weighs 2 kalagrams and ye 'ave 4 burds that weigh 500 grams each, And 1 kalagram equals 1000 grams, what do ye fookin' 'ave.
>it's gonna be another fire fighting
>T. British Imperialist trash
Because it's Nia posting normalfag edition.
It was funny with XC2 because of the dub this is just a lol le random XD twitter meme.
>Max Sourbunny
Underrated post
Pokebong meme is just a poor man's minge posting.
Looks like the UK alright.
i know mon means man
but i don't think och means anything
God damn idjuts got me on me sides, they did!
Naw man they gonna left field you with a fire electric.
Scorbunny for some reason has been identified as a cute little being with a sociopathic tendency.
Probably because of Max.
I like how Scorbunny made Sam and Max twirl in their graves for a little bit, but it also hurts.
Oh, stop. You guys always want to act like a fanbase of a game you don't like, doesn't exist on Yea Forums. It's really dumb. A ton of people love the game, and I've talked to them in many different LiS threads throughout the years.
Sure, there are a lot of faggots like you, who feel the need to try and shit on our fun. But that's because you watched some "life is tumblr" meme video on youtube, and think you know all there is to know about the game. You don't know shit. I've experienced the love Yea Forums has for the game. What the fuck do you know?
>"I don't know anyone who could firebomb kittens"
>"Here, let me"
Go take your pills, neurotic.
nice revisionism. Yea Forums HATES any and all sjw games.
>Amerimutt with a Union Jack
Could do better than that. Could be a Muslim instead.
Written like a true LiS fan. Cringy and immature.
this is cringe
The difference is you dumb fookin' slag. THIS IS A FOOKIN' POKEMON THREAD! You wanna talk 'bout your dyke game? MAKE YE OWN THREAD, YE BLOODY WANKA!
Goddamn it
Nigga fuck outta here we're talking about memes and pokemon not your stupid interactive storybook.
Guernsey area when?
>>>>>mingeposting was ever funny
I keep screaming but the God won't answer.
Dudes, I just made a silly comparison, because the characters have similar designs. And then some crazy person started spamming "faggot" a few dozen times. Like seriously, this is my fourth post. What the fuck is wrong with you guys?
Lurk more, faggot
It means you should stop posting and taking the fucking image limit.
Fking faggot
It was funnier than this tbqh.
Now it's just a bunch of mutt trying to sound stupid for some reason.
>Letting some /vp/ autist bully me into not posting.
Sorry, no. Your new waifu looks exactly like Max Caulfield. I'm sorry if that hurts your feelings. But calling me a faggot a million times won't change facts.
Farst, they look nuthin' aloike and sacond if ye gonna stay 'ere. POST SOME FOOKIN' POKEMON PICTURES YE DAFT CUNT.
>Not Luger
Don't you faggots do it.
what says that
I love instant loss komas
Fuck off, nigger.
Republicanism, and I don’t mean the political party, is a cancer.
Beyond that, the IRA are socialist terrorists.
scorbuny is starting to warm up to me. I like him
Someone can post that goblin slayer style pic where new female protagonist complains she get lewded just few days after trailer and chicken Chan replies with "You will get used to it"
>t. mick papist nigger faggot pope-ball-sucker
They look nuthin' aloike you dumb slag. Maybe ye should get yeh fookin' eyes checked
Damn shame Hilda didn't get the same amount of love. British girls are just American girls that are butterfaces.
The Irish are worse than the Catalonians.
>Hilda didn't get the same amount of love
Are you from a separate timeline? Hilda still gets so much love to this day, she hands down is my single largest Pokegirl folder. There's just not as many funny memes to attach since there wasn't an accent and distinctive UK clothing to latch onto.
No way it will actually be this cool.
You're also saying lots of people like LiS here
that's too good looking for gamefreak
People want to fuck Hilda hard in the ass.
That's the primary reason people love Hilda.
Can confirm, I would like very much to fuck Hilda hard in the ass.
That's still a fucking shitload of art considering how short gen 5 was and she had to share it with Rosa. Serena's numbers were definitely boosted by the anime depiction, as well.
Can't I primarily love her for her qt character design (along with Hilbert), confident demeanor and great fashion sense while also wanting to fuck her in the ass?
Considering she looks like she's from a trailer park, it's surprsing there isn't anyone making fun of her having an accent.
Lol came back after calling you a faggot a while ago. Your response did not dissapoint. What a fucking faggot.
I Would settle for a cute cosplayer.
this is some good shit
I love her
You've gone and ruined all the yoghurt you daft cunt
Enjoy your car bomb tomorrow on your way to work, user
Cute, sauce?
It's not that people disliked Hilda, in fact, Hilda was really really popular, but you have to remember we live in the age of social media. Things weren't as developed or big back then, specially social media. It's like comparing the amount of merchandise an anime gets right now in comparison to what an anime would get in the eighties, things are much much more developed right now than then. You have to take this into consideration when thinking about how much stuff, official and fanmade of something is made. You can bet your ass that if Hilda were to come out now she'd get as much love if not more, she would even have Murrika memes instead of Bongland memes going for her.
They do look alike to me
Oi prick, who said you could use my Yeo Valley yoghurt?
Actually, removing the pics that are of Hilda (the cartoon), she's only about 50 pics over Rosa.
She's actually one of the least popular Poke-girls that are playable. Only ahead of Leaf, Kris, Chicken-chan, and Lyra.
Huh. what about the boys?
Now which of those characters were also in the anime?
Hint: Not Hilda.
I blame her not being in the anime and getting replaced by fucking Iris of all things.
She's literally the only playable female character to not be animated in any way too. Why is this allowed?
>it's all one person
nah take your shit game out of this thread faggot
Neither were Rosa or Chicken-Chan.
Also, I didn't include Misty, who is the most popular character in all of Pokemon by porn volume, or Cynthia, who is a full 200 images over Hilda.
Probably doesn't help she didn't get into the anime, but considering how shitty B/W was it's probably for the best. I'll settle for her getting awesome fanart to this very day. Fuck, I wanna buy this so bad.
I can get the her speaking like shit jokes, but why are they portraying her like a retard too? Like those what's heavier feathers or iron jokes. What's the origin of that? Are Scots dumb too?
>Like those what's heavier feathers or iron jokes. What's the origin of that?
How have you never seen this?
kill jester
im gonna be nice
Sadly this looks too good.
Top kek
Poes law in action
Those two are unfair to compare with anyone.
Misty is the first anime female companion, that cannot ever be beaten. Specially with how Westeners are obsessive genwunners. And Cynthia is easily the most popular Champion and one of the most popular girls in the entire franchise. Which site are you using anyway? If it's a western site, then no shit the results will be biased so hard to the early girls.
Also Cockney's aren't particularly smart
>Limmy's Show! is a Scottish comedy sketch show broadcast on BBC Two Scotland
I see now. Thank you friends.
All the Pokegirls still get regular fan-art. It slows down to about ~200 - 300 images a year after their game is no longer current, but they still get loads of images. Pokemon is still far and away the most popular series for porn, at a whopping 200,000 images, beating out 2nd place MLP (120,000) and 3rd place Touhou (95,000).
go forth and enjoy, lad
Damn it, now all I want to do is post Hilda.
Good. Best tits and chun li thighs deserves the best love.
Using Paheal and Pixiv. And Cynthia isn't even a playable character.
>And Cynthia isn't even a playable character.
Adding to my point there.
Why would I want a nigger as my starter?
Oh fuck this image takes me back to 2009
God I wish Hilda and Sabrina were real.
absolute faggot
Killing bongs isn't evil, it's a public service
>t. "I'm 1/32 Irish, actually"
my pee pee is hard
what the fuck are you blathering about you idiot
I've never wanted to fuck a pokegirl more than this one. How did they make her so fucking sexy?
gamefreak has mastered the art of making cute girls
Actually it's afrobull
hella kill yourself faggot.
She's not wearing pants or a skirt or a dress. It's simple a shirt and a cardigan. That's how.
A pretty substantial amount of that porn comes from the pokemon themselves though. It's a cast of literally hundreds for furries and degenerates of every flavour to sink their teeth into.
norf memes are the best thing to come out of these games
>ywn have a shy almond dork to love
>ywn have a feisty carrot to bully you
>ywn curl up comfily next to caramel having a nap
why even live lads
>Brown colored, chin length bob cut.
>Gray jacket over pink shirt.
Pretty damn close.
This must be the work of an「ENEMY POKEMON」
What the fuck did I tell you about being a faggot
Literally just Max with a hat and skirt. Wow, so unique.
Okay enough with the memes, lets get to the imporant shit. Is Morimoto directing this one or is it that Sun/Moon hack?
Actually, Misty is still a full 1k pictures ahead of Gardevoir, the 2nd place, which is only 500 pictures ahead of May (3rd). Lucario, Pikachu, and Ash round out the next 3 spots, and then there's Dawn, Serena, Lopunny, Hex Maniac, Cynthia, Lillie, and Hilda.
>shirt isn't button up
>cheap jacket instead of stylish cardigan
>fringe isn't the same
>the slag wears pants instead of wearing nothing
>Her hair isn't unkempt so we know she's not going on adventures around the country
and most importantly
>No cute hat
Ye fookin' blind lad.
Fire Normal
Gaylar region :)
this is my favorite
>Literally just Uraraka with a hat and skirt.
>Wow, so unique.
>that frumpy looking face of some average looking slag
Ye really are blind aren't ya?
they're the same mass but not the same weight.
Nobody omits a t that's not at the end of a word.
It helps that she's not wearing any garment on her legs.
The pink shirt is just long enough to fall below her crotch, and that's it. She could be wearing nothing at all under there.
They better have a hooligan Pokémon.
Funnily enough, Urarararararaka is actually the most popular female MHA character for porn. Even ahead of Tsuyu. Turns out people like that "girl next door" vibe. Either that or women drawing porn are inserting themselves as Urarararararaka like men insert as Deku.
kek, god bless the artist who made this
>he says, in English
English is America’s language because my based English (And Scottish) ancestors tamed this wilderness.
Nah it fits if you go hard cockney
>Cricket Hooligan
>Rugby Hooligan
>Soccah Hooligan
cute, normal looking girls are sexy
Almost every pokegirl shows massive amounts of leg.
Except that screenshot is basically a joke considering she accidentally shoots herself with the gun, proving her to be incapable of responsibly using it
cute cunt
Urararararararararararararaka is literal perfection. Shes not too hot and not too cold.
>An entire three-stage evolution from the wee little Norf Gob to the Hob to the majestic Ogre
>new pokegirl bullies new pokeboy into a relationship
>memes are making the design tolerable
How can you say that with a straight face, while posting shitty malformed animu fanart, clearly drawn by some western high schooler with no knowledge of facial structure or anatomy?
literally happened half an hour after the reveal
degeneracy knows no bounds
it is time to defile myself
Yeah, you're right, she isn't unique. She's just a repackaged Yui from K-On!
Gonna have a lot of Scragglys in the bigger cities I see.
too good to be true
>Hilda art and figure angle focusing on her ass
They knew.
>being this pissy because somebody doesn't boot lick your homosexual waifu and her game
This is the 3d model. We can see she doesn't look frumpy. That's a hard fact. Suck it westslag.
user.... That's the bait. Only people who never played the game would get mad at such an image. Which exposed their ignorance.
I'm gonna predict the typings of the final evolutions for the starters now.
did not know i needed this until now
Why even respond?
It's obvious by now that he's just spamming the thread with her to get attention and free (You)'s. It's best to just ignore the faggot until he goes away.
Calling it, there’ll be a chariot Pokémon.
You're right, let's just post more Shield-chan
Holy shit shut the fuck up literally no one is agreeing with you here ye sad wanka
Which design specifically?
I swear I saw this cunt open it's mouth
Max is even cuter in 3D.
Love her.
>AYE YE CHEEKY LIL CUNT, starin' a' me like ya wan'a git me fish n' chips?
>Um, I'm terribly sorry m'am. I didn't mean t-
fire/ground i want to belive
But I literally have anons agreeing with me. So you're literally wrong. Literally.
Welp... I'm hard as diamonds now.
I want to make love to her
Again; that isn't how you use (or write) the phrase "sod off".
Better, but it actively looks more like a Digimon.
all this British/EU "Humor"
I just dont get any of it.
Is this you?
That's a given.
Which is a shame, because personally I love life is strange. episode 5 still makes me mad
This, especially when the MC girl is meant to be Scottish. Which means it should sound like Demoman, not Tracker
She's just chicken-chan in a different getup
We ever gonna get a open world Pokemon with all regions?
Who would let their child wear such things.
>Open world
>made by Game Freak
You'd have a better chance of an open world game made by Compile Heart.
become trainer
Pokebully girl is CUTE! She'll defeat Pokeboy and demand the next step in a relationship each time!
Compliment on first win!
Dinner date on second win!
Kiss on cheek on third win!
Kiss on lips on fourth win!
Making out on fifth win!
Making love on sixth win!
Meeting parents on seventh win!
Engagement on eighth win!
Marriage on ninth win!
Making a child on tenth win!
Handholding on eleventh win!
I wonder how long it'll be until they actually introduce double-types to the game.
>Im agreeing with myself so youre wrong
go suck start a shotgun, LiS was terrible and that bitch is the worst thing to ever happen to girls with freckles
Better question, does Nintendo even make open world games? I think the literal only one is Xenoblade, and I don't know how actuate that really is.
Westerners make these more than Easterners do.
No because it wouldn't work at all.
Sorry, user. According to the autists trying to dictate who is allowed to like what, no one actually likes Life is Strange on Yea Forums. So you're clearly lying, or a shill, or a samefag. That's the only possibility.
Stop posting off topic shit
No you will get more remakes of older pokemon games and like it.
My cum btw
Say my name
Stop posting that disgusting goblin I'm trying to eat breakfast here for fucks sake
Latino parents, no seriousely.
>with all regions many towns would that even be
Well BotW is open world-ish, if you call XC open world
and the 3d mario games are kindaaaa like that too
kirby and the amazing mirror was definitely open world
Cute tummy!
yeah same year we get Half Life 3
He could be an employee of Harrods. Or from Manchester. Or German. Or Belgian. Or someone that takes issue with home invasions and rape. It's not particularly difficult to dislike the IRA.
She's old enough to make her own decisions, DAD.
I got your back user, have a cute Shield-chan eating some delicious snacks
You're entitled to your opinion. Just don't pretend LiS isn't liked by others.
Yes, the starting town is in the equivalent of Scotland because Galar is the UK upside down
I'm listening to that song right now, what the fuck
Thanks user
He's you from the future
I ran out of snack photos. I'd already posted them all.
Drew her
I thought so, but didn't want to point it out as you were so nice to give me a cute pic
So thank you again user
>Exact same time
No problem user. Hopefully more get drawn in the future.
>same time, but different filenames
Truely the beverage of gods
wtf i want to fuck that goblin now
>Haggis mind
Haggis gives you superpowers don’t you know
Fire/grass football bun
>people defending Marxist traitors ITT
Jesus christ
I do now
>let's force cringey western cynical humor into an innocent Japanese game!
Are all westerners retarded?
i wish i could have had them fuck when i played but you were stuck with clingy loser and idiot lesbian
Shut up you American, getting offended for other people who aren’t even offended
>So there was this lil' monkey fella roight.
It's a meme not a dick. Stop taking it so hard, fag.
shut up weeaboo
neanderthal norf poorfag detected
scots can transcend space and time with enough bucky desu
>muh precious juh-pann
>stop having fun based off harmless regional stereotypes
nonironically kys weeb
Stack of sticks
Fuck off you puritan, we're having fun.
So I tell the swampdonkey to sock it before I give her a trunky in the tradesman's entrance and have lick me yardballs
Pokemon is literally the perfect game to be open world.
Apart from the devs who make it, of course.
I don't think you comprehend the amount of money, manpower, and development time alone needed just to make your idea somewhat feasible.
It’s just micks in the US. Anyone with a brain hates the IRA.
Also drew this
it would indeed be quite massive, even if we ignore the retarded "every region" idea.
Imo, people saying otherwise are brainlet cocksuckers or people that would care about some narrative instead of the point of collecting monsters to put in your pocket.
The goal should be to beat the elite four/battle frontier without badges, just badass stonk trained Pokemon. Ash basically got to the league without a legal badge in the first place, so why should we?
I'm fine with the Scottish jokes if its mild but the cuck and immigrant shit is /pol/ tier annoying.
I know. GF could never make anything good.
But a man can dream.
I know it could never really happen.
But that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be a great idea, as opposed to the bland open world games we get now.
How come we never got this cancerous 'dialect humor' from any other Poke games
I don't think anyone has played pokemon seriously in a long time.
Who the fuck cares about Ash when Red is what every poke protagonist should strive to be?
Open world games are all shit.
What about pseudo open world with hub levels?
Gen V generated a lot of MURRICA jokes at least.
Europoors are "edgy". Look up "Fleetway Sonic" and that's the direction of what's humorous in Europe.
All these Scottish Twitter memes give me life.
I just used Ash because he bullshited his way to the league, which if he was 1% as good as Red, would have won at least.
The point is fuck badges and gym leaders, they are just a fucking meme progression gate for "plot". Fighting trainers was far more enjoying in the games anyways.
I play and enjoy games unironically.
No one hates you for talking about it. We hate you for derailing the thread with obvious unnecessary shitposting.
܂fuck dark types
Fuck ditto fuckers
Fuck alolans
Fuck herbal medicine
I really wish ps4 had a pokemon game, would be dope to party and hunt and catch mons and shit, like an mmo
Is there a "DOSE WER MEN WAE TRADE" edit yet?
Sure you do, pal.
Based Afrobull. Why do people hate him again?
Hate? What? No one said anything about hate, user. Why are you trying to start up a new issue? You can stop replying anytime.
>But that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be a great idea
Making a game with 8x the amount of content of a normal game isn't really a "great idea", because "great ideas" are usually possible to implement. Every dev would do that if they could, but it's not practical.
Now if you want to argue for an open-world pokemon in BotW's style with maybe 70 pokemon total (assuming you want them to be fully animated doing shit on the overworld) and only 6 towns, that might be within the realm of what's achievable with a 4-year development cycle.
fucking kalosians
Need this with Grookey.
Please and thank you.
Likely because his art isn't that good and just uses sexuality to hide his poor art skills?
f a g g o t
a group of sticks
His work isn't all that standouty. It's basically a cleaner Mr.PotatoHead
Oh so that's where that doomfist and Winston meme comea from
You mean
Love Galar
‘ate dark types
‘ate ditto fuckers
‘ate alolans
‘hate ‘erbal medicine
Simple as is
gj user, triggered these virgins well good ya did
Not him but what's wrong with it
>Gordon Ramsay is a Fire Gym-Leader and his Gym is a resteraunt
>His intro line calls you raw or something
>brown hair+white+bob cut equals same design
>not taking into account height, weight, facial features, etc.
Character design is more than just hair you daft cant.
Xenoblade X
The only thing that wasn't part of the open world was like one or two rooms, and the final boss fight location.
Dragons are honorary normals
and for those who can't understand me"
Have you ever even watched anything Gordon Ramsay has done outside of american television? The yelling is because america likes to clap when the british man yells. It's just some stupid shtick. He's not actually like that.
It's mostly a spamming samefag, looking to get a nice screencap maybe.
It'll be used as fuel for a future LiS thread. Like "REEEE LiSfags ruined our peaceful pokemon thread!" You know, typical pointless chan autism.
Haggis comes in sandwich form now?
un fagguette
This. British versions of his shows he is more disappointed than angry most of the time.
How patriotic is she?
She doesn't have a Bob,her hair curves in and she has a cowlick
Ever since sandwiches were invented.
Do you guys have a british equivalent of these shows?
Reno 911
The Simpsons
American Idol
Shark Tank
America's next top model
Unsolved Mysteries
Tom and Jerry
I want to cuddle with that cute dummy and try explain to her how weight works!!!!
Haggis is basically used in Scotland for everything that Americans use ground beef for.
based maxposter, keep triggering Yea Forums. they love it anyways.
Not him but you’re still a fag for posting LiS.
where is sword art?
I watch both.
But itd still be pretty sweet, admit it
>no hips
>no tits
Oh sweetie, how embarrasing
I also don't get the 'gross' factor of haggis to most people. I mean reading things, it's basically just an old fashion wurst.
Though I might not be terribly grossed out being one quarter german and regularly eating basically the same thing stuffed into a small or large intestine.
truly sandwiches were a great advent of culinary.
I just realized I walked right into that one after posting it.
The ingredients sound gross when you say them because you don’t imagine them as meat but as organs
Sugar tax ruined it
Because the game is shit and it has nothing to do with the thread.
put me in the screencap
Her game was made by nu-males and basedboys.
Yeah, no wonder all female features are almost nonexistant.
SJW game
It was just a dumb joke though. "ha-ha, they look alike, isn't that weird." The faggot is the user who tried to dictate what gets mentioned on Yea Forums.
It's a literal autist making insane logical leaps because the R in IRA stands for Republican so obviously this is going to be related to the autistic US based shitflinging. This is what happens when you're on twitter too long
What if rival is a welsh girl?
You're getting me hard user. VERY HARD
Pretty sure the entire world likes to pretend we don't exist.
True it would be more appropriate if it were a paddynigger desu.
Why is the point and click adventure game genre so fucking dead?
>tfw no qt pie welsh gf to talk dirty to me in her sing-song accent
Don't we all.
What if the Team Leader is A woman dressed in suit with a bowler hat and cane?
I'd rather that she were a drunk big titted Scottish lass desu
Why is hypno porn so good
Nah im certain the team ideal this time around is going to be classism.
A uk based region would really be the only region where that ideal has any ground
10 year olds don't get drunk and have big tits.
>that vagina
Wow, that's the dumbest looking pussy I've ever seen.
You've never looked in a mirror then.
Not with that attitude they won't
It's only okay if its another female
Person that enjoys sexual intercourse with other men.
Man I hope this blonde girl just turns out to be a random NPC who's getting all this art and attention simply because she's the only other person to show up in the trailer.
t b h they probably do in Scotland tho. practically no better then animals at this point.
retard with shit taste. Glad to see Yea Forums at least recognizes Life is Tumblr as a bad game in almost every aspect
>tfw no irish gf to cuddle
I miss Limmy's show...
How much blowjob porn is there going to be when they reveal the rival?
They're going to suck your dick throughout the whole game, may as well reflect it in the porn
[Bong removal intensifies]
Lesbian walking sim was never good. Faggot.
Holy shit this is incredible
>Wild rover
Glorious taste
I know its japan sothey wont out of disrepsect but it would be awesome if either the leader or rival was sarcastic as hell.
Wouldn't it make more sense for the new boss to be Daniel Craig? Will David Tennant be coming back home for an appearance too?
I guess chicken's time is almost over. As someone who stopped playing Pokemon a while back, she seemed really adorable all things considering (Alola in general seemed to be a pretty neat region). I'm sure she and the other characters has a lot of fan work in general, all things considering. But best of luck to all the new characters in Sword and Shield.
i think Booker will be back and making a few james bond references in his looks.
But man would a spy/MI6 themed team be hype
I'm torn between this and Rocky Road to Dublin desu. Also their take on Parting Glass is pretty good, least for the likes of potatoniggers.
Based Chicken-chan poster
This one's for you
>The new team are just the country's intel agency watching out for troublemakers through their surveilance s
>The real villains are nessie enthusiasts and stonehenge UFOheads
I ate some haggis when I was in scotland earlier this year.
I braced myself...
And it ended up being one of the most tasty things I've ever tried.
Thanks I guess, though I don't normally post her at all or any Pokemon characters usually. I might give Sun & Moon a try at some point (I'm aware of what people may like or dislike about it), since it seems pretty chill and has a lot of neat stuff (No HMs, fun cast of characters, great music etc). I just feel kind of bad for her in a sense, with the next Pokemon generation now upon us and all.
All good user, It's the cycle of mons, you just kinda get used to it.
>Fake team are bunch of angry miners who hate the cities
>Actual team are elitist spys who own the mines and hate the rural areas
>Plot twist They're both dangerous teams, welcome to hoenn2.0baybee
didnt sm do the same with aether and skull
Oh fuck.
No skull were just the misguided good guys all along. With aether also being a good team whose leader was possessed and crazy.
Don't forget about how wonderful Hilda is.
I still prefer the name White.