These are objectively the only good games, did your favorite making the list?

These are objectively the only good games, did your favorite making the list?

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Fucking kill yourself back to gamefaqs already.

>implying entertainment is objective

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Surely there has to be a more productive way of spending your free time than making 10000000 autistic charts and than replying to yourself when nobody gives a fuck

>several Persona titles
>DDS over literally any other non Persona megaten

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I see NiGHTS and Zwei, I can't find NY Virtual On in there which is disappointing but I've seen worse lists. Ffix is probably the shittiest opinion i saw quickly browsing through

Nobody gave a shit when another user did it in & had like 120 games in his. Are you that desperate for attention OP?

I didn't even notice Trails in there, fucking atrocious series, some of the worst games I've ever played

Not really but you have good taste

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Because they aren't shitting up the board with daily fucking threads you retarded gimp.

what are you, a manchild?

>No AC:Zero
It's shit.

> Every single post is made by a group of the same people everytime
Jesus Reddit really did a number on this place

The original is at least palpable but every following game fails to fix what it did wrong and manages less and less of what it got right until you end up with the brain rotting garbage that is Cold Steel

He doesn't even play these games. Just compiles shit by popular opinion from various sites.

>same style of filenames
>same retarded casual opinions
>that dumbass first reply where you clarify something nobody cares about
>replying to people with seething/obsessed because you are an underage meme loving faggot
You don't even realize how much of a cancer you are, do you?

> Bbbut he doesn't even play these games
Wrong, all of my favorite games are on this list except Xenosaga which genuinely isn't good
> Casual
Not an argument & just an excuse for being a contrarian since you didn't actually play them & are just hating on them for being popular. Same as the "Muh Tumblr" argument that /pol/tards use for Undertale

No, the original is fucking cringe garbage and I will not sit by while you pretend otherwise

> Cringe, Normie, Casual, Weebshit, Pleb
All of these are meaningless buzzwords contrarians use to downplay games they never actually played

You are unironically braindead. Please kill yourself.

Kek, interesting defense kid, but I have played it and it fits the highest criterion for cringe.

>fucking cringe garbage
could you try to articulate what that statement means?

Not an argument, just more buzzwords
He can't because he never played it

The faggy incest themes that the game then makes ok by making the two main characters not actually related. The writing was LiveJournal tier and the "love" story is so gay I'd like a timestamp with your favorite dress

OP is a gay nigger


Spelunky is goat indie my nigga

Telling someone to kill themselves isn't meant to be an argument you mentally handicapped faggot, it's very applicable advice. Imagine how fucking cancer you have to be recognized by multiple people on an anonymous imageboard

I've never played spelunky but all normie indie games are fucking garbage with Bastion being possibly the worst. Games like:
>AI War
>Depths of Peril
>Super Laser Racer
>Swarm Arena
I used to be so optimistic about the indie scene but then bastion, metroidvania and le pixel art came to fuck it all up

Where is Tetris you stupid zoomer faggot

I hate Bastion too but Spelunky is goat

Nobody cares, keep obsessing over non existing boogeymen

Black people are real user and were right to complain about them they're truly a plague on humanity

Why are you assuming i give a shit? I'm Irish

It’s not really a boogeyman when you’re basically admitting to be said boogeyman. Do you have honest to god, unironic autism?
>only surface level understanding of board culture (online social cues) leading to spamming of common memetic phrases despite not applying to the situation
>pointless, repetitive habit (collecting charts and compiling charts)
>unable to hold an argument or support your views like a functioning human being

I have an autistic cousin who is almost a 1-1 copy of you with only his “hobby” and verbal mannerisms being different. How do you support yourself? Do you have a handler, live with parents, or subsist off of government funding? I’m genuinely curious

Oh sorry, wrong tab. 14/88 to you and your family user