What happened to them?
What happened to them?
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The same thing that happened to MOBAs
how? those are the only brands that even specialize in that genre
Guitar Hero released too many fucking games in the span of a year, to the point where even Activision thought "wait, slow the fuck down" and gave out Van Halen for free if you bought 5.
Rock Band got dragged down by this, along with those expensive pro instruments for modes that simply weren't played much.
And when both games tried to return after a few years of nothing, they both fucked up in different ways. Guitar Hero Live replacing all of the fun characters and venues with FMV shit, and having all of the good songs exclusive to a f2p online thing where you couldn't buy individual songs permanently. Rock Band 4 had less features than Rock Band 1, not even shipping with online play at first.
Killed by laggy HDTVs and oversaturation. The fad also just kind of came and went.
Doesn't matter, each franchise shat out a dozen games a year and nobody wanted to keep up and have everything so split up. It should have been done as a live platform with an aggregated song list and updates. That's what RB4 is doing, but it was too late.
There's still kind of scene for them, but it's all Clone Hero and custom stuff. RB4 isn't terribly huge and Guitar Hero Live completely died.
The one game where being good got you laid
This. RB4 could have been great if it wasn't released in what was essentially an early-access state just to beat GH Live to release or maybe GHL came first I can't remember, I know they both came out the same month
The same that happened to Skate games.
...what the fuck are you talking about? I crushed Rock Band's Drums and Vocals, and I am a 27 year old virgin.
Lmaoooo faggot nobody sang in rock band except as a joke when they're drunk
If you played at parties in expert mode girls were ALL over you, I miss being in high school picking up two fours of Heineken every weekend and a fresh pack of bellys knowing you'd be hacking them every 10 minutes and everyone would be bumming them off you
>tfw you stuck with the Tony Hawk franchise because you wanted fun and not realism
>franchise ended up getting ass fucked by Robomodo until it was finally put out of its misery with THPS5
Oversaturation to the point it killed them.
GH and its community still live on through Clone Hero, though.
Damn we used to play the shit out of those games, hardest difficulty was nutz
Not only that, but the series still got fucked by "realism", thanks to the focus on "Nail the X" and the decks for RIDE/SHRED. At least Skate let you do ridiculous shit once you learned the controls.
I still play and very much enjoy Rock Band 4. Still gets 2-3 songs a week.
>Identical controllers that don't work on the rival company's game
Unironically what the FUCK were they thinking? There's 'competing' with each other and being completely retarded for zero financial gain.
Clone hero is free. I wish there was a way to reliably get the peripherals nowadays though. I've been maintaining my world tour guitar but it's gonna break eventually.
Along with Clone Hero there's also lots of hacked songs for Rock Band 3 on PC and every other platform, definitely worth checking out to get a bit more juice out of it.
It was a ripoff of Guitarfreaks anyway. Dadrock sucks.
"""rhythm games""" without timing scoring suck too
Rocksmith was the game it wanted to be.
Hell yeah fuck OSU
>>Identical controllers that don't work on the rival company's game
This was never the case.
post your rank retard
Doesn't Osu have it though? Rock Band and Guitar hero are the only ones I know of that don't check your timing.
In what OSU? I dont play that trash ass game lmao
>waste thousands of hours getting ridiculously good at these
>meme dies
>could have learned fighting games or an actual instrument
then you don't know what you are talking about faggot
Nah no timing in OSU
Yes it does
Osu is still bad but it at least scores you on timing
I know that feel. It used to be kind of fun when I had friends over to play Rock Band all of the time but now I can just play with random online strangers.
Why waste my time with your shitty mobile game when I could play Stepmania
>GH4 and 5 guitars finally dying
>both guitars from RB4 are shit and are failing
I just want Blitz mode back so I can enjoy my fucking 1000+ song library again.
>4 keys
GH and RB are meant to be played in living rooms with multiple people on shitty HDTVs with loads of lag. I think having no timing is fine in these games.
>suck ass when it's popular
>finally get good
>no one cares anymore
I know that feel. GH/RB were the only games I've ever been good enough at to get hate mail. I've played guitar for years but if I had spent those extra hours on it I'd be a fucking beast.
Activision actually blocked Rock Band guitars from working in GH3. They fixed it for the Aerosmith game after people called them out for being shitbags.
Guitar hero was good for a while then harmonix went to create rockband and became its own big thing. Activision looked over at them and said "well shit we could do that" and started releasing guitar hero games pretty much every year (felt even faster than that). So many fucking versions of it flood the shelves that everyone gets sick of it and stops caring.
Fast forward a few years and now that its been a while Harmonix wants to release the next Rockband. Activision does THE EXACT SAME SHIT, flooding the shelves with Guitar Hero Live and makes sure these games stay in the fucking grave. The walmart, best buy, and both targets near me always had an entire fucking shelf dedicated to guitar hero live and couldn't sell them for like 2-3 years (right next to all those animal crossing amiibos). Now people are getting refunds because the online service that provides the songs is shutting down and there was a class action lawsuit or something about it.
>tfw used to bully people in ttfatf and raining blood
Oversaturation and they couldn't keep paying all the licensing fees for the songs to keep going
Ill play 8 keys if you want me too user, or how about some IIDX?
my friend just bought the RB2 drums and guitar on ebay and has an extra guitar already. so me and two other dude were playing rb through an emulator with all DLC and it worked pretty well.
you see this is entirely pointless since you can do all of these things in osu! Well other than that fucking wheel thing. But I bet you don't even have a controller for it.
Rock Band still has most of it's songs available. Several have been delisted but the great majority of them are still able to be bought. If you already bought them before they got delisted you can still redownload them too.
Exporting from all games aside from RB3 no longer works though.
>playing through the Rock Band song catalog in Clone Hero
Goddamn. Lotta great shit in this series. That Hendrix stuff is still as fun as I remember.
>mom brings you with shopping
>she drops you off at the GH demo kiosk
>do battle in GH3
>using double notes on solos
>13 games in one year
that's why
You mean the turntable? lol you might be able to do them in OSU but they arent as good as other games, nah I dont have a IIDX table but I do have a SDVX controller
Why aren't you playing the objectively best rhythm game Yea Forums?
Only able to play it when I go to R1
It fucking was, especially on the Guitar Hero side. III and World Tour didn't take any Rock Band shit, though I think they eventually sorted it out I've no doubt it took some wind out of the rhythm game sails.
Rock band 3 on PC?
>but they arent as gooddddddd
Completely meaningless statement. The core gameplay is still there.
Imagine actually being this fucking stupid and out of touch
The turntable is what makes IIDX what it is, and the biggest downside of osumania is the retarded charting
IIDX barely uses any hold notes and it actually uses them in reasonable moderation
So you would rather play a janky version of the game instead off the better version of the game? I would rather play 8 key on SM than on OSU just because it runs so much better. Also I said "good" not "goodddddddd" if youre gonna quote me do it correctly bitch
emulate the Wii version
Meaningless statements
don't care nerd
Too many games. Licensing is way too expensive for a game like this too. Horrible, HORRIBLE DLC model too
>Completely meaningless statement. The core gameplay is still there.
Completely meaningless statement. Meme run has the same core gameplay as bit trip runner, are they the same game and just as good as each other?
kys soul vs no soul fag
>don't care nerd
Thanks for admitting you were wrong!
>no counter argument
Your entire post was just
>charting is retarded
Look how mad you are for playing OSU kek
>your entire post was just [valid argument]
So? Where's your rebuttal?
saying something is retarded is not an argument
Soundtrack was the biggest killer. GH1 and 2 had a soundtrack of songs with iconic guitar riffs and solos mixed with some interesting songs to keep the difficulty fresh and the songs fun to play
After world tour they just started shoving in whatever was popular. By the time GH5 rolled around they were shoving fucking Coldplay on the soundtrack and calling it a day.
Does it stay in sync? I thought dolphin had issues with the GH games.
Criticizing the game's implementation of a core rhythm game element (charting) is a completely valid argument. It abuses hold notes and the charts are big sloppy messes that don't flow with the music properly.
Either give me a counter argument or accept you were wrong and stop posting.
What's the song you associate most with these games?
For me it's youtube.com
Still waiting on DJ Hero 3. Though I imagine the time, effort and money of licencing twice as many tracks and then professionally mixing the together before even starting on the gameplay yeilded little return
You are just saying it's retarded. You didn't explain why you think it's "retarded". I don't believe your claim that it abuses long notes nor do I believe that they are sloppy messes.
If you want to go in depth on how long notes are bad if used often and how charts don't follow the music then post some examples. But I wouldn't waste your time because you could find 10 more examples that do follow the flow of the song and every chart in your dead game can and has been ported.
I don't get how anybody can like Osu.
I know it's a meme to just say "soul/soulless" and act like that's an argument in and of itself but it really shouldn't have to be said that like 95% of Elite Beat Agents' appeal is how over the top it is. It's a fun game, but if you strip all of that out I don't think it can hold up purely through its gameplay.
Is it really far fetch to think that people enjoy it for the gameplay aspect?
You saying "I don't think it can hold up purely though its gameplay" holds no weight. You could apply that statement to any game.
They were a fad and oversaturated like others have said. Some of them are still good party games to play with your bros.
>Rock Band 4 comes out
>excited to import all my old songs from 1, 2 and 3
>find out that the license expired or something so if you didn’t buy the song import before a certain date you could never import them again
T-thanks Harmonix.
well I'm going to go to sleep. I hope you'll construct a nice well written breakdown on why osu! mania's charting is objectively worse than your rhythm game of choice's charting before I wake up. I'll have fun reading it in the morning.
Works flawlessly for RB3 from what I remember and the Dolphin doesn't note any issues. It's also got in-game lag adjustment if your monitor's shitty.
I guess we just have to disagree then.
Either way, saying it does the same thing as IIDX is incredibly stupid. They're very different games.
Watched a buddy teach himself real guitar over the years the rest of us played GH. By the time the meme died he had a practical skill and we just 420 blazed it if you know what i mean.
>not even shipping with online play at first.
And when it did, it was a DLC with no matchmaking.