>In the latest development, a reliable leaker, who previously spoke about Persona 5 R ahead of its reveal, has taken to Twitter to reassure Persona fans a Switch release is happening. According to Mr. Ohya, who goes by the Twitter handle @JaridOhya, Atlus will release "Persona 5 S" on Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4 this fall:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Then what the hell will P5R be? Isn't that the focus of the event in March?

So we are getting 2 different versions of Persona 5 on PS4 at the same time? Nonsense

>mr Ohya
Yeah it’s nothing lmao

PC? as unlikely as that sounds

Big risk, if Joker is cancer in Smash people won't buy it out of spite. They should try to get it closer to when he launches as DLC

How long until this guy deletes his profile like Mystic did?


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P5R is for PS4.

>Switch is getting Persona AND Shin Megami Tensei
>While PS4 stays only with Persona
Welp, so it beings, Japanese games with any suggestive content jumping ship.

Attached: Zanki Zero removing awful pedo content.jpg (1758x4781, 1.4M)

>a reliable leaker
Yeah just like the Grinch leak right was 10000% confirmed?
Nincels are the biggest suckers known in history

If the PS4 doesn’t get SMTV after this, Sony should bomb Atlus.

3 versions on one console?

Catherine FB its on uncensored, so the only thing that begins is the portbegging

Persona fans will buy it, just look at the dancing games.

They censor things when the girls look "young".

He doesn't know...

Attached: file.png (600x369, 197K)

I don't think you get it. Catherine isn't censored due to Sony. The Japanese version is untouched. People were making a big deal out of Sony censored the Japanese version of some games. Catherine is untouched by Sony. Sometimes I'm impressed by the literal retardation of some of you...

>any leaker
Though it really wouldn't be surprising if it did get a switch version after the joker reveal in smash.
Atlus may adamant about their claim that they're not going to, but sega's gotta be putting the pressure on them hard for it.

It's not like shin megami games are exclusive to sony platforms anyway, they've released games on nintendo handhelds and home consoles, they're just not persona games.
At this point its just stubbornness when sega has been talking up more pc and more mulltiplatform releases.

This person is lying, I'm actually playing the voice role of Eric and we dab all over the trannies in the end, the final bit of VO I do has Eric say "I'm so glad I didn't end up cutting my dick off in the end, it would have been a mistake." I'm impressed they're actually letting me say the word dick, pretty ballsy of them tbqh.

>Sony losing another exclusive

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ummmmm nintenbros...

Attached: totally legit.png (470x215, 29K)

Before reveal
>guys, this reliable leaker said it's coming to switch EXCLUSIVELY!

After reveal
>actually, this other reliable leaker says it's coming to PS4 and switch

There literally was only the Playstation logo present.

Why even buy the original if it will be obsolete within two years? Why do they get a pass for this?

keep wishing tendies lmao
so pathetic
Your toy will barely run our games at 5 frames

I like how that tranny tries to imply that the child doing molestation to 18+ year old and the child losing her clothes (actually 18+ year old) are the same.
Not to mention that Haiji, who's a pedo, was portrayed as the worst person in the game who was pretty much the reason why everything went down.
Kodaka's only collaboration with Death March Club lies in the fact that he's the leader of Too Kyo Games, it's made by Uchikoshi and Nakazawa.
Zanki Zero's "DR devs" are only producer and game designer, who aren't Kodaka at all.

I hate how all outrages generated by these trannies aren't even remotely true and are always blown out of proportions. Why does this echo chamber even exist? It's literally the witch hunting forum. Isn't that illegal?

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>That smash datamine that had Jack have a pony tail
>Possible female variation in P5S/P5R

If it turns out that the female protagonist in P5 is real, what would be different? [/spoiler] can you romance both men and women? [/spoiler]

Hardly unlikely anymore, considering Catherine Pc + the recent Survey that included porting to PC an option and we all know how seriously they take these servers (Yakuza surveys a few years back)

when it was $40 on Vita I was fine with it, but the PS4 ones are way to goddam expensive

Because W A I F U S

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I don't know user but I don't think it'll happen anyways

I think it'd be a complete waste of time and effort to change so much shit just for some gender swap.

I thought P5R was Switch exclusive?

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Keeping SMT and Persona exclusive is fucking retarded and the only reason people defend this is for consolewar faggotry.

>More "enhanced" Atlus ports


Persona 5 aRena

>we all know how seriously they take these servers
You mean, those same surveys when they asked about a Persona 2 remake ? They absolutely don't care, it's all PR shenanigans sto keep consumer loyalty
Now enjoy your dancing games and shitty OVAs

Why the fuck do people do these "leaks"?
Are people really that desperate for attention?

If you want to learn how to spoiler, read the rules

>Are people really that desperate for attention?
Given they got it, I'd say they work as intended

its weird, i just started playing persona 5 last weekk, fun game. not sure if i should date ann or not

Date Makoto my nigga

>Persona 3

Why do you want censored SMT?

Persona 2 remake is a lot more effort than porting a game to another system

You can date everybody, it doesn't matter gameplay-wise

After the grinch shit, you really need to ask?

I'm going to fuck this lawyer

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Are you autistic? They know people who work at whatever game they're leaking. Spread the rumor and keep their sources anonymous. That's how it works.

Was there really any doubt it would come to the switch with Joker being revealed for smash? Were sonybros really in that much of denial?

>you're going to run out of games

No? They could remake SMT 1 2, If, Digital devil saga HD, Soul hackers Switch version, Raidou games HD collection, Jack Bros not virtual boy ediiton, SMT Nocturne with Safe difficulty, Persona 2 IS/ES collection, Persona 3 HD, Persona 4 HD, P5R/P5S, Persona Q deluxe version for switch Steambot chronicles HD, And a shit ton of other RPGs. theres no stopping them user.

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>Dating multiple girls in Persona
user...it's not worth it

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>They know people who work at whatever game they're leaking
Yeah i remember how Mystic leaked P5R for Switch lets see how that turned out

What's the difference between p5 and p5s?

SMT and Persona have demon tiddies. Sony doesn’t mind those, it’s waifu tits they can’t stand.

Could ask the same to Nintendobros

I'm not gonna lie, a Nocturne remake would make me squeal especially since the SMTV director already said he wants it as well
However I would rather get brand new games instead

You're in denial.

P5 exists while P5S doesn't exist.

P5 exists while P5S does not

>literally the first thing shown in P5R its the Sony logo
>y-y-you're in denial not me!
Poor nintendofags

Lmao imagine being a Switch owner.

fucking kill yourself

>b-but nintendo
Really faggot? All I did was explain you how leaks work. You're actually seething because someone else gets to play with your toys.

The sony logo was just because it was on playstation first. P5S will 100% be a switch exclusive, it just makes sense

Anyone else just getting really sick of these P5 "leaks"?
Who knew leaks about a game already out could be so annoying.

When is this March announcement supposed to be?

>a Nocturne remake would make me squeal
..like a pig? youtube.com/watch?v=hFKdAhi_yc0

I'm not buying P5 unless I'm able to fuck Sae.

And you're seething because no one believes leaks from a nobody on twitter after being proven wrong again and again

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I'm sick of every leak.

The anime special airs on March 23rd so probably right after the special.



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>reeeeeeeeeeee why isn't this game on my toy box reeeeeeeeee
>reeeeeeeeee i don't like leak
>leak is fake reeeeee

>reeeeeeeeeeee why isn't this game on my toy box reeeeeeeeee
Why are you quoting Switchfags who want P5?

Attached: literally who.png (784x349, 25K)

That's 3 weeks, REEEE

Still waiting on this.

Fucking retards falling for the fake leaks again.
He's even friend with the previous fake leaker.
How stupid can you be?

What are they adding?

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>first party sony game on switch
are nincels retarded?

Who knows, P4G added like 40% of new content and stuff

>guys, this reliable leaker said it's coming to switch EXCLUSIVELY!
Who the fuck said this? lmao

They also begged for Gravity Rush to be in it as well so yes they are

the shitch /literally/ could not run the game

>tfw waifufags and portbegging nincels ruined Gravity Rush threads on Yea Forums

>a reliable leaker
a "reliable" "leaker"
wow it must be true just like every other bullshit "leak" that turned out to be false

Why would I want Persona's spin off?

Goro not dying and Joker not going to jail which will give the players an extra month to play are my guesses.

Persona 5 Racing, obviously.

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>He thinks SMT is a Persona spin off

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>Data mined PGN's direct from Nintendo

>Ultra Despair Girls is based
Holy shit

Remind me again which series got their mainline in the freaking 3ds and which one got a full 3D release ? (which SMT V will totally steal the models)

>no source outside of 'i took these PNGs files straight from Nintendo database trust me'
>Nintendo for some reason hasnt done anything to delete the account or the posts
>dude this guy is legit

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>Tendies are so desperate to get Sony games they'll believe leaks

I don't blame them. They have nothing but kiddy garbage to play.

>Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC. Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy and Jak 3 are registered trademarks and The Jak and Daxter Collection and Jak II are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC. Created and developed by Naughty Dog, Inc. ©2001-2004 Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC.
Now please kys nincel

To Atlus it might as well be. Who got the HD demon models first? Not SMT, Persona did.

>we get this trash instead of SMTV
I'm mad

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Now they port beg for Xbox games.

I bet it's coming.

Everything needs to be on Switch

>forgetting that it's also comin to xbox
I didnt spam their survey for nothing

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sauce on the pony tail datamine?

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Persona 5 Reverse-Suplex Ultimax Cumshot Arena

Why would Nintendo censor SMT? It isn't their IP.

Every leaker said Grinch leak was fake.

P5S is already confirmed on the official website

yeah yeah that's fucking great atlus. how about a fucking vanillaware game you fucks. i'de kill for dragons crown on switch

Since P5 Emulation is almost perfect now, I'm sure they have considered PC porting it to make what little money they can before the ship completely sales.

A rebundled game with new content would be just the thing to do it with.

And yet Yea Forums believed it as if it was word of God
Really makes you think

They asked about a Dragon's Crown Switch port on their recent survey. It could happen.

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>reliable leaker
No. You're wrong! There are no reliable leakers. They have ALL been btfo at one point or another. Stop holding on to false hope.
That's not to say I don't want P5 in Switch. I do, but shut the fuck up about your leakers and FUCKING TWITTER SCREENCAPS.

can't wait for nerfed witch titty and censoring.

Why would it be censored?

>a reliable leaker
Yea sure

Why would they release persona 5 on ps4 in fall 2019 when it is already out on ps4?


No one has ever leaked anything Atlus related.

Port begging needs to be 30 day ban. It's console wars/Reddit PC mustard race shitting. Just buy a PS3 or PS4 to play 3 year old Persona 5, fuck off.

Nintendo has been pretty good with keeping their hands off lewd. Sony has been fucking up majorly though, to the point where studios are censoring content just to appear in the west. Hell, Senran Kagura has been fucked thanks to Sony policy too.

Persona 5 Rumble

Of course, it's Vita port

Just like Tales of Heart R and Innocence R

>You can date everybody

Attached: do you like hurting other people.png (339x494, 215K)

And so I lose another reason to buy a PS4. At this rate all that's left that I won't be able to play somewhere else is Death Stranding

Anyway this isn't all that surprising. There's no way in hell they were going to put P5's MC in Smash just to promote a game exclusive to a console from a different company

Reminder that sonyfags were adamant that the SMT Switch game wasn't gonna be SMTV proper.
And now Switch owners get their game too, in a likely upgraded (and uncensored) form. Pottery

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Release it on PC you fucking dumbasses

I fucking hate localization teams. How can you have this little respect when working on someone else's work

Nice history revision

>we are re-releasing persona 5 in 2 different versions, 1 for ps4 and 1 for ps4 and switch
This shit's retarded.

It's not ponytail, he'll turn into an actual pony.

How do you explain Jane then

It's a pony named Jane

>no mention of Persona 5 on Xbox One
>no mention of SMT5 on anything other than the Switch

Yea, not really hyped

So what leaks of his have been true or flase
he better not be virginben 2.0

>So what leaks of his have been true or flase
None, this is just another desperate Switch begging thread

dumb snoy

It's a PSVR dating sim type spinoff called "Persona 5 Romantic"

Attached: Screenshot_2016-06-14__7_22_PM.0.0.jpg (1200x800, 148K)

>implying persona isn't already a glorified dating sim

>implying you wouldn't take the VR pill so you could fuck your teacher

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Man I hope P5R is an Arcsys fighting game then. With the GG engine

""""""reliable leaker""""""

>tfw it's already on pc so no need to beg for a port

What about the new content and changes?

As much as I wish for that to happen,you know it won't happen.

Then what about Persona 5 M and B..? Microsoft Windows and (X)Box? Serious question.

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Persona 5 Maker(you make the palaces) and Persona 5 Battle(either a party game or a fighting game)

I unironically want this. Just a persona title that has me doing social shit for 2 years.

goys we datamined it totally means THIS!

Attached: 91b.jpg (648x718, 80K)

Persona 5 Royale

Persona 5 Metroidvania(kind of like that Jack Frost one they had on their site for a week) and Persona 5 Ball, a sports game.

Attached: jack.gif (500x414, 98K)

wait if it's only listed under the 6th costume, then why would it be the female variant, more likely this hints at Joker's costumes being the Dancing game costumes

Ps3 is already corpse when P5 came out, no?

This is Atlus we talking about. Vita port is not impossible

Remember Mysticfaggot? Lol this is going to be funny.


Just because someone says something does not mean it's true. A VA can say anything but they do not have control over it. If they did you would see a Spike Chunsoft style announcement and basically them talking about why it was removed.

>Persona 5 Ball, a sports game.
unironically would be based as fuck

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The Japanese version is untouched. It's just people run wild with rumors and think it's the truth.
My dick gets hard Everytime I know these trannies will suicide themselves at 35 because it never fixed their mental Illness.

Spoke to him last thread, hes about halfway done, big progress but for other reasons slowly but steadily is finishing up

Do we have any idea when this month exactly this P5R information is getting revealed?
The wait has been killing me a bit

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No date set yet for this month, but hopefully we'll get info tonight.

It's probably going to be at Sega Fes, which is at the end of March

I'm going to be pissed if that's the case

Literally who?

Anyone that didn't think a switch release was happening, despite the game running on PS3 and Joker making it into Smash, was fucking retarded.
Nintendo is literally PAYING Sega for giving them advertising in Smash. Of course Sega would have to offer up something in return

switch emulation might be what he was getting at.

>switchfags being this deluded
P5S is just the abbreviation for the super live concert in April, we've known this since it was announced. Switchfags are so desperate for any semi decent game that they're just bullshitting "leaks" out of their asses at this point

>tfw you will never go to a persona super live

Persona 2 remake would mean one of their studios has to pretty much work exclusively on it. PC port means they just give ok to Sega EU. Vastly different situations.

a letter


Port probably will happen, but why are you believing these "leakers" again

No post has ever made me so made. How can you play Ultra despair girls and think it doesn’t directly condone abuse. This is just slander. Wtf.

Sure they are

What did they mean by this? It's gone already.

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>reliable leaker


fuck yeah, at least I won't need $2000 PC to emulate it

Persona Fighting Game by Capcom

>who previously spoke about Persona 5 R ahead of its reveal

Did they literally say "Persona 5 R" or did they say "there's going to be a re-release of Persona 5", because if the latter you don't need to be a fucking "leaker" to figure that out.

>Nintendo is literally PAYING Sega for giving them advertising in Smash. Of course Sega would have to offer up something in return
There is no evidence to back this "logic". No, FFVII getting ported to Switch long after Steam/PS4 and at the same time as Xbone is not evidence.

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kill yourself console Waring faggot

This will be the end of Sony

Will people who bought the original game get the additional content as DLC? Fuck Atlus if not.


Let it go.

so what will Yea Forums say when it's inevitably confirmed that P5S is not coming to switch
>n-n-no one ever said that
>w-we didnt want it anyway

Don't expect PC announcement from Japan. Wait for E3 and Sega EU's announcements.

what are the odds it's a P5 port to the vita?
They already have the engine from catherine FB, which got a port during the vita's "dead" years.

Attached: chiefeels.png (960x544, 792K)

0 caise Full Body sold like absolute dog shit on Vita (9k copies) and Persona weighs too much.

Only autists like you

They also hate American Mcgee when Alice Madness Returns pretty much was against child abuse and women abuse

Vita production just ended in Japan this week. It's dead, Jim

P5S will come to switch and now nintendoshills will suddenly love it

>Persona weighs too much
The engine from P4, catherine, P5 and catherine FB are all derivative. It's a well optimized engine too, there's a reason they didn't have a problem releasing a PS3 version of P5, and why it's so "easy" to emulate relative to other ps3 games.
They already have the engine running well on the vita, they would be dumb not to at least port over the base game.
P4G continues to sell well even as late as 2018 (it came out in 2012)
CFB literally just came out for it in japan though

again they have the engine and it would be trivial to port the assests. Why not make a quick buck?

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I mean, I don't really care if it does because I'm not a faggot constantly screaming about what video game player is better, but I doubt it. Would be cool, though. Kinda crazy Catherine released on Vita

By weigh I don't mean how taxing it is on the hardware but rather the size of the game. Even if you downscale and compress assets you would probably need a 16 GB card for that game alone.

Would be hilarious if they announce only the PS4 version first and Switch version later

>P4G continues to sell well even as late as 2018 (it came out in 2012)
You understand that top 10 on a dead console is not actually successful, right?

t. Mystic

But persona 5 is already adapting Sim.

I just like the idea of being able to play every persona game on one system, plus other SMT games through emulation which the vita does well.
I like how I can play every MGS game up to MGS3 on a system that actually fits in your pocket (I'm not a manpurse carrying switchsoi)
P4G sold almost as good as P5 on a "dead console". Considering how the PS4 sold something like 20x more than the vita I'd say that's pretty damn good.
Again, they have the engine, assets, etc all ready and easily portable.
P4G was only like 4 gigs if I remember right.
Catherine classic on steam is over 20gigs, yet they fit an expanded version of the game on the vita just fine.

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Time to learn Japanese

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>People KEEP Spamming that P5R will be a Switch Exclusive
>The trailer proves them wrong in seconds
>No people are saying P5S is going to be a switch game

Do you ever get tired of being wrong

If there's no Switch version why are the multiple versions then?

their other excuse is that P5R will be a VR game

P5S is Persona 5 Snowboarding you idiot

>multiple versions
there's something called spin offs user

Smash says x Persona 5 though. Not a spinoff.


Just ban leak threads, nobdy would complain

>Catherine FB its on uncensored
Devs already said they had to censor themselves ahead of time to be sure to not have Snoy's fuckfaces barge in and delay the release.

>I don't think you get it. Catherine isn't censored due to Sony

Yes it is, they just self-censored it before the approval process they even fucking admit it when asked about the new Sony policy

Q: “Are white lights going to shine over the ecchi scenes?”
A: “…not included!” (We went as far as we could go without the light shining.)

>we went as far as we could
>meaning they couldn't go as far as they wanted to

>mad sony phony

Is he still gone?

Atlus doesn't have the balls to do a rerelease so soon on the same system. They milked the fuck out of P4 and they didn't even do that.
It's either a FES style sequel or a vita port.
ok so divide that by the sales for each system. The vita has a much higher attach rate for weebshit. If shitty VN ports are profitable to be released in english on the vita as late as 2017 and 2018 a persona game would sell very well.
I just don't understand why they would bother porting catherine from gamebryo to (most likely) the P5 engine, and then port that to the vita for just one game. Especially this late into the vita's life.
Also, I was doing some battery life testing on my vita oled 3G earlier with retroarch and overclocked to 444 mhz running vba next and got a bit over 4 hours of battery. fuck the switch dude.

no he came back and tried to save face by saying he was only speculating

Also, another weird thing is that P4G alone has more than half the sales of the entire etrian series but they just released nexus on the "dead" 3ds.

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holy fucking shit look at those sonic numbers

>isn't censored due to Sony. The Japanese version is untouched.
by that logic no nintendo game was ever censored, since jap version always had the "base" game that was changed everywhere else.

>a reliable leaker, who previously spoke about Persona 5 R ahead of its reveal
but didn't we know about p5r for a while due to trademark shit

Source: Dude you gotta believe me

Nigger what? If anything we will end up with both. Not one over the other.

Xenoblade Chronicles X had a boob slider and "revealing" costumes in the Japanese version, but removed them for western ports. So your statement is just factually wrong.

Outdated news, The PS5 stands for PlayStation™5 that will be exclusive to the Nintendo Switch.
Insider here.

Attached: starbucks_barista.jpg (400x400, 35K)

fake news, that was overblown by nintendies and resetrannies.
The only thing they """""""""""""""changed""""""""""""" is the enfasis on the fact Erica transitions, that was still in the ending.

>Mr. Ohya
Literally who?

Should I wait for PS5 with backwards compatibility? I have an Xbox One and a Switch. I haven't bought a PS4 yet, but I was considering it when it had Crash as an exclusive. If P5 ends up on Switch the only 2 PS4 games I'd want are Bloodborne and Berserk. It just feels like it'd be a waste of money at this point.

At least they're self-aware.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-01-12-22-40-911.jpg (946x166, 67K)

That doesn't make any sense at allq

This guy likes worst girl and we're supposed to believe his bullshit? Yeah fucking right. Never trust anyone who says Ohya is best girl.

its getting a vita port, mark my words.

You just know this guy has an USB drive full of real CP.


>P-please gimme ur games Snoy-san
Absolutely pathetic.

>we will end up with both
Knowing Atlus, SMTV is at least 10 years away

>implying that the Sony™ Interactive Movies are games
>implying that people want them outside of the actual video game on the PS4
Absolutely pathetic.

That's proving him right though

P5R was discovered because of registered domains... Nobody leaked the name.

Why does this thread exist then?

This just proves that it is fake. Switch has been hacked for 2 years now and you can even see the Playstation buttons in the videos.
I really hope Switch gets Persona 5. It is a seriously comfy game and i have almost 150 hours in it.
I will never buy a Switch because i think playstation 4 is way better and the portability doesn't matter to me at all.

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Because Atlus isn't tied to just one company and the idea of Persona 5 being on the switch isn't outside the realm of possibility. They started SMT on the SNES, then made Nocturne on the PS2, then SMTIV on the 3ds.

9k is very impressive for
dead and buried console

Not to mention that it's already fully hacked

why do nintendies do this to themselves?

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>A-A-Another Episode has s-sexual content!!!
And before you say p-pedo, keep in mind that this is a game with drawn art. It doesn't matter. Does playing Grand Theft Auto make you a murderer?

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I also love the fact how they forgot to mention the actual child molestation theme going on, while focusing on this irrelevant bullshit

god I really hope P5 gets a vita port. I like persona because it's one of the few jrpgs with characters that can actually immerse you, great for locking yourself at home for a week and escaping from wage cucking.
It's impossible to play this shit on a tv though, the music deserve nice headphones and I'd be too afraid of someone walking in.
the vita is such a perfect fucking jrpg/vn machine.
I thought S;G on my little netbook back in 2013 was comfy but replaying it on my vita under the covers was honestly amazing.
especially when I had weird vivid self-insert dreams

Attached: vitaremoteplay.jpg (1280x720, 156K)

Well, if P5 get Vita port, it would be only console that you can play every mainline Persona game on it (P1 P2 P3 through adrenaline)

Nobody can call it garbage console anymore

it can play all the trails games, both S;G games, MGS up to fucking 3, almost every ps1 game with full controller support, disgaea up to 4, FFT and every tactics ogre game barring the n64 one, the proper versions of dragon quest 1,2,3,4,5,6 and especially 7, all 3 rachet games, both ninja gaiden games etc etc.
all with a great fucking screen too. very underrated

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