What is wrong with modern gamers?
What is wrong with modern gamers?
>Getting mad about video game banter
>Using the term "snowflake" unironically
I really dislike everyone in this image and I'm upset that you posted it.
>Get called a faggot on reddit
>Come to Yea Forums to complain
Edgy faggots are annoying for saying nigger all the time, but not because they're offensive, it's just uncreative. I'd much rather call someone a cum-gargling cretin. Has a more lasting impact.
spotted the 5G discord tranny
Some of us don't want to babysit other's man children. I don't turn on the radio while I drive because I don't want to have shit fill my ears, does that make me a bad person too?
>newfags no longer ashamed to browse reddit so have to find a new insult to fill that void
resist gamergate powerfully comrades
I suppose when your only knowledge of Yea Forums is r/Yea Forums and twitter you would spout such garbage. moot banning discussion of that faggotry was the best thing he ever did for this board.
>At least the mute button is fixed; next they should implement the tampon button.
>That should help the soiboys that are over-represented
>(it is le Reddit after all)
fucking based, why didn't I ever think about shitting on redditor faggots on their home turf like this
I've been on this site longer than you and I know a few oldfags. They all are pro-gamergate.
Stay mad leftynigger. Your culling starts soon.
Why do you care about reddit or other communities so much?
>"And then I said "eat shit nigger KEK!""
People who can only communicate in memes can pretty safely be ignored.
>not caring about some man-faced tard and her non-game
>suddenly a leftycuck
everyone in this image is a faggot tqbh
That's a given considering it's a reddit screencap.
EA trannies rise up and post failed memes on Yea Forums
trumpf inpeached NOW! say it loud say it clear toxic behavior is not welcome here!
i've noticed the discord tranny leftypol faggots all shill heavily in favor of 5G
>tfw the people I've aligned myself with are this dumb
I'm sorry I asked
>objective, verified science is a schizo conspiracy
state of the left
This screenshot is like a microcosm of Reddit as a whole
>is based
>-7 downvote points
Nice to see reddit has falseflaggers, even entire accounts dedicated to it, too.
You can't argue against anything he's saying without looking like a massive lefty faggot yourself, though.
muting is fine, though. I'd rather not put up with 10 year olds screaming their lungs out in shooter games.
People around here seem to believe it makes you weak because you don't want to listen to their shouting word vomit.
>I know a few oldfags
▲ ▲
>instantly jumps to a conspiracy theory
>because, you know, why would anyone not want to hear racial slurs and pure vitriol from some manchild with a mic?
god tier bait
But wait there's more!
Is Reddit based now?
fuck you you fucking piece of trash whore
Based Redditor. People who drop racial slurs because it offends people and "lol random ironic racist humor xd" and defend it with "muh free speech" are the most annoying retards out there and deserve to get banned.
take my upvote gentlesir
edit: we did it reddit!
>Jesus you're boring
What the fuck does this insult even mean?
t. hangleftisttraitors
Since reddit is small, do they really get a say on game design? is Yea Forums bigger?
It means "I have no argument, but words need to come out of my mouth."
Most of them are teenage boys
You mean teenage trannies that crosspost from resetera?
you mean
It means he's tired of "arguing" (shitposting) with the same 12 year old "muh free speech nigger nigger nigger" autists who obsessively parrot the same logical fallacies, buzzwords and memes over and over ad nauseam
>Since reddit is small
My dude, Reddit is in the top 20 most visited sites in the world and number 6 in the US. Yea Forums doesn't make top 500.
oh look it's a genuine resetera 5G discord tranny
Please don't say the n word
dude... nigger LOL XD KEK me so clever
Damn, where's resetera?
>We're going to have to fight a civil war to defend the constitution and its amendments soon
and THIS is the average enemy squad on the field
how will poltards compete
Less popular that Yea Forums both US and worldwide, but much more popular than NeoFag. I guess all their members really did leave after the dude was outed as a rapist.
They’re right though
“muh freeze peach” is fucking lame and nobody wants to play with a bunch of zoomer edgelords
YES, kind of
So in an argument you are only allowed to use approved talking points otherwise you are "boring"? Like if he said he was wrong fine he might have a point but it sounds more like what said where he had no answer but felt he had to say something.
So mute them, go to a different server, kick them, or walk away.
based and we should ban white males too because they might interrupt my adrenochrome supply
>free speech is lame
this HAS to be bait
>random babytalk
Woah guys, back up. Real intellectual heavyweight coming in here.
>being a dickhead on a privately owned server and ruining other paying customer's experience is an issue concerning the constitution.
>listen to my shitty jokes or you're an SJW
>it's another "incels screech autistically about 'muh discord trannies'" episode
Imagine being triggered by one of the core tenets of the Constitution. The Founding Fathers thought it was so important they literally put it as the very first right, but now 200+ years later trannies and faggots are triggered by its existence. None of this applies if you aren't American, of course, but then you need to shut the fuck up because you're offending and oppressing me with your speech and it needs to be stopped immediately.
Nah I’d rather just remove them from the community
ben shapiro listener detected
*dabs your ideology into the ground forever*
gamergate won kill yourself now
resetera only tolerates pedophiles. no rapists allowed!
You’re not even old enough to vote and you’re already posting boomer memes
how demented have I driven you over the last few years?
that copypasta about "they messed with gamers" had a strong moral to it. perhaps you'll pass it on to your children (if we let any of you live)
Free speech does not equate to having the right to verbally shitpost.
It's moreso that there actually are discord trannies
This guy Why do trannies and other SJWs have so much influence in gaming still?
>right-wing yank word vomit
I don’t care about your weird-ass civic religion or paper written by slaveowning ancaps
why are communists so easy to kill? will there be a lot of dead communists/socialists/leftists in the near future? will this be a good thing?