Honestly this is the first time I feel hyped for a pokemon game since black and white 2

Honestly this is the first time I feel hyped for a pokemon game since black and white 2.

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Why? They showed fucking nothing other than the first forms of the starters and typically middle of the road Game Freak visuals.

I'm only in this for the memes that will never be used in-game. Might pass on this one, aside from twitter twats posting funny shit.

Me too user, me too

Yeah, I'm happy with what was shown. I'm also happy that this means the end of the 3DS.

same. im not very hyped though just a little. i really like the art direction and themes but its so recycled and low graphics, it turns me off. but they said theyre taking "big risks" and doing different things, so if theres a lot of content like that then ill be excited again.

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The stadium battles look nice

>might pass the best game in years
Don't be retarded. Looks better than XY and Sun and Moon. GF is actually trying with this one, in their own lazy and retarded way but they're trying.

>Looks better than XY and Sun and Moon
That's not an accomplishment.

I hope you're being ironic.

Oh no, he used the H word!, now everyone is gonna get mad!

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it's going to be more of the same

How could you possibly know that? They've shown less than 2 minutes of in-game footage. It certainly looks more aesthetically pleasing than the other two but that doesn't mean they'll be good games.

>3rd version is MIDDUL

Have they shown any more effort than they have with Sun/Moon? Aside from the graphics (which are just decent for the switch) it looks like the same fucking gameplay we've had since the 90s. It's decent gameplay for sure, but still the same formula.

Same, though I'm more cautiously optimistic than anything. I like the look of the setting and starters. The visuals are a better than I expected, though that's only praise I can offer the graphics. However, I'm still a bit wary of Ohmori being the director. Sun/Moon weren't great, but I'm willing to give the guy a second chance (never played ORAS), I'm just trying to keep my expectations in check.

>Ohmori is the director
Hard pass

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I haven't played any of the main games since Diamond.
Can you explain the directors to me?

But they didn't even show what the game will be like. Just the graphics and enviornments and setting. For all we know, it'll be Sun and Moon 2.0 with 90% unskippable cutscenes again.

Do you fags even play pokemon? Who the fuck plays it for the damn graphics? I bet you're the same morons that want an open world pokemon like BOTW.

Ohmori directed the dumpster fires that were ORAS and SM, and was also one of the leads for XY. Pokemon took a sharp ass nosedive with Gen 6 and it has not recovered. Overdosing on Kanto and shoehorning it at every opportunity, horrible technical performance in games, far more hand holdy and generally insulting to players, SM had an awful story where the player wasn't even the protagonist and had to tag along with that shitpile Lillie, ORAS were dreadful, half-assed remakes, etc

Read, nigger. I'm saying the game doesn't interest me because the only thing they've shown is graphics.

Friendly reminder
>est. $90 billion

USUM was directed by Kazumasa Iwao and LGPE was directed by Masuda.
Wonder what Tajiri's up to these days.

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>Unno upstages Masuda with BW2
>Matsuda banishes him to the Shadow Realm forever

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>Looks better than XY and Sun and Moon.
So they should be applauded for that?

Except BW2 was worse.

>no skyrim pokemon in the game
>no fallout 76 pokemon in the game
>no bethesda pokemon in game

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Fuck this sucks ass. I don't want another one of those games. Based on that image, a game directed by Morimoto would be the best imo

I'm cautiously optimistic considering Ohmori is the director. Hopefully it'll be at least mediocre like XY so I can some fun out of it, instead of the dumpster fires that were ORAS and SM

Unno is mainly a Pokemon designer. It's kind of an oddity that he directed a game in the first place, but that's what Game Freak likes to do with their third versions while Masuda (and now Ohmori) are working on the next entries.

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It’s too bad Masada personally executed him for being too ambitious.

Masuda directed XY

I know, I'm saying I'm hoping Ohmori can at least reach that level

>Pokemon took a sharp ass nosedive with Gen 6 and it has not recovered.
No, it took a sharp-ass nosedive with gen 5.

Based Morimoto and Kawachimaru making the best games in the series.

S and M were way better than X and Y though.

Morimoto's the lead designer for the battle system. He's also appeared in the games themselves since BW. I think he could pull off a full game, but with how Game Freak has multiple Pokemon projects running at once they might need him more available than he would be as a director

I'll agree to disagree with you, I loathed SM

anyone who thinks XY is better than SM has brain damage

I can't picture how SM were a step up from XY apart from graphics.

Thankfully my brain is damaged enough not to enjoy the cutscene simulator that is SM.

You and I both know that’s not going to be the case. It’s not like his games have been failures, and then fact that he’s practically Masuda’s successor shows that Game Freak is happy with the guy taking charge.

given their complete mediocre track record after gen 2 (or maybe after gen 5)?
maybe they deserve at least 3 claps.

He seems to be in an advisory role for everything Game Freak does, like Miyamoto's role.

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The only thing I want from these games is to have either skipable cutscenes or have them not be 5 steps away from each other like in SM
I couldn't play USUM because having a cutscene every other minute is just stupid, I already know the story, let me skip it, jesus

guess i'm the only one who didn't fall for the ORAS is the spawn of satan meme, I can understand people's trust issues with gen 7 but... i don't know i guess.

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