RE4 Zoomer Edition

Made it to chapter 4-1, water hall didn't give me trouble, the garden was the only real pain but got through that too. Think I can still make it? Any advice bros?

Attached: PlzNoBully.jpg (1440x2560, 1.19M)

Yeah it's not a hard game

Why do you have birth control patches shoved up under your tv

because my wife and I don't contribute to overpopulation, why did you feel the need to find that out is the better question

What race are you both?

Just kill a boss with Rocket Launcher and get a mine thrower already.


They can't be white because his house is messy and whites only make up about 1.5% of the worlds population

Mine thrower is the most useless gun in the game. A waste of perfectly good inventory space.

is the mine thrower really that worth it??




Don't worry user they aren't permanent

I thought the Mine Thrower was fun as fuck. Especially once you upgrade it all the way and it homes in on enemies. I kept it for shits and giggles once I got all of the game breaking super weapons.

fuck you dude

Yes. It's basically like having tons of extra explosive grenades spawning in. People shit on it because ammo only spawns for it once you're below a certain number of darts, so you actually have to use it rather than hoarding ammo. Also don't get the exclusive. The auto-lock fucks you over way more than you'd think.

Attached: Screenshot 2017-01-08 11.18.11.png (1920x1080, 1.52M)

How about you fuck your wife and have a kid?

Why shouldn't I just fuck you?

What about the magnum, what's your take on that? Also how powerful is the minethrower at base?

Base damage for minethrower is listed as 2.0 ingame, but that's incredibly disengenuous because the darts effectively are as effective as regular grenades and can kill multiple ganados at once. As for the magnum, the killer7 is objectively better on a first playthrough because its damage always outpaces the broken butterfly UNTIL right before the final boss, but by then the damage levels won't really matter. On the flipside you can get ahold of a BB for free and it's got a great reload animation.

Actually the firepower for the minethrower is not listed ingame. The "damage" value is actually the dart's blast radius in meters, with the final firepower upgrade raising it to 6.

minethrower has a pretty good stun capacity too?

do you know the actual damage?

>UNTIL right before the final boss
Nope. Until right before U1 or whatever that abomination is called. You know, the one that chases you through that sectioned maze on the island.
Not much difference, though.


It's the same damage as a hand grenade, of which I have no clue what the value is.

It stuns blind guys with a dart.

You breeze through tight spots like castle elevator like it's nothing. Basically, a dart is a hand grenade.

yeah learn how to fucking take a better screenshot than your phone your retard