All games age pretty badly but Half Life is easily one of the worst offenders...

All games age pretty badly but Half Life is easily one of the worst offenders. I'm glad I put off playing it for so long since it's essentially garbage by modern standards with no redeemable qualities.
>b..but it was so revolutionary and influential and omg so much nostalgia
Yikes. Head on back over to r/gaming, newfriend.

Attached: yikes.jpg (1200x800, 164K)

Other urls found in this thread:

zoom zoom

r/gaming likes HL2 not 1 dumbass.

The version on Steam is garbage. Original version on disc actually has everything intact and doesn't look like shit.
Main game is good but the mods were always better.

commit suicide faggot. Fuck you. There's nothing else to say. You don't get a response.

Plying HL1 and not Black Mesa. Retard spotted.

The only part that aged badly are the platforming sections. Everything else about the game still holds up perfectly, zoomer.

>no ads
>hit scan
>carry every weapon in the game at once
>no physics
>no sprint
>movement has no effect on accuracy


>no ads
Black Mesa has this
>hit scan
what the fuck kind of complaint is this when literally every popular fps is hitscan?
>carry every weapon in the game at once
only reasonable argument but ultimately the game isnt about looting or inventory management
>no physics
What games had physics at the time of release? Black Mesa fixes this though
>no sprint
You're always sprinting idiot, turn off auto-run.
>movement has no effect on accuracy
reasonable complaint but you're fighting in closed areas a majority of time anyways

>every popular fps has hitscan
Have you been living under a rock for 10 years?
>always sprinting
No you're not, because you have your weapon aimed and ready to fire. You could run faster if you put your weapon to the side.

Holy mother of yikes. You pcbros are pathetic. Just admit that it is an out-dated piece of shit.

This. If you aren't playing any version past goldsource your opinion should be discarded.

Which popular game isn't hitscan?
Fortnite is and that's all the zoomers play.

>sprinting means putting your gun away
lol since when
sprinting is just running and if you're not walking you're running which you do automatically



After it felt like a slog walking through waves of enemies I put the game down

>these are bad things
Is this the power of Codbabbies?

Games don't age. You do.

Stop playing the game on easy. The ai in that game was wonderful. i still can't find many games to rival the HECU.

I love how people say if you don’t like half life you’re underage or a zoomer, yet I’m one of the ones who is sad games like Doom and Quake aren’t made much anymore because of this. Open levels with exploration is much better than linear shit with setpieces.


play DUSK

>hi I'm an underageb&
Take your adderall

The movement is great in it. Everything else is garbage by modern standards, and thats ok, just don't be a dumb boomer that says its teh best game of all time

I did and I liked it, but there hasn’t been much else for years.

t. never played Quake or Doom

i played prey and it was only alright even if it looked great

Prey 2006 was a mediocre game in general.

>every enemy is hitscan
Hard pass.

Played Doom, Doom 2, Doom 64, Blood, Duke Nukem 3D and Quake friendo

no closure not now not ever pkek mustard race loses agai

>All games age pretty badly
This is wrong and you're a retard, but HL is a bit overrated.

Give up OP, you can’t criticize half life without being called a zoomer or someone saying you have shit taste. I don’t like it either but Yea Forums adores it so it’s pointless.

>Holy mother of yikes

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