Cyberpunk, dieselpunk, steam punk...medievalpunk? Wikipedia says candlepunk, but what would you call it?
pic related seems like an example of this genre
Cyberpunk, dieselpunk, steam punk...medievalpunk? Wikipedia says candlepunk, but what would you call it?
pic related seems like an example of this genre
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Why do you shitters have to classify everything as _____punk
shut up punk
>but what would you call it?
I'd call it Thief.
Say that to my face not online you knock-kneed inbred pageboys
don't reply to me posterpunk
thief was the shit back in the day. I remember playing the lord bafford's manor demo when I was a little kid. I was shivering with delight the whole time.
Geez the 90s were a different time.
>Finish Bafford's Mansion
>"wow this game is amazing"
>Next level is Cragscleft
>then Bonehoard
The second is steampunk for sure.
But actually cant say for the first one, they have electricity and other crazy shit for its "era"
But in that sense dosent go further than any average medieval setting.
But those levels were kino.
Thought it was awesome how in-depth the lore is, to the point of making new culturally appropriate swear words based on their religion.
They really weren't but okay
Did you not play the rest of the game or something?
>inb4 doing chores for murus is better
Please no...
Shut the fuck up.
This guy gets it.
Cragscleft is fine, it has a decent scare with the introduction of zombies and oh my god head throwing skeleton, but Bonehoard WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU DEVS "WHERE AM I?" YES I WOULD FUCKING LIKE TO HAVE POINT OF REFERENCE IN A THREE DIMENSIONAL TUNNEL MAZE
>i need a skyrim marker on my face please
Enjoy the exploration, its why the map has a big fucking "where am i?" in the middle.
If you are doing a full loot run i might understand, but still.
I hate people who just wanted more burglary out of this game instead of what a fantasy thief would do, which is not just breaking and entering mansions, but raiding catacombs for valuables, visiting ancient cities in hopes of discovering artifacts etc. not just repeating the same thing ad nauseam.
Oh yeah? Well I hate people who want a game about an opportunistic city-dwelling burglar to be some sort of indiana jones tomb raider shit. Checkmate, graverobber.
Houses are more interesting than caves. Civilians to troll and guards to gas makes for more fun than Ghost World Adventures.
I appreciated the change in scenery, but the best levels took place in mansions.
The City in Deadly Shadows is comfy.
Thief is the shit today.
Better stock up on fire arrows.